

Ahmadiyya Head inaugurates Khilafat Centenary Jalsa Salana (Convention) 2008 in Ghana
Ghana President also addressed the Convention.

AHMADIYYA MUSLIM JAMA’AT - SRI LANKA 619/4, Baseline Road, Colombo 9, Sri Lanka.

The first Convention of the Khilafat (the establishment of Spiritual Leadership) Centenary was yesterday inaugurated by the Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, His Holiness, Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad at Baag-e-Ahmad (Garden of Ahmad) in Ghana. The opening session was attended also by His Excellency, President J.A. Kufuor, Head of State of the Republic of Ghana. The event was telecast live via satellite link throughout the world on MTA. Thus millions of people around the world took part in this historic event.

Throughout his address, His Holiness spoke of his special love and bond with the Ghanaian Jama’at (Community) which was a result of the eight years he had spent living in Ghana, some years prior to being appointed Head of the Ahmadiyya Community. His Holiness said:

“I have great expectations of Ghana. It is my prayer, that may you always march forward. Perhaps these aspirations are because I spent part of my life here.”

His Holiness commented on the devotion of the Ghanaian Jama’at towards the institution of Khilafat. He said that in this respect they most certainly were an example to Ahmadis in other parts of the world. His Holiness congratulated the Jama’at for having fulfilled their pledge of allegiance. However he counselled against complacency by urging members of the Community to continue to bow down before Almighty God in prayer.

In the latter part of his address, His Holiness instructed that every Ahmadi Muslim must try and improve himself and that it was necessary for each person to develop the qualities of absolute truth and forbearance. If these two principles were inculcated it would lead to the progression of society as a whole and to a situation of entrenched peace. These two principles, if obeyed, could rid the world of many of the ills that it faces today. His Holiness concluded his speech by wishing the country of Ghana continued prosperity and expressing his belief that the continued development of Ghana was dependent upon the hard work of its Government and citizens alike.

Following the address of His Holiness, His Excellency President Kufuor took to the stage and whereupon he congratulated the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community on its Centenary celebrations and expressed his delight that the first Convention of the year was taking place in Ghana. Referring to Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, His Excellency said that His Holiness was no stranger to Ghana as he had lived there for a number of years and thus had assumed the multiple roles of brother, friend and teacher to the people of Ghana.

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