Sirisena changed his goal post again and says he will keep some of the presidential executive power
Posted on December 7th, 2014

Hot News from Sri Lanka

Talking to the BBC Sandeshaya in an interview held yesterday at his official residence the common candidate for the forthcoming presidential election Maithripala Sirisena had said although executive powers of the incumbent president would be abolished the powers vested on provincial councils would not be abolished which would remain with the president in the event he wins.

He also had said that the president would be in charge of forces and the 100 day special programme would be implemented for constitutional changes.

He further expressed his opinion on the rights of minority communities and said he will restore fully rights of minority communities solving their existing problems hinting that he will fully implement amendment 13 and giving land and police power to the regions.. He also had said he had not knowingly committed any wrong in his long political career

‘පළාත් සභා විධායක බලය ජනාධිපතිට’ – මෛත්‍රී – BBC

5 දෙසැම්බර් 2014 අවසාන වරට යාවත්කාලීන කළේ 11:34 GMT

2015 ජනවාරි ජනාධිපතිවරණයෙන් තමා ජයග්‍රහණය කළ හොත්, දින සියයක් ඇතුළත විධායක ජනපති ක්‍රමය අහෝසි කරන නමුත් පළාත් සභා සම්බන්ධයෙන් ආණ්ඩුක්‍රම ව්‍යවස්ථාවෙන් පවරා තිබෙන විධායක බලතල දිගටම ජනාධිපති පදවිය සතු වන බව පොදු අපේක්ෂක මෛත්‍රීපාල සිරිසේන පවසයි.

හිටපු සෞඛ්‍යය අමාත්‍ය, ජනාධිපති ධූර පොදු අපේක්‍ෂක මෛත්‍රීපාල සිරිසේන ඒ බව කියා සිටියේ, කොළඹ පිහිටි සිය නිල නිවසේ දී බීබීසී සංදේශයේ සරෝජ් පතිරණ සමඟ සිදු කළ විශේෂ සම්මුඛ සාකච්ඡාවක දී.

වත්මන් ආණ්ඩුක්‍රම ව්‍යවස්ථාව යටතේ ජනාධිපති පදවිය සතු විධායක බලතල දින සියයක් ඇතුළත අහෝසි කරන බව පවසන පොදු අපේක්‍ෂක මෛත්‍රීපාල සිරිසේන,යුද හමුදා පාලනය භාර සන්නද්ධ සේනාවන්හි සේනාධිනායකයා වශයෙන් එම පදවියට පැවරෙන බලතල දිගටම ඊට අයත් වනු ඇතැයි ද කියා සිටියි.

එහෙත් නව පදවිය විධායක බලතල රහිත ධූරයක් වන බවයි ඔහු පවසන්නේ.

ආණ්ඩුක්‍රම ව්‍යවස්ථා සංශෝධන පමණක් නොව, ජීවන බරෙන් මිරිකෙන පොදු ජනතාවට සහන සැලසීමේ විශේෂ වැඩසටහනක් ද දින සියයේ වැඩසටහනට ඇතුළත් වන බවයි බීබීසිය සමඟ පැවැත්වූ සාකච්ඡාවේ දී ඔහු යළිත් වරක් අවධාරණය කළේ.

සර්ව පාක්ෂික පාලනයක්

සිය ජයග්‍රහණයෙන් අනතුරුව ශ්‍රී ලංකාවේ සුළු ජාතික ප්‍රශ්නය සම්බන්ධයෙන් අනුගමනය කරනු ලබන ක්‍රියා මාර්ගය ගැන විමසීමක් කළ විට ඔහු කියා සිටියේ ජනපතිවරණයෙන් අනතුරුව බිහි කෙරෙන සර්ව පාක්ෂික ජාතික ආණ්ඩුව විසින් සුලු ජාතික ගැටලුවලට පිළියම් ලබා දීම තීරණය කරන බවයි.

‘මාස තුනේ සැලැස්මට ඇතුළත් වෙන්නේ අප විසින් දැනට නිකුත් කරනු ලැබ ඇති ප්‍රකාශනයේ කරුණු පමණයි. විධායක ජනාධිපති ක්‍රමය අහෝසි කිරීම අදාළ ව්‍යවස්ථා සංශෝධනය සහ ආර්ථික අමාරු කම් සහිත ජනතාවට ශුභ සාධන සහන සැලසීම ඊට ඇතුළත්. අපි හදන්නේ ජාතික ආණ්ඩුවක්. ඉන් අනතුරුවයි, සෙසු ප්‍රශ්න වලට යොමු වෙන්නේ. පවතින පාර්ලිමේන්තුව ඒ සඳහා සහයෝගය නොදුන්නොත් දින සීයකට පසුව අපි පාර්ලිමේන්තුව විසුරුවා හැර නව මහ මැතිවරණයක් කැඳවනවා. ඒ සමඟ හැදෙන අලුත් ආණ්ඩුව තුළයි, ඔබ මතු කරන කාරනා සාකච්ඡා කෙරෙන්නේ’ පොදු අපේක්‍ෂක මෛත්‍රීපාල සිරිසේන පවසයි.

විදේශගතව රැකියාවන්හි නිරත වෙන ශ්‍රී ලාංකික පුරවැසියන්ට රටේ මැතිවරණවල දී ඡන්ද දීමේ අයිතිය සහතික කළ යුතු බවත් පොදු අපේක්ෂකයා ඉහත කී සාකච්ඡාවේ දී සඳහන් කළේය.

සිය දේශපාලන ගමන් මගේ දැනුවත්ව කිසිදු වරදක් කර නොමැති බව සිය හෘදය සාක්ෂිය වන බවත් ඔහු කියා සිටියි.

59 Responses to “Sirisena changed his goal post again and says he will keep some of the presidential executive power”

  1. NeelaMahaYoda Says:

    Political language… is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind. -George Orwell

    A leader that can be trusted does not take others down for himself to go up. He should be more of a collaborator than a competitor. He should try to build bridges rather than destroy them. He should be a natural mediator rather than one that creates conflict, tension, and separation.

    One of the key leadership qualities many political leaders lack is ability to take responsibility .If a leader is fighting to abrogate his responsibilities like Sirisena who is fighting an election to hand over power to another person he is not a good leader
    A new broom may sweep clean, but an old broom knows every corner?

  2. Vimutti Says:

    The more and more I read about Maithripala, the more I am convinced he is WAY over his head and would actually be a danger to Sri Lanka if he ever became president. He doesn’t seem to know or care that he needs a 2/3rds vote in parliament to abolish the executive presidency, and doesn’t seem to know or care that giving away police and land powers to the North and East would create an unacceptably high risk of terrorism re-emerging and demands for a separate Tamil state next.

  3. Lorenzo Says:

    All MOUs by My3 are VAGUE.

    There is NOTHING SPECIFIC in them. Obviously he is playing politics.

  4. Susantha Wijesinghe Says:

    THIS IDIOT MY3 IS A PIMP. His handing over his own powers after fighting over an Election, winning, and then giving his powers over to a typical imbecile is an act of treachery, very unpatriotic, and inexplicably insane. I have a strange feeling that he is trying to create tension between communities, to hell or high water, and take his revenge, by ensuring a regime change by foreign powers. The Sinhalese Buddhists will be forced to resent by this idiots actions. He is trying to pit the forces into an uncalled for situation, and then make the foreigners put their mouth and hoof in. COMING EVENTS ARE CASTING THEIR SHADOWS. I DO HOPE THIS PIMP WILL UNDERSTAND AND STOP HIS ACTIONS THAT MIGHT EVENTUALLY LEAD TO BLOODSHED. MAY THE LORDS VISHNU, SHIVA, MURUGAN, AND GANESH IMMEDIATELY INTERVENE.

  5. Susantha Wijesinghe Says:

    Story from the Mental Asylum:-

    Two of the Mental Asylum inmates were Mytwo n3 and Brandi Kaa. Outwardly they were very loving, but inside their hearts, they were mentally estranged. One night Brandi Kaa flashed the torch on to the ceiling and asked Mytwo n3, ” can you walk along this light beam to the ceiling.” ? Mytwo hesitantly and suspiciously looked at the light beam, and was concentrating how to do it. Suddenly Mytwo n3 broke into a sweat, and said ‘ I know what you are trying to do, while Iam half way up, you will switch off ‘. This was exactly what Brani Kaa had in her mind. Moral; both are Mental Asylum Seekers.

  6. Ananda-USA Says:


    You wrote “A new broom may sweep clean, but an old broom knows every corner?”

    Brilliantly put!

  7. Ananda-USA Says:


    Palwatte Gamaralage Maithripala Yapa Sirisena’s MOU’s are not MOU’s but MOM’s: Memoranda of Misunderstanding … designed to PANDER to potential ALLIES, CONFUSE the PUBLIC, and embed enough VAGUENESS to ALLOW REVERSAL!

    The “Common Opposition” is VAST CON GAME being inflicted on the VOTERS of Sri Lanka to USURP the Government and engineer a REGIME CHANGE with foreign money!

  8. Ananda-USA Says:

    Palwatte Gamaralage Maithripala Yapa Sirisena’s MOU’s are not MOU’s but MOM’s: Memoranda of Misunderstanding … designed to PANDER to potential ALLIES, CONFUSE the PUBLIC, and embed enough VAGUENESS to ALLOW REVERSAL!

    The “Common Opposition” is a VAST CON GAME being inflicted on the VOTERS of Sri Lanka to USURP the Government and engineer a REGIME CHANGE with foreign money!

    The GOSL should monitor SUDDEN INCREASES IN WEALTH of all Politicians seeking election and inflows of REGIME CHANGE funds.

    This will REQUIRE all candidates to DECLARE THEIR ASSETS to the Dept. of Elections, as an integral part of the candidate registration process, ENACT NEW LAWS with SEVERE PENALTIES that define PERMISSIBLE campaign contributions, and to DISCLOSE all sources and amounts of CAMPAIGN FUNDS after the election. Individual campaign contributions from a single individual, company or organization should be LIMITED and the DIVERSION of campaign contributions for any other purpose, such as the private accounts of the candidates, should be made ILLEGAL.

    This will allow Foreign Regime Change Funds to be DETECTED and STOPPED, REDUCE bribery and corruption by identifying politicians who GROW RICH IN OFFICE, and PREVENT wealthy individuals from BUYING elections!

  9. Ananda-USA Says:


    Here is your uncommonly stupid Common Candidate “hinting that he will fully implement amendment 13 and giving land and police power to the regions.”

    As my compatriot in arms urging the GOSL to REPEAL the 13th Amendment, you now have a HOBSON’s CHOICE: abandon the stupid Common Candidate, or abandon your Opposition to the 13th Amendment.

    Whisper to me softly O Effendi Lorenzo, if you wish to murmur “Mea Culpa, Mea Culpa, Mea Maxima Culpa!” in my ears so no one else can hear!

  10. Independent Says:

    If people love the country read this with mindfulness, rather than bashing My3, they should be able to examine the reasons behind them and either criticise with facts or accept it as good.
    What he has said here is good for the country. If Runil becomes prime minister he then cannot appoint governors. Who knows, he may by having the idea to keep the powers of 13a ( which the president awarded to TNA by holding North elections against the will of people including those bashing My3 like mental patients) with him.

  11. Lorenzo Says:


    This is what he actually said.

    “Common Opposition Candidate Maithripala Sirisena says that, if elected as the President of Sri Lanka, he will do away with all executive powers vested with the President except those regarding the Provincial Councils.

    He stated that the executive powers on provincial councils vested with the President under the 13th Amendment to the Constitution will remain because if those powers are abolished they will be transferred to the provincial councils.

    “That will create 9 governments in the country. Therefore such a situation will not arise,” he said, in an interview with BBC Sandeshaya.”

    Now there is a separate government in the north!! It can get army camps removed, pass anti-SL resolutions, present “evidence” against SL at the UN, UNHRC, stop non-Tamils from settling down, has its own laws (Vesavalami Law which means the LAW OF THE NATION), etc.

    So My3 will NOT have the power to release drug dealers and murderers but will have power to protect SL from separatists. Good.

  12. aloy Says:

    Ananda- USA,
    “Palwatte Gamaralage Maithripala Yapa Sirisena’s……”
    When Gamarala comes to town the Colomians stranded in distant lands get panicky and frown on him. We need to change their mindset.
    I see UNP smell sweet success. Sirisena needs to be careful not to allow another corrupt government; they too are Colombians.

  13. Lorenzo Says:

    We forgave Malaka Silva so many times now others are copying him.

    Wife of Arundhika Fernando an MP from SLFP had assaulted a teacher at Sirimavo Bandaranayaka school, Colombo by the name Sithum Vipulika.

    This is very bad. It gives the impression SL has no law to punish politicians.

    I hope the govt. will punish this criminal.

  14. Ananda-USA Says:


    “Palwatte Gamaralage Maithripala Yapa Sirisena” is the true and accurate name of the man …. no ridicule intended … I am accurately identifying him as required.

    However, the fact that this Common Candidate, Palwatte Gamaralage Maithripala Yapa Sirisena, for the Executive Presidency of Sri Lanka is also UNCOMMONLY STUPID and is a TOOL OF Foreign PUPPETEERS is UNDENIABLE; that is AMPLY DEMONSTRATED by his CONTRADICTORY and INCONSISTENT statements that, if implemented, will be DISASTROUS to the Nation.

    It would NOT BE WISE for Sri Lanka to elect a STUPID MAN to the Highest Office in the Nation!

  15. Ananda-USA Says:


    I am a Govirala, owning and farming land in Sri Lanka ever since I became an adult.

    Now, goviralas are usually gamaralas also, because they live in their villages and are members of that community, as I have been … though not every day. Ergo, I am a gamarala too.

    So, in fact, were the Greatest Kings of Sri Lanka who engineered fabulous irrigation systems that converted this nation of ours into the granary of the region. That perhaps explains why landowning and farming Govigama, is the highest caste among Sinhala people. While we deprecate caste distinctions which hae largely disappeared among Sinhala people today, that is a salient aspect of Sri Lanka’s history.

    Therefore, the implication that I infer from your comment, that as a gamarala myself, I am somehow demeaning other gamaralas, is PATENTLY FALSE! We gamaralas have come a long way, Aloy!

  16. Susantha Wijesinghe Says:

    LORENZO !! I saw the news how that Fernando mad woman has been spitting on the face of the Teacher several times, using obscene language. There is nobody to punish these maniacs Lorenzo. Just nobody. We may be jumping from the frying pan to the fire soon. Who knows. My3 says he will give full Police and Land Powers. THAT IS WHEN THE TROUBLE STARTS. Another round of bloodshed I believe.

  17. Independent Says:

    Lorenzo has finally read it and analysed. Thank you.
    Actually people should commend him for this amendment to MOU.

    If you carefully study the president’s history it is also not so great. You should check his MOU’s with JHU, JVP etc, he initially objected to conduct a full scale terrorist eradication ( Champika’s 29 point plan )and after he became president how he objected to war again and again, including his repeated promises to India.

    My3, is the one helped for him to become the president and he knows it. He hiself will never bash My3 or Patali CR like this.
    Why do you behave like Mervyn Silva ?

  18. Susantha Wijesinghe Says:


  19. Independent Says:


    When and where My3 said he will give full Police and Land Powers ?

    These are the rumours of people like that woman.

  20. Independent Says:

    I would use the word “heartless” instead of BLOOD SUCKING. When one grows up, one will naturally develop love for the country. But these people go against their hearts. when they are old and weak they will look back and regret.

  21. Vimutti Says:

    According to Sri Lanka Resettlement Minister Gunaratne Weerakoon, the US Ambassador to Sri Lanka offered him a green card and scholarships in the US to his children if he removed the army camps in the North and East

    Google: “US denies funding opposition to oust Sri Lanka leader”

    It is clear that the US understands that military presence in the North and East and the prospect of settling the area with Buddhists to balance out the Tamil population completely destroys their plan to destabilize the country with more terrorism and divide Sri Lanka into two countries.

  22. Hiranthe Says:

    Dear Patriots,

    Where is Shanali? We did not see her writing for a while!!

    Is she no more with LankaWeb similar to Nalin is no more with Irida Divaina??

    Divaina seems to be caught in the My3 tornado and gone high. More higher you go, more harder you fall.

    Have they diluted their patriotism after Seevali Ratwatta gone?

  23. Wickrama Says:

    Sirisena is becoming more and more a CON-MAN candidate than a common candidate !

  24. Ananda-USA Says:

    My Presidential Election Prediction!

    Total Number of Registered voters = 15 million

    Percentage voting for the top two candidates = 66.7 %
    Percentage of non-voters and those voting for other 16 candidates = 33.3%

    Number of VOTES CAST for the top two candidates = 10 million

    Percentage of VOTES CAST for President Mahinda Rajapaksa = 62.5%
    Number of VOTES CAST for President Mahinda Rajapaksa = 6.25 milllion

    Percentage of VOTES CAST for the Common Candidate = 37.5%
    Number of VOTES CAST for the Common Candidate = 3.75 million

    Margin of VICTORY of President Mahinda Rajapakse as a Percentage of VOTES CAST for the top two= 25 %
    Margin of VICTORY of President Mahinda Rajapaksa in Number of VOTES CAST for the top two = 2.5 million

    This is my CONSERVATIVE estimate, folks!

    My OPTIMISTIC ESTIMATE is that President Mahinda Rajapaksa could get over 2/3 of the VOTES CAST constituting a LANDSLIDE VICTORY!

    Mewa Ranga Dena Baila; Mewa Liya Ganilla!

  25. aloy Says:

    Yes, at the moment Sirisena shows the signs of a stupid man by accepting Ruinil as executive PM. Who knows what will happen after he wins. Why did Robert Knox describe a goviya fit to be a king?. Do you know both LYK of Singapore and Hitler were very flexible like a reed before they got elected and everybody supported them to get elected by a whisker and what happened after getting elected is history. Sirisena is not known to be corrupt and he has acted as the defence minister several times, according to reports. That credential is good enough for me to rely on him.

  26. aloy Says:

    I did not mean you though you put the hat on. I meant one Dushy Ranetunga who wrote a piece elsewhere in these columns about the gamarala coming to Havelock Town and he not being able to take out his car or something to that effect.
    Sorry for the mishap and also my comments now not appearing instantly. We know these will change with time.

  27. L Perera Says:

    I agree with Ananda’s prediction of the results of the forthcoming Presidential election. A two thirds majority for MR
    Is a possibility. He deserves to stay at the helm.

  28. Ananda-USA Says:


    You are WRONG about Hitler’s FLEXIBILITY; he was an absolutely UNBENDING individual.

    Hitler, once he got over the psychological hangups he had acquired as a soldier in World War I, was NEVER A FLEXIBLE MAN, but a very determined one with an almost MANIACAL TOTAL BELIEF in his own destiny. That is a FACT ACCEPTED BY HISTORIANS, and is BEYOND DISPUTE. He always dominated everyone around him, whether they were political leaders, generals, financiers, the Prussian elite of Germany, or leaders of the Governments of other European Nations like Chamberlain of Britain, Daladier of France, or Mussolini of Italy. Only in Stalin did he recognize an equal.

    One event that demonstrates is his amazing audacity in engineering the Munich Beer Hall Putsch to seize the Government of Germany when he had little acceptance by the German people. He went to Prison and came out more determined than ever. The rest is history.

  29. Lorenzo Says:

    (S)Hitler was NOT flexible before the election!!

    He was as hardassed as he always was. In fact he was more flexible after his last election. But it was too late. His buddies were steaming ahead.

  30. Lorenzo Says:


    My prediction based on CURRENT sentiment.

    MR – 49%
    My3 – 47%

    Second preference count fails to get anyone over 50%. A second round of election will be held.

    The GOLD DANSALA at temple trees has FAILED to WIN ANY Tamil. They ask WHY it was delayed for so long and complain some are imitation and didn’t get everything.

    Feed the crocodiles!

  31. NeelaMahaYoda Says:


    You have been asking this irrelevant question “When and where My3 said he will give full Police and Land Powers ?” very few times.

    Answer to that question is very obvious.

    When Maithriplala Sirisena abrogate his executive power of presidency to Ranil Wickremasinghe, Maithriplala Sirisena’s policies do not matter any more. That is the main reason why he has got some sort of fluid pseudo policies to satisfy everyone who support him.

    He know that , at the end , It will be the policies of UNP that will be prevailing. With the parliamentary majority,on which UNP expect to sustain Ranil as executive Prime Minister, UNP government will implement whatever the policies UNP thinks is the best.

    This will be even the worst political situation we had with Chandrika as the executive president and Ranil as the Prime Minister last time. Luckily Chandrika had the power to dismiss Ranil before any disaster hit the island.

    This time, if Sirisena wins, we are heading for political disaster. Cheating voters and getting the power to implement set of policies for which they have not been able to get the support of the people for almost 29 years is definitely going to be a disaster.

  32. Susantha Wijesinghe Says:


    Just above one of your comments, it is reflected that MY3 has hinted to give Land and Police powers. It was said somewhere.

  33. SenaD Says:

    Maithripala Sirisena clearly showed that he will be all at sea if he were to win, when he said he will give executive powers to RW whom he would appoint as the prime minister. Now he is making adjustments when faced with awkward questions put to him.

    There are the “kepuwath kola” UNPer who will not vote for him. Likewise many JHU supporters and JVP supporters who are able to foresee what would actually happen beyond the election if Maithripala Sirisena were to win would either abstain or even vote for the president and not support him.

    JVP is merely positioning themselves for the GE by not associating with the current regime.

    It will largely depend on how much of the SLFP vote can be taken away from the president on his own and through the influence of CBK (if she still has any over the voters in Sri Lanka because she was mostly away from the country)

  34. Independent Says:

    No. Please check. It is not about a point of view here. It is either a fact or not. Whether this is written in any of the MOU’s or he has verbally said this. If you can find out where it is and explain how you got to that conclusion, that will be good. otherwise it will become a LIE. Since you state that you have to show it to retain credibility. Otherwise you become Tamilnet.

  35. Independent Says:

    “When Maithriplala Sirisena abrogate his executive power of presidency to Ranil Wickremasinghe, ….” There is no such thing. You very well know Prime Minister in ANY constitution in ANY country in the world has no powers to do it himself. He MUST get it passed in the parliament. With 47 seats + TNA s+ Muslim seats Ranil cannot do it.
    With a large number of Sinhala Buddhist SLFP votes he can. In that case current president and Runil must get together to do it. That is possible but highly unlikely.

    So you too, don’t become Tamilnet.

  36. Independent Says:

    Sorry. Current president then will not be a MP. So he too cannot, unless his clique do it with Runil. Impossible any way.
    They just want to re-establish proper democracy.

    However Tamilnet declared victory they did not win. The truth won. So don’t fabricate mental stories to declare winners. base all your predictions on facts, not Hitler’s rules.

  37. NeelaMahaYoda Says:


    Our conclusions are based on “The writing on the wall”,

    Whole plot was based on the assumption that parliament majority could be achieved by UNP with 60+ SLFPers and Hakim’s MPs cross over to UNP. However for that UNP really needs only 45 MPs to cross over and then UNP government majority will be established without SLFP, JVP or JHU support, but with TNA and Muslims.

    As I said earlier, once UNP government majority is established, Maithriplala Sirisena’s policies do not matter anymore. or they don’t give a damn care about it.

    It will be the policies of UNP that will be prevailing. Then nobody can challenge when UNP implement it’s declared policy of fully implementation of 13A amendment and give North and East police and land power, appointment of the Northern and Eastern province governors as recommended by TNA fraction of the government. You don’t need 2/3 majority for that.

    When My3 wins Sinhala Buddhist SLFP votes will not be sufficient enough to prevent UNP from implementing 13A fully.

  38. Lorenzo Says:


    That’s not how it works.

    IF My3 wins, UPFA will also support him. They want their MINISTRIES which is given by the president. They will have to sing for their supper. Support My3 to keep their ministries. Without ministries UPFA SENIORS are NOBODYS.

    So My3 will have UPFA + UNP seats. That is 200 seats. More than required to change the constitution.

    Remember how the 17 amendment was passed? Almost everyone supported it.

  39. Lorenzo Says:

    NON-Sinhala Buddhist votes are 30%.

    My3 is guaranteed to win at least 28% of them. He needs only another 22%.

    Winning 22% out of 70% Sinhala Buddhists is easy. It is just 32% of Sinhala Buddhist voters.

    In other words, even if MR wins 68% of Sinhala Buddhist voters, he loses. I don’t think he can win more than 60% Sinhala Buddhist votes.

  40. Lorenzo Says:

    There are 17 CLOWNS contesting the election apart from the 2 SERIOUS candidates.

    ALMOST ALL of them are Sinhala Buddhists. IF the 17 clowns take 2% combined, then MR’s winning requirement goes UP to an impossible 70%.

    Among them is an anti-govt human rights lawyer by the name Namal Rajapaksha who will use his time to bring human rights issues to the voters. Not something that happened before.

    Nominations will open today and close within another 8 hours. REAL crossovers will happen THEREAFTER.

  41. NeelaMahaYoda Says:


    Wishful thinking.
    Quite number of times UNP emphasised for handing over power to joint Opposition and assign Ranil as Prime Minister. I don’t think any UPFA minister will ever work under Ranil, except those who have crossed over from UNP. It is easier to get another 45 MPS rather than looking for a national government where UNP can still be the minority party

  42. Ananda-USA Says:

    Lorenzo said,

    “My prediction based on CURRENT sentiment.

    MR – 49%
    My3 – 47%”

    My dear chap, REMEMBER your 2010 Prediction which was DEAD WRONG, while I was DEAD RIGHT?

    Even then you UNDERESTIMATED the PATRIOTISM & COMMON SENSE of our people.

    You were WRONG THEN, and you are WRONG NOW!

  43. Susantha Wijesinghe Says:


  44. Ananda-USA Says:


    That is why the People of Sri Lanka will RE-ELECT President Mahinda Rajapaksa come January 8, 2015!

    We PATRIOTS are the CUSTODIANS of our Motherland!

    UNITE and PUSH BACK against the ENEMIES of other Lanka: The UNHOLY Alliance of Treacherous Ship-Jumpers and Foreign Regime-Change Puppets!

    Jayawewa, Sri Lanka! My Ratna Deepa, My Janma Bhumi, My Vijaya Bhumi!
    ‘Sri Lanka will achieve 8 percent growth’

    by Sanjeevi Jayasuriya

    The accelerated development at present has enabled the private sector to contribute more towards the well-being of society.

    The rapid progress in the country was possible due to proper planning and execution in the backdrop of a stable political and economic front, Central Bank Governor Ajith Nivard Cabraal told the fifth annual Isuru Diriya Sisu Upahara program of LOLC Micro Credit Ltd to felicitate 750 scholarship winners at the BMICH.

    “Today we can live in peace and harmony without fear of an uncertain future. As the element of uncertainty is no more, all sectors of the economy could prosper,” he said.

    Though a lot of attention is not needed when a country is moving forward steadily, we should not be complacent as there are external and internal challenges on our path.

    The country has the right structure to achieve 8 percent economic growth and the growth is visible in infrastructure and many areas including service sector, he said.

    Sri Lanka has recorded low level of poverty and hopes to reduce it to 2 percent in a few year’s time. We have changed the mindset of the people and built the level of confidence with the reduction of poverty and unemployment. Electricity supply is expected to reach the entire population by March next year.

    There have been a series of actions to achieve this. With effective planning and implementation, the country now has developed a road network which facilitates better transportation.

    Funding is necessary for the entrepreneurs to progress. The country’s stable and strong banking and financial system has improved to meet the needs of this sector. With Vision 2020, the country is on the correct path to make Sri Lanka reach a per capita income of US $ 7,500, Cabraal said.

  45. Independent Says:

    As always we commentators get into some friendly arguments on each other’s comments. There is no need to be personal.
    When we loose the argument we just accept it or give another reason. That is all. Case is always open until both parties agree or agree to disagree. So,
    let us agree to disagree than getting angreee. ( I think my poetry no where near yours)

  46. Ananda-USA Says:

    Dinen Dina Tiken Tika … Sathuran Parada, Jaya Kodi Uswa … Api Jathika Sanwardhanaya Idiriyata Genayamu!

    Jayawewa, Sri Lanka! My Ratna Deepa, My Janma Bhumi, My Vijaya Bhumi!

    Chinese company launches mega water supply project in Sri Lanka

    ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.

    Dec 07, Colombo: The Beijing-based China Machinery Engineering Corporation (CMEC) has launched another mega project in Sri Lanka to construct a water supply system in Gampaha district.

    The US$ 230 million water supply project is the largest ever undertaken by the Sri Lankan government, Xinhua reported quoting a government official.

    The CMEC in May 2013 entered into a master contract with the National Water Supply & Drainage Board of Sri Lanka for the construction of Gampaha, Attanagalle and Minuwangoda Integrated Water Supply Scheme.

    The project was launched with the inaugural laying of pipe by Economic Development Minister Basil Rajapaksa in the town of Mahara.

    “We are doing this for the community. It’s a very important project and we are grateful for the Chinese government for supporting us in this. This is something that has great social worth,” Rajapaksa was quoted as saying at the inauguration ceremony.

    CMEC, as the project contractor, will be responsible for the design, procurement, civil engineering, installation, commissioning and other tasks of the project.

    Exim Bank of China is financing the project with a 20-year US$ 229.5 million loan and the Sri Lankan government is providing an estimated US$ 20 million for the implementation of the project.

    During the 36-month project CMEC will build a water treatment plant with a supply capacity of 54,000 cubic meters a day and a new water intake volume of 85,000 cubic meters per day.

    The topographic survey and soil investigation of the water treatment plant was completed in June and site clearing for the plant was also wrapped up in November, leaving CMEC to begin laying over 1,000 km of water pipes.

    Once completed, the project will provide clean drinking water to about 600,000 people in 42 villages scattered around the region.

    CMEC has undertaken several similar mega construction projects of the Sri Lankan government including the 900 megawatt Norochcholai Coal Power Plant at a cost of US$ 1.2 billion.

  47. Independent Says:

    Friend, Are you OK to continue the argument OR are you more comfortable in agreeing disagree rather than getting angree ? I can prove you completely wrong easily !

  48. Independent Says:

    There is a rumour in Rawaya that Ratana Sutta ( one of the 3 Maha ( major) suttas monks and people always recite) is prohibited together with my3 Bhawana !

  49. Independent Says:

    Are some people superstitious about not accepting correct arguments because the argument leads to defeat of their candidate and by repeating a mantra of “landslide victory” will actually end up so miraculously ? ?

  50. Lorenzo Says:


    NO WAY!

    You were wrong and I was right.

    UPFA won only 149 seats as I said. The rest were crossovers.

  51. Lorenzo Says:


    The popular SLBC program My3 Bhawana HAS BEEN RENAMED. It is not a rumor.

  52. Lorenzo Says:

    “Chinese company launches mega water supply project in Sri Lanka”

    Why SO LATE!

    This should have started in 2010.

    “The CMEC in May 2013 entered into a master contract with the National Water Supply & Drainage Board of Sri Lanka for the construction of Gampaha, Attanagalle and Minuwangoda Integrated Water Supply Scheme.”

    Looks like someone is scared of losing the BANDARANAYAKA STRONGHOLD. IF CBK gets into election campaign without drinking whiskey, she can achieve something.

    In 2010 she didn’t do ANY election campaigning.

  53. Ananda-USA Says:


    I was referring to the 2010 Presidential Election, not a General Election. Your memory has developed MASSIVE HOLES it seems!

  54. Ananda-USA Says:


    Regarding “the construction of Gampaha, Attanagalle and Minuwangoda Integrated Water Supply Scheme” you say it should have been started long ago!!

    Well, a LOT OF DEVELOPMENT WORK has been started and COMPLETED since 2010 … including the reconstruction of war ravaged areas, expressways, ports, airports, hospitals, administration buildings, theatres, sports arenas, schools, universities, the beautification and redevelopment of decaying of Urban areas … the list is endless .. that NO ONE HAD EVEN DREAMT OF previously!

    Whenever another new DEVELOPMENT PROJECT is ANNOUNCED … all the jaundiced CRITICS plying their own agendas can say is “it should have been started a long time ago”?

    Why were NONE of these projects begun by ANY of the previous governments, they fail to ASK and EXPLAIN!

    This is like the JEALOUS PEERS of Christopher Columbus complaining that they could have discovered “America” too; after all you have to do sail into the unknown taking the risk of falling off the edge of the flat Earth into the netherworld! So, if it was so simple, why didn’t they?

    The answer is CLEAR: Lack of VISION, Lack of COURAGE, Lack of PATRIOTISM, and Lack of ABILITY!

    Keep wailing Lorenzo: they “should have”, they “could have”, “would have” …. ad infinitum …. ad nauseam, ignoring all that “has been done, completed and functioning” in the last 5 years!

    NEVER in the HISTORY of Sri Lanka, has SO MUCH, been DONE by SO FEW, in so LITTLE TIME while SO MANY Armchair Critics … ALL indolent LOTUS-EATERS, have DONE SO LITTLE themselves, and disparaged SO MUCH the ENORMOUSLY SUCCESSFUL EFFORT to UPLIFT our MOTHERLAND by the PATRIOTS!

    Bah … A POX on ALL your HOUSES!

  55. Lorenzo Says:


    I never said Gonzeka will beat MR.

    FYI I was the FIRST to reveal Gonzeka’s shady past because Danuna was my friend and I KNEW all along. I ran many websites to EXPOSE Gonzeka. My websites had over 2,000 hits a day (each) in January 2010 with followers including WW and KTR. At one point so and so (who know who) told me to STOP because it may reflect badly on the army. A great man who really thinks of the army before politics.

    I’m thinking of a similar approach again but “with a difference”!!! Care to join me?

  56. Lorenzo Says:



  57. Ananda-USA Says:


    OMG … HEXES too? What can I now add to this … Hmmmmm!

  58. Lorenzo Says:


    Just to rhyme!

    Nothing else.

  59. Ananda-USA Says:

    Sri Lanka IT sector to hit $1B mark next year-EDB

    ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.

    Dec 07, Colombo: Sri Lanka’s surging IT and BPO exports would hit the critical dollar one billion mark as early as next year, surpassing previous expectations and London Stock Exchange and HSBC have praised the Lankan IT sector ‘with joy’, as revealed on 05 December in Jaffna.

    And the pioneering Northern IT Exports forum by EDB & ICTA was packed with enthusiastic regional IT industry. “We earned $719 Million from ICT exports, and our projection for 2014 is $820 Million. At this rate, we expect to hit dollar one billion mark very soon-as early as 2015. We have seen 123% growth in IT sector over the last five years. London Stock Exchange and HSBC also praised the Lankan IT sector with joy” said Saman Maldeni (Director, Export Services of SLEDB) on 05 December in Jaffna.

    EDB Director Saman was addressing the pioneering IT/BPM Export Forum & Entrepreneurship Worksop that took place in Jaffna on 05 December at Jaffna’s Tilko City Hotel. The first ever such Forum to be held in Northern Province, it packed 30 ICT operators and 30 would be young entrepreneurs and start-ups and seven leading Lankan IT BPM CEOs. Held on the theme of “Accelerating IT Exports and Fostering Entrepreneurship”, the one day, one-of-a-kind session consisted of presentations from seven Lankan IT firms – Virtusa, Stax Inc, WSO2, Calcey, CodeGen, Hayleys BPO, 99X Technology well as top two public sector agencies ICTA and EDB. Co-organisers of the Forum were EDB and ICTA.

    “Sri Lanka’s IT/BPM sector vision 2022 is a $ 5 Billion revenue, 200,000 direct jobs and 1000 start-ups. Northern region has been identified as one of the major regions that can harness its strengths and skills to make this dream a reality” said EDB Director Saman, and added: “Jaffna region’s stress free environment, availability of skills and infrastructure such as internet and electricity are key factors in this regard. National Outsource Association of UK awarded SL the Outsource destination of 2013 which shows the up and coming potential of Lankan IT and business processing sector. In 2013, we earned $719 Million from ICT exports, and our projection for 2014 is $820 Million. At this rate, we expect to hit dollar one billion mark very soon-as early as 2015. We have seen 123% growth in IT sector over the last five years. This growth was across all IT/BPM sectors, in domestic and export sectors. A reason for this is our high quality-London Stock Exchange and HSBC also praised the Lankan IT sector with joy. This was due to our high quality software products and services that they received. EDB is not a regulator in Lankan exports but a promoter, supporter, facilitator and mediator operating through a regional network.”

    Addressing the event, Mano Sekaram (SLASSCOM Vice Chairman) said: “”Just five years ago, such an event was merely a pipe dream. Today however peace and prosperity is finally the reality we are living in and events like this are not only possibility but happening as we speak. We kicked off the Jaffna IT week two days ago at Vembadi School ,where we shared with the school children who are the future leaders of our country of the career prospects in IT/BPM �this was a successful 2 days in which we had over 2000 children and youth taking part.

    Sri Lanka’s IT/BPM sector has taken less than 15 years to become the country’s fifth largest exporter. In 2013, export revenue grew to an estimated $ 719Million, employing 80000 with 220 firms engaged in it. We have an ambitious vision-our 2022 vision of the industry is to be a $5 Billion industry creating 200,000 Jobs. Part of our strategy is to build regional ICT capacity creating 2 tier cities and fostering entrepreneurship to ignite start-ups. Today, the Western Province contributes over 95% of IT/BPM exports.

    The creation of ‘Second Tier Cities’ -Kandy, Galle and Jaffna-will IT empower the regions and would see a paradigm shift from being Colombo-centric to regional-centric IT development. Furthermore, it has been identified that the proliferation of ICT in provincial regions is the fastest way of developing marginalised areas. Let me thank all the my industry friends , industry leaders /CEO, EDB officials, ICTA colleagues and our sponsors for working tirelessly to put together this even and coming all the way to Jaffna.”

    Reshan Devapura (CEO-ICT Agency Sri Lanka), addressing the event, said: “Previously we expected to break $ 1 Billion mark in IT revenue by 2016 or later but now, with latest revenue projections coming in, we are expecting to hit $ one billion revenue by 2015 with 100,000 IT sector employment in ’15.”

    EDB has conducted many IT related events, conferences, trade exhibitions, both locally and abroad. It also successfully conducted export coaching programmes for IT sector personnel.

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