

World Tamil Movement is listed as a terrorist organization in Canada

Asoka Weerasinghe Kings Grove Crescent . Gloucester. Ontario Canada.

The Editor (Letters)


If ever there is a reason for every Sri Lankan bus and train commuter, man, woman, boy, and girl to thank Canada’s Conservative Government before they get on these buses and trains each morning, it is for its caring to save them from possible death from exploding bombs planted in buses and trains by Tamil Tigers, is the listing of the World Tamil Movement (WTM) as a terrorist organization. The WTM has funded the Tamil Tigers for over a decade with Canadian dollars, and millions of it mainly collected through extortion, to buy explosives and weapons to wreak carnage in Sri Lanka.

Every morning each commuter prays to Lady Luck to bring them back home safely each evening, and now no doubt there will be an additional morning ‘Thank You’ prayer for Canada’s Conservative Government who unlike the Liberals cared less for the 100,000 Tamil votes in the Greater Toronto Area ridings but for the security of Canadians as well as guarding the right to life of Sri Lanka’s vulnerable and innocent ordinary people who cannot afford a car to get to work, or send their children to school.

Minister of Public Safety, Stockwell Day’s announcement of listing WTM as a terrorist group also vindicates him having been accused of being a "racist" by the Liberal Government’s Finance Minister Paul Martin and Maria Minna, Minister for CIDA, for questioning them during the House of Commons Question Period in May 2000, for attending a fund raising dinner for the Tamil Tigers organized by the World Tamil Movement in Toronto.

Bravo and Thank You I say to the Conservative Party of Canada for being gutsy and honest to cap the fund raising efforts for the Tamils Tigers on Canadian soil, the most ruthless terrorist outfit in the world, and for that very reason I am proud to be a Conservative Canadian.

Asoka Weerasinghe

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