

Do the British security have preferential criteria for Tamil terrorists?

Lucky Peiris UK

Fund raising for terrorism, encouragement of terrorism, failing to disclose information about terrorism and assisting and offender are offences punishable under the prevention of terrorism act.

On the 04 February five Muslim terrorist sympathisers who shielded, fed and conspired to help the July 21 bomb plotters were jailed for a total of 56 years and blamed for the death of one innocent civilian Charles de Menzes. The judge Paul Worsley said "Each of you must have harboured the hope that the bombers would ultimately be successful in their mission to destroy society instil fear and bring division among peace loving people. The sentences at the disposal of this court are woefully inadequate to reflect the enormity of what you were about in July 2005."

The British Tamils Forum photo exhibition was held, at the Methodist Central Hall in Westminster. The Sri Lankan High Commission had put extreme pressure on the venue's management to cancel the event, claiming the exhibition was supporting terrorism. The venue had pointed out that British security forces had not objected to the Tamil event. Are the venue owners not guilty of assisting and encouraging Tamil terror supporters! The Sri Lankan High Commission is the authority representing the government of the sovereign country Sri Lanka. If this is the response to such a request from HM government to a member state of the commonwealth it is of poor diplomatic taste.

The LTTE [tamil terrorists]are the most ruthless band of terrorists in the world. [Federal Bureau of Investigations USA rating] It is a common knowledge that Tamil expatriates in Britain mainly asylum seekers are LTTE terrorist sympathisers, raise funds, encourage terrorism with false propaganda,[demonstrations, exhibitions] assist terrorism [forged passports, credit cards human smuggling etc] Only MPs who depend on the British Tamil asylum votes like Joan Ryan MP (North Enfield), Jeremy Corbyn MP (Islington North) and Robert Evans MEP (London) could visit such events that support terrorists and terrorism.

It is no use informing the second-generation of Tamils in the UK about Sri Lanka. Their parents have already given up their rights as well as the second-generation rights to Sri Lankan citizenship. They will never go back to Sri Lanka, so why do they not allow people living in Sri Lanka to sort out whatever differences they may have.

In Sri Lanka the total number of Tamils is 3 million in comparison to the 17 million Sinhala and other communities. Thousands of Tamil people are suffering in the North not at the hands of the state, but at the hands of the despotic murderer and his terrorist vermin who holds them subjugated. 52% of the Tamil people in Sri lanka live and work among the Sinhala and other communities in the South. They undergo the same trials and tribulations people of all communities undergo due to terrorists and terrorism. Where is the so called "ethnic cleansing"! The only mono ethnic area in Sri lanka exists in the north where the Tamil terrorists and the psychopath leader carried out ethnic cleansing.

The Tamil expatriates in Britain should explain who provided the free education that enabled them to become professionals. It is a pathetic disgrace to slur your mother country which has given you shelter and nurtured you from birth just to claim bogus asylum. Is it not more decent and honest to say, that they left Sri Lanka to seek employment abroad, further their careers and improve the economic well being of their families.

The Tamil expatriates in Britain who shield, feed and conspire to help terrorist directly and indirectly are responsible for deaths of thousands of Sri Lankans. Each of them harbour the hope that the Tamil terrorists [hundreds of suicide bombing missions even using pregnant disabled women] would ultimately be successful in their mission to destroy the Sri Lankan society instil fear and bring division among peace loving people in Sri Lanka. Be assured that the Unitary sovereign state of Sri Lanka and its people will never give in to terrorists or terrorism.

It is time for the British security forces to reflect the enormity of what these Tamil expatriates in Britain are about and be more vigilant of their activities waged from British soil on a sovereign nation and it’s people. Stop the activities of these Tamil organisations like the British Tamils Forum, Tamil Youth Organisation (UK) and who support terrorists and terrorism.

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