

Sri Lanka has secured 101 votes out of 192 and it shows confidence in Sri Lanka on the part of the International Community

© Insight -By Sunil Kumar For LankaWeb

Sri Lanka has secured 101 votes out of 192 despite 'strong campaigns' against it and It augurs well towards the reality that there is confidence in Sri Lanka on the part of the International Community and regardless of the UN decision to deselect Sri Lanka from the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC).

It also portrays what some believe is a conspiracy towards the cause backed by pro Tamil Tiger activists and the blinkered responses of certain voters in the council who have lapped up all the exaggerations, innuendo and falsified reports of Human Rights violations within Sri Lanka attributed to the Government. A ploy which will not get its creators anywhere nor prevent the Tamil Tigers from their ultimate sinking into oblivion if this is indeed one of the motivations amongst others!
The campaigns set in place to discredit the Government also appear to be motivated by disgruntled NGO's whose presence in the Island Nation has been unwelcome in recent times as many of them tend to dabble in the internal affairs of the Nation as well as colluding with the Tamil tiger terrorists in some cases.

A day before the election, the 'International Coalition of NGOs' in a statement appealed to the UN members not to vote for Sri Lanka! In a lengthy statement dated May 20th it said that "the long and horrific record of atrocities of the Liberation Tigers of Tamils Eelam (LTTE) does not justify the Government's own 'rampant abuses'", but, realistically who are they to make such unqualified and deceitful statements against a Sovereign Democratic Nation and why has the UN been hoodwinked by their theatrics and false propaganda with no tangible evidence to prove their allegations?
It has to be observed that despite a very subjective campaign by Sri Lanka, some Sri Lankan groups and individuals with vested interests and pro Tamil Tiger sympathies appear to have also been behind this campaign to prevent Sri Lanka's continued presence in the council tantamount to the conspiracy referred to earlier. Sri Lanka appears to have been specifically targeted by these groups which through orchestrated melodramatics and innuendo has prevented Sri Lanka's retention of her seat in the council.

To add to the loss at the UNHR council vote, there has been the influence of some big names like former US president Jimmy Carter, Nobel laureates Archbishop Desmond Tutu of South Africa and Adolfo Perez Esquival of Argentina who campaigned to vote Sri Lanka out of the council where over 100 member countries voted for Colombo. It might be mentioned in passing that this threesome seems to have missed out on parts of the world where real human rights violations take place on a daily basis as glaring crimes against humanity. One only needs to look around where places such as South Africa, Zimbabwe, Argentina, Iraq, Afghanistan, Kosovo etc in a very long list in more than an abstract perspective are outstandingly notorious for their own making. The decision of the UNHRC to exclude Sri Lanka on the same contributions to the violations of human rights issue somewhat of a joke!

It has to be noted that the likes of Tutu, Carter and Esquivel appear to have adopted a bourgeoisie attitude towards Sri Lanka for reasons best known to them while being mind boggling to those who know the real situation in Sri Lanka, where the Administration has been meticulously careful about protecting all Sri Lankans against the real rampages of human rights violations initiated and maintained by the Tamil Tiger terrorists.

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