Posted on June 29th, 2016

Dr Sarath Obeysekera

Sri Lankans need a new story-line every day to talk in the buses ,trains and in three wheelers .We have ample stories to talk and we keep forgetting one episode after the other in time to time .

People in the country do not notice that the price of food and infrastructure services are going up every day  and the development projects are at a stand still

Many expect for, commencement Port city work ,High way connection from Kadawatta  Kerawalapitya  and Hambantota Bunkering  operations  with the promised ship shipyard to get off the ground .

Light Rail or Monorail work to commence with some unimaginable boat service to sail” .

Many people have visited FCID and all are still enjoying freedom and forming new parties ,and purported politico killers are still roaming around .

18 billion dollars vanished from national coffers were searched and later the bounty hunters travel all over the world sans sniffing dogs ,and yet no sign where the money is .

USA the owner monitoring the dollar reserves all over the world promised to find the loop holes and the location where the money is lying and yet to sign of recovery .

Megapolis and Strategic Development Ministries are trying to legalize the existence, and yet no sign of issuing the relevant gazettes though the heads have been appointed with no real power .

We see chopping of trees along Rajagiriya trace of elevated bridge ,and unfinished work of CMC at Wijerama/Ward Place junction is still a show piece of inefficiency .and yet people are waiting for a miracle to happen.

Only people in the country who may be happy are the fishermen ( Sri Lankan) who may benefit from lifting of  sanction by EU ( sans England as they have BREXIT(TED) ) as their fish will find a better market .

Girls who  stich underwear ( Jangi- which has a good market abroad ) are still waiting for lifting of GSP and with England leaving EU people are worried .

GMOA is till  sick of the ruling class and keep threatening patients and warning not to get sick as they may go on strike soon on ETCA and SAITEM ,and the state is helpless and making a counter offer to change the GMOA leadership.

New party(ies) being formed at every front to spend the money to grab power and to get out of the FCID haunting them  ?

Finally local council elections are in the horizons where the main topic will be UN investigations with foreign judges, because all other topics listed above are stale .


Dr Sarath Obeysekera


  1. Christie Says:

    The signs of an Indian colony.

    The locals are the Dalits, Chandals and Untouchable while the Indian Emperor and Indian colonial parasites are the High Caste.

  2. plumblossom Says:

    It is extremely obvious that Sri Lanka should not sign the ETCA under any circumstances unless Sri Lanka is completely mad. The economic discrepancies between EU countries is nothing compared to the vast economic discrepancies which exist between Sri Lanka and India. In India, there are around 300 million very poor people. There is over 51 million unemployed people in India. If Sri Lanka signs this ETCA, all these desperate people will rush to live in Sri Lanka. That will be the end of Sri Lanka as we know it. Not inly will Sri Lanka end up becoming the 31st state of India but our natural environment will be totally destroyed since more and more people means even more trees will be cut down. Sri Lanka should not sign the ETCA unless we are completely mad and lacking any sanity whatsoever. The example of brexit should convince stupid Ranil, Sirisena, CBK and Mangala that they should not sign the ETCA under any circumstances. At the same time, Sri Lanka should urge India to stop spending millions on space programmes or nuclear weapons and to help its over 300 million poor people by providing them with clean water, sanitation, housing, healthcare, education, clothing, livelihoods etc. In fact we should demand this of India for the sake of this over 300 million poor people of India. The Indian Government is uncaring and selfish and only looks after the well off and not the poor of over 300 million in their country. Sri Lanka should not sign any trade agreements with India whatsoever. We have already signed a free trade agreement with India anyway.

  3. plumblossom Says:

    All patriotic organisations should get together and come up with an alternative constitution which preserves the unitary status of the country absolutely. This should be presented to the Sri Lankan people as an alternative to the federal constitution that is to be drawn up by treacherous Ranil, Sirisena, CBK and Mangala. Also there are fifteen acts which should not be allowed to be approved by parliament under any circumstances since they are extremely harmful to the Sri Lanka people and Sri Lanka as a country.

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