Your comments in Parliament on Sri Lanka—letter to a British Parliamentarian
Posted on September 15th, 2010

Asitha Gamage

Mr. James Gray MP
House of Commons

Dear Mr. Gray,

I was most surprised at the false allegations made by you in the British Parliament and the obviously overt vicious persecution of Sri Lanka by you, viz. “

*Mr James Gray* (North Wiltshire) (Con): The MinisterƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢s word ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ…-reconciliationƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ”š‚ is right after 25 years of appalling civil strife. In addition to the Tamils who are kept in such dreadful conditions in the camps, is he aware that quite a number of Sri Lankans in Colombo and elsewhere who were thought to be vaguely sympathetic towards the Tamils are also in detention without trial? There is huge human rights abuse there as well. Is my hon. Friend addressing that with the new Government?

*You declare:*

1. that Tamils are kept in dreadful conditions in the camps;

2. quite a number of Sri Lankans in Colombo and elsewhere who were thought to be vaguely sympathetic towards the Tamils are also in detention without trial.

I am extremely surprised that the son of a Scottish Chaplain and Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, and an educated mother togther with your own academic background, you could make such hideous and criminal statements of vast lies in what you call the Mother of all Parliaments!

ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ Mr. Gray, have you been to Sri Lanka recently and seen these so called dreadful conditions in camps? Where on earth did you find any justification/s to make your hideous and generalised second accusation about “detention without trials of anybody even vaguely sympathetic towards Tamils”?

In case you are unaware of the truth and are playing a “paid” pied piper for anti-Sinhela organisations or as a Christian committed to anti-Buddhist declarations alluding barbaric social practices in the liberated Commonwealth countries, let me say that you must either go to Sri Lanka and meet the following people before making your holier than thou falsehoods from the sacred pulpits of Westminster:

i. Minister Vinayagamoorthy Muralidharan (former Dep. Leader of the LTTE and present Minister in the SLn Cabinet]

ii. Kumaran Pathmanathan (presently a prominent care-taker of Refugees including those in the temporary camps/shelters; former Deputy Leader Leader of the LTTE and immediate successor to the late Velu Pirbaharan, Leader of the British Government proscribed LTTE)

iii. Sivanesathurai Chandrakanthan, (Chief Minister of Eastern Province; former child soldier of LTTE)

ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ They will be more than happy to answer your questions in addition to being better qualified and knowledgeable about the allegations you made in the British Parliament. You should be ashamed of yourself Mr. Grey. Surely in this day and age how could you carry on the traditional British and especially Scottish military attitudes of the imperial British days. Here is what your forefathers did in Sri Lanka in 1818, just 03 years after hoodwinking the Lankans into signing a joint declaration of administration for Sri Lanka:

The British reneged on every single joint agreement on administration that led to a revolt within 03 years. The response of your forefathers, Mr. Gray, was to order that every male person above the age of 12 to be massacred, all paddy fields and agricultural areas be set on fire, all Buddhist temples be razed to the ground, the ancient irrigation system to the paddy fields and water supply to the Sinhala community in this vast area of Uva Wellassa be destroyed beyond repair and even the cattle be completelyslaughtered. Even some of the British Government servants of successive times wrote about these gross genocidal efforts by your people. For example, in the ‘Journal of Uva,’ Herbert White, a British Government

< Agent in Badulla

< after the rebellion minuted:

“It is a pity that there is no evidence left behind to show the exact situation in Uva in terms of population or agriculture development after the rebellion. The new rulers are unable to come up to any conclusion on the exact situation of Uva before the rebellion as there is no trace of evidence left behind to come to such conclusions. If thousands died in the battle they were all fearless and clever fighters. If one considers the remaining population of 4/5 after the battle to be children, women and the aged, the havoc caused is unlimited. In short the people have lost their lives and all other valuable belongings. It is doubtful whether Uva has at least now recovered from the catastrophe”.

Your predecessors set fire to over 2 million hectares of prime virgin rainforests in the highlands of Sri Lanka to cultivate Tea and in the process completely devastated the regional mesoclimate, destabilised the soil leading to massive erosion and sedimentation in the rivers and triggering off unusual floods patterns in the island. Your ancestors brought in and indentured over 1.5 million Tamil people from Soth India to labour in your Estates. These poor immigrant people were kept in isolated pockets with no access to communicate with the local Sinhelas, kept in “line rooms” which were worse than even glorified dog kennels. When your ancestors had gathered all the benefits fromn the natural and human resources and destroyed all vestiges of civilised harmonious society in Sri Lanka, they walked away leaving strife, misery and a disorganised civil administraion. The Tamil issue is one such where we are still, after 60 years of your leaving the country, trying to sort out in the traditional patterns we had over 1000 years.

Today, you get up in the House of Westminster and proclaim sanctmonious overviews casting false aspirtions on the very people you left in disarray some 60 years ago. Is it some strange genomic aberration in some of the British parliamentarians that drives your bogus holier than thou atitudes and allied statements? Have you no sense of shame even to keep quiet knowing full well that you were the reason for the evil legacies of post British colonial period? Why should a Conservative MP (of all people) from Wiltshire (of all places in the UK

Can you please explain yourself? You owe us a reply.

Yours sincerely

Asitha Gamage

3 Responses to “Your comments in Parliament on Sri Lanka—letter to a British Parliamentarian”

  1. mario_perera Says:

    He is definitely GRAY but not due to GREY matter in the brain!


    Dear Asitha: can you find out how much it will cost to publish your article in a Scottish new paper? I will contribute toward its cost. We must publish it and we must remind these ignorant scotts about their past. He must have been on scotch when he uttered these nonsense in the parliament. I know there are some Sri Lankan tamil doctors married to Scottish women. This idiot may be related to one those unfortunate women and is under false information by these tamils.

  3. Sri Rohana Says:

    Brilliant! I don’t think this irresponsible fallas can reply to you. May be Gray parrot read a statement what tamil racists drafted.
    I like to add a part to Uva Wellassa massacre by British. After Uva Wellassa Sinhala population massacred by British invaders, they allowed tamil nadians to freely migrated to Eastern (Uva Wellassa) province of Sri Lanka and occupy Sinhala lands. Remained Sinhala’s were chased from their native land. Most eastern province’s Sinhala areas were looted and occupied by tamils after 1818 with the blessing of British. Ex: Galamuna (kalmune), Valas hena (valchchnai), Nindhagama (ninthaur), Gantalawa (kanthalai), Madakalapuwa (mattakalpuwai), Galgoda (kalkuda).
    On what basis Gray says that tamils kept in the camps. Those tamils were used as a human shield by tamil terrorists during the war and they were liberated by our forces. Temporary camps created by government as a shelter to them.
    Why not Gray and British parliament debate on Palestinian situation. Since 1947 several millions of Palestinians were forced to live in refugee camps in their own country. There are three generation of Palestinians living in camps after British and Americans created Israel. This is one of the humanitarian disasters in present world.

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