JO files complaint against Minister Malik Samarawickrama
Posted on November 25th, 2016


The Joint Opposition today lodged a complaint with the Bribery Commission against Minister of Development Strategies and International Trade Malik Samarawickrama, UPFA MP Mahindananda Aluthgamage said.

He said that the corruption complaint accuses the minister of causing loses to the government amounting to around Rs 1 billion.

Speaking at a press briefing in Colombo, the MP said that the complaint was lodged today with the Commission to Investigate Allegations of Bribery or Corruption and that it will also be handed over to the Financial Crimes Investigations Division (FCID).

Aluthgamage said that this is the third revelation by the Joint Opposition since launching a campaign to reveal the corrupt politicians in the incumbent government and file complaints against them.

He said that such revelations will not be made all at once and that they will reveal these to the public gradually.

4 Responses to “JO files complaint against Minister Malik Samarawickrama”

  1. plumblossom Says:

    The proposed federal or Eelam constitution should be rejected totally by all patriotic Sri Lankans. We should do all we can to reject the proposed federal or Eelam constitution in total.

    However treacherous Ranil and the treacherous UNP government will try to create some kind of rift or conflict between the Sinhala Buddhists and the Sinhala Catholics, Malays, Muslims, Indian Tamils, Burghers etc. in order to create problems so that it will then be easy to pass this treacherous federal or Eelam constitution without much problems. This is what the treacherous Ranil, the treacherous UNP, CBK, Mangala etc. did before 8th January 2015 so that the 40-50% moderate Sinhala Catholics, Malays, Muslims, Indian Tamils, Burghers etc. vote was reduced and Mahinda Rajapakshe did not win as a result. Please do not fall for this cheap trick again and again is my plea to Sinhala people. My plea to Sinhala people is please use your brains at least once and not fall for such cheap tricks like this. Small problems can be resolved and is a million times less dangerous than a treacherous Ranil/Sirisena SLFP/JVP/Pacha Ranawaka/TNA government which will now bring on a federal or Eelam constitution.

    This is what the US,EU,UK, Canada, Norway, Sweden, India has told treacherous Ranil, CBK, Sirisena and Mangala to do i.e. create some kind of rift between the Sinhala Buddhists and the Sinhala Catholics, Malays, Muslims, Indian Tamils, Burghers etc. so that they can then pass the federal or Eelam constitution with ease. So my plea is do not fall for this cheap trick again and again if Sinhala people have an ounce of sense.

    We should reject the federal or Eelam constitution in total and work with all patriotic Sri Lankans whoever they are and who are to reject the federal or Eelam constitution in total and work for a unitary state with only limited powers to provincial councils.

  2. plumblossom Says:

    The new constitution is nothing but a federal state or even worse Eelam. The treacherous Ranil, CBK, Mangala and Sirisena and the godfather of the federal or Eelam constitution Dr. Jayampathy Wickramaratne are going to abolish the concurrent list. Even India and Pakistan which are huge countries and which have federal constitutions have a concurrent list. Even South Africa which is huge country but is a unitary state has a concurrent list. However tiny, little Sri Lanka is going to get rid of its concurrent list as per the wishes of the TNA, other separatists, the US, EU, UK, Canada, Norway, Sweden etc.

    The godfather of the new federal or Eelam constitution the treacherous Dr. Jayampathy Wickramaratne is going to set up a constitutional court which is above the supreme court to deal with constitutional issues which arise which will be manned by foreign funded NGO lackeys. Not only that, the Governor of a Province who is the executive at the provincial level, his powers will be given over to the Chief Minister of the Province.

    Not only that, land and police powers will be given to the provincial councils which means there will be nine different police forces in the country. Vigneshwaran will then use his police force to ethnically cleanse the North of Sinhala people. Giving land powers to Vigneshwaran means he will ethnically cleanse the entire North of Sinhala people using his Eelam police force. Giving land powers to provincial councils in equivalent to handing over Eelam.

    Not only this, the subject national planning is to be handed over to the provincial councils. This is similar to handing over an Eelam if the provinces can draw up their own national plans. The public service commission will be turned into nine public service commissions with each province having their own public service. There will be nine different police forces in the country with each police force being under the chief minister of each province. Even worse, certain fiscal powers will also be handed over to the provincial councils. Therefore the provincial councils will be able to raise funding via taxes etc. This is highly dangerous since this is yet another move paving the way towards Eelam or a separate state. All fiscal powers should be with the central government not the provincial councils.

    Worst is that at present sovereignty lies with the people with the executive being the presidency, the legislative the parliament and the judiciary being the judiciary that is there at present. This will be converted to sovereignty lies with the people with the executive being the presidency but the legislative being not just the parliament but the provincial councils and the local councils as well. This is extremely dangerous and can be used in a court of law to argue for a separate state in the North.

    This new constitution is highly dangerous and equivalent to handing over an Eelam. It should be rejected in total by the Sinhala people and all patriotic Sri Lankans if they have even an ounce of sense. Let us keep what is there at present which is more than sufficient as per the centre periphery relations.

  3. plumblossom Says:

    By the way the US State Department itself admitted that it gave NGOs US $ 585 million to bring about regime change in Burma, Nigeria, Sri Lanka and other countries. Also the US State Department has given Sri Lanka NGOs half a million US dollars to campaign for the federal constitution since November 2016.

    This money not only went to the pockets of foreign funded NGOs but also Ranil/Sirisena/CBK/Mangala/Rajitha/Pacha Ranawaka/Wijedasa Rajapakshe/ Sirisena SLFP/UNP/JVP/TNA/TULF/ ITAK/All other separatists/SLMC/ ACMC/ NSSP/ FLSP Wickramabahu/Pakiasothy/Jayadeva Uyangoda/ Ravaya Editor/Victor Ivan even probably all other writers and commotion mongers to bring on the federal constitution and partition Sri Lanka and create an Eelam as per the plan of the US,UK,EU,Canada,Sweden, Norway etc.

    Those writers pretending to be patriotic but trying to create rifts between Sinhala Buddhists and Sinhala Catholics, Sinhala Christians, Muslims, Malays, Burghers, Indian Tamils etc. and even the Budu Bala Sena may also have gotten some of this US Dollars too to smoothen the process of passing the treacherous federal constitution by creating a huge commotion between the Sinhala Buddhists and Sinhala Catholics, Sinhala Christians, Muslims, Malays, Burghers, Indian Tamils etc..

    All I can say is Sri Lanka is in deep trouble for sure with only the Joint Opposition and some patriotic Sri Lankans out there to save her from impending partition.

  4. plumblossom Says:

    Fidel Castro has passed away aged 90. Fidel you showed those US imperialists a thing or two and the CIA tried to assassinate you fifty times and you overcame all those attempts. Rest in peace Fidel or as a Buddhist, may you attain nirvana.

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