News Archive for Jul 2013 C. Wijeyawickrema, B.A. (Hons.), LL.B., M.A., Ph.D.            “Solutions to world’s problems could be found via Buddhism†Dr. Abdul Kalam & Ms. Prathibha Patil (Ex-Indian Presidents)            "All human progress has depended on 'new questions' rather than 'new answers'  to the old questions"              Alfred North Whitehead-Science and the modern world, 1925            “There is no state without a Tamil, but there is no state for the Tamils†      ( Reasonableness Doctrine                                            A reasonable Moses can succeed as in the Pharaohs’ Egypt. But the first Ceylon Moses (SJVC, identified so by Ranil W’s uncle Bishop of Colombo) failed... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 31/07/13) පූජ්â€ÂÂÂය මà·ÂÂÂඩිල්ලේ පඤ්ඤà·ÂÂÂලà·ÂÂÂක හිමි à·€à·ÂÂÂද කරන, රණ්‌ඩෆකරන, එප෠කියන, ඕන කියන, දෙන්න හදන, à·€à·ÂÂÂඩියෙන්ඕන කියන මේ ආදියෙන්මෑà¶ÂÂÂකà·ÂÂÂලීන සමà·ÂÂÂජයේ අà¶ÂÂÂà·’à·ÂÂÂය කà¶ÂÂÂà·ÂÂÂබහට ලක්‌ වූ ලක්‌වෙන කරලියේ මà·ÂÂÂà¶ÂÂÂෘකà·ÂÂÂà·€ නම්13 වන සංà·ÂÂÂà·ÂÂÂදනයයි. නà·ÂÂÂà¶ÂÂÂà·„à·œà¶ÂÂÂà·Š13 යි. මේ සම්බන්ධයෙන්නොයේක්‌ දෙන෠අදහස්‌ ඉදිරිපà¶ÂÂÂ්කරමින්සිටින අà¶ÂÂÂර පක්â€ÂÂÂà·‚ විපක්â€ÂÂÂà·‚ බà·ÂÂÂහ෠දෙනà·ÂÂÂà¶ÂÂÂ්නà·ÂÂÂනà·ÂÂÂවිධ අදහස්‌ ඉදිරිපà¶ÂÂÂ්කරනෆදà·ÂÂÂකිය à·„à·ÂÂÂකිය. ආණ්‌ඩෆපක්â€ÂÂÂෂයේ සිටින ඇà¶ÂÂÂà·ÂÂÂම්මà·ÂÂÂà¶ÂÂÂà·’ ඇමà·ÂÂÂà¶ÂÂÂිවරà·â€ÂÂන්නටද මේ සම්බන්ධ ඒà¶ÂÂÂමà¶ÂÂÂිකà¶ÂÂÂ්වයක්‌ නොමà·ÂÂÂà¶ÂÂÂà·’à·€ සිටින අà¶ÂÂÂර à¶ÂÂÂà·â€ÂÂර සමස්‌à¶ÂÂÂයක්‌ ලෙස පොදෆවිපක්â€ÂÂÂෂය à¶ÂÂÂà·â€ÂÂළද දà·ÂÂÂකිය à·„à·ÂÂÂක්‌කේ අපà·ÂÂÂà·„à·ÂÂÂදිලිà¶ÂÂÂà·ÂÂÂවයකි. මේ අà¶ÂÂÂර විද්වà¶ÂÂÂà·â€ÂÂන්සේම නොයෙක්‌ ජà·ÂÂÂà¶ÂÂÂික හ෠විජà·ÂÂÂà¶ÂÂÂික සංවිධà·ÂÂÂනද කරලියට බà·ÂÂÂà·ƒ නà·ÂÂÂනà·ÂÂÂප්â€ÂÂÂරකà·ÂÂÂරයේ දෑ පවසමින්සිටිà¶ÂÂÂà·’. විද්යà·â€ÂÂà¶ÂÂÂ්මෙන්ම මà·â€ÂÂද්â€ÂÂÂරිචමà·ÂÂÂධ්â€ÂÂÂයයන්මගින්ද à·ƒà·â€ÂÂපà·â€ÂÂරà·â€ÂÂදෆපරිදි කරලියේ... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 31/07/13)
Shenali D Waduge Jayantha Dhanapala one time head of the Sri Lanka Peace Secretariat and Rev. Jayasiri T. Peiris has written on behalf of a group known as Friday Forum. Given that the Forum issues periodic statements on selected topics and issues questions emerge as to why some facts have been conveniently omitted. Friday Forum remembers one incident but ignores 300 LTTE terror attacks ·                 If “Lessons from Black July†1983 can be remembered by the Forum with “deep regret, shame and sadness†why is there no statement from the Forum on the “sadness†for the villagers of the... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 31/07/13)
R Chandrasoma It is the conventional belief that if a poor animal is 'rescued' from a slaughterhouse, a life is saved and great karmic merit accrues to the doer of this compassionate deed. Things are not so simple - as with most issues involving life and death. In the first instance, no life can be truly saved - death conquers all. (Religious concepts of ‘Final Release’ and ‘Salvation’ are ignored here). Thus 'saving a life' is no more than 'the postponement of death' which is not unambiguously a good thing. A being in great suffering may welcome death -... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 31/07/13)
... -Full Story- (https:/ - 31/07/13)
By A. Abdul Aziz, Press Secretary, Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at – Sri Lanka. (Given below is an excerpt of the Friday Sermons of Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Supreme Head of the world-wide Ahmadiyya Muslim Community in Islam, delivered during the last ten days of Ramazan fasting in 2010.)  Ahmadiyya Khalifa cited the following prayers: ‘My Lord, grant me the power that I may be grateful for Thy favour which Thou hast bestowed upon me and upon my parents, and I may do such good works as may please Thee. And make my seed righteous for me. I do turn to... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 31/07/13)
By Shamindra Ferdinando-Courtesy Island President Mahinda Rajapaksa yesterday said that he had faced far more serious situations than the prospect of the Tamil National Alliance (TNA) winning the forthcoming first Northern Provincial Council polls scheduled for late September. Addressing newspaper editors and electronic media heads at Temple Trees, President Rajapaksa said that the government was ready to cooperate with former judge C. V. Wigneswaran in case of the TNA’s victory at the September polls. The situation was not as bad as it looked, President Rajapaksa said, ruling out the devolution of police and land powers under any circumstance. President... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 30/07/13)
Austin Fernando A friend drew my attention having seen a response by Dr. Sudath Gunasekara to an article I wrote in Divaina (a response to a Twitter interview by President’s Secretary Mr. Lalith Weeratunga), of which an English translation was published later in Colombo Telegraph (CT). Had Sudath posted his commentary in CT, sometimes I would have responded earlier. In fact, I did so for a response by my friend Mr. Ariyaratna Hewage (Chairman of the Finance Commission), written with his valuable professional finesse. Summarily, what I wrote was my convictions on how the PCs became to be called... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 30/07/13)
Senaka Weeraratna This entire project led by Dr. Amrtya Sen must be made the basis of a wide ranging discussion in the Buddhist world in respect to the direction, organisation, content of teaching, and aims and objectives that this proposed Nalanda International University is being encouraged to adopt. The historic Nalanda University was essentially a Mahayana Buddhist Center of learning and had as its Directors (or Rectors) some of the learned Buddhist Monks then existing. One reputed writer Alexander Berzin (2002) says: "In the Indian Mahayana Buddhist monasteries, such as Nalanda, monks studied four systems of Buddhist... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 30/07/13)
PRESS RELEASE-Chinthaka Abeysekera Assistant Treasurer, American Alumni Association The American Alumni Association (AAA) was established in July 1988 by its founder President Mr. Janaka Edirisinghe, and will be celebrating its Silver Jubilee on 09th August 2013. The organization, AAA as it is commonly known, is a social network of Sri Lankan Alumni returning from American Universities/College and aims to address problems such as re-entry into Sri Lanka and employment. Given the common educational heritage, this organization is also a forum connecting like-minded and culturally similar people together. The organization, which extends to all American Colleges and Universities, also promote... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 30/07/13)
Dr Hector Perera    London According to Luke Carter, a clinical nutritionist there are plenty of healths benefits by eating chillies. Many people eat chillies in different forms but not many people are aware of the scientific reasons and the health benefits of eating chillies. I have seen in some TV cooking programmes some chefs just add either dried or raw chillies but not explained any benefits of eating chillies that is why I thought to give some scientific reasons for eating chillies. The Health benefits of eating chillies are well documented but surprisingly little known, despite the many numerous... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 30/07/13)
RT As opinions for and against Bradley Manning’s actions clashed in court, a larger debate about whistleblowers is brewing, with growing fears that Tuesday’s looming verdict over whether Manning aided the enemy will impede investigative journalism. While delivering the prosecutions closing arguments in the Bradley Manning trail, Maj Ashden Fein did not mince words in calling the army private a traitor.... -Full Story- ( - 30/07/13)
RT Archpriest Vsevolod Chaplin has praised Russian authorities for not caving in to pressure from abroad, saying granting asylum to US whistleblower Edward Snowden would help prevent the establishment of a ‘global electronic prison camp’. “It is encouraging news that Russia is demonstrating its independence in this case as it has in many others, despite the pressure†said the head of the Holy Synod’s Department for Relations between the Church and Society.... -Full Story- ( - 30/07/13)
Janaka Perera  July 29-30 marks the 26th year of Sri Lanka’s virtual ‘Finlandisation’ by India.  Lest some readers wonder what this term means it refers to Finland’s subservience to the Soviet Union during the Cold War. (In other words a powerful country arrogating itself to the position of dictating policy to a smaller neighbour)  The day after President J.R. Jayewardene under duress - and under cover of a full-day curfew - signed the Indo-Lanka Accord and Naval Rating Vijitha Rohana, accorded Indian Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi an ignominious ‘welcome’ with a rifle butt the Indian ‘Peace Keeping’ Force landed... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 29/07/13)
 Mahinda Gunasekera  Agincourt, Ontario Canada Hon. Jason Kenney, MP, PC Minister of Employment and Social Development House of Commons, Ottawa  Honorable Jason Kenney, Your statement on Tamil’s “Black July†commemoration I read your politically motivated statement to mark the 23rd day of July which is denoted as the “Black July Day†by Tamils to commemorate the unfortunate events that took place 30 years back when violent reprisals took place against the members of the Tamil community in Sri Lanka. I too would acknowledge that mob attacks took place at the time which is a cause for shame and regret,... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 29/07/13)
Shenali D Waduge The Jain Commission confirms so, Dixit confirms it, India’s intelligence does not deny it, memoirs of former officials give details, Tamil Nadu leaders have accepted it and there are enough of affidavits to prove that on the explicit orders of India’s government it applied the replica of the Bangladesh strategy by organizing clandestine training camps in India numbering over 30 bases to train Sri Lankan militants well before 1983 the oft used reason for India’s interference in Sri Lanka. Pretending to maintain cordial relations with Sri Lanka and clandestinely running training camps to train terrorists like... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 28/07/13)
Shenali D Waduge The comparisons are hard to miss. While mother Indira Gandhi created both Bhindrawale and Prabakaran, mother was killed by her Sikh bodyguards and son was blown to bits by Prabakaran, both Sikhs and Tamils have been demanding a separate Homeland. For Sikhs it is in Khalistan and for Tamils it is realistically in Tamil Nadu but they are attempting to fool the world by claiming it is in Sri Lanka. 9million of the 30million Sikhs live in the Punjab, while 65million of the worlds 72million Tamils live in Tamil Nadu and a meager 2million Sri Lankan... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 28/07/13)
Ruwan M Jayatunge Housing is a basic human right and it has strong links with economic, social and cultural aspects of human life. Housing is essential for human survival with dignity. Housing allow people to have privacy, family life, assembly and association. An adequate shelter is  the base for human relationships, the free development of the individual and for the playing of an active role in the social and cultural life of the community (Springer, 2000). The human right to housing has been universally identified by the United Nations (UN). Article 25 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 28/07/13)
Ranjith Soysa (Spokesperson) SPUR  (Society for Peace, Unity and Human Rights for Sri Lanka Inc) Harking back, one can conclude that  29th July 1987 was one of the darkest days in the history of Sri Lanka as it was the day on which India invaded Sri Lanka and forced the then Sri Lankan government to sign the infamous ‘Indo - Lanka Accord’.  Prior to that dark day, the Indian Premier Rajiv Gandhi and Minister Natwar Singh had warned Sri Lanka of dire consequences if the Sri Lankan military action against the terrorist LTTE was not called off. Sri Lanka’s... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 28/07/13)
Shenali D Waduge The National Pride of the Sinhala Buddhists and Tamil Hindus which comprise more than 85% of Sri Lanka’s population has been badly hurt by the decision of the Parliament to blatantly ignore the Buddhist-Hindu sensitivities to the serving of Beef but re-introduce the ban on Pork in its canteen, at the request of the minority Muslim members of Parliament representing 9% of the country’s population. Why has Parliament ignored the sensitivities of over 85% of the country’s populace? This is the type of humiliation of the country’s vast majority and its dietary habits rooted in Buddhist... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 28/07/13)
Top Spin By Suni July 27th 2013 That he bats with power albeit judiciously mostly and bowls with ferocity combined with stunning accuracy despite a few strayers on the legside is probably putting it mildly about our gentle giant Thisara Perera who somehow fails to attract the attention of selectors at times and pre-empted for experimental minnows who time and time again come a cropper against superior opposition. Perhaps at times the last name  get mixed up and the wrong... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 28/07/13)
By A. Abdul Aziz This is in reference to the comments for the article published in titled: Govt. of India Documentary on Jesus in Kashmir! ( and be pleased to elaborate why Allah sends messengers to all people of all the times. Our universe and all that it contains is the creation of Allah, the Wise. He has created every thing with a purpose and to achieve that purpose He has provided all necessary guidance and means. He has created man in His own image and has made him the chief of His creation. Both good and bad... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 28/07/13)
RT Edward Snowden-s father, Lon Snowden, said in a telephone interview to AP that his son was vilified by the Obama administration and members of Congress, and is better off staying in Russia. The elder Snowden said that he has lost faith in recent weeks that his son would be treated fairly by the US Justice Department. He added that his son should avoid returning to the US if possible, until an administration which respects the Constitution comes into office.... -Full Story- ( - 28/07/13)
 Asada M Erpini Mr. Sumanthiran of the Tamil National Alliance (TNA) writes to Island on 27 July pointing out the importance of remembering the atrocities of July 23 1983. The opening salvo itself that is directed at Sri Lanka is incorrect. July 23 1983 is not remembered as ‘Black July’ in Sri Lanka, although Mr. Sumanthiran says so. It is a handful of Sri Lankans in Colombo and a few others living in the North, prodded by their backers abroad, who keep on harping on this unfortunate event. Furthermore, the people who really make a big show of Black... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 27/07/13)
Asoka Weerasinghe Kings Grove Crescent . Gloucester . Ontario .Canada 26 July 2013 Hon. Jason Kenney, PC, MP Minister of Employment and Social Development House of Commons, Ottawa Dear Jason Kenney: On July 23, at 9:30 PM I received an e-mail from a Canadian-Tamil, one Thevan Paramsothy (tparamsothy with a subject line – Fw: (Tamil_Araichchi) Hon. Jason Kenney issues statement on 30th anniversary of the Black July pogrom. And the message was: “Here what our Tamil friendly minister saying….funny dog†Jason, I hope you noticed that he addressed either you or me as “…funny dogâ€ÂÂÂ.   If it... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 27/07/13)
John MacKinnon "We have a straightforward mission, and we have only one reason to exist. And that is to make sure that Hillary Clinton never becomes president of the United States"  Stop Hillary Clinton Web site:  Mrs. Hillary Clinton is a huge supporter of LTTE Terrorists and their genocidal terror agenda.  This political action committee 'Stop Hillary PAC' was created for one reason only - to ensure Hillary Clinton never becomes President of the United States. All law abiding and peace-loving citizens should support it. Here's why:  Hillary Clinton was brainwashed by the Tamil Tiger lobby here the... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 27/07/13)
By Dimuth Gunawardena The Vadamaarachchi operation launched by the Sri Lankan Armed Forces was to protect Sri Lanka’s territorial and political independence from Indian-armed and Indian-trained terrorist groups. India unlawfully interfered in that operation with the use of force by violating Sri Lanka’s air space with a so called Parripu drop, forcing Sri Lanka to sign the Indo-Lanka Accord under the threat of force and duress. The Indo-Lanka Accord being signed in 1987 According to the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties (VCLT) [Article 52], “A Treaty is void... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 27/07/13)
Top Spin By Suni July 27th 2013 That he bats with power albeit judiciously mostly and bowls with ferocity combined with stunning accuracy despite a few strayers on the legside is probably putting it mildly about our gentle giant Thisara Perera who somehow fails to attract the attention of selectors at times and pre-empted for experimental minnows who time and time again come a cropper against superior opposition.  Perhaps at times the last name  get mixed up and the wrong Perera is selected (not forgetting the name Mendis that also comes to mind in this respect) as we have seen relative to the former... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 27/07/13)
Phayul, July 23, 2013 DHARAMSHALA, India -- Police in the north Indian state of Himachal Pradesh, exile home to thousands of Tibetans including His Holiness the Dalai Lama and the Central Tibetan Administration, have been alerted of possible terror strikes on Buddhist population and monastries. According to Indian media reports, India’s central counter terrorism unit, the National Investigation Agency, has alerted Himachal police about possible terrorist strikes on Buddhist population and monasteries across the state by Islamic militant group Indian Mujahideen. NIA reportedly sent a communiqué to the state police on Monday evening, cautioning them about the possible... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 27/07/13)
Shenali D Waduge It’s getting a little tiresome hearing speeches and reading diplomatic statements that claim Sri Lanka is a friend of India’s. In our dictionary a friend does not act like a traitor but India’s dictionary is obviously different. What friend would secretly create terrorists on Indian soil that has resulted in the deaths of over 100,000 people since early 1980s? The conniving manipulations behind the diplomatic chivalry helps disrobe India’s false friendship revealing its role in creating terrorism in Sri Lanka and we are fools if we continue to give stakes to India in Sri Lanka.... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 26/07/13)
By, Dr. Nishan Wijesinha (Specialist Consultant) MIS Services, Colombo 03.  First of all I would start by saying that the logistics of this article is solely confound to comprehend the facts of giving a selfless support in transforming rural livelihoods. The concept of 49CC Bikes emerged to aid in the paddle push bike riders with a transformation of a 49CC motor driven bike. The launch operations in Sri Lanka were first carried thereafter by Singer Sri Lanka. As the first models which came to the market were Two Stroke, many mechanical problems started to appear, and many... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 26/07/13)
T Moscow says security agency FSB is in talks with the FBI over Snowden. But the whistleblower will not be extradited to the US, a Kremlin spokesman said, adding he-s sure the fugitive NSA contractor will stop harming Washington if granted asylum in Russia. “Russia has never extradited anyone, and will not extradite,†said Vladimir Putin-s spokesman Dmitry Peskov.... -Full Story- ( - 26/07/13)
RT U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder has reassured his Russian counterpart that whistleblower Edward Snowden will not be tortured or given the death penalty if Moscow extradites him. The information emerged after the US Department of Justice disclosed the contents of a July 23 letter, which had generated fevered speculation on both sides of the Atlantic.... -Full Story- ( - 26/07/13)
Malin Abeyatunge  It is learnt that Mrs Navenetham Pillay (Navi Pillay)  has decided to visit Sri Lanka in August 2013. As far as I could remember she was invited by the GoSL in 2011 before the UNHRC session. However, she scoffed the invitation so that she could continue lambasting Sri Lanka. Presumably she also would have been busy with collecting data from her beloved LTTE supportive Tamil Diaspora , Tamil Net, other dollar vultures like Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, ICG etc to present her case against Sri Lanka war crimes. The question is why this hasty decision to... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 25/07/13)
Shenali D Waduge When Hitler and the Nazi’s were defeated by the Allied Troops (UK, US, France and Soviet Union) a policy of Denazification took place. The objective was to totally eliminate any ideology associated with Nazism. World War 2 ended in 1945 and immediately thereafter the program of Denazification began. Only after its conclusion in 1958 was Germany handed back to the Germans after occupying it for 13 years after the war was over. It is now ever more clear that everything that the LTTE stood for is now being carried forward by the TNA. This same denazification... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 25/07/13)
C. Wijeyawickrema,  “Solutions to world’s problems could be found via Buddhism†Dr. Abdul Kalam & Ms. Prathibha Patil (Ex-Indian Presidents) Wigneswaran-a blessing in disguise I thought of a Moses title to this essay because Ratanajeevan Hoole from his hiding place in USA made a comment that Wigneswaran (W) starts and ends his talks with something in Sanskrit that no one in the audience understands. Hoole is in the habit of criticizing Hindu Vellalas stating that he is a Pentecostal Christian belonging to a “lower†Tamil caste in Jaffna. But as a professed “Tamil Moderate†he is still happy... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 25/07/13)
Michelle Alexander Lawmakers in the USA have voted to reject a proposal that would have restricted the NSA’s (National Security Agency) ability to collect information recorded from every call made by or to a US phone. The total vote count was 205 for the proposal, and 217 against the proposal. Defending the program Defending program, Mike Rogers, the Republican chairman of the House intelligence committee stated, "Have 12 years gone by and our memories faded so badly that we forgot what happened on September 11?" -  . This was part of a heated debate regarding the vote to restrict... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 25/07/13)
Insight By Sunil Kumar July24th th 2013  There's never an occassion that representatives of foreign powers such as the US, UK, the EU and Canada in particular pause before they launch all out attacks on Sri Lanka over the precedent setting elimination of one of the most dangerous terrorist organizations in the world the LTTE. Instead they persist in their intimidation of the Sri Lanka Administration which fought and won a famous victory which has in all probabilities done the whole world a big favour! Therefore it seems quite in order to say that the US specifically never gives up... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 24/07/13)
Sandasen Marasinghe and Disna Mudalige Courtesy The Daily News Outgoing MP Dayasiri Jayasekara yesterday said the government would continue to win all elections for more than 10 years without any challenge. He revealed that resisting sexual harassment was the main reason that forced him to leave the UNP. (Please see box story). Making a special statement in Parliament, he also said that the UNP members have no freedom of thought and its leader is in a process of ridding the party of all the members who are loved... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 24/07/13)
Michelle Alexander The United National Party has been affected by another crossover, this time with MP Dayasiri Jayasekara informing that a special statement will be released in Parliament on 24th July, informing of his resignation and that he will contest for the Chief Ministerial Post for the NWP elections on the UPFA ticket, despite statements to the contrary. He may not be the first to do so this time around. In 2007, as many as 18-20 members from the UNP formally joined the Government. This mass defection in 2007 essentially ruptured the main opposition party. Instead of a strong... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 24/07/13)
by a special correspondent -Courtesy The Daily News When the terrorist group Tamil Tigers played havoc and created mayhem and bloodshed in Sri Lanka for thirty years, their members and supporters overseas hardly did any paid job in the countries they were settled in. They survived by the monies collected from innocent and unsuspecting Tamils living abroad through extortion, harassment and the promise of a separate state in Sri Lanka. If those innocent Tamils did not give money to these groups, they were threatened of bodily harm. Many who defied... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 24/07/13)
Dr.Tilak Fernando On July 28, 2013 FOC (Festival of Cricket) will be celebrating its Silver Jubilee from Merchant Taylor School Grounds, Norwood, Herts, with 28 Old boys Associations participating in a seven a side cricket tournament. For the past 25 years this special festival, which is regarded as the most important and popular event in Sri Lankan expatriates’ calendar, has been organised annually with the assistance and cooperation of volunteer committees of each OBA (Old Boys Associations) working together in perfect harmony to make the event an immense success. Kick start Although the Festival focuses mainly... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 24/07/13)
Embassy of Sri Lanka Paris The ceremonial presentation of Credentials of the new envoy of Sri Lanka, Ambassador Professor Karunaratne Hangawatte to the President of France, François Hollande, took place on 11th July 2013 at the Palais de l’Elysée in Paris. Presenting his Letters of Credence, Ambassador Hangawatte conveyed the warm regards and best wishes of His Excellency President Mahinda Rajapaksa to the President Hollande and the people of the French Republic. The Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Sri Lanka to France is also the Ambassador and Permanent Delegate of Sri Lanka to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 24/07/13)
By A. Abdul Aziz. Holy Qur’an says:-  â€ÂÂÂAnd We (Allah) made the son of Mary and his mother a Sign, and gave them refuge on an elevated land of green valleys and springs of running water.†(Al Quran 23:51) If I say Jesus, peace be on him, died of natural causes, it would appear strange to many ears, even though when the same is said about billions of other humans, it seems but obvious, and is taken for granted. Sir Francis Bacon, who has remained extremely influential through his works, especially as philosophical advocate and practitioner of the scientific method during the scientific revolution, once... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 24/07/13)
Shenali D Waduge “One night with Venus and a lifetime with Mercury†aptly relates to the unfolding events taking place in Sri Lanka given the Government policy decision to embrace the pomp and pageantry to hold the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) in Sri Lanka in preference to rejecting the 13th amendment/Indo Lanka Accord. The choice will place Sri Lanka in a perilous and irreversible situation sealing the fate of Sri Lanka and even its leaders. The public support lies with the valiant soldiers who want to get rid of the 13th amendment while the CHOGM is simply... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 23/07/13)
Sarath Bulathsinghala Auckland New Zealand In the US a teenager was murdered and those who think that justice has not been served are agitating nationwide. When issues of national importance surface and the politicians sit on the comfort of their bottoms it is time for the people to rise and agitate,  albeit peacefully as they are doing in the US for Trayvon Martin. All peaceful means to expressing antipathy towards the 13th Amendment have been expressed, told and retold. There is hardly any nook or corner of the infamous 13th Amendment that has been left un-scrutinized or unattended by... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 23/07/13)
Shenali D Waduge Now that the latest tactic to embarrass Sri Lanka and belittle its war victory has been outsourced to filmmakers it is time that Sri Lanka does not just sit and take the flak without adequately responding on the offensive itself. In not responding we are not giving due respect to those who sacrificed their lives for our freedom. We must also have some sort of “kakkuma†to avenge the deaths of those who died in vain. Throughout the over 500 years of occupation thousands of our people sacrificed their lives or were eliminated as it... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 23/07/13)
Chaminda Perera-Courtesy The Daily News * Tourist was killed in a New Year’s eve brawl * Low-level MP abuses privilege The External Affairs Ministry yesterday lashed out at British Labour Party MP Simon Danzuk who is quoted in The Telegraph of July 21st as having said that he will “raise concerns of cover up†with President Mahinda Rajapaksa, with regard to the murder of British tourist Khuram Shaikh in the 2011 New Year’s eve tragedy in Tangalle, when he meets the President... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 23/07/13)
John MacKinnon "We have a straightforward mission, and we have only one reason to exist. And that is to make sure that Hillary Clinton never becomes president of the United States" Stop Hillary Clinton Web site: Mrs. Hillary Clinton is a huge supporter of LTTE Terrorists and their genocidal terror agenda.  This political action committee 'Stop Hillary PAC' was created for one reason only - to ensure Hillary Clinton never becomes President of the United States. All law abiding and peace-loving citizens should support it. Here's why: Hillary Clinton was brainwashed by... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 23/07/13)
වම්ඉවà·â€ÂÂර- සී. ඒ. චන්ද්â€ÂÂÂරප්â€ÂÂÂරේම පසà·â€ÂÂගිය à·ƒà¶ÂÂÂියේ ප්â€ÂÂÂරං෠සිනම෠උළෙලකදී ප්â€ÂÂÂරං෠මà·â€ÂÂදල්වලින්නිෂ්පà·ÂÂÂදනය කරනලද à·ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂරී ලංකà·ÂÂÂà·€ පිළිබඳ චිà¶ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂරපටයක්‌ à¶ÂÂÂහනම්කිරීම නිස෠මහà¶ÂÂÂ්ආන්දොaලනයක්‌ හටගෙන ඇà¶ÂÂÂ. මෙය අදහස්‌ ප්â€ÂÂÂරකà·ÂÂÂ෠කිරීමේ නිදහසට එල්ල කරන ලද මරෆපහරක්‌ යෑයි ඇà¶ÂÂÂà·ÂÂÂම්අය කියන අà¶ÂÂÂර ආණ්‌ඩà·â€ÂÂà·€ පà·ÂÂÂà¶ÂÂÂà·Šà¶ÂÂÂෙන්අපට ඇසෙන්නේ එම චිà¶ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂරපටයෙන්ආරක්â€ÂÂÂෂක හමà·â€ÂÂදà·ÂÂÂවන්ට දරà·â€ÂÂණෆලෙස අපහà·ÂÂÂà·ƒ කළ බවයි. 1990 ගණන්වල සිට මේ රටේ යà·â€ÂÂද විරà·ÂÂÂධී චිà¶ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂරපට ගණනà·ÂÂÂවක්‌ම නිෂ්පà·ÂÂÂදනය කොට ඇà¶ÂÂÂ. මේ ගණයේ මà·â€ÂÂල්ම චිà¶ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂරපයක්‌ වූයේ 1997 ප්â€ÂÂÂරසන්න විà¶ÂÂÂà·ÂÂÂනගේ ගේ "පà·â€ÂÂරහඳ කළà·â€ÂÂවර" චිà¶ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂරපටයයි. මෙයට ජà·ÂÂÂà¶ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂයන්à¶ÂÂÂර සම්මà·ÂÂÂන ගණනà·ÂÂÂවක්‌ම ලà·ÂÂÂබà·â€ÂÂණි. මෙම චිà¶ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂරපටය ඉà¶ÂÂÂ෠දà·â€ÂÂගී පවà·â€ÂÂලකින්යà·â€ÂÂද හමà·â€ÂÂදà·ÂÂÂවට බà·ÂÂÂඳී බිම්බà·ÂÂÂම්බ ප්â€ÂÂÂරහà·ÂÂÂරයකදී මියගිය හමà·â€ÂÂද෠සෙබළෙකà·â€ÂÂගේ වයà·ÂÂÂවෘද්ධ හ෠අන්ධ... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 23/07/13)
By Mario Perera, Kadawata  Whether with a wig or without a wig a fake is a fake. He is called a man of integrity, a respected personality and what not. Indeed he has all the appearance of an ascetical Indian GURU. But looks are only skin deep. Greed and cupidity are no respecters of persons. The dividing line between angels and devils is razor blade thin. It is not for no reason that religious texts speak of evil beings being clothed as angels of light. ‘Low art thou fallen Satan sun of morning’, reads one such text. Prabhakaran was... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 22/07/13)
Janaka Perera Tuesday July 23 marks the 30th anniversary of the disaster that became a turning point in the history of post-independence Sri Lanka. It brought shame on people who had nothing to do with the mob violence. They, especially Sinhala Buddhists as a whole, were made to look racists of the worst kind. Attempts were also made to misinterpret the violence as a Buddhist-Hindu conflict. Some called Sinhalas cannibals. The country was vilified in the global media. It also opened the way for dubious international do-gooders and ‘peace-makers’ to fish in troubled waters. ‘Conflict resolution’ became a lucrative... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 22/07/13)
Asada M Erpini There was a time when many Sinhala politicians were embracing Mr Anandasangaree: he was described as a moderate Tamil leader, obviously in contrast to the ITAK and the Tamil National Alliance (TNA) that took ITAK under its wing. The TULF leader, additionally, was projected to all and sundry as one who was a critic of the LTTE, the godfather of TNA, as well as of the TNA itself, when the LTTE called the shots. But what does Anandasangaree do today, according to media reports dated 22 July? Now that the valiant armed forces of Sri Lanka... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 22/07/13)
In Retrospect By Sarath Kumara July 22nd 2013 For someone who had his chances in his day, messed up the administration bigtime, almost cowed down to the Tamil Tigers through policies pointing to the betrayal of the nation whether inadvertently or not, bungled his way during his tenure and now reduced to a deadbeat leader clinging to the UNP leadrship it must take a lot of nerve to call for massive demonstrations without inviting the attention of the authorities that this man is simply trying to foment anti government aniomosity in yet another attempt to grab power for his party. ... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 22/07/13)
Malin Abeyatunge As an annual ritual, the LTTE rump of the Tamil Diaspora may be getting ready to commemorate the so called “Black July†during the coming weekend in all big cities in Canada, UK, Australia, USA, Switzerland, Norway and some EU countries in their continuation of humiliating Sinhalese Buddhist Community. The local LTTE rump will also be in the limelight next few days doing the same thing. Of course, the LTTE rump may even try to link July Riots with the charges of War Crimes against Sri Lanka though it is totally irrelevant with 1983 riots. There will... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 22/07/13)
Shenali D Waduge Here’s the simply logic. Anyone fleeing a country using internationally accepted key words to justify their right to be termed a “refugee†must surely run to the closest country for that safety. What is that country – it is India. Why is India not only the closest and why should it be the most appropriate – Tamil Nadu in particular its politicians both government and opposition spend a large amount of time profaning concern for Sri Lanka’s Tamils. So instead of going to India where they would be accepted in open arms why are these “refugeesâ€ÂÂÂ... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 22/07/13)
By Gamini Gunawardane Rtd.Snr. DIG Although our national English media appears to have played down the incidents of harassment that had happened in UK during the Championship Trophy Tournament, the social media on the Internet gave us a fair idea of what happened there with visuals and other accounts. It appears that both the Sri Lanka players and the Sri Lankan expatriate spectators who turned up for the matches at Cardiff and London were considerably harassed by the brazen LTTE flag carrying supporters residing in that country where this organization is banned . Even more than the spectators, I... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 22/07/13)
Dr Hector Perera    London Actually cooking means a kind of chemical warfare where lots of different chemicals come together and collide on each other. This is the reason I called intermolecular and intramolecular reactions are taking place while cooking. Cooking is a real chemical reaction; actually a chain of reactions happening in the cold during marinade then on heating or cooking on fire. Most people do not care at all about these reactions and start with the maximum flame in the cooker that is not quite right to me. I can remember our clever servants in the past prepare... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 22/07/13)
By Shelton Gunaratne, author of The Dao of the Press: A Humanocentric Theory (Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press, 2005)  The draft of a code of media ethics drawn by the Ministry of Mass Media and Information, Sri Lanka, early June 2013 has generated a lot of heat in the so-called international community, which in this case mainly refers to the West-centric NGOs like Freedom House, Committee to Protect Journalists, Reporters Sans Frontières, and International Press Institute. These NGOs, in general, adhere to the philosophy that any kind of government intrusion into the individual’s right to communicate (particularly the rights guaranteed... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 21/07/13)
Lakshman I. Keerthisinghe - LLB, LLM.MPhil, Attorney-at-Law Courtesy The Daily News We, the people of Tamil Eelam, have an inherent right to self-determination. Subject to Genocide at the hands of successive Sinhala national governments and as an essential measure of protection we wish to establish our own independent and sovereign State of Tamil Eelam. Preamble to the Tamil Eelam Freedom Charter -Visuvanathan Rudrakumaran - Prime Minister TGTE It was recently reported in the media that in an interview to India's daily, The Hindu, Economic Development Minister, Basil Rajapaksa has... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 21/07/13)
W.A. De Silva Courtesy The Daily News Sri Lanka had to face the consequences of Tamil Expansion from South India presently called Tamil Nadu throughout her history intermittently right from the past as far back as 2nd Century B.C. the Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution of Sri Lanka is nothing but another facet of Tamil Expansionism from Tamil Nadu. It is an outcome of recurrent agitation caused by Tamil Nadu politicians to set up a separate state called Tamil Eelam initially for the Tamil Community in the Northern... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 21/07/13)
By A. Abdul Aziz  The question of life after death has always agitated the minds of people belonging to all religions and all ages alike. There is also the atheistic view which totally denies the possibility of life after death. The religions which believe in life after death can be divided into two categories. Those which believe in the reincarnation of the soul of a dead person into a new human or animal form of existence. Those which believe in an other worldly state of existence after death. The atheistic view is outside the domain of this discussion. As... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 21/07/13)
Dr Sudath Gunasekara President Senior Citizens Movement Mahanuwara 20.July.2013.  Apropos Austin Fernando’s critique on Lalith Weeratunga’s twitter comment on Provincial Councils established under the 13th A (that ‘they are white elephants’) appeared in the ‘Colombo Telegraph’ of July 3, 2013   under the title ‘Provincial White Elephants and “Saddantha†White Elephants in Colombo’ I thought it pertinent to make few comments for the benefit of those who are seriously concerned about the subject of Provincial Councils. Though I fully agree with Austin’s comments on Saddantha†White Elephants in Colombo’ and also on his reference to the jumbo Cabinet, hundreds... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 20/07/13)
By M D P DISSANAYAKE There are early indications that the Tamil National Alliance has already completed the ground work to create a direct conflict with the Central Government assuming that the TNA will capture power in the Northern Province following the upcoming Elections.  The Government of Sri Lanka has taken a cautious approach to the proposed amendments intended to negate some of the powers vested in the 13 A by referring the matters to the Parliamentary Select Committee in compliance with the democratic governance , but in the meantime  the TNA and  Big Brother India have marched forward... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 20/07/13)
Shenali D Waduge Now that Jusice Wigneswaran who “did not want this position†and who was “forced into this position†under “so much pressure†as the TNA’s common candidate for the post of Chief Minister we are forced to view him as joining the list of others attempting to seek the goal of separatism clearly articulated in their party Constitution and election manifestos. Whatever Justice Wigneswaran may say in interviews, speeches and statements he cannot change the TNA manifesto in which the goal is a “separate Tamil Homelandâ€ÂÂÂ, “self-determination for Tamils†– none of these slogans remotely equates... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 19/07/13)
Chanaka Bandarage This is what Wikipedia states about Kosovo Independence:  the Republic of Kosovo (Albanian: Republika e Kosovës; Serbian: àõÿуñûøúð ÚþÑÂÂÂþòþ, Republika Kosovo) declared itself an independent state. It has control over most of the territory and has partial international recognition.[9][10][11] North Kosovo, the largest Serb enclave, is largely under the control of institutions of the Republic of Serbia or parallel structures subsidised by Serbia.[9][10][11][12][13] Serbia does not recognise the secession of Kosovo[14] and considers it a UN-governed entity within its sovereign territory, a position supported by a number of other countries  After the Kosovo War and the... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 19/07/13)
Ratanapala  With Eelam - a Thousand Mavil Arus and unending war beginning with water wars across an undefined border!  After 30 years of war we are happy to witness Sri Lankans enjoying the fruits of peace in our island nation and the unprecedented development that is taking place throughout Sri Lanka. Four years have gone by and not a single terrorist event has taken place since the dawning of peace. However the remnants of the LTTE Terrorist movement in Sri Lanka and abroad (the so called Tamil Diaspora) are still active and working vigorously to promote the dismemberment of... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 19/07/13)
Nimal Fernando  Among the many illustrious sons and daughters of India is Amartya Sen, who has spent over five decades writing on human development. As Madeleine Bunting of Britain's Guardian, who interviewed Sen on July 16, reports, few intellectuals have combined academic respect and comparable influence on global policy. Few have garnered quite such an extensive harvest of accolades: in addition to his Nobel prize and more than 100 honorary degrees, last year he became the first non-US citizen to be awarded the National Medal for the Humanities.This interview, however, has to do with Sen expressing outrage in the... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 19/07/13)
Courtesy Island Editorial Sri Lanka ‘A’ cricketer Ramith Rambukwella has been fined Rs. 250,000 over a recent incident where he allegedly tried to open the cabin door of a flight in mid-air at an altitude of 35,000 feet. (Why should planes fly so high?) The poor boy insists that he is a somnambulist and he may have been sleepwalking at the time of the alleged incident. He has vehemently denied that he was in a state of inebriation contrary to media reports. (There are conspiracies against his family!) His truthful father, Keheliya Rambukwella, who heads the Ministry of Truth,... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 19/07/13)
By Dr. Chandana Jayalath Chartered Quantity Surveyor The name ‘Quantity Surveyor’ conjures up a variety of different images amongst the masses. For some, the term quantity surveyor is an outmoded title from the past arguing that it certainly no longer accurately describes the specific role that is undertaken. Quantity surveyor is the cost and financial accountant in construction. Quantity surveyors are identified as building economists in Australia, contracts engineers in Egypt and cost engineers in Americas, for example. They work hand in hand with planning engineers in the case of delay impact analysis. They work with architects and... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 19/07/13)
Shenali D Waduge We certainly need to get to the bottom of the root causes for the buildup of disharmony. The harmony that has prevailed amongst the communities as we carry out our day to day affairs must not be allowed to be manipulated by a handful via politicians and public servants while external forces are covertly helping so that Sri Lanka digs its own grave. In looking at some of the incidents that have taken place in the past which have led to sudden altercations the fact that traditional spaces and incursions have taken place and continue to... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 19/07/13)
By Shelton Gunaratne, author of Village Life in the Forties: Memories of a Lankan Expatriate (Bloomington, IN: iUniverse); and From Village Boy to Global Citizen Vol. 1& Vol.2 (Bloomington, IN: Xlibris).  As I write this essay, the 10th installment on my latest excursion to Sri Lanka (March 27 to April 16, 2013), I am saddened by the news about the death of S. S. “Sirimegha†Wijeratne, 75, a contemporary of mine at Jayatilaka Hall during the halcyon days of the Peradeniya University. His death, yet again got me to think about Buddha’s veritable assertion that the three universal signs... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 19/07/13)
H. L. D. Mahindapala  The effusiveness with which the pro-separatist/13A lobby has hailed former Judge C. V. Wigneswaran as the next rising star for the salvation of Tamils is too premature. Knowing the twists and turns that politics take in Sri Lankan politics only a fool or a knave would dare to predict the outcome soon after he was nominated to be the Chief Ministerial candidate for the Northern Province elections in September. The Tamils have produced many saviours before Wigneswaran -- all of whom misled the Jaffna Tamils and let them down by relying excessively on their... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 18/07/13)
Chanaka Bandarage - Sri Lanka Support Group, Australia After its triumphant win on 7 September 2013, Wigneswaran, the new NPC Chief Minister, will not wait for too long to call for an UDI (Unilateral Declaration of Independence). It is expected that TNA will gain more than 75% of the vote at the forthcoming election. TNA has already stated they will ask the world to consider the NPC election result as a Referendum for a separate Tamil State in Sri Lanka. TNA has publicly stated that they do not believe in a unitary Sri Lanka. In Geneva early this year... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 18/07/13)
by S. L. Gunasekara President, Sinhala Jathika Sangamaya While the Sinhala Jathika Sangamaya is loath to contradict or challenge the factual accuracy of the contents of a speech made by a judge of our Supreme Court at a sitting of that court, it is compelled to do so in respect of several statements that were contained in the speech made by Mr. Justice C.V, Wigneswaran at the ceremonial sitting of that Court held on me March 7, 2001 to welcome Mr. Justice H. S. Yapa and himself. This necessity arises because those statements would be accorded much weight and... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 18/07/13)
Insight By Sunil Kumar July19 th 2013 The DBS Jeyraj Column's item~ Mass Uprising in South is Necessary for Tamil People to Move Forward in their Freedom Struggle posted by Dr. Vickremabahu Karunaratne seems to portray the rhetoric of a cowardly anti Government column with its usual worthless disposition and as usual posted by a radical albeit at times sounding seditious! What some Tamil intellectuals believe that, rather than beating about the bush, TNA should go straight for a federal solution; as the 13th Amendment plus is extremely vague and doesn’t give much power to the Tamils is... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 18/07/13)
Michelle Alexander Despite incessant requests to other nations to not commit human rights abuses, the government of the United Kingdom stands exposed of its double speak after it has been revealed that more than 3000 export licenses has been issued for military and intelligence equipment, said to be worth a £ 12.3 billion (14.6 billion Euros or US$$18.6 billion), with some of these exports to countries said to be on the UK government’s watch list for human rights abuses. This was revealed by a report compiled by The House of Commons Committees on Arms Export Controls. Countries that... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 18/07/13)
Dr Tilak Fernando The extremely brutal and barbaric behaviour during the recent Sri Lanka’s Champion’s Trophy cricket final at Cardiff and Oval in London by some Sri Lankan Tamil thugs, calling themselves’ as ‘Tamil Tiger activists in the UK, not only victimised several Sri Lankan law abiding innocent cricket enthusiasts but denuded the aloofness of the British authorities who failed to apprehend the criminals instantaneously caught in the act. Double standards  The million dollar question is why have not the British authorities been able to control and imprison parasites of a remaining terrorist organisation when they are seen... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 18/07/13)
Asoka Weerasinghe Kings Grove Crescent . Gloucester . Ontario .Canada 16 July 2013 Ms. Angela Johnson, President Carabram 2013 Mr. David Elich, Director Carabram 2013 Ms. Gloria Rousseau, Director Carabram 2013 Ms. Paula Fanni, Director, Carabram 2013 Mr. Tom Gabrowski, Director Carabram 2013 Carbram Brampton’s Multicultural Festival, 150 Clark Boulevard Suite 125 Brampton, Ontario, L6T 4Y8 cc. Staff Sergeant, Kelly Kippen, Peel Regional Police Kyle Seeback, MP for Brampton West Dear President and Members of the Board of Directors Carabram 2013 Re: Pavilion allotted to a country called “Eelam†at Carabram 2013, at Brampton, Ontario After explaining my concern... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 18/07/13)
Michelle Alexander On the 16th of July, students in a school located in Chhapra, India, sat down to their mid-day meal. This is provided free to the students, with produce brought and prepared by the school. The mid-day meal is part of a program to provide poor Indian students with at least one hot meal a day. In this instance, the food was tainted with insecticide, resulting in many students falling violently ill. 22 students died and dozens have been hospitalized. Over 20 children still remain in hospital, with a few of them in critical condition. All of the students... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 18/07/13)
Asada M Erpini A report dated 16 July, quoted in the local media, says that all the accredited journalists should be allowed to enter the country to cover the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) to be held in Colombo. The request, or demand, seems reasonable on the surface. But what Sri Lanka does is up to the authorities of the country. If some of the journalists are declared persona non grata, that should not be debated: the old adage, “Once bitten, twice shy†may come up in these situations. When one reads the reports published by the reputed... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 18/07/13)
R Chandrasona In a recent contribution to your Journal Akila Weerasekara writes inter alia as follows - 'We theorize that a single citta or a group of cittas with accompanying mental factors (cetasikas) can affect the probability of release of the chemical transmitter substance at synaptic junctions. This triggers the cascade of electrical signals necessary for neuronal communications. The probability of release could be dependent on the nature of the citta'. There is nothing characteristically Buddhist in this assertion as it is a restatement of the age-old belief that a separate entity or faculty called the Mind directs physical... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 18/07/13)
The doctrine of the Indian secret agency, Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) is based on the principle of waging continuous secret battles through its agents. Since its creation in 1968, RAW has assumed a significant status in formulation of Indian foreign policy. While waging their secret battles, RAW’s agents have their presence in almost all regional countries, implementing various tactics of psychological warfare. In this context, M. K Dhar in his book, “Open Secrets, India’s Intelligence Unveiled†points out, “RAW’s operations against the regional countries are conducted with great professional skill and expertise, which include the establishment of a huge... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 18/07/13)
Isha Khan - 11/4/2012 Courtesy: The Global Politician India's premier intelligence outfit Research and Analysis Wing (RAW)’s operations against the regional countries are conducted with great professional skill and expertise. Central to the operations is the establishment of a huge network inside the target countries. It uses and targets political dissent, ethnic divisions, economic backwardness and criminal elements within these states to foment subversion, terrorism and sabotage. Having thus created the conducive environments, RAW stage-manage future events in these countries in such a way that military intervention appears a natural concomitant of the events. In most cases, RAW’s hand... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 18/07/13)
Dilrook Kannangara Separatists in Sri Lanka and India use the Indo-Lanka Peace Accord to scuttle attempts to reunify the nation after decades of war. 13A to the Constitution that followed the Indo-Lanka Peace Accord has been rendered useless as it failed to achieve peace in war time and is of no use in peace time. 13A was never widely discussed with the public. It was simply an imposition from India. In a strange case of legal absurdity, some claim Sri Lanka cannot change its own Constitution, the provisions relating to 13A! This must be a world’s first where a... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 17/07/13)
Shenali D Waduge  In life just as there are challenges there are opportunities to undo injustices so that truth wins the day. The present situation revolves around a song, the singer and the composer. The song is the player referral rule we know as the Umpire Decision Review System (UDRS), the singer is the International Cricket Council (ICC), the international governing body for cricket and the identity of the composer is the contentious issue at hand. There is one man who holds the key to another Sri Lankan staking the claim to the authorship of the UDRS and he... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 17/07/13)
News item-Sunday Observer, 14th July 2013.  Very distressing news. When I wrote about 20 letters from President Downwards, no one cared to even acknowledge it, Does not matter now, Let us wait for the new approasch  With great deference, I address this write up, specially to the undermentioned Doctors, and Departments referred to in the news item, amongst all others equally concerned.  a...Dr. Suraj Perera, Consultant Community Physician of the National Cancer Control Program. He emphasis that " The need of the hour is a holistic approach in Prevention and Cancer Control " is laudable and appreciated.... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 17/07/13)
 By, Dr. Nishan Wijesinha (Specialist Consultant). Many villages and in the remotes of towns near paddy fields and open forest and bare lands serpents are a pest to those who walk by. Sometimes in your own lawns and back yards you could find harmful serpents. One at first glance will want to strike it with a broom or a garden tool or a stone. This will eventually lead the serpent to anger and it will strike at any arms length at ease. This will lead to the fate of that person if the serpent was not caught and identified to... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 17/07/13)
By Charles.S.Perera It was announced that an European Union Parliamentary delegation led by Jean Lambert has arrived in Sri Lanka on an Official visit.  It will meet with the Government, the opposition and other groups during their stay which is due to last one week. Jean Lambert is the Chairperson of the EU Delegation for Relations with the Countries of South Asia. She is the woman who stated that she is concerned about reports of threats and attacks on human rights defenders and journalists in Sri Lanka and encourages the authorities to hold those responsible for accountability. Therefore one... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 16/07/13)
Asada M Erpini The Island carried a statement on 15 July attributed to Sivagnanam Sritharan, Jaffna District Tamil National Alliance (TNA) MP, that he foiled the attempt by the army to rape 200 Tamil speaking girls demands immediate action. No country has ever witnessed a rescue operation of civilians – that included Tamil girls – of a scale as stupendous as that that was carried out by the armed forces of Sri Lanka in May 2009. The whole world witnessed the soldiers carrying the old and the infirm in their arms to safety, away from the LTTE killers who... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 16/07/13)
Michelle Alexander There is an alarming increase of crimes against women and children in Sri Lanka. It is believed that a woman is raped every 90 minutes, and 3-5 children are raped daily. It is indeed sickening to read regular articles of rapes and abuses committed by MPs, principals, teachers, officers, clergy, ordinary citizens, et al. One area to gain particular notoriety is Kahawatta, with 28 murders. All of the victims were women. Foreign women are not safe either. The most prominent case in recent times is that of Victoria Tkacheva, who was alleged to have... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 16/07/13)
Shenali D Waduge Ignorance rarely leads to happy endings. One cannot but wonder whether American politicians would have gotten away with what they have done had the American polity been more politically aware of what was going on around them both at home and abroad. Has it not been the ability of America’s politicians to sell lies the Americans bought that has led to the deaths of MILLIONS of people and the destructions of their nations? How Media Fools Americans 96% of world media is in the hands of 6 corporate giants – should we be surprised that we... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 16/07/13)
The late Gamani Jayasuriya, one-time UNP minister, who died two Saturdays ago, opposed the Indo-Lanka Accord as he perceived it to be detrimental to Sri Lanka’s national interest. The late Gamani Jayasuriya, one-time UNP minister, who died two Saturdays ago, opposed the Indo-Lanka Accord as he perceived it to be detrimental to Sri Lanka’s national interest. When the 13th Amendment and Provincial Council Bill were being presented in parliament, he wanted to explain why he opposed the accord and the bill. But he was refused permission by Deputy Speaker Norman Waidyaratne. Consequently, Mr. Jayasuriya resigned from the government. Today,... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 16/07/13)
Dr. Tilak Fernando How many British born in the UK will be able to say confidently in which year Emperor Claudius invaded their country? Did King Henry VIII create The Church of England?   Which scientist named the return of a comet after his name? Was it Isaac Newton, Richard Arkwright, Samuel Pepys or Edmond Halley…. ?  Not many will be able to give a concise answer I bet, but these are the types of questions anyone seeking British Nationality now  has to answer by sitting a special test called ‘ Life in the United Kingdom’. The test was introduced... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 16/07/13)
Asada M Erpini The Island carried a news item on 15 July that Sivagnanam Sritharan, Jaffna District Tamil National Alliance (TNA) MP, foiled the attempt by the army to rape 200 Tamil speaking girls. He probably means that the army is the Sri Lanka army and that the Tamil speaking girls are of Tamil ethnic origin (although women in the Moor community, too, come into the category of “Tamil speakingâ€ÂÂÂ). All Sri Lankans who value human rights and love peace will applaud the laudable act apparently performed by the TNA MP. There are a few points, though,  that may... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 15/07/13)
Michelle Alexander Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu, J. Jayalaitha has written to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, urging the Central Government of New Delhi to "take all possible steps to bring pressure to bear upon the Sri Lankan government not to take any steps to repeal or even dilute the 13th amendment in any manner". She has also stated while the aspirations of the Sri Lankan Tamils can be realized only through an independent Tamil Eelam, the process of securing the right to self determination, through democratic decentralization, should not be derailed. She further stated that there are disturbing signs... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 15/07/13)
Akila Weerasekera On July 20, 2007, neurologists at the University of Marseille revealed the remarkable case of the 44-year-old French tax official who had been doing just fine with a fluid-filled cavity taking up most of the space where his brain should have been. He had gone to the hospital in 2003 complaining of a slight weakness in his left leg. When the doctors scanned his brain they found mostly a black hole. The patient told the attending physicians that as a six-month-old baby he had suffered from hydrocephalus (commonly known as “water on the brainâ€ÂÂÂ) and that a... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 15/07/13)
By Neville Ladduwahetty Courtesy Island The earlier call by India’s Minister of External Affairs Mr. Salmon Khurshid urging Sri Lanka to implement the 13th Amendment in full and even go beyond was followed by a similar call by India’s National Security Advisor Shivshankar Menon during his recent visit to Sri Lanka. While India does not seem to miss any opportunity to remind Sri Lanka of implementing the 13th Amendment, a vibrant debate is going on within Sri Lanka regarding its retention in the current form, revision of certain provisions, or repealing its altogether. While the focus is on... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 15/07/13)
by A. Abdul Aziz, Press Secretary, Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at – Sri Lanka.  (Given below is an excerpt of the Friday Sermons of Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Supreme Head of the world-wide Ahmadiyya Muslim Community in Islam, delivered on 13th July 2013, at ‘Baithul Futhuh’, London, U.K. gave a discourse on the subject of Ramadhan.  Ahmadiyya Khalifa started his sermon by reciting the following Quranic verse – the meaning of which is: ‘O ye who believe! fasting is prescribed for you, as it was prescribed for those before you, so that you may become righteous.’ (2:184)  With the grace of... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 15/07/13)
By Shelton Gunaratne, author of Village Life in the Forties: Memories of a Lankan Expatriate (Bloomington, IN: iUniverse); and From Village Boy to Global Citizen Vol. 1& Vol.2 (Bloomington, IN: Xlibris). During my early April 10-day tour of Sri Lanka, the country where I was born and raised, I tried to examine my experiences as a naturalized American fully conversant with the Jathika Chintanaya (national way of thinking) of the indigenous inhabitants of the island. So, I shall point out the negative side of the Central Cultural Fund’s (CCF) “smart†policy of enforcing highly steep admission charges on foreigners,... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 14/07/13)
Shenali D Waduge America must be humoring us. Otherwise how is it possible for the world’s human rights watch dog, crusader of peace, champion of democracy and the beacon of truth and reconciliation simply to jail and lock up all those who we are now told are “whistleblowers†because they divulged the dirty tricks America had been up to and is upto? Interesting indeed. So our latest whistleblower – the entire world now knows who he is because for letting the world know that the nation committed to “privacy†and “confidentiality†has been taping and snooping on... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 14/07/13)
Asada M Erpini Sri Lankans, on the whole, are ready to accept subservience and docility. This nature probably is related to the fact that most Sri Lankans are Buddhists, a religion that advocates compassion and non-violence, as opposed to some other religions that promote even the killing of those who do not profess their own faith as acceptable, guaranteeing eternal bliss.  Two fields which show that the Sri Lankans cannot deliver the knockout blow when it really matters or are ready to accommodate the whims and fancies of bullies are cricket and international relations.  The Cricket Triangular among the... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 14/07/13)
ALI SUKHANVER  “That was no doubt the most dreadful night of my life,†a Swiss tourist in her late thirties was talking to the media in a tone filled with harassment and fear. She had been on a visit to India this March with her husband. “I had just changed my dress and was simply wearing a night gown when six wild stinking Indians thronged at the door of my room. They started beating my husband ruthlessly, threw him out of the room and within a few minutes I was a helpless prey and they were the hunters. I... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 14/07/13)
By Charles.S.Perera       Mr.Neil Iddawala, The Secretary to the Select Committee of Parliament to Recommend and Report on Political and Constitutional Measures to Empower the People of Sri Lanka to Live as One Nation Parliament of Sri Lanka Sri Jayawardenepura, Kotte, SRI LANKA Dear Sir, Reference to the request made by the Select Committee of Parliament on the 10th July, 2013, to make representations with regard to (i) preserve and promote their respective identity and live with dignity and security as one Nation, (ii) enhance the unity of the people of Sri Lanka, and (iii)  empower the... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 13/07/13)
Dilrook Kannangara If Thialand’s much discussed Kra-Isthmus canal is dredged, it shifts South East Asian prosperity to the three historically close-knit nations of Thailand, Burma and Sri Lanka. Following a strong pro-Sri Lanka stand at the UNHRC, a top Thailand delegation visited the island. They proposed Thailand-Sri Lanka-Burma naval co-operation. Superficially, it is yet another shallow statement. After all around the same time Indian, Japanese, Chinese and US naval missions berthed at Colombo. However, there is a deeper meaning to naval co-operation among the three historically close nations bound by one common thread. If Thialand’s much discussed Kra-Isthmus canal... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 13/07/13)
Shenali D Waduge The Minister of Education announced recently that the Ministry would do away with ethnic-based schools given its own “principled†stand we would next like to know how using the same logic of not allowing “ethnic†based learning, the education authorities have signed an MOU to establish the Malik Abdulla University College in Kattankudy, in Eastern Province. When the announcement was given by the Ministry of Education that they would remove “ethnic-based†schools the first thoughts of everyone was whether leading schools that have been in existence for years, Government or Semi-Government would agree to changing their... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 13/07/13)
Shenali D Waduge Since we are on the subject of 13th amendment it is no better a time to look back since 25 years has passed of a virtually non-existent Indo-Lanka Accord that remains a binding nuisance which has been passed down from one Government to the other with the present President left to deal with all the bag and baggage! What must intrigue many is the golden question – if President Premadasa could ask the IPKF to exit Sri Lanka and India conceded without fuss, why was the opportunity not taken to abrogate the Indo-Lanka Pact as well?... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 12/07/13)
Asada M Erpini Muthuvel Karunanidhi, the former Chief Minister of Tami Nadu, should be applauded by all peace-loving Sri Lankans. There is clear evidence that some of his grey matter cells are still functioning, although the man is almost 90 years old. According to a report in Hindu dated 12 July, Karunanidhi has suggested that the government (of India) could facilitate migration of Sri Lankan Tamil refugees to Australia. Going by this suggestion, the Sri Lanka government should muster all its strength and collaborate with India – Sri Lanka keeps on getting lambasted by every Tom, Dick and Harry for not... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 12/07/13)
Shenali D Waduge Sri Lanka It was 7/7 for the world’s 4th largest religion of 350million Buddhists when on 7th July 9 bombs went off in quick succession in the Holiest Place for the Buddhists in Buddha Gaya (Bodh Gaya), India. While, no fatalities were reported apart from injuries and even the bomb placed to destroy the Buddha Statue did not explode – the news shocked Buddhists all over the world. What is disturbing more than anything else is that not a single non-Buddhist world leader condemned the attack and now into the 5th day having waited to see... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 12/07/13)
RT NSA leaker & former CIA employee Edward Snowden has asked for political asylum in Russia, saying he could not fly to Latin America, according to human rights activists who met the whistleblower at Moscow-s Sheremetyevo airport. According to Tatyana Lokshina of Human Rights Watch, Snowden seeks to stay in Russia as he “can-t fly to Latin America yet.â€ÂÂÂ... -Full Story- ( - 12/07/13)
Asada M Erpini The National Security Adviser of India has said, according to media reports on 09 July, that his government expects a political solution going beyond the 13th Amendment and meaningful devolution of power to ensure, among other things, the Sri Lankan Tamil community would lead a life marked by equality, justice, dignity and self-respect. The news report carries so many intrusive, unwanted and incorrect perceptions held by the Indians who occupy positions of power in the high echelons in New Delhi. First and foremost is that the top guns in India do not seem to realise or accept... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 11/07/13)
Asada M Erpini  Sri Lanka has 64 registered political parties. Then, there is a group that goes under the label Tamil National Alliance (TNA) that is not even registered with the Commissioner of Elections. Ironically, TNA is always referred to by the media, including some in Sri Lanka, as a major Tamil political party, in spite of the fact that the proportion of the population of Sri Lanka that it can even claim to represent falls below 4 per cent.  All the parties and groups that are associated with Tamils, except two, have Thamil, Tamil, Eelam or Eelavar in... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 11/07/13)
... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 11/07/13)
Michelle Alexander Government Ministers in our country are developing quite a name for themselves when it comes to issuing statements that land them in a spot of bother. Some gems are reproduced for readers:- “I am so happy to answer a question by a beauty queen like Rosy Senanayake.  You are such a charming womanâ€ÂÂÂ. “I have no words to describe my feelings,†“I cannot explain my feelings here. But if you meet me outside Parliament, I will describe them.†- Transport Minister Kumara Welgama. Ms. Rosy Senanayake was not amused. This comment was published in a... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 11/07/13)
By Charles.S.Perera In 1987 India illegally  forced into the airspace of Sri Lanka and thereafter forced Sri Lanka to enter in to an Agreement or an Accord. An agreement , or an Accord is no different to a contract between two parties, whether it is between two persons, two Companies, or two Counties. It has to have essential basic requirements to bind the parties legally to the agreement. It should be voluntary. It should have  one or more legal obligations to be performed by one party to the other. If any of the obligations is not performed by either... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 10/07/13)
 By Garvin Karunaratne, Ph.D.(Michigan State University) It looks as if the IMF is unaware that it was the IMF itself that through its Structural Adjustment Programme stifled job creation and poverty alleviation. This is because the World Development Report 2013 stresses the creation of jobs. It states, “Creating opportunities for jobs are critical for reducing povertyâ€ÂÂÂ. Further, it states, “In Developing Countries jobs are a cornerstone of development with a pay off far beyond income alone. They are critical for reducing poverty, making cities work and providing youth with alternatives to violence.†Thus it is clear that the IMF... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 10/07/13) 14 June 2013 Discuss the differences between teaching physics at the University of Montreal and conducting research at the National Research Council of Canada? The National Research Council of Canada (NRC) is the premier arm of government research in Canada. The NRC has always worked closely with the cutting-edge technological giants in Canada, in fields like nanotechnology, communications, materials, energy, biotechnology, aerospace etc. It also works with universities in accepting post-graduate students and researcher associates. In my career at the NRC I have had the privilege of working in almost every area of physics, and overlapping into... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 10/07/13)
Shenali D. Waduge  You are wrong Mr. Foreign Minister - Majority Sinhalese Buddhists are very much affected by the Buddha Gaya Bombings  The Minister of Foreign Affairs quite casually answering the Opposition Leader on the floor of the Sri Lankan Parliament when questioned about the situation following the serial explosions in Buddha Gaya the heart of the World's Buddhists had only a very curt response to conclude that Sri Lankans are not affected by the bomb. Sinhalese Kings right down from King Devanampiyatissa venerated Buddha Gaya and that continued through the 180 kings who ruled Sri... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 10/07/13)
Dr Hector Perera    London  One might think that they have to wait for 6 months or an year before they save a little energy by practicing my scientific energy saving technique. The answer is, from the moment you start to cook in my scientific way, you can save energy. Now there are dimmer switches for household lights where you can control the amount of light. Anybody can understand that the amount of brightness can be controlled by turning the control knob to left or right. Try and get some dimmer switches to control your electricity bills. Similarly try and... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 10/07/13)
RT The NSA’s spy program encompasses most countries in Latin America, new cables released by Edward Snowden have confirmed. The data gathered on military affairs and “commercial secrets†has provoked a flurry of furious rhetoric from regional leaders. Brazilian daily, O Globo, which obtained the cables released by former CIA employee Edward Snowden, published a report on Tuesday detailed the National Security Agency’s initiatives in Latin America.... -Full Story- ( - 10/07/13)
RT The NSA in America is following in the Nazi tradition in its attempt to discriminate based on data collection, modeled around their belief system - which justifies trashing the Constitution in pursuit of ‘pure’ data. DNA is data. Thanks to the scientific work of Watson and Crick and their discovery of the double-helix and all its component parts in the DNA strands that make up all living cells, we know that humans are made up of data. To microbiologists and bio-engineers, this information means the development of drugs and treatments for illnesses - leading to more healthy, better lives.... -Full Story- ( - 10/07/13)
RT Latin America is no longer the “US’ backyard†and the US shouldn’t be “lecturing less developed countries†on “rights and freedoms,†while breaching international law with massive surveillance campaign itself, Ecuadorian FM Ricardo Patino told RT. Patino also said the incident involving Bolivian President Morales, whose plane was forced to make an emergency landing in Austria, cannot be ignored and that if such an incident had happened to an American or European leader flying over a Latin American country it could have sparked a war.... -Full Story- ( - 10/07/13)
Asada M Erpini A news report on 7th July states that the Upcountry People's Front (UPF) do not want any amendments to the 13th Amendment: all that the Sri Lankans who value the unitary state can say is, “That is fine. Hold on to your viewsâ€ÂÂÂ. UPF should be told in clear terms that what Sri Lanka does with the 13th Amendment – amending or throwing it into the dustbin – is a decision of the people of the country. Sri Lanka is a democracy, and in a democracy the will and the desires of the majority community will... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 09/07/13)
Mahinda Gunasekera Sri Lanka United National Association of Canada July 9, 2013 Ms. Angela Johnson, President Carabram 2013 Mr. David Elich, Director Carabram 2013 Ms. Gloria Rousseau, Director Carabram 2013 Mr. David Elich, Director Carabram 2013 Mr. Tom Gabrowski, Director Carabram 2013 Carabram Brampton's Multicultural Festival 150 Clark Boulevard, Suite 125 Brampton, Ontario L6T 4Y8 Dear President and Members of the Board of Directors Carabram 2013, Pavilion allotted to a country called "Eelam"? I refer to my letter of June 15, 2013 a copy of which is annexed hereto, and regret to note the lack of a response from you... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 09/07/13)
Michelle Alexander On July 07th 8 - 9 low intensity bombs detonated in and around the Mahabodhi Temple. Little damage was caused to the structure and Bo tree, with 5 victims escaping with injuries. Was this site a target and did the authorities know about it? – There have been reports that the Government of Bihar had been warned by the Intelligence Bureau (IB) of threats to Bodghaya and the Mahabodhi temple. Similar threats had been issued in 2012 as well. Furthermore, after threats in 2012, CCTV cameras had been installed in and around temple premises. How could it... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 09/07/13)
H.D.N.C.Pathirana Former Deputy Director Geological Survey Sri- Lanka India is already having problems with shortage of coal to run their own coal power plants. It is intriguing why they have gone to other countries to installed coal power projects .As a professional in this field I am aware that the coal fields in India have a high ash content compared to other coal fields in the world. Therefore Sri Lanka should think twice before taking a final decision because of high ash content results in very high pollution .The Indian coal plants with high ash content emit more... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 09/07/13)
Susantha Wijesinghe. CEYLON, years ago so serene, Culture, Discipline ever pristine, D.S. known as Father of the Nation, Loved and left with perpetual ovation.  Pearly Ceylon, to SRI LANKA in metamorphosis, Created in mind a doubtful crisis, Things changed with whimsical fantasy, By trial and error with Maavo  bureacracy.  Many a PM, President, since come and gone, With little alleviation to masses forlorn, What good it be to ride a Lamborgini ? When Sri Lankans are in perpetual Bada-gini.  Now, Maa hinda Chin taana in all its Glory, Appears to be a debilitating Story, When with... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 08/07/13)
By Shelton Gunaratne, author of Village Life in the Forties: Memories of a Lankan Expatriate (Bloomington, IN: iUniverse); and From Village Boy to Global Citizen Vol. 1& Vol.2 (Bloomington, IN: Xlibris). This year’s was my first trip to Trincomalee (pop. 99,135), the administrative center of the Eastern Province occupying an area of 750 hectares spreading outward from the peninsula that intrudes between the Back Bay and the inner harbor. It doubles as a scenic seaside resort area that also serves as an economic and military hub for Sri Lanka. Its two deep-water natural harborsâ€â€ÂÂinner and outerâ€â€ÂÂprovide the port facilities... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 08/07/13)
Shenali D Waduge The Buddhist world must condemn the bombings that took place inside the Mahabodhi Temple in India. We appreciate the prompt statement issued by Indian Prime Minister well ahead of all others though the fact that 9 bombs had been placed strategically inside areas that would have shaken and shocked the world’s Buddhists go to show a bigger ploy at play. It is a very clear signal that Buddhism and Buddhists are now under attack as the West now prepares to enter Buddhist hinterland in their post-Middle East agenda for world supremacy. It is also very clear... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 07/07/13)
චන්ද්â€ÂÂÂරසේන පණ්ඩිà¶ÂÂÂගේ විසිනි. අපි අද ජà·ÂÂÂà¶ÂÂÂියක්වà·ÂÂÂයෙන්විà·ÂÂÂà·ÂÂÂල කà¶ÂÂÂිකà·ÂÂÂà·€à¶ÂÂÂක නියෙලමින්සිටින්නෙමà·â€ÂÂ. ඒ 13 වෙනි ව්â€ÂÂÂයà·ÂÂÂවස්ථ෠සංà·ÂÂÂà·ÂÂÂධනය රටට අවà·ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂයද? නà·ÂÂÂද්ද? යන සංවà·ÂÂÂදයයි. මේ මස එනම්ජූලි මස 29 වෙනිදà·ÂÂÂට වසර 27ක්ගà¶ÂÂÂවී ඇà¶ÂÂÂà·’ මේ 13 වෙනි ව්â€ÂÂÂයවස්ථ෠සංà·ÂÂÂà·ÂÂÂධනයට; දà·ÂÂÂන්බබෙක්සේ මේ රට à¶ÂÂÂà·â€ÂÂල à·„à·ÂÂÂසිරීමට කොහෙà¶ÂÂÂ්ම බà·ÂÂÂරිය. ඒ එද෠13 à·€à·ÂÂÂයෙන්පිටියට ආමෙයට දà·ÂÂÂන්වයස 27ක්සපිරෙන බà·ÂÂÂවිණි. දà·ÂÂÂන්වයස අවà·â€ÂÂරà·â€ÂÂදෆ27ක්වූ මේ 13 වෙනි ව්â€ÂÂÂයà·ÂÂÂවස්ථ෠සංà·ÂÂÂà·ÂÂÂධනය විවà·ÂÂÂà·„ විය යà·â€ÂÂà¶ÂÂÂෆවයසට පà¶ÂÂÂ්හොද කොලෆගà·ÂÂÂටයකà·â€ÂÂගේ à¶ÂÂÂà¶ÂÂÂ්වයට පà¶ÂÂÂà·Šà·€ සිටී. නමà·â€ÂÂà¶ÂÂÂ්මොහà·â€ÂÂට හොද විවà·ÂÂÂහයක්කරදී හොද දරෆපරපà·â€ÂÂරක්සහිà¶ÂÂÂà·€ ඉදිරි ජීවිà¶ÂÂÂය සමà·â€ÂÂද්â€ÂÂÂරිමà¶ÂÂÂà·Šà·€ ගෙන යෑමට à·„à·ÂÂÂකි à¶ÂÂÂà¶ÂÂÂ්වයක පසà·â€ÂÂවෙන අයෙක්නොවන්නේ,... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 07/07/13)
By Mario Perera, Kadawata India says: 13A is an International Treaty and cannot be unilaterally abrogated under International Law. One may ask oneself, what the Dickens is happening to the world with International Law being flouted at every whim and fancy and serving for every other purpose than for what it was intended? Just a few days ago the plane carrying the President of Bolivia was deviated in full flight in a show of contempt by white powers for recognized and sacrosanct diplomatic norms. Now the self proclaimed USA of South Asia, India is interpreting International Law in total... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 07/07/13)
Shenali D Waduge The former supreme allied commander of NATO during the Kosovo War General Wesley Clark revealed to Amy Goodman in an interview in March 2007 that US planned in 2001 to take down 7 countries in 5 years starting off with Iraq. The 7 nations are Iraq. Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Lebanon, Syria and Iran. Iraq was eventually invaded in 2003 after a fictitious WMD accusation, Libya fell in 2011, Somali has US puppets in Government, Sudan was divided into 2 states after US sponsored terrorism, Lebanon and Syria are in progress with active use of drones in... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 07/07/13)
LankaWeb Weekly Editorial, July 7th.2013 The latest news from the Ministry of External Affairs reports that The Sri Lankan Government has decided that it would go ahead with proposed constitutional reforms linked to the 13th Amendment despite opposition being raised against the move from some quarters. This would be to the chagrin of sources such as the the Tamil National Alliance ( TNA) as well as the Government of India. Sources that have raised strong objections to diluting powers that may have been granted to predominantly Tamil populated areas in the North and East of Sri Lanka as previously proposed in the 13th Amendment... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 07/07/13)
Gamini Gunawardane Rtd. Snr. DIG This indeed is the question raised by many an ordinary law aiding citizen, in disbelief. The issue has shaken the very foundation of the belief system of a decent society. Therefore, I think it behoves closer examination without trying to hide away from this glaring issue. Hence, let us address this task. Let us first deal with the positive side . “ Positive side “? ‘You must be out of your mind Mr. Ex. Snr. DIG! Is senile decay setting in, on you?’ You might ask. No, there IS a positive here, just look at... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 07/07/13)
Dilrook Kannangara Biggest betrayal in Lankan history till now was the 2002 CFA which surrendered national interests at the feet of a terrorist organisation. However, not any more. The present government has beaten the CFA for the biggest ever betrayal. What happens under the Rajapaksha second term is unbelievably absurd. Mass murderers and terrorists are not confined to prisons. Instead they are never sent to prison. They are given a comfortable route to VIP-status. At the same time real war heroes who saved the nation and the people with ultimate sacrifices are sent to prison! Kekille justice of Rajapaksha... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 07/07/13)
Mario Perera, Kadawata  The objective of Naganathan’s article is put in focus in his second paragraph. “If we claim to be a nation-in-waiting we must think in territorial and historical terms. The Ilankai Tamil claim to statehood is sui generis. For those interested in learning about the founding of the Tamil state in 1215 AD, I would recommend reading webpage “The Kingdom of Jaffna†on which is accompanied by a formidable bibliography plus maps, illustrations of historical monuments, genealogies etc.†The gist of his contention can be presented as follows: We once had a kingdom. It was a... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 06/07/13)
Dilrook Kannangara It couldn’t have come at a worse time. Arrest of 12 STF personnel over allegations of their role in killing 5 Tamils in Trincomalee who also allegedly had terrorist connections came on the same day the President instructed the Elections Commissioner to call for elections for the Northern Provincial Council. The nation and its conscience have been betrayed twice in a day to save the skin of politicians who bask in the glory of the ‘war victory’ while real heroes languish in prisons. At the same time TNA parachutes into the top posts in the north... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 06/07/13)
Shenali D Waduge  The global food industry is huge and includes local and international regulation for food production and sale, food safety, R&D, financial services, education, food processing, agriculture, wholesale and distribution, transportation and logistics, manufacturing and marketing. Over years, the consumers have been fooled in many ways by these very industry groups and the extent to which they have gone to make profits is shocking. What we thought healthy we now find out is not. What doctors advised to be included into our diets have ended up causing health issues and side effects, even doctors do... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 06/07/13)
Michelle Alexander There was a time when the young men and women of this country were raised to be citizens we could be proud of. The bad egg was an exception, and not the rule. In this day and age however, this scenario is changing. There is no need to highlight examples in this article as they are available in print and online( ex. Youtube) for all to see. What are the reasons for this trend? Lack of parental discipline No fear or respect towards authority figures Lack of boundaries and personal limits (ex. Not knowing ones limits... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 06/07/13)
Michelle Alexander Egypt was the ground for yet another revolution, this time leading to a military coup and ouster or for President Morsi. The question arises as to whether this will be good or bad for Egypt. The coup was a blow to democracy in Egypt, where Mr. Morsi was chosen by elections to lead the country. Some believe that his exit should have been decided by the vote. The military coup sets a dangerous precedent, since the army can more or less remove a President they don’t like. Hours after the ouster... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 06/07/13)
Media Release Embassy of Sri Lanka Paris Ambassador Karunaratne Hangawatte was the chief guest at the annual prize-giving ceremony of a school attended primarily by Tamil speaking children organized by the association Lien et Cultures (Links and Cultures) in collaboration with the Mairie (Town Council) of the Paris Suburb of Bondy on Saturday 29th June 2013. Many children of Tamil Diaspora received certificates of achievement from Ambassador Hangawatte and Mrs. Sylvine Thomassin, Mayor of Bondy.  Lien et Cultures created in 2008 and headed by Mr. Sivananthan Rajendram, aims at creating closer ties within the Tamil Diaspora community based... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 05/07/13)
R Chandrasoma Jeddu Krishnamurti (May 1895 – February 17, 1986) was acclaimed as a sage and mystic in both his homeland - India - and in the West where his mastery of the deep meditative trance was viewed with awe and reverence. That he had a world-wide following among the cognoscenti comes as no surprise as he appeared to be genuinely ‘linked’ to the divine and numinous in moments of spiritual exaltation. He dismissed religious scholars, priests and pietists not as charlatans but as in the grip of self-induced delusions. On these matters his own words are luminously clear... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 05/07/13)
Shenali D Waduge Is there any need to go through the rigmarole of entertaining Indian envoys when Sri Lanka’s President has already sent his envoy to appraise India of the country’s decision on the 13th amendment? For what purpose do we need to be begging to India to understand why the nation is now demanding the President take immediate action on an antiquated illegal legislature which has done and does not serve the masses or the minorities that it originally claimed to solve? Has India no patriots in public office to not realize that 13th amendment is more of... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 04/07/13)
Dr.Tilak Fernando It may sound strange but the opportunity has arisen to write about an alarming incident that had taken place inside a prominent bank in Colombo where a human life could have lost due to a boneheaded, stupid exercise performed by the Bank’s Management which simply boils down to confirm that though some bankers’ brains are tuned to figures the commonsense appears to be much desired! During a pow wow with some of my old friends in London, Reggie Fernando, Anura Hegoda, Daya Ananda Ranasinghe, Douglas Wickremaratne and Sirira Chandrasekera etc, at Lihiniya Restaurant in Cricklewood, on a... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 04/07/13)
RT Latin American leaders are meeting to discuss the “hijack†of Bolivian president Evo Morales’ plane in Austria. Regional leaders presented a united front, defending Latin American sovereignty in the face of what they see as post-colonial imperialism. The Union of South American Nations (UNASUR) will hold an emergency meeting to discuss the EU air blockade that forced the Bolivian President Evo Morales to land in Austria on Wednesday. France, Spain, Portugal and Italy all closed their airspace amid suspicions the NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden had stowed away on board the president’s craft.... -Full Story- ( - 04/07/13)
H. L. D. Mahindapala I am happy to bounce back from the hospital bed and browse the multitudinous vistas of the world that filter through the sheen of the polar-white glow of the cyber screen without which I will be lost in an infinite Sahara. Through the instant magic which provides most of my necessities for mental sustenance and sanity -- I just can't think of a world without it now -- I can pick, examine and get involved in the good, the bad, the indifferent and even in the gentle manner with which Prof. G.H. Peiris (GHP) had put Dr. Dayan Jayatilleka (DJ) through the mincing machine. GHP's replies to... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 03/07/13)
Shenali D Waduge Is it not strange that ALL the protagonists now coming forward to argue that the 13th amendment should continue to prevail alongside the provincial council system are ALL those who openly propagated the notion of “unwinnable war†and the federal option pushed by Western liberalists to devolve powers virtually equating to carving out a separate state no different to Sudan. We knew who those “unwinnable war†peddlers were and we now know that they are the same people giving voice to continuing the 13th amendment and the PC system some feebly threatening to resign!... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 03/07/13)
Asada M Erpini According to a report in Island on 03 June, the Global Tamil Forum (GTF) states, “the Sri Lankan government hadn’t done anything to promote national reconciliationâ€ÂÂÂ.  One may be tempted to ask the GTF and others of their ilk, “What have you done to promote reconciliation and to rebuild Sri Lanka?†Now that the country has had a chance to regain normalcy following the demise of the armed wing of the LTTE that brought mayhem to the one-peaceful island, all these do-gooders have ample opportunity to do something constructive, without finding fault with the government.... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 03/07/13)
By Charles.S.Perera The Defence Secretary Gotabhaya Rajapakse has rightly said , “Sri Lanka should not listen to India with regard to the implementation of the 13th Amendment as the national problem was inherently one that should be solved by Sri Lankans.†And added, “We should not listen to India on this; this doesn’t meant that we lose the relationship we have with India. But if there is a problem it should only be solved by Sri Lankans and not India,†Perhaps as the big neighbour next door we should tell India what we are doing . But India is... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 03/07/13)
Top Spin By Suni July 4th 2013 When Sri Lanka delivered a resounding thrashing to India in a powerhouse bonus-point victory at Sabina Park, Jamaica, the post mortems and excuses seemed ludicrous coming from various quarters including some from the commentary box as though India were the all time supreme cricket playing outfit in the world and invincible which the Lankans proved to the contrary.  The laments were not only long drawn but at times petty as the Indians, while granting them super star... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 03/07/13)
CALL FOR PAPERS 9th ANNUAL CONFERENCE ON BUDDHIST STUDIES Friday 13th – Saturday 14th December 2013  Invitation to members of the public organised by The Dept. of Pali and Buddhist Studies, University of Sri Jayewardenapura in association with The Buddhist Times Trust  Academics and researchers are invited to present papers relating to Buddhism from a variety of disciplines such as Philosophy, Civilisation, History, Psychology, Sociology, Buddhist Textual Languages and Literature and other related disciplines in Humanities and Social Sciences. They can be presented in either English and Sinhala. Abstracts of research papers should not... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 03/07/13)
Jayaweera M Kumarasinghe Dr D S Bandarage left us forever from this world on 1 July 2009. It was a very sad ending for the much renowned Management Guru of the 50s up to the  2000s. For those who associated him, Dr Bandarage was seemed immortal. The aura that spread from him was noble and powerful, anyone would show  respect to him. People would naturally get up from their chairs when they would see him approaching them. That was solely due to the respect people had for the Great Man, Dr DS Bandarage.... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 03/07/13)
Shenali D Waduge  There is a common thread that runs through the histories of Buddhist countries; they have all been the victim at one time or the other of aggressive incursions made by people of Abrahamic faiths i.e. Christians or Muslims. This process has not ended. It still continues unabated and with greater ferocity. When prominence is given to “reconciliation†their incursions have yet to be apologized or compensated. One thousand years ago Buddhist Asia ranged from Afghanistan to Japan. Today countries such as Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Maldives, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, and South Korea are no longer... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 03/07/13)
Eagerly Anticipated Book By Bestselling Author Woo Myung, "The Living Eternal World" Released in 2013 People are born in the world and live their lives only to be met with death in the end. However, what if there was a living eternal world to where one could escape from the monotony and meaningless limited human life? The English version of “The Living Eternal World†written by teacher Woo Myung, the founder of Maum Meditation, lecturer, and author of numerous best sellers, has been published and is being applauded by many around the world. In the past, various books discussed the idea of... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 03/07/13)
RT Spain has authorized Bolivia’s presidential jet to pass through its airspace and continue its journey to Bolivia, the Austrian President has said. The plane was grounded in Austria Wednesday morning over suspicions that Edward Snowden was on board. The Bolivian presidential jet has left Vienna and is on its way to La Paz, AFP reports.... -Full Story- ( - 03/07/13)
RT President Mohamed Morsi has been stripped of his power by the Egyptian army, General Abdel Fattah el-Sisi said in a statement. The country-s chief justice of the constitutional court will be the interim president of the country. The country-s constitution has also been suspended. "The military-s road map consists of dissolving the constitution and holding early presidential elections," Sisi said. He called for a panel would review the constitution and a national reconciliation committee which would include youth movements. He said the road map had been approved by a range of political groups.... -Full Story- ( - 03/07/13)
Siranjanie Kumarie and Jayantha de Silva Courtesy The Daily News Colombo Magistrate Gihan Pilapitiya yesterday, issued a warrant through the Interpol to arrest the LTTE cadre who intruded into the Cardiff Cricket Ground in England on July 20 when the India, Sri Lanka cricket match was in progress. The CID filing an application requested that with a view to obtaining a red notice against the suspect, an open warrant too, to be issued in English for the arrest of the suspect identified as Yogeswaran Manimaran alias Mohan Raj, a former resident of Valvettiturai. He is alleged to be a... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 03/07/13)
Courtesy The Globe and Mail Canada A Canadian man faces up to 15 years in prison after admitting to helping funnel sophisticated military technology to a terrorist group in Sri Lanka. Suresh Sriskandarajah, 32, who earned university degrees in Waterloo, Ont., pleaded guilty Tuesday in Brooklyn, N.Y., to conspiring to provide material support to the Tamil Tigers. Sriskandarajah and several co-conspirators – six of whom have already been convicted of terrorism offences – helped research and acquire aviation equipment, submarine and warship design software, night vision equipment and communications technology for the Tamil Tigers, the U.S. Attorney’s office said... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 03/07/13)
Asoka weerasinghe Kings Grove Crescent . Gloucester . Ontario . Canada  2 July 2013  The Editor The Ottawa Citizen  Dear Editor:  I am afraid that Peter Simpson missed Minister Jason Kenney's motive completely in his opinion piece, "Kenney's interference undermines museum changes."  While I agree with Minister Kenney for being critical of the Museum of Civilization for returning the prominent Japanese-Canadian artifact,  the wooden gill-netter Nishga Girl, which had been donated to the Museum, for the very reason that in the early 1970s, when the Japanese-Ottawans requested the Museum of Man (former National Museum of... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 02/07/13)
Michelle Alexander The Vatican has been hit with another crisis, this time relating to a Senior Vatican cleric involved in a purported plot to smuggle millions of Euros into Italy from Switzerland.  The arrested cleric, Monsignor Nunzio Scarano believed he could act with impunity due to his connections with the Vatican Bank.  It is this culture of being able to carry out illegal activities with impunity that has lead to numerous cover-ups with regard to child abuse, corruption and criminal activity within the church and the Vatican Bank. Unfortunately, even with the Vatican Bank, problems of this nature are... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 02/07/13)
Embassy of Sri Lanka Paris Leaders of cultural, educational, welfare, sports, youth and political associations in Paris gathered at the Embassy of Sri Lanka to meet and greet Ambassador Hangawatte last Friday evening. Addressing the large gathering of invitees, Ambassador Hangawatte expressed his pleasure at welcoming everyone to the friendly, informal meeting. The Ambassador expressed the need for all community members to come together for the advancement of our motherland irrespective of ethnic and religious diversities or different political ideologies. He assured the representatives of associations that each and every one would be treated equally by him and that... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 02/07/13)
RT NSA leaker Edward Snowden has reportedly sought asylum in 21 countries, aiming to gain protection against US prosecutors. But nine nations have already rejected the whistleblower-s requests, leaving him trapped in Moscow’s Sheremetyevo airport. NSA leaker Edward Snowden has reportedly sought asylum in 21 countries, aiming to gain protection against US prosecutors. But nine nations have already rejected the whistleblower-s requests, leaving him trapped in Moscow-s Sheremetyevo airport.... -Full Story- ( - 02/07/13)
Courtesy Metro UK A ‘drunken’ Sri Lankan cricketer tried to open the cabin door of a British Airways plane flying at 10,700m (35,00 ft) after he mistook it for the toilet, reports claim. Sri Lanka A opening batsman Ramith Rambukwella apparently sparked panic among 229 passengers onboard  the St Lucia to London Gatwick flight as he tugged away at the door for two minutes. BA crew and teammates rushed down the aisle and calmed the 21-year-old down as he realised his mistake. A spokesman for the airline said it believed the cricketer ‘had been drinking’ and an investigation has... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 02/07/13)
Dr. Mareena Thaha Reffai, Dehiwela I used to be very antagonist to beggars thinking they can easily get a job and earn their money without begging. It all changed when I happened to watch a young mother (May be with a borrowed infant in hands?) walking up and down near the color  lights on the W.A. Silva mawathe. In the glaring hot sun, she walks from top to bottom of this lane, sweat pouring down her neck,  asking each and every motorist; and many just wave her away, many totally ignore her and some give from a coin to... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 02/07/13)
Dr Hector Perera    London You've probably heard the grown-ups in your house say "Turn off the light!" or "Close the refrigerator door!" Have you ever wondered why? This is because it cost something and the adults, the parents have to pay the bills. Energy is there whenever we need it, so it's easy to forget where it comes from, or how much it costs. In anybody’s view, it’s better to use than waste but not always possible, wastage is inevitable. Just not electricity or gas, even King Parakramabahu in Sri Lanka said, water should not be wasted. He said,... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 02/07/13)
Dr. Mareena Thaha Reffai, Dehiwela  Our police department has a strange way of punishment for its’ errant officers. They are simply â€ÂÂÂtransferred†to another station, irrespective of whether they assaulted the victims, tortured them or murdered them.  O how nice it must be to be in the police force, warm and safe in the knowledge that  if you  err, that is commit mayhem, you will be transferred to another station, so that you can have another chance – maybe a better chance - of  committing more crimes with impudence for the people of the new station will be another... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 02/07/13)
Shenali D Waduge Both the Indo-Lanka Peace Accord signed in 1987 and the subsequent amendment to Sri Lanka’s Constitution needs to be looked comparing the background in which it emerged and the relevance to the current context of the political scene for both India and Sri Lanka. At the time Tamil militants were trained in India, India was pro-Soviet while JR Jayawardena Government took a pro-US stand. Today, the scenario has turned quite opposite while India is led by a non-Indian. Given the “internationalized†scenario that surrounds the “Tamil†issue it is for India and Indians to... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 01/07/13)
Susantha Wijesinghe Mr.President, I really think that it is NOT Senile Decay, that is keeping you from giving ear to the Peoples Wishes, to abrogate the 13th Amendment. If my point of view is correct, then please stop the Political Clown Circus from " Monkey see, Monkey do " and go for a REFERENDUM.  I see in the media that ' Gota's and other VIPs Phones are tapped " by a foreign mission, and a very powerful Spy Agency. Don’t you get the message Mr President ? Please, JUST GO FOR A "REFERENDUM" while the Circus goes on, and the going... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 01/07/13)
චන්ද්â€ÂÂÂරසේන පණ්ඩිà¶ÂÂÂගේ විසිනි නල෠කà·ÂÂÂරයà·ÂÂÂà¶ÂÂÂ්හොද කල෠කà·ÂÂÂරයෙකි. නලà·ÂÂÂවේ හඩ ගෙනහà·ÂÂÂර පà·ÂÂÂන්නේ, එය පිඹින නලà·ÂÂÂකà·ÂÂÂරයà·ÂÂÂගේ කලà·ÂÂÂà¶ÂÂÂ්මක කà·â€ÂÂà·ÂÂÂලà¶ÂÂÂà·ÂÂÂවයයි. ඒ කà·â€ÂÂà·ÂÂÂලà¶ÂÂÂà·ÂÂÂවයට, නයෙක්මෙන්ම සමà·ÂÂÂජයක්වà·â€ÂÂවද නà·ÂÂÂටවිය à·„à·ÂÂÂකිය. මේ නà·ÂÂÂටවීම අපූරෆකලà·ÂÂÂවක්වන අà¶ÂÂÂර, නà·ÂÂÂටවීම නම්වූ සංකල්පයà¶ÂÂÂ්සමග නටන්නෙක්ද ඉස්මà¶ÂÂÂà·â€ÂÂවේ. මේ ඉස්මà¶ÂÂÂà·â€ÂÂවූ නව චරිà¶ÂÂÂය, නà·ÂÂÂට්ටà·â€ÂÂව෠ලෙස කරලියට එනවිටම නල෠කà·ÂÂÂරයà·ÂÂÂගේ à¶ÂÂÂà·ÂÂÂලයට ගයන නව චරිà¶ÂÂÂයක්ද ඉස්මà¶ÂÂÂà·â€ÂÂවේ. ඒ ගà·ÂÂÂයකය෠ලෙස සමà·ÂÂÂජගà¶ÂÂÂවන නව කල෠කරà·â€ÂÂවෙකි, මේ à·€à·ÂÂÂදනය, ගà·ÂÂÂයනය, හ෠නර්à¶ÂÂÂණය බà·ÂÂÂලීම සදහ෠එක්රොක්වෙන සමà·ÂÂÂජ බලකà·ÂÂÂයක්ද ඉස්මà¶ÂÂÂà·â€ÂÂවන අà¶ÂÂÂර. එම නව බලකà·ÂÂÂය ප්â€ÂÂÂරේක්ෂකයින්වà·ÂÂÂයෙන්හà·ÂÂÂදින්වේ.මේ නල෠කà·ÂÂÂරය෠කලà·ÂÂÂකà·ÂÂÂරය෠බවට පà¶ÂÂÂ්වී සිදෆකරන ලද සමà·ÂÂÂජ විප්ලවයයි. මේ විප්ලවය කිරීමට à¶ÂÂÂà·â€ÂÂවක්කෆබයිනෙà¶ÂÂÂà·Šà¶ÂÂÂෆහ෠අà¶ÂÂÂ්බà·ÂÂÂම්බ... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 01/07/13)
Courtesy : President Media Unit It was a good take off from "Yes We Can" from Barack Obama's presidential campaign in 2008, by the headline in a German publication to mark Barack Obama's visit to Germany this week. The complete text was - "Yes We Scan" - with an image of Obama with earphones on listening into the sub-text that read: "United we can progress towards a perfectly monitored society". The lampooning and lambasting of the Barack Obama and David Cameron duo caught in the coils of spying on citizens and foreign guests could not be missed anywhere on... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 01/07/13)
RT The Russian Federal Migration Service (FMS) has refuted media reports which claim that NSA leaker Edward Snowden applied for political asylum in Russia. The New York Times, citing “a Russian immigration source close to the matter," reported on Monday that former CIA employee Snowden asked Moscow for political asylum.... -Full Story- ( - 01/07/13)