දියවන්නාවේ දියවන සිංහළ අනාගතය
Posted on July 27th, 2019

දිල් රූක් කන්නංගර

රට හැරයන්නට කලියෙන් සුද්දා වඳුරාට දැලිපිහියක් ද වහල් සේවයට දකුණු ඉන්දියාවෙන් සහ මලයාවෙන් ගෙනා වහලුන් දසලක්ෂයක් ද දෑවැදි දීමට වගබලා ගත්තේය. වැඩිකල් යන්නට මත්තෙන් සිංහලයා ප්‍රජාතන්ත්‍රවාදය තමනට රිසිසේ ප්‍රජනන-තන්ත්‍රවාදයට පෙරළා ගති. දියවන්නාවටත් ජනාධිපති කමටත් එකම සුදුසුකම සම-ප්‍රජනනයයි. එහෙව් රටකට මොන අනාගතයක්ද?

සුද්දා දමාගිය රටට ණය නොතිබිණි; විදේශ වත්කම් තිබුණි. යුරෝපීයයන් බහුතරයක් සිටි රටවල් හැරුනුකොට අනෙක් සියළුම රටවල්වලට වඩා ඉදිරියෙන් ලංකාව තිබුනා. ප්‍රජනන-තන්ත්‍රවාදයට පින්සිද්ධ වෙන්න ඒ සියල්ල අද විනාශ ය.        

වසර 71 ක අසාර්ථක විවාහයක් නිසා බැටකන සිංහළ ස්වාමිපුරුෂයා සිය ආත්මගෞරවය තකා සමාජයට පෙනෙන්නට දෙවන විවාහයේ චපල බිරියන් දෙදෙනෙකු සමග තවමත් බොරු දීගෙක. එක බිරිඳක් දකුණු ඉන්දියාවේ අසල්වැසියෙක් සමග යහන්ගතවන අතර, අනෙකා අරාබිකාරයෙක් සමග ලිංගික සන්තර්පනයේ යෙදෙන්නීය. වසරින් වසර පිළිකාවක් සේ දකුණු ඉන්දියානු-කරණයට සහ අරාබි-කරණයට ලක් වන සිංහල ගම් ශෝචනීයය. පිළිකාවක් සේ, පිළිකා සෛල බෝ වෙතත් හොඳ සෛල පිළිකා තුලට ව්‍යාප්ත වන්නේ නැත.

රටට වැළඳුනු ද්විත්ව පිළිකාවන් ගැන දියවන්නාවට කිසිම ගණනක් නැත.

අරුමය නම් සිංහළ ජනතාවට මෙය නොතේරීමයි. සිහළුන් වළව් සතරක් අතර බෙදී ගොසිනි. සිංහලය එකතු කරන්නට අරාදින්නන් ඊට වඩා මෝඩයන්ය. උන්ට අවශ්‍ය සියල්ලෝම එක මගඩි වළව්වක බැලමෙහෙවරට ගෙන ඒමයි. සිඛීම් ජාතික එස්. මහින්ද හිමි දුටු සිංහලයාම අදත් ලෝකික නිර්වාණයක් සොයා යයි. රටපුරා උඩුදුවන පස්පව් මෙම ලෝකික නිර්වාණ ගමන කෙටි කරයි.

රට අද සතරමන්සලකට පැමිණ ඇත. ආමග එකකි; එය ව්‍යසනයකි. ලෝකය ඉදිරිය බලා යත්ම රටට ආපස්සට යා නොහැකිය. තව මාර්ග තුනකි. එකක් 226 ම ප්‍රතික්ෂේප කර අලුත්ම අළුත් ජනරජ මාවතකි. අනෙක ණය බර, රජ පවුල් බර සහ අරාබි-දකුණු ඉන්දියානු පිළිකාවෙන් ඉබේටම සිදුවන රට තෙකඩ වීමයි. ඉතිරි මාර්ගය අද ක්‍රමයම 226 යේ වෙනත් සම-ප්‍රජනන-ජනිතයෙක් පිටින් ගෙනගොස් සිංහලයාගේ අවසානය කඩිනම් කිරීමයි.

වෙනත් මාර්ග නැත.

ලක්මව හෑල්ලුවට, නිගාවට, දුරාචාරයට පත්කළ සිංහලයන්ට ඇය තවත් හිමිවිය යුතුද?

මෙම ක්‍රමය වෙනස්විය යුතු නොවේද?    

8 Responses to “දියවන්නාවේ දියවන සිංහළ අනාගතය”

  1. Randeniyage Says:

    බොස් කම අතට ගන්නට කෙලහලමින්නේ
    ඇස් ඉස් මස් නහර බුදිමින් සියලුන්නේ
    බස් රථයේ එල්ලී වඳුරන් වැන්නේ
    ගොස් හරි මූට යලි කතිරය ගහපන්නේ

    කෙස් ගහ පවා චීනෙන් ඉල්ලා කන්නේ
    උස් නිදහස පිණිස දරුවන් දන් දෙන්නේ
    පස්සා දොරින් තිරුපති වැඳ රඟ දෙන්නේ
    මස් කඩයටයි සිංහලයා දක්කන්නේ

  2. aloy Says:

    දිල් රූක් කන්නංගර,

    Do not despair. SL has been in this situation many times before, but never surrendered except when a bunch of South Indians disguised as Sinhalese surrendered her sovereignty on a platter to the Brits.
    However there is a divine power that is protecting her.

    MR can easily solve it by making he correct choice and that persons name is being mentioned these days.

  3. Mario Perera Says:

    Aloy, MR could have easily solved much of this problem after emerging victorious in the war. But he let the chance go. The system prevailed over him. The system demanded that he win back the fallen foe. So he fed the brutish beasts anew. Anybody coming out victorious at the oncoming presidential elections must have the blessings of the system. That means he will be once again indebted to the system. The weight the system bears down on the weight-lifter that is the Sinhala, is totally incommensurate with the latter’s strength to throw it away.

    There is only one way forward. That is revolt: the storming of the Diyawanna Oya Bastille. It is being done in France by the ‘gilets jaunes’ with tangible results. It is being done in Hongkong against much greater odds that what the Lankan Sinhala face. It was very successfully done in Puerto Rico.
    Just weeping and wailing in this valley of tears that is Mother Lanka has lost all sense. Just watching the burning bush that is Mother Lanka has absolutely no sense either.

    The words ‘do not despair’ but wait till our man comes along is just beating against the wailing wall that Mother Lanka has become. Let us face the stark truth. What is it? Sinhala Lanka is a fast sinking Titanic.The Sinhala are a nation under siege from within by the Tamils and the Muslims, and from without from nations that are taking possession of our lands.

    Ultimately the much maligned Don Juan Dharmapala has been and will be the veritable symbol of all Lanka’s rulers emerging from within this catastrophic system. They will be figure-heads as DJDharmapala was, while the country’s sovereignty will be in the hands of usurpers.

    We who wield to some measure the power of the pen must instigate the revolt against the system: in short the present constitution that gives minorites far more weight on the balance that that of the far greater Sinhala majority.
    Mario Perera, Kadawata

  4. aloy Says:

    Mario, Revolt is what the masterstroke player had gone to pray for in his ancestral home land. What is required is a peaceful election and for that the cooperation of both MY3 and MR is required. Most importantly mahasanga should come out and give their support assisted by Ven. Rathana and BBS. I have a feeling that MY3 will somehow protect the status quo until a new leader comes around. I have attended a couple of meetings of the NPM (National Peoples Movement spearheaded by the professionals) and found that they too do not have any worthwhile leader on whom the general masses could rally round. Therefore someone has to come from the system that can be acceptable to both of MR and MY3. I see such a person in Dinesh Gunawardana. If not most probably UNP will win with the support of break away SLFPers.

  5. Dilrook Says:

    Agree with Mario.

    Fixing these political problems affecting Sinhalese is the first step in saving minorities from their racist (yet partly effective) politicians too. Otherwise which fool will like to call Sinhala politicians their leader (other than fooled Sinhalese sections)?

    The nation has never been as desperate as today. It gets worse with every president because the problem is systemic, not personal.

    I agree all must contribute to a systemic change without violence.

    Running from one mirage to another mirage is all what we did for 71 years.

    People are better informed today. Hopefully they will be able to make the change. Until 1994 only state media provided news. 46 years gone. Until around 2014 broadcast media held sway in giving news to most people. Another 20 years gone. Not anymore. People are better informed via social media. It gets better and better. People without internet connection look to those who have it for latest news than rely on media.

  6. aloy Says:

    “Running from one mirage to another mirage is all what we did for 71 years.”

    Absolutely not. We have not wasted the whole of 71 years. Until JRJ came and brought in the bahubootha wiyawaswtawa we were ok. We all got educated with the meager resources we had. Our schools still have an education system that matches even that of UK and Singapore. My wife who is a Maharagama trained teacher would teach GCSE A’level students who sit their exams at the same time as UK students yet majority of them get A* passes. That was our education system and is not yet ruined. Our medical doctors are of very high grade and are recognized any where in the world.
    Our problem is the minorities. It was not because of the discrimination that the tamils were at war. They made a systematic approach through education and various other advantages. They have got an upper hand and tried to carve out a section of our country. This has been attempted seventeen times in our history and will not be the last. Our problem is finding a leader who is not corrupt and would keep law and order. The citizens would do the rest provided the money they earn is not wasted.

    The solution is not to give one part of country to Tamils and another to Islamist and try and keep the rest as advocated by Dilrook, but try and chase them away from any piece of land that belonged to us.

  7. Dilrook Says:

    Free education was introduced by Christopher William Wijekoon Kannangara in 1938. That was 10 years before Independence. A UNP leader demanded to know who would pluck coconuts in their estate if education was made free for all.

    If CWWK waited after 1948, it would not have happened.

    After losing elections since 1947 despite all the good work, he won back in 1952 but the UNP government made sure he didn’t get the education ministry.

    All education achievements by Sri Lankans is thanks to individual efforts and the good work of CWWK and others that still remains. We all know the mess the education sector is in today. One main problem is parents paying twice for the education – tax for schools or school fees and then tuition fees.

  8. aloy Says:

    Thanks Dilrook for giving the full name of CWW K.
    I heard that he waited till DS went overseas to introduce the bill and got it passed before he came back. There had been a lot of support for him from rural areas to start the central colleges. Even my father in law had donated land for the building of one such college and that is where I got my A’level. I read the news paper (Dinamina) the two or three lines written by a correspondent saying that so and so is in the hospital bed without any attention and without any one to care for him. I think that was in early 60s. However Jeppos have destroyed what he tried to build. At university level everything has been politicized. The uni students have got into a culture where the creativity has been destroyed. The minds of these students have been filled with hatred and we saw how close to a hundred thousand youths died because of their misguided revolutions. It is shocking to see that even some of my contemporaries who passed out from Efac are clueless on the very subjects they seem to have specialized. I now think that their lecturers did not have time to guide them properly. No wonder we have not been able to do much on the field of technology.
    However it is not difficult to put our country on the right track. As the former auditor general described our income today is Rs. 5 Billions per day and expenditure including all the unnecessary wastage on bloated civil service and servicing of loans etc is 7 Billions. The gap can easily be closed withing a couple of years. And for that we need a dedicated set of professionals and not a bunch of parasite working according to the dictates of NGOs.

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