

Bullying the government with bull carts

Jay deshabandu

Bullying the government with bull carts

Price of oil largely depends on the supply and demand. Sri Lanka is not an exemption. Increase in price of oil is a global phenomenon. There will be no way around to it unless we use alternative energy sources such as hydrogen fuel cells. Today the biggest problem in industrial production of hydrogen is the storage costs. The good thing about mass production of hydrogen is the availability of simple technologies. Even a high school science student knows how to make hydrogen using water and a simple DC current in a process called electrolysis of water.

Now, to solve this problem is definitely not going around the city in bull carts. UNP is using its century’s old method of using bull carts to exert political pressure in the context of increased global oil prices.

UNP’s tactics will not work this time either, because today’s average citizen of Sri Lanka is intelligent enough to understand that oil price increase is a global phenomenon and any change in the global economy has an impact on all countries. Will its leader Ranil Wickramasingha go to the parliament from Colombo 7 on a bull cart? Did the smashing pots and pans bring the prices down? For security reasons, Ranil did not smash pots but some misguided people smashed their clay pots. Does the UNP have a secret magic stick to hold the price of oil steady if it is in power under the present global economic conditions? If that is so, why can not it sell it to most developed nations that are also having the same problem?

It is high time for the government to empower institutions that enforce laws of the country to arrest abductions. It has already empowered the military forces to deal with the terrorists. But that is not enough. Elements that are supportive of the terrorists and those who are in opposition to the government no matter what it does for the country are definitely behind these abductions for they know that even a single abduction of a media person would bring a problem to deal with for the government.

A government does not have to abduct its citizens for whatever reasons and if it wants such things, it can easily arrest any person legally by branding him as a security threat. For example there is a little resistance from human rights organizations for U. S. detaining of Iraq’s children some of whom are even ten years old. The United States government justifies its actions of detaining children for more than a year without even charging them. We salute to our government for not arresting children in a similar way. The government deserves a lot of credits!

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