

Sri Lankan Prime Minister Hon. Ratnasiri Wickramanayakeis currently in Japan to participate 'Fifth World Buddhist Summit' which will be held from October 31 to November 10 in Kobe City, Japan.

Ven. Shinku Niyagawa, the chief organizer of the Nenbudsushi chapter of Japan, warlmy welcomes the Sri Lankan Prime Minister Hon. Ratnasiri Wickramanayake at the orpening ceremony of the Kobe Buddhist Monastery, one of the world's largest buddhist temples. Kobe city, Japan. Nov. 01, 2008

Sri Lankan Premier plants a branch of sacred Jaya Sri Maha Bodhi to celebrate the opening ceremony of the Kobe Buddhist Monastery. Nov. 01, 2008

Sri Lankan Premier lays the foundation stone of the planed
'Nalanda International Buddhist University' at the Kobe Buddhist Monastery, Kobe city, Japan. Nov. 01, 2008

(Photo 004) :
the Kobe Buddhist Monastery, one of the world's largest buddhist temples. Kobe city, Japan. Nov. 01, 2008

(Photo 01) :
A reception held at the Golden Hall of the Kyoto city to welcome the visiting Sri Lankan Prime Minister Hon. Ratnasiri Wickramanayake. Oct. 30, 2008. Premier is currently in Japan to participate 'Fifth World Buddhist Summit' which will be held from October 31 to November 10 in Kobe City, Japan.

(Photo 02) :
Premier Wickramanayake addresses the reception held at the Golden Hall of Kyoto city, Japan. Oct.30, 2008. Sri Lanka's Ambassador to Japan Mr. Ranjith Uyangoda was also present at the occation.

(Photo 03) :
A part of guests gathered at the reception.

(Photo 04) :
Sri Lankan Prime Minister Hon. Ratnasiri Wickramanayake welcomed by the chief monk of Kinkukuji (Golden) Temple of Kyoto city. Oct. 30, 3008.

(Photo 05) :
A part of Japanese citizens and Sri Lankan expatriates welcome Sri Lankan Premier by waving Sri Lankan and Japanese flags at the Kyoto city, Japan. Oct. 30, 2008. Nearly 7500 people have gathered to welcome the Premier.

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