

Concern for civilians.

John MacKinnon

Dear Jay Shankar for Bloomberg,

You reported that India "is concerned about the plight of civilians displaced by the fighting in northern Sri Lanka". How about civilians in southern Sri Lanka who have endured acts of terror by the Tamils for the past 25 years? When Prime Minister Manmohan Singh is concerned about only civilians in the north - only the Tamils - isn't that racism? Or is just politics to get a few votes from Tamil Nadu?

The present military operations in the North of Sri Lanka are absolutely justified. They will do away with the LTTE terrorists and bring lasting peace to the Tamils and the entire nation. There are plenty of paid terror supporters in Tamil Nadu, India, Canada, US, Norway, UK and Australia. Not only do we need to work relentlessly to eliminate terror, we also need to educate the population in these countries to prevent them from falling prey into bogus humanitarian organizations. There have been no civilian deaths during the military offensive against Tamil Terrorists. Therefore there is NO cause for any concern! What you see is Tamil Terrorists are making the politicians in Tamil Nadu, UK and Australia create noise to stop the liberation of LTTE/terror-held areas. This is nothing but another stunt by Tamil Terrorists to turn the tables in their favor. It has nothing to do with civilian deaths. If Tamil Nadu and India were really concerned about civilians, why not stop arms smuggling to and supporting the LTTE that has killed so many civilians? Why not move to eliminate the Tamil Terrorists, for the sake of civilians? What about concern for the innocent civilians killed by LTTE suicide bombings? What about concern for so many children recruited as soldiers to fight a brutal terror war against a democracy? We don't ever here politicians in India or Tamil Nadu, Canada, US, Norway, UK and Australia alarmed by those atrocities. Where are their actions to stop this carnage by eliminating the source of all evil, the LTTE? Hope you can see the crocodile tears.

Please consider writing about who the Tamil Terrorists really are:

* Mass murder of civilians by suicide bombings
* Using innocent civilians as human shields at hospitals
* Ethnic cleansing of non-Tamils in the North and East of Sri Lanka
* Recruiting children as soldiers
* Fund-raising in the west for terror activities (Jane's Defense Intelligence Review, 2007 & 2008)
* Attempting to bribe U.S. State Department officials
* Setting up bogus (including Tsunami) charities to evade taxes to fund terror
* Human trafficking and bogus refugee scams
* Arms purchase and arms trafficking
* Export and trade of terror technology
* Credit card fraud
* Money laundering
* Identification fraud
* Counterfeit trade
* Passport fraud
* Assassination of political leaders
* Systematic murder of moderate Tamils
* Sea piracy
* Extortion
* Misleading the global media with false information (BBC, The Economist, Reporters Without Borders)
* Misusing radio broadcasting services to fund terror under the guise of journalism (UK, Australia and Canada)
* Using UNICEF/UN aid to fortify terror infrastructure in LTTE-controlled areas
* Purchasing the support of officials in the governments of Canada, UK (British House of Commons) and Norway to 'legitimize' their criminal activities
* Purchasing the support of elected officials in the US to 'legitimize' their criminal activities: Brad Sherman (D-CA-27), Rush Holt (D-NJ-12), Danny Davis (D-IL-7), David Price (D-NC-4) and Hillary Clinton presidential campaign 2008
* Purchasing the support of officials in the United Nations (John Holmes, Alan Rock, Radhika Coomaraswamy) to work as proxies
* Recruiting money and support hungry organizations such as Amnesty International to spread false propaganda, divert attention and destroy democracy

Consider the facts in Sri Lanka: Tamils live and work in peace in ALL parts of Sri Lanka. They own over half of the businesses, run political parties and publish newspapers freely in Sri Lanka. On the other hand, only a Tamil can live in the North or North-East of the island. All other ethnic groups live in fear of death or were systematically murdered by Tamil Terrorists. This is a classic example of ethnic cleansing combined with genocide driven by racism and hatred which is a core element of Tamil Terrorist ideology. This is what the Tamil Terrorists are buying with money and false propaganda.

Hope we have convinced you to write about the true facts of this conflict. Yes, we do realize that it is hard to write what is politically incorrect.


John MacKinnon

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