News Archive for Dec 2010 වෛද්â€ÂÂÂය රà·â€ÂÂවන්එම්ජයà¶ÂÂÂà·â€ÂÂංග  විල්බට්පෙරේරà·ÂÂÂ-විල්බට්පෙරේර෠බà·ÂÂÂල සමරේ සමඟ විල්පà¶ÂÂÂà·Šà¶ÂÂÂෆකà·ÂÂÂලේ ජීවà¶ÂÂÂ්වූ හිටපෆකà·ÂÂÂරලිකරà·â€ÂÂවෙකි. පâ€ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂරහà·ÂÂÂරයෙන්පසෆවිල්පà¶ÂÂÂà·Šà¶ÂÂÂෆකà·ÂÂÂලයට පසà·â€ÂÂබà·ÂÂÂසීම හ෠වසරකට අධික කà·ÂÂÂලයක්කà·ÂÂÂලයේ ජීවà¶ÂÂÂ්වීම ගà·ÂÂÂන විස්à¶ÂÂÂර à¶â€ÂÂහෆපවස෠සිටියේ මේ ලෙසිනි.  මම ව්â€ÂÂÂයà·ÂÂÂපà·ÂÂÂරයට බà·ÂÂÂඳà·â€ÂÂනේ 1969 à¶ÂÂÂඹà·â€ÂÂà¶ÂÂÂà·Šà¶ÂÂÂේගම කරෆහරහà·ÂÂÂයි. අපේâ€ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂරල්කà·ÂÂÂරà·ÂÂÂà·â€ÂÂල්ලේදි මම සම්බන්ධ උනේ අඹන්පොල පොලිසියට පහර දීමට. 1971 අපේâ€ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂරල්5 දින උදේ 2ට පමණ අපි 80 පමණ පිරිසක්අඹන්පොල පොලිසියට ගිය෠රේල්පà·ÂÂÂර අසලින්. එහිදි පොලිසිය අපට වෙඩි à¶ÂÂÂිබ්බà·ÂÂÂ. අපි සමග සිටි දෙදෙනෙකà·â€ÂÂට වෙඩි à·€à·ÂÂÂදිල෠වà·ÂÂÂටà·â€ÂÂනà·ÂÂÂ. පොලිසිය අපේ පâ€ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂරහà·ÂÂÂරයට හොඳින්සූදà·ÂÂÂනමින්හිටියේ. ඒ නිස෠අපිට පොලිසිය කිට්ටà·â€ÂÂවට යන්නට අපහසෆඋනà·ÂÂÂ.  කà·ÂÂÂරà·ÂÂÂà·â€ÂÂල්ල අසà·ÂÂÂර්ථක වීම නිස෠අපි පසà·â€ÂÂබà·ÂÂÂස්සà·ÂÂÂ... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 31/12/10) Vel Velauthapillai Dear CTC board of directors, CTC officials, It is very sad to see that CTC board unconstitutionally prevents members from raising transparency related concerns to our member of parliament. The reason I wrote this open letter to highlight the issues to other members and community. There is a need for any Tamil organization that try to represent Tamil Canadians to correct their mistakes and provide answers to their members responsibly. Fortunately, there are couple of good Tamil Canadian organizations emerging, so the expectation will become high for good organization practices. In this open letter,I try to point... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 31/12/10)
Dr Ruwan M Jayatunge M.D.   I was never interested in being a rock star. I always wanted to be Boris Karloff. Gene Simons  The hard rock band Kiss was famous for their thought provoking music and extraordinary flamboyant stage outfits with face paint. The group had a dramatic affect on young people and KISS fans started to grow in tens of thousands since 1973. They have sold over 40 million records and became one of the popular rock bands in North America. Despite the group’s popularity, many religious and civil groups criticized the band for using satanic lyrics and... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 31/12/10)
by Shamindra Ferdinando Courtesy The Island Deputy Minister Vinayagamoorthy Muralitharan aka Karuna strongly denies former US Ambassador in Colombo Robert Blake’s claim that he fled Sri Lanka and secured refuge in Tamil Nadu in early 2004 with the help of the then President Chandrika Kumaratunga. "Ambassador Blake’s accusation is absurd," the National List MP told The Island. According to him, the US mission in Colombo, on the basis of unsubstantiated information received from those described as ‘trusted contacts’ in confidential US diplomatic cables had accused his former outfit (the TMVP) of illegal military operations directed at the LTTE. Blake... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 31/12/10)
Sri Lanka News Sri Lanka's post-war economic boom is only just beginning. The potential here goes well beyond a boost in tourism. Adjusted for inflation, economic growth could be close to eight percent this year, up from an average of five percent in the prior decade. Bond market strategists are now expecting Sri Lanka's credit rating to be revised upward next year, sates The Wall Street Journal in a year end analysis on Sri Lankan economy on December 30. The report states that Sri Lanka's location within East-to-West shipping lanes is promising, and large areas of farmland and coastline... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 31/12/10)
Govt Info Dept The allegations in the statement by Networking for Rights (NfR - Sri Lanka) on 28.12.2010 referring to the killing by unknown persons of the Deputy Director of Education, Valikamam zone of the Jaffna district, are wholly false, the Government Information Department said in a press release. The NfR statement alleges that the killing of the Deputy Director of Education Markandu Sivalingam was because he openly criticized a circular directing that the National Anthem of Sri Lanka be sung in Sinhala only at the National Safety Day ceremony held in the Jaffna district on December 26, 2010.... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 31/12/10)
Prof. Hudson McLean With the dawning of another New Year, patriotic Sri Lankans should recognize the brave, balanced leadership of HE President Mahinda Rajapaksa and his closest advisors. However, the same cannot be said of some of the parliamentarians and Cabinet portfolio holders. Its encouraging to see the Customs & Excise pulling in their weight and majority of the Police successfully collecting revenue through Fines. Bribery & Corruption is still rampant, and the People's Reprsentatives are following the doctine, "Charity Begins at Home", meaning their Homes. The word "Home" should represent the entire Island of Sri Lanka. Only one... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 30/12/10)
Dr Bandula Kothalawala London N7 Sweden’s zeal and determination to tighten the noose around Julian Assange’s neck show no sign of abating. Indeed, with Uncle Sam breathing down their own neck, the Swedish authorities are said to be burning midnight oil (It is quite handy to have oil-rich neighbours.) to mete out exemplary punishment to Julian Assange. Of course, no one disputes the Swedish authorities’ right to pursue Julian if he has committed any offence on Swedish soil. I am assuming that Sweden does not intend to claim universal jurisdiction in this particular specialism. The alleged offences, not having... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 30/12/10)
By Shelton A. Gunaratne The Minnesota Buddhist Vihara in Minneapolis will hold a memorial service on New Year’s Day (Saturday, 1 Jan. 2011) to celebrate the contributions of the late Venerable Mapalagama Wipulasara Maha Thera to both the Buddhist community and to Sri Lanka. Venerable Witiyala Seewalie, abbot and president of the Minnesota Buddhist Vihara, said he is organizing this memorial service. Venerable Seewalie is a former principal of the Parama Dhamma Cetiya Pirivena in Ratmalana. Venerable Seewalie said, “Venerable Wipulasara Maha Thera served as an exemplary director for the pirivena monastic education. He was kind and open hearted.... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 30/12/10)
By Charles.S.Perera  What is Meditation ? It is defined as a mental culture, turning one’s attention inwards to the mind, or contemplation. Meditation is to cultivate mental calm or quiescence, through concentration of the mind. A mind cleansed in preliminary concentration, could be further developed to attain dyÄÂÂÂna. DyÄÂÂÂna is a deeper state of  concentration, which for Indian yogis is a union with the Creater -Maha Brahma.  The practice of meditation in ancient India probably began after the end of the Vedic religious tradition. The Vedic teachers brought with them samhitas the sacrificial liturgy which was primarily recitation of... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 30/12/10)
Asoka Weerasinghe Kings Grove Crescent . Gloucester . Ontario . Canada December 30, 2010 SENT BY AIR MAIL Mr. Rahul Gandhi    Member of Parliament for Amethi, Uttar Pradesh Leader of the Indian  National Congress 10, Dr. Bishambhar Dar Marg NewDelhi 110 001,  Delhi, India  Dear Rahul: A Happy New Year and hope it will be a good one for you capped with geo-political Wisdom and Maturity. You have surprised me with your statement that Sri Lankan Government is “not doing enough†for the Tamils in Sri Lanka and that you would ensure they get justice.   Wow! That’s mighty talk... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 30/12/10)
චන්ද්â€ÂÂÂරසේන පණ්ඩිà¶ÂÂÂගේ විසිනි. මේ à·ƒà¶ÂÂÂිය à¶ÂÂÂà·â€ÂÂලදී à·ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂරී ලංක෠මහජන උපයà·ÂÂÂගිà¶ÂÂÂ෠කොමිෂන්සභà·ÂÂÂවේ සභà·ÂÂÂපà¶ÂÂÂà·’ ආචà·ÂÂÂර්ය ජයà¶ÂÂÂිස්ස ද කොස්à¶ÂÂÂ෠මහà¶ÂÂÂ෠විසින්ප්â€ÂÂÂරකà·ÂÂÂà·ÂÂÂිචපà·â€ÂÂදà·â€ÂÂම කථà·ÂÂÂවක්අප දà·â€ÂÂටà·â€ÂÂවෙමà·â€ÂÂ. සම්පූර්ණ ප්â€ÂÂÂරවෘà¶ÂÂÂà·Šà¶ÂÂÂිය මෙසේය. විදà·â€ÂÂලි ඒකක 90 දක්ව෠වූ විදà·â€ÂÂලි ගà·ÂÂÂස්à¶ÂÂÂෆසහනය ඒකක 120 දක්ව෠ඉහළ නà·ÂÂÂංවීම à¶ÂÂÂà·â€ÂÂළින්රජයට රà·â€ÂÂපියල්මිලියන 400 ක අලà·ÂÂÂභයක්විඳීමට සිදà·â€ÂÂවන බව à·ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂරී ලංක෠මහජන උපයà·ÂÂÂගිà¶ÂÂÂ෠කොමිෂන්සභà·ÂÂÂවේ සභà·ÂÂÂපà¶ÂÂÂà·’ ආචà·ÂÂÂර්ය ජයà¶ÂÂÂිස්ස ද කොස්à¶ÂÂÂ෠මහà¶ÂÂÂ෠පවසයි. නමà·â€ÂÂà¶ÂÂÂ්එම අලà·ÂÂÂභය දà·ÂÂÂරීමට රජය සූදà·ÂÂÂනම්බව අද(29) රජයේ ප්â€ÂÂÂරවෘà¶ÂÂÂà·Šà¶ÂÂÂà·’ දෙපà·ÂÂÂර්à¶ÂÂÂමේන්à¶ÂÂÂà·â€ÂÂවේ පà·ÂÂÂà·€à¶ÂÂÂà·’ මà·ÂÂÂධ්â€ÂÂÂය හමà·â€ÂÂවකට සහභà·ÂÂÂගි වෙමින්ඒ මහà¶ÂÂÂ෠සඳහන්කළේය. ජනà¶ÂÂÂà·ÂÂÂවට සහනයක්ලබà·ÂÂÂදීමේ අරමà·â€ÂÂණින්විදà·â€ÂÂලි ඒකක 90 දක්ව෠වූ විදà·â€ÂÂලි ගà·ÂÂÂස්à¶ÂÂÂෆසහනය ඒකක 120 දක්ව෠ඉහළ... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 30/12/10)
SPUR (Society for Peace, Unity and Human Rights for Sri Lanka Inc Reg: A003 0777 M P.O. Box 4066, Mulgrave VIC 3170, Australia Evidence to Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission 27 December 2010 Dr Dasarath Jayasuriya, PhD., M.Eng, B.Sc (Eng), Grad.Dip.Bus.Mgt, M.I.Eng. Aust, CPEng President SPUR Australia Good afternoon honourable members of the commission, ladies and gentlemen, I thank the Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission (LLRC) for giving me an opportunity to present my views as an active member of the Diaspora working to safeguard Sri Lanka’s unitary status, the territorial integrity and the sovereignty for over 30 years.... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 30/12/10)
 By Shamindra Ferdinando Courtesy The Island Solheim responds to allegations targeting Norway at LLRC In SL lies are used for political gains or to taint someone’s reputation’ Karuna reiterates call for probe on Tiger revenue sources December 29, 2010, 12:00 pm Deputy Minister Vinayagamoorthy Muralitharan says Sri Lanka should investigate the role played by Norwegian Development and Environment Minister Erik Solheim in the peace process launched in 2002, particularly his alleged involvement in financial transactions with the LTTE on behalf of the Norwegian government. He was responding to a statement attributed to Minister Solheim in the Norwegian... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 30/12/10) à·€à¶ÂÂÂ්මන්රජය à·ƒà·ÂÂÂලසà·â€ÂÂම්සහගà¶ÂÂÂà·€ ඉදිරි දà·ÂÂÂක්මක්ඇà¶ÂÂÂà·â€ÂÂà·€ à·€à·ÂÂÂඩ කරන බවà¶ÂÂÂà·Š, ජනà¶ÂÂÂà·ÂÂÂවට පවස෠හද෠ගà·ÂÂÂනීමට à¶ÂÂÂරම්වà·ÂÂÂරදි මහින්ද රà·ÂÂÂජපක්â€ÂÂÂà·‚ රජයෙන්නොකරන බවà¶ÂÂÂ්වරà·ÂÂÂය හ෠මහà·ÂÂÂමර්ග නියà·ÂÂÂජ්â€ÂÂÂය ඇමà¶ÂÂÂà·’ නිර්මල කොà¶ÂÂÂලවල මහà¶ÂÂÂ෠පවසයි. à¶ÂÂÂවද මහින්ද රà·ÂÂÂජපක්â€ÂÂÂà·‚ මහà¶ÂÂÂ෠කà·ÂÂÂගේවà¶ÂÂÂ්ලණෆනොකන බවà¶ÂÂÂà·Š, කà·ÂÂÂටවà¶ÂÂÂ්ලණෆදෙන්නෙà¶ÂÂÂ්නà·ÂÂÂà¶ÂÂÂà·’ බවà¶ÂÂÂ්යහපà·ÂÂÂලනය හ෠යටිà¶ÂÂÂල පහසà·â€ÂÂකම්ජ්â€ÂÂÂයෙෂ්ඨ අමà·ÂÂÂà¶ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂය රà¶ÂÂÂ්නසිරි විකâ€ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂරමනà·ÂÂÂයක මහà¶ÂÂÂ෠කර à¶ÂÂÂිබූ පâ€ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂරකà·ÂÂÂà·ÂÂÂයකට පිළිà¶ÂÂÂà·â€ÂÂරෆවà·ÂÂÂයෙන්නිර්මල මහà¶ÂÂÂ෠මෙසේ නිවේදනයක්නිකà·â€ÂÂà¶ÂÂÂ්කර පවස෠ඇà¶ÂÂÂ. එම නිවේදනය මෙසේය. ජ්â€ÂÂÂයෙෂ්ඨ ඇමà¶ÂÂÂà·’ රà¶ÂÂÂ්නසිරි විකâ€ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂරමනà·ÂÂÂයක මà·ÂÂÂà¶ÂÂÂà·’à¶ÂÂÂà·â€ÂÂම෠කළ පâ€ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂරකà·ÂÂÂà·ÂÂÂයක්à¶ÂÂÂිබà·â€ÂÂණà·ÂÂÂ, ආණ්ඩà·â€ÂÂà·€ à·ƒà·ÂÂÂලසà·â€ÂÂමක්අනà·â€ÂÂà·€ කටයà·â€ÂÂà¶ÂÂÂෆකළ යà·â€ÂÂà¶ÂÂÂෆබවà¶ÂÂÂà·Š, ජනà¶ÂÂÂà·ÂÂÂà·€ ඉදිරියට ගොස්වà·ÂÂÂරදි නිවà·ÂÂÂරදි කර ගà·ÂÂÂනීම සඳහ෠යම්ස්වයං විවේචනයක්කළ යà·â€ÂÂà¶ÂÂÂà·â€ÂÂ... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 30/12/10)
Mahinda Gunasekera Toronto, Ontario Canada The UN Advisory Panel of Experts on Sri Lanka UN Secretariat New York, NY  Dear Members of the Advisory Panel,  Sri Lanka Eliminates Terrorism and Restores Right To Life Of All Her Citizens  I am writing with particular reference to the submission made by the National Council of Canadian Tamils (NCCT) titled ‘Towards Global Justice: Accountability for War Crimes in Sri Lanka’ which has also been endorsed by four Canadian politicians who are dependant on the votes of the members of the Tamil Diaspora in their respective ridings. Looking at the signatory organizations and... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 30/12/10)
By Shelton A. Gunaratne © 2011 Professor of mass communications emeritus Minnesota State University Moorhead  Day 8 (Thursday, 18 Aug. 1988) We left the Pigeon River Provincial Park Thursday (18 Aug. 1988) morning, crossed over to U.S, territory, and entered Grand Portage (pop. 557). The Grand Portage State Park did not exist then. Opened in 1989, its focal point became the 120-ft. (37-meter) Pigeon Falls, known locally as High Falls. The mile of frontage along the Pigeon River offered views of the falls and river gorge from rustic outlooks. Ernest Hemingway nicknamed Grand Portage "the Big Wild.†The... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 30/12/10)
Prof. Hudson McLean 65 MPs earn millions from sale of vehicle permits The above statement made by a National newspaper highlights the violation of a Parliamentary privilege by exploitation, for personal profit. The MPs are turning privileges immediately for personal gain. The vehicle permits are given for a reason, mainly to serve the electorate of the MPs. If this facility is not required by the MP, then it should be returned to the Ministry. The profit made on the sale of the permit should be subjected to Income or Personal Gains tax at a rate of 90%. The... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 29/12/10)
By Philip Fernando, Former Deputy Editor, Sunday Observer, Sri Lanka Positive postures and adjustments following post-war transition had brought on a more upbeat attitude in the country. Most analysts predict a development decade beginning in 2011. It is not a matter of number crunching the robust export earnings or the GDP but a deepened urgency that portends an effervescent mindset everyone is striving to bring about. It is much more than the ability to preserve but the need to critically visualise the future. The fluidity of the paradigm shift from war to peace has finally disappeared. President Mahinda Rajapaksa... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 29/12/10)
Dr. Mervyn D. De Silva, former, Director/Advisor, Ministry of Plan Implementation (former SLFP National List Member of Parliament), In the final quarter of the first decade of the 21st Century, we witnessed unprecedented extravaganzas, at huge costs, of serial celebrations. First, by the political fraternity (for the President) and next by the religious fraternity (for a Cardinal). Ironically, side by side with these contradictions was the unprecedented spectacle of the sufferings heaped on the poor, now ravaged by thunderstorms, floods, landslides, and damaged homes, caused by furious mother-nature, angered by man’s treatment of the planet’s ecosystem.  Many of the victims... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 29/12/10)
S. Akurugoda A writer, who happened to be a member  ( since 1953 to 1998) of our highly unsuccessful diplomatic missions to counter the propaganda machinery of the LTTE, has echoed his sympathy for notable NGO activists in an article under the title ‘NGOs and Rama Mani’ appeared one of the local daily news paper last week. The writer begins his own fulmination saying “Fulminations have been going on against the NGOs for many long years, but as far as I can make out hardly anything really serious has been established against them, except in a few instances.... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 29/12/10)
S.Senanayake  Some wrongs were done and mistakes overlooked in the name of national harmony though the results have gone completely awry sadly.One stand out example is the CFA which was forced down on the majority citing national unity.   Consenting to a Tamil version of the national anthem is another such detrimental step by inept politicians at the time.  As much as Sri Lankans stand united proudly under one national flag,they should unite in one single anthem.  Examples of New Zealand or South Africa are totally a different kettle of fish with colonial invasion and... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 29/12/10)
By Charles.S.Perera  Rahul Gandhi the Congress Leader  tries out his ancestral inheritance of interfering into political affairs of Sri Lanka, apparently imbibed into his gene system, even  before reaching political maturity.  In his  delayed rebellious adolescence he tries out a dangerous manly statement which may have dangerous consequences saying "….We are concerned that enough is not being done for Sri Lankan Tamils by the government there," adding that he would take up the matter with "appropriate persons" at the Centre and see that Sri Lankan Tamils got justice.â€Â His pompous declaration shows that he is  no where near  political... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 28/12/10)
වෛද්â€ÂÂÂය රà·â€ÂÂවන්M ජයà¶ÂÂÂà·â€ÂÂංග  වà·ÂÂÂලි කà·â€ÂÂණà·ÂÂÂටà·â€ÂÂà·€ නිස෠කà·â€ÂÂඩ෠ගම්මà·ÂÂÂනය දිස්වà·â€ÂÂයේ   බොදවී ගිය චිà¶ÂÂÂ්රයක්විලසිනි . සොල්දà·ÂÂÂදà·â€ÂÂවන්දà·â€ÂÂටෆකà·ÂÂÂන්à¶ÂÂÂà·ÂÂÂවන්හනිකට ගෙවල්වලට à·€à·ÂÂÂදà·â€ÂÂනහ. à·€à·ÂÂÂලි පà·ÂÂÂරේ දකිනට සිටියේ  කà·â€ÂÂඩ෠ළමà·â€ÂÂන්සහ  මහල්ලන්අà¶ÂÂÂලොස්සකි. à·ƒà·â€ÂÂපරික්ෂà·ÂÂÂකà·ÂÂÂරී ලෙස පà·ÂÂÂමිණි සොල්දà·ÂÂÂදà·â€ÂÂවන් à¶â€ÂÂà·€à·â€ÂÂන් පà·ÂÂÂමිණි à·€à·ÂÂÂහන ගම්මà·ÂÂÂනය අද්දර  නවà¶ÂÂÂ෠ප෠ගමනින්ගම්මà·ÂÂÂනයට කඩ෠ වà·ÂÂÂදà·â€ÂÂනේ දඩ  බල්ලන්ගොදà·â€ÂÂරෆසොයන අන්දමටය. සොල්දà·ÂÂÂදà·â€ÂÂවන්පà·ÂÂÂමිණි BMP-1 වර්ගයේ යà·â€ÂÂද ටà·ÂÂÂංකි දෙක දà·â€ÂÂටෆළමà·â€ÂÂන්එය බà·ÂÂÂලීම සඳහ෠ටà·ÂÂÂංකිය අසලටම ගිය මà·â€ÂÂà¶ÂÂÂ්ඉදිරියේ  සිටි  හà·ÂÂÂඩිදà·ÂÂÂඩි  කළෆසොල්දà·ÂÂÂදà·â€ÂÂව෠දà·ÂÂÂක නà·ÂÂÂà·€à¶ÂÂÂà·â€ÂÂනහ. HMMWE රථ පමණක් වà·ÂÂÂලි පà·ÂÂÂර  à¶â€ÂÂස්සේ   නිවස පේලිය අසලටම පà·ÂÂÂමිණියේය. ඉදිරි  වà·ÂÂÂහනයේ සිටි  සෙබල෠නොනවà¶ÂÂÂà·Šà·€à·ÂÂÂම වෙඩි... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 28/12/10)
J Jayasunder  Independence from colonialism should have been the start of a new era of liberation and progress of the Sinhala Buddhist nation. Unfortunately after 60 years of Independence the disenfranchisement of the Sinhala nation which started with British Colonialism in 1815 continues. The propaganda of Sinhala Chauvinism, Mahavansa mindset and more recently alleged human rights abuses and the riots of 1983 have subdued the aspirations and a pride of a nation that is second to none. The pauperisation and destruction of the Sinhala Buddhist society which characterised British Colonialism has now evolved into a refined form. The... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 28/12/10)
IN FOCUS BY  Dr. Tilak S. Fernando Christmas comes but once a year, and how we mortals avow year on year never to get caught up in the commercial hype that prevails during this festive season? As December dawns atmosphere in every town changes while endless shopping by people of all faiths, Christian, Buddhist or Muslim, who automatically get caught up with the spontaneity for the big day throttling  the arteries and nerve centers of the road traffic. Christmas by and large is a feast of the Nativity of Christ. Although the actual date of birth of Christ is... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 28/12/10)
සටහන - චන්දන ජයවීර -දිනමිණ  එක්සà¶ÂÂÂ්රà·ÂÂÂජධà·ÂÂÂනියේ à·ÂÂÂà·ÂÂÂන්චඇන්ඩෲ විà·ÂÂÂ්වවිද්â€ÂÂÂයà·ÂÂÂලයට අනà·â€ÂÂබද්ධ à¶ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂරස්à¶ÂÂÂà·€à·ÂÂÂදී පර්යේෂණ හ෠දේà·ÂÂÂපà·ÂÂÂලන ප්â€ÂÂÂරචණ්ඩà¶ÂÂÂ්වය පිළිබඳ අධ්â€ÂÂÂයයන ආයà¶ÂÂÂනයේ ප්â€ÂÂÂරධà·ÂÂÂනිය෠වන මහà·ÂÂÂචà·ÂÂÂර්ය රොහà·ÂÂÂන්ගà·â€ÂÂණරà¶ÂÂÂ්න සිංගප්පූරà·â€ÂÂවේ නà·ÂÂÂං යෑං à¶ÂÂÂà·ÂÂÂක්ෂණ විà·ÂÂÂ්වවිද්â€ÂÂÂයà·ÂÂÂලයේ ආරක්â€ÂÂÂෂක අධ්â€ÂÂÂයයන අංà·ÂÂÂයේ මහà·ÂÂÂචà·ÂÂÂර්යවරයෙක්ද වෙයි. à¶ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂරස්à¶ÂÂÂà·€à·ÂÂÂදයට එරෙහි ක්â€ÂÂÂරමà·ÂÂÂපà·ÂÂÂය පිළිබඳ ඊà·ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂරයලයේ අන්à¶ÂÂÂර්ජà·ÂÂÂà¶ÂÂÂික ආයà¶ÂÂÂනය ඇà¶ÂÂÂà·â€ÂÂළෆආයà¶ÂÂÂන ගණනà·ÂÂÂවක ද à·ƒà·ÂÂÂමà·ÂÂÂජිකයකෆවන මහà·ÂÂÂචà·ÂÂÂර්ය ගà·â€ÂÂණරà¶ÂÂÂ්නයන්ලංකà·ÂÂÂවේ පà·ÂÂÂ්චà·ÂÂÂà¶ÂÂÂ්යà·â€ÂÂද සමය පිළිබඳ කරන අදහස්දà·ÂÂÂක්වීමකි මේ.  බලපෑම්කණ්ඩà·ÂÂÂයම්à¶ÂÂÂම අරමà·â€ÂÂණෆසඳහ෠පොළඹව෠ගà·ÂÂÂනීමට ප්â€ÂÂÂරචà·ÂÂÂරණය භà·ÂÂÂවිචකරයි. à¶ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂරස්à¶ÂÂÂà·€à·ÂÂÂදී කණ්ඩà·ÂÂÂයම්à¶ÂÂÂම දේà·ÂÂÂපà·ÂÂÂලන අරමà·â€ÂÂණෆහ෠පරමà·ÂÂÂර්ථ ළඟà·ÂÂÂකර ගà·ÂÂÂනීම සඳහ෠භà·ÂÂÂවිචකරන්නේ à¶ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂරස්චක්â€ÂÂÂරිය෠ය. ඒ සඳහ෠à¶â€ÂÂà·€à·â€ÂÂන්සිවිල්වà·ÂÂÂසියන්à¶ÂÂÂà·ÂÂÂà¶ÂÂÂනය කිරීමටද පෙළà·ÂÂÂඹේ. මේ à¶ÂÂÂà¶ÂÂÂà·Šà¶ÂÂÂ්වය අපට à·ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂරීâ€ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂර ලංකà·ÂÂÂවේ... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 28/12/10)
ALI SUKHANVER  December 25 of every year reminds me of a marvelous philosophical saying; Life is like a tennis match. If you want to win, you must serve well, return well and play coolly. Always remember that the game begins with Love all; this saying freshens my mind with the memories of all those who conquered this world with the sword of love and affection, particularly of the Holy Christ and Mr. Mohammed Ali Jinnah., no doubt two immortal personalities; one who brought the heavenly message of benevolence and kindheartedness for the whole humanity and the other who gave... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 28/12/10)
R. K. Radhakrishnan Despite Indian defence personnel training academies being almost fully subscribed, India will offer additional training placements for the Sri Lankan security service personnel. This was part of the peacetime engagement process that India and Sri Lanka agreed upon on Tuesday. Both the sides also decided on a series of measures to enhance defence cooperation between the two countries.... -Full Story- ( - 28/12/10)
Special Correspondent Janata Party president Subramanian Swamy on Tuesday demanded that the Union government set up a Commission of Inquiry into India's role in the 2008-09 anti-LTTE terrorist operations in Sri Lanka and its national security implications. The UPA government's refusal to provide heavy artillery and air force support for the Sri Lanka operation against the LTTE had enabled Pakistan to set up a base in the island by providing the requested military assistance, he alleged. Dr. Swamy said that his party would work for the defeat of the Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam in the coming Assembly elections. He told a... -Full Story- ( - 28/12/10)
Praveen Swami In February 1945, British and American aircraft dropped more than 3,900 tons of high-explosive and incendiary bombs on Dresden. “People were caught in fires as hot as 1000° Câ€ÂÂÂ, Britain’s National Archives record. “The city was devastated.†Investigations conducted by Dresden authorities concluded that between 22,700 and 25,000 people were killed. Five thousand miles and six decades separate the conflict in Sri Lanka from Second World War Germany – but the same ethical issues have surfaced in an increasingly charged debate over the small, South Asian island nation’s human rights records.... -Full Story- ( - 28/12/10)
Dr Ruwan M Jayatunge M.D. Combat soldiers who were exposed to distressing battle events can go in to dissociative reactions. Dissociation can be interpreted as a protective or defensive reaction in extreme stress. Repression of war experience may be a temporary reaction. Among the dissociative features psychogenic seizures, psychogenic tremors, aphonias and fugue states are frequent. Some of these reactions evident soon after the traumatic battle events and some manifest as delayed reactions. The combat stresses led soldiers go in to an unprecedented numbers suffering from dissociative disorders.The Nature of Dissociative Disorders in Combat The dissociative disorders... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 27/12/10)
Shripal Nishshanka Fernando Was Jesus born on Christmas day? We celebrate Jesus' birth on Christmas, but no one really knows what day Jesus was born, or even exactly what year. In 336 A.D., the Western Church, based in Rome, chose December 25 to celebrate as Christmas, meaning "Christ's Mass." The Eastern Church chose January 6. The day was named Epiphany, meaning "appearance." Eventually the period from December 25 to January 6 became known as the Twelve Days of Christmas.  There is no evidence to prove that Jesus was born on December 25th for this date. So then, who decided that Jesus' birth would be celebrated... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 27/12/10)
Dilrook Kannangara The national anthem debate still continues after over 60 years of Independence may be because the completion of Sri Lanka’s independence in 2009 with the victory over the armed separatist movement. Although keeping the Tamil version of the national anthem seems the good and sympathetic thing to do, further research into the matter proves it is not the right thing to do. Often the good thing is not the right thing. When the national flag was debated in the 1940s, top Tamil politicians including Ponnabalam, Sundaralingam, Chelvanayakam, etc. vehemently opposed it. They found many things in... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 27/12/10)
Ira de Silva London, Canada Mr. Rahul Gandhi Congress Party, New Delhi, India.  Dear Sir:  It is with deep regret that I read your recent statement seeking "justice" for the Tamils in Sri Lanka and stating that you would take up the matter with "appropriate persons at the Centre" by which I assume you are going to take it up with the Government of India. In this regard, I would like to state some relevant facts for your consideration which I hope you will keep in mind when taking the matter up with the centre.  1. The Tamils of... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 27/12/10)
Insight By Sunil Kumar Dec.26th 2010 For The Times Newspaper to publish the item highlighted below, it has to be provably true at the risk of dire consequences if not and has to be assumed accurate for face value and the credibilities of the publisher! Some weeks ago when the topic of car permits for MP's and its ludicrous perspective was questioned by Insight it was pooh poohed and ridiculed by a few lackeys and yobbo minded critics and here we are today getting a whiff of further ado over this ridiculous issue which needs to be taken to... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 26/12/10)
By A. Abdul Aziz, Press Secretary, Ahmadiyya Muslim Jma’at, Sri Lanka. 119th Annual Convention (Jalsa Salana) of Qadian (Punjab, India) began yesterday (26th December, 2010).  Thousands of Ahmadi Muslims from all over the world including Sri Lanka are attending this three day convention in which Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Supreme Head of the world-wide Ahmadiyya Muslim Community will address the convention on the last day of the Convention (on 28th December) from London via MTA (Muslim TV Ahmadiyya International) at 3.00 P.M. (Sri Lankan Time) Apart from the soul-inspiring and though provoking discourses of Ahmadiyya Supreme Head (Ameer-ul-Mumineen), there... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 26/12/10)
Asoka Weerasinghe   Kings Grove Crescent . Gloucester . Ontario . Canada December 24, 2010 The UN Advisory Panel of Experts on Sri Lanka  New York, US cc. Hon. Jack Layton, Leader of the New Democratic Party of Canada     Paul Dewar, MP for Ottawa, Ontario, Ottawa Centre (NDP)  Patrick Brown, MP for Barrie, Ontario (Conservative) Glen Murray, MPP, Toronto Centre, Ontario Dear UN  Advisory Panel of Experts on Sri Lanka: I have read with impassioned interest the National Council of Canadian Tamils  (NCCT) submission –Towards Global Justice: Accountability for War Crimes in Sri Lanka, which the four of the above Canadian... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 25/12/10)
M. Azath S. Salley (Former Deputy Mayor Colombo) President, Azath Salley Foundation We the members of the Committee appointed by His Excellency the President to oversee the activities involving the performance of Hajj for the year 2010, regret very much the efforts made by a few individuals who are bent on gaining political mileage over this issue by hurling insinuations at the committee without a proper understanding of the rigors involved in the performance of the holy pilgrimage. The manner in which these insinuations are worded, it is clear that they are made with a lot of malice. Drawing... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 25/12/10)
by Abu Asma Zakat is not a mere ritual, but an indispensable competent of Islam which Abubakr (Ral) fought against who rejected it and has been a responsibility of the Islamic State to collect from the right people and distribute it to the right people. In Sri Lanka this is now taken up by some mosques Alhamdulillah. However there seems ample cases of corruption, favoritism, misuse of funds collected in the mosques in the name of Islam. The main reason is even the people who give Zakat seldom question  the mosque authorities / trustees of how their Zakat was used and what impact it has made in... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 25/12/10)
Ranjit Wickremeratne "GOTABAYA"  now famous name in the political scene inside the country and abroad. The Son of Lanka who bravely fought the battle of terrorism in our beloved homeland. A straight forward and fearless soldier whom we can be proud of as our Defence Secretary in His Excellency Mahinda Rajapksa's Government. Yes you were the architect who brought down Velupillai Prabakaran to his knees and lastly to hell. We owe you our lives for bringing Peace to the country after thirty long years and spending billions of rupees by every Government who was in power. After ending the war we thought that... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 25/12/10)
Prof. Hudson McLean Seasonal Greetings - Peace & Goodwill Happy Holidays A Merry Christmas & A Bountiful Glorious 2011! To All Sri Lankan Partiots, HE President & Family May You Be Blessed with Good Fortune, Health & Happiness. Express Your Opinion - Read What Others Say! The Independent Interactive Voice of Sri Lanka on the Internet. Please visit -: -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 24/12/10)
වෛද්â€ÂÂÂය රà·â€ÂÂවන්එම්ජයà¶ÂÂÂà·â€ÂÂංග  බà·ÂÂÂල සමරේ-71 කà·ÂÂÂරà·ÂÂÂල්ලේ අමà¶ÂÂÂක කළ නොහà·ÂÂÂකි චරිà¶ÂÂÂයක්ලෙස බà·ÂÂÂල සමරේ චරිà¶ÂÂÂය සනිටà·â€ÂÂහන්වී à¶ÂÂÂිබේ. à¶â€ÂÂà·„à·â€ÂÂගෙ නියම නම ජේ සමරà¶ÂÂÂà·â€ÂÂංග à·€à·â€ÂÂවද à¶â€ÂÂà·„à·â€ÂÂà·€ දන්නේ බà·ÂÂÂල සමරේ නමිනි. මට à¶â€ÂÂà·„à·â€ÂÂà·€ හමෆවà·â€ÂÂයේ නà·ÂÂÂරම්මල à¶â€ÂÂà·„à·â€ÂÂගේ නිවසේදීය. දක්ෂ ගොවියෙකෆවන සමරà¶ÂÂÂà·â€ÂÂංග මහà¶ÂÂÂà·ÂÂÂගේ à·€à¶ÂÂÂ්චපà·â€ÂÂර෠කෘෂි බà·ÂÂÂග දà·ÂÂÂකිය à·„à·ÂÂÂකිය. ම෠à¶â€ÂÂà·„à·â€ÂÂගෙන්ඇසූ මà·â€ÂÂල්ම පâ€ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂරà·ÂÂÂ්නය වූයේ à¶â€ÂÂබට බà·ÂÂÂල සමරේ කියන්නේ මන්ද? යන්නයි. එවිට à¶â€ÂÂහෆකීවේ මෙයයි.  ‘මට බà·ÂÂÂල සමරේ කිව්වේ ඒ කà·ÂÂÂලේ මම මහචනිසයි. දà·ÂÂÂන්මගේ à·ÂÂÂරීරය කෙට්ටෆවෙලà·ÂÂÂ. මම පේරà·ÂÂÂදෙණිය විà·ÂÂÂà·Šà·€ විද්â€ÂÂÂයà·ÂÂÂලයේ උපà·ÂÂÂධිධà·ÂÂÂරියෙක්. මම සිංහල, ආර්ථික විදයà·ÂÂÂà·€, ඉà¶ÂÂÂà·’à·„à·ÂÂÂසය යන විෂයයන්හà·ÂÂÂදෑරà·â€ÂÂà·€à·ÂÂÂ. මම මà·â€ÂÂලින්ම දේà·ÂÂÂපà·ÂÂÂලනය කළේ ෂන්මà·â€ÂÂගදà·ÂÂÂසන්එක්ක එක පිලේ. මම විà·ÂÂÂà·Šà·€... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 24/12/10)
Herold Leelawardena None can deny that commodity prices have gone up tremendously in this country. But this is a global phenomenon than a Sri Lankan ailment. We’ve heard onion prices have increased fourfold in India. And the cost of food items in the UK has gone up as never before. We need not mention extraordinary rise in the cost of living in the near bankrupt nations like Ireland and Greece Portugal.  Some try to blame the traders for price increases. Now, don’t get me wrong, I am no trader. In fact, I hate unscrupulous traders as much as all... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 24/12/10)
Shripal Nishshanka Fernando Congress leader in India Rahul Gandhi today has voiced his concern over Sri Lanka government “not doing enough†for the Tamils there and said he would ensure that they would get justice. Rahul should first learn the Indian history properly. He should be able to access the reports of TamilNadu political plots which took place in early nineteen twenties in India to gain independency from India, subsequently the Indian government under British rule imposing country wide ban of any kind secession in India thereafter. Following this ban the independency plot was temporarily exported to neighboring country... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 23/12/10)
Henry Jayaweera  The Editor.  So the third generation of the great Gandhi generation has made his proclamation. There's none so dumb as those who will not learn.  This is for Mr. Rahul Gandhi: Isn't it enough what your grandmother did, nurturing the LTTE, and then your father, who paid the ultimate price for trusting that murderous group?  We Sri Lankans have had enough of the Gandhian morality, and would like to be left alone to solve our internal problems.  Obviously, yours is a political stunt to get the support of the Tamil people in India, but even they... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 23/12/10)
Prof. Hudson McLean Playing the Tamil card is political! Now Rahul Gandhi enters the political arena with a "bomb-shell". This is a point of no-return. Having seen father Rajiv slain by the Tamil Tiger terrorists largely nurtured by the grand mother Indira Gandhi, Rahul's statement is "explosive" to say the least. Short and Sweet, my advice to Rahul is-; either let the Sri Lankan government, which represent the citizens, who suffered thirty years of blood shed caused by the Tamil Terrorists, handle the rehabilitation and settlement in its own way, or if Rahul considers the progress is not to... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 23/12/10)
John MacKinnon To: François Boo at 300 N. Washington St. Suite B-100 Alexandria, VA 22314 Your listing Military - Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) at contains glaring errors and misconceptions. Just a few we noted:Tamil people of the island of Ceylon (now called Sri Lanka) constitute a distinct nation External Aid - LTTE's overt organizations supported Tamil separatism by lobbying foreign governments  – totally wrong, they are a minority group, grabbed power by serving the British and discriminated against the majority. You forgot to say that Tamil Eelam was to be achieved by Tamils using... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 23/12/10)
By Shelton A. Gunaratne © 2010 Professor of mass communications emeritus Minnesota State University Moorhead  I did not err when I said (in the last installment) that we visited the eastern shore of Lake of the Woods Provincial Park in 1988. But the offshore area in the vicinity of Morson that we had the honor to visit currently answers to the name Assabaska Ojibway Heritage Parkâ€â€ÂÂa fact that even the ubiquitous Wikipedia has failed to pick up. Ontario Parksâ€â€ÂÂa branch of the Natural Resource Management Division of the Ministry of Natural Resourcesâ€â€ÂÂclarifies that the re-named park, “formerly part... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 23/12/10)
Ranjit Wickremeratne Dear Mr.President same way you rescued our Motherland from ruthless terrorism please help to save our children from evil human beings and bad habbits. You and your Government is doing so much to uplift the standard of our young generation and your Education Minister was helping you and the country on this noble mission and we are very greatful to you and to your Government. Children are the most valuable asset any parent can have. Every parent's wish is that their children to have a good Education, being smart and good in their behaviour and to be in a... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 23/12/10)
Dr Ruwan M Jayatunge  The mythological Story of Sinhabahu describes the origin of Sinhala nation. According to the mythology, the Princess Suppadevi of Vanga Kingdom was kidnapped by a ferocious lion and took her to the wilderness. While living with the lion she became pregnant and had twins. The newly born son was named Sinhabahu and daughter was named Sinha Seevali. The lion kept them in a cave and used to cover the entrance with a mighty rock.   When Sinhabahu was sixteen years of age, he removed the megalith and escaped with his mother and the sister. They... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 23/12/10)
By Dr. Mrs. Mareena Thaha Reffai Dehiwela. Why this unholy   preoccupation with coconut is something I cannot understand. It is not as if we cannot live without coconut. When we are abroad we jolly well manage to cook all sorts of tasty dishes without coconut. May be healthier too. We are going on and on as if it is the staple food. The government going onto import this nut is simply nutty. Not only we will be hitting the poor coconut cultivators in the stomach but will help some crooks to get  huge commissions too. And the poor  citizen... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 23/12/10)
By Dr. Mrs. Mareena Thaha Reffai Dehiwela. It is amusing, nay irritating  to see a TV station has taken to show continuous snowing when the news is read. Hello, This is Srilanka, remember? It does not snow here. We are blessed with gorgeous sunshine and rainbows right throughout the year. We have lovely showers, plentiful vegetation from January to and including December, birds signing, people on the roads laughing and merry making. We are blessed with the best of the weather in the whole world. Being a small island we have the monsoons bringing  rain right throughout the year ... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 23/12/10)
By Philip Fernando, former Deputy Editor, Sunday Observer, Sri Lanka  The greeting card conveyed a heart-felt personal note, charming and creatively wrapped. Internet has turned it into to a high tech spectacle honing on a captivating message meant to dazzle. In an information age, what’s more informational than saying “I want you to know that I remembered you!†But email messages convey much more. The flood of seasonal greetings, birthday cards, memoranda conveying condolences, get well soon - we miss you, have a great vacation and so on had exploded with a "brilliance."  It is a valiant effort to... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 22/12/10)
චන්ද්â€ÂÂÂරසේන පණ්ඩිà¶ÂÂÂගේ විසිනි. පංà¶ÂÂÂà·’ à¶ÂÂÂහනම වහ෠ඉවà¶ÂÂÂ්කරව්! පංà¶ÂÂÂà·’ à¶ÂÂÂහනම වහà·ÂÂÂම ඉවà¶ÂÂÂ්කරව්! පà·â€ÂÂදà·â€ÂÂම කà·ÂÂÂලගà·ÂÂÂට්ටියක්! කà·ÂÂÂගෙද මේ පංà¶ÂÂÂà·’ à¶ÂÂÂහනම්කරල à¶ÂÂÂියෙන්නේ? අනේ මන්ද? ඉස්කà·ÂÂÂලේ යන ලමයි කට්ටියක්නම්නෙමෙයි වගේ! අනà·â€ÂÂමà·ÂÂÂනයක්නà·ÂÂÂහ෠මේ එන්නේ විà·ÂÂÂà·Šà·€ විද්â€ÂÂÂයà·ÂÂÂල වල à·ÂÂÂà·’à·‚à·Šâ€ÂÂÂය ය෠වෙන්න ඇà¶ÂÂÂà·’. ආ! විà·ÂÂÂà·Šà·€ විද්â€ÂÂÂයà·ÂÂÂලවලà¶ÂÂÂ්පංà¶ÂÂÂà·’ à¶ÂÂÂියෙනවà·ÂÂÂද? à¶â€ÂÂව්à¶â€ÂÂව්ලංකà·ÂÂÂවේ විà·ÂÂÂà·Šà·€ විද්â€ÂÂÂයà·ÂÂÂලවල නම්පංà¶ÂÂÂà·’ à¶ÂÂÂියෙනවà·ÂÂÂ. ඇà¶ÂÂÂà·Šà¶ÂÂÂද? එà¶ÂÂÂකොට à¶â€ÂÂය විà·ÂÂÂà·Šà·€ විද්â€ÂÂÂයà·ÂÂÂල වල ඉන්න කී වෙනි පංà¶ÂÂÂියේ ලමයින්ගේද පංà¶ÂÂÂà·’ à¶ÂÂÂහනම්කරල à¶ÂÂÂියෙන්නේ? විà·ÂÂÂà·Šà·€ විද්â€ÂÂÂයà·ÂÂÂලවල ෆේල්වෙවී ඉන්න à·„à·ÂÂÂඩියේ පංà¶ÂÂÂියේ ලමයින්ගේ වෙන්න ඇà¶ÂÂÂà·’. එà¶ÂÂÂකොට à·ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂරී ලංකà·ÂÂÂවේ විà·ÂÂÂà·Šà·€ විද්â€ÂÂÂයà·ÂÂÂලවල මණ්ඩප, පීඨ වගේ දේවල්නà·ÂÂÂද්ද? à¶ÂÂÂියෙනව෠ඕනෑ à¶ÂÂÂරම්à¶ÂÂÂියෙනවà·ÂÂÂ. ඒවà·ÂÂÂට ඕනෑ à¶ÂÂÂරම්à·ÂÂÂà·’à·‚à·Šâ€ÂÂÂය à·ÂÂÂà·’à·‚à·Šâ€ÂÂÂය à·€à·ÂÂÂà¶ÂÂÂà·Š... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 22/12/10)
By Charles.S.Perera  The appointment of the UN Panel to investigate in to the violation of human rights in Sri Lanka was a unilateral decision taken by Ban Ki Moon the Secretary General of UN. It was taken despite a protest by the Government of Sri Lanka a Member State of the UNO.  Ban Ki Moon has failed to show that he has acted in the interest of the Member State and that his decision was objective, as he has not appointed a similar panel to investigate into the continued violation of human rights by the US Armed Forces in... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 22/12/10)
Insight By Sunil Kumar Dec.22nd 2010 Indeed the Main Opposition United National party (UNP) would like very much that a visiting United Nations Experts Panel should be allowed to meet former Army Commander retd. Gen. Sarath Fonseka as he has "expressed willingness to face any international probe without harming the country or the security forces" which sounds like a joke  knowing fully well what the real outcome of this would be. Especially in the face of all the threats Fonseka has made against the Government in his futile attempts to discredit it through irresponsible verbosity and more! What... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 22/12/10)
Padraig Colman December 22, 2010 - 2:22am The release by WikiLeaks of a batch of ‘diplomatic’ cables encouraged a lot of Sri Lankans to say: “I told you soâ€ÂÂÂ. Those relating to former UK Foreign Secretary, David Miliband, have caused particular smugness. When he visited Sri Lanka towards the end of the war against the LTTE (Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam), Sri Lanka’s Defence Secretary, Gotabhaya Rajapaksa, scolded him and reminded him that Sri Lanka was no longer a British colony. The cables reveal that Miliband exerted influence to turn down Sri Lanka’s bid to host the Commonwealth Games.... -Full Story- ( - 22/12/10)
Wikileak revelations did not surprise me as much as what I read in the front page of your newspaper (20 Dec.). The news item related to some opposition goons trying to canvass support through their masters for a regime change, by conspiring at the headquarters of democracy – the House of Commons. From this we note that already frustration has started to set in among the opposition members, who are unable to see light at the end of the tunnel or for that matter there is no end to this dark tunnel they are in. So, they look for a... -Full Story- (The Island - 22/12/10)
Courtesy The Island December 21, 2010, External Affairs Minister Prof. G. L. Peiris on Tuesday (Dec. 21) raised concerns with US Ambassador Patricia Butenis about the references to President Mahinda Rajapaksa, former President Chandrika Kumaratunga, the President’s brothers and former Army Commander General Sarath Fonseka in the leaked confidential US diplomatic cables. Both Butenis and her predecessor Robert Blake had levelled a series of allegations against Sri Lanka’s political and military leaders, with Butenis going to the extent of accusing President Rajapaksa, his brothers, Gotabhaya and Basil and General Fonseka of ‘war crimes.’ "The purported cables do contain glaring... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 22/12/10)
H. L. D.Mahindapala  The moment Sajith Premadasa stepped on the stage of the UNP convention at Siri Kotha last week Dayasiri Jayasekera, one of leading reformists, started timing. The cheering lasted fifteen minutes exactly. That was the sound of the new wave sweeping the UNP.  Later when Ravi Karunanayake, one of Ranil Wickremesinghe’s leading sympathizers, began speaking there was hooting. That was the sound of the old guard, led by Wickremesinghe, fading away.  The convention ratified that future leaders of the party should be elected. This is a deadly blow to Ranil Wickremesinghe’s ambition of remaining as leader as... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 21/12/10)
Ranjith Soysa Robert Blake, an interfering ugly American wants Sri Lanka to reduce the emergency regulations and the High security zones while being a diplomat of the USA which has almost destroyed the Iraq nation state in searching for WMDs .The USA 's responses to 9/11 killings are well documented including the atrocities committed to the suspects held in Guantanamo and in the Iraqi prisons. His paternal advise comes in the wake of activities of the Tamil Eelamists in the USA who are said to be protected by the US democratic rights- so says US Ambassador in Sri Lanka... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 21/12/10)
By Eymard de Silva Wijeyeratne- Courtesy The Island 22-12-2010 As much as we are determined to learn lessons through a sincere effort to recall a grim and bloodied past and make amends, Wikileaks has only provided evidence that has been a part of our experience over many decades. Wikileaks has merely confirmed what we had known about how foreign powers have converted naked colonial occupation and exploitation into a more insidious form of intervention that one could call do-gooder machinations. It has now reached a point where foreign elements working under cover of slogans such as ‘international community’, ‘co-chairs’... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 21/12/10)
Colombo, Dec 21, (PTI): Sri Lanka today warned the US to exercise ''greater circumspection'' in its diplomatic cables about the situation in the the country after a WikiLeak release claimed Colombo colluded with anti-LTTE para military groups which engaged in war-crimes. External Affairs Minister G L Peiris told US Ambassador to the country, Patricia Butenis that Colombo did not condone publishing the cables on WikiLeaks, but felt that the contents of the documents were designed to discredit Sri Lanka. "The Minister expressed the view that at least where future instances may be concerned, greater circumspection would be appropriate," the ministry... -Full Story- (Deccan Herald - 21/12/10)
Leela We all know that all brands of Gentlemen from the so-called International community had been advising our successive Governments on how to achieve ‘peace’ with LTTE. However, not very many of us know; it is a manipulative arm of the Christian ecumenical church. For one thing, if Christian past is a paradigm to go by, we can certainly visualize all their motives.  The state religion of these western countries is Christianity. Queen is the head of the Christian Church in England. All hierarchy in the realm of Norway has to be Lutheran Christians by their constitution. Naturally, culture... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 21/12/10)
Daya Nikahetiya නොඑන ගමන්යන ම෠ගචදà·ÂÂÂවී නොහඩන්මලනà·â€ÂÂවනේ අපරà·ÂÂÂඡà·â€ÂÂචලෙස රණ බිම à·€à·ÂÂÂද හෙව මියදිමà¶ÂÂÂà·Šà·ƒà·ÂÂÂපà¶ÂÂÂකිය මහ෠මරණ මංචකේ à·€à·ÂÂÂà¶ÂÂÂිරී අමිම෠කී දේ මà¶ÂÂÂකද නà·â€ÂÂඹට මලේ උපන්භූමියට බරක්නොවී ඉද අබරණයක්වී මà·ÂÂÂරෙන්පà·â€ÂÂà¶ÂÂÂà·š බභ à¶ÂÂÂà·ÂÂÂරන සන්දියෙ ඉදලම අපි ඇසà·â€ÂÂවෙ රණවිරà·â€ÂÂවන්ගෙ කà¶ÂÂÂà· à·ƒà·â€ÂÂරංගන෠ලà·ÂÂÂකයෙන්මිදෙන්නට ඇස්පà·ÂÂÂද෠දà·â€ÂÂන්නේ අමිම෠පළමà·â€ÂÂà·€ මවිබිම නà·â€ÂÂඹ ඉපදà·â€ÂÂන රට ඡà·ÂÂÂà¶ÂÂÂිය ආගම ගà·ÂÂÂන සිà¶ÂÂÂල෠බà·â€ÂÂදෆගà·â€ÂÂණ සිභිකර à¶ÂÂÂබපන්පියවර ඡà·â€ÂÂය පිට ඡà·â€ÂÂය එයි නà·â€ÂÂඹ සොයල෠මගේ අà¶ÂÂÂින්ගිලිහියන අසිපචනà·â€ÂÂඹෙි à·ƒà·â€ÂÂරචරà·ÂÂÂදෙන෠වෙලේ යගදà·ÂÂÂවක්වී සියොළග වෙවà·â€ÂÂල෠නීලමහ෠බල ඇà¶ÂÂÂà·’ වෙව෠මරණය අබියස හිමà·ÂÂÂලයක්වි බà·â€ÂÂද්ධ මන්à¶ÂÂÂâ€ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂරයෙන්... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 21/12/10)
මේජර් DH ආරක්â€ÂÂÂෂක ලේකම් ගà·ÂÂÂටà·ÂÂÂභය  රà·ÂÂÂජපක්ෂ මà·ÂÂÂà¶ÂÂÂà·’à¶ÂÂÂà·â€ÂÂම෠වෙච ගෞරවයෙන් ලියමි  ගරෆ  ආරක්â€ÂÂÂෂක ලේකම්à¶ÂÂÂà·â€ÂÂමනි , මෙම ලිපිය ලියන මම à·ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂරී ලංක෠යà·â€ÂÂධ හමà·â€ÂÂදà·ÂÂÂවේ  වෛද්â€ÂÂÂය බලකà·ÂÂÂයේ මේජර්වරයෙකෆලෙස සේවය කලෙමි.  එද෠à¶â€ÂÂබ සමග වඩමà·ÂÂÂරච්චි ක්â€ÂÂÂරියà·ÂÂÂන්විà¶ÂÂÂයට සහභà·ÂÂÂගී වූ   විà·ÂÂÂිෂ්ට නිලධà·ÂÂÂරීන්ගේ ආභà·ÂÂÂෂය  ලà·ÂÂÂබූ මම à·ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂරී ලංක෠යà·â€ÂÂධ හමà·â€ÂÂදà·ÂÂÂවට මගේ උපරිම සේවය ලබ෠දà·â€ÂÂන්නෙමි. හරි දේ හරි ලෙසටà¶ÂÂÂà·Šà·€à·ÂÂÂරදි දේ à·€à·ÂÂÂරදි ලෙසටà¶ÂÂÂ්දකින්නට à·„à·â€ÂÂරà·â€Â පà·â€ÂÂරà·â€ÂÂදà·â€ÂÂà·€ සිටින මම පක්ෂ භේදයකින්à¶ÂÂÂොරව à·„à·’à¶ÂÂÂට එකගව කරà·â€ÂÂණෆපවසමි.  ලà·ÂÂÂකයේ දරà·â€ÂÂණà·â€ÂÂම à¶ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂරස්à¶ÂÂÂà·€à·ÂÂÂදී   සංවිධà·ÂÂÂනය වූ එල්ටීටීඊ සංවිධà·ÂÂÂනය සහමà·â€ÂÂලින්ම පරà·ÂÂÂජය කිරීමට à¶â€ÂÂබà¶ÂÂÂà·â€ÂÂමà·Â දà·â€ÂÂන්එඩිà¶ÂÂÂර නà·ÂÂÂයකà¶ÂÂÂ්වය  අà¶ÂÂÂà·’  විà·ÂÂÂිෂ්ට බව පක්ෂ චින්à¶ÂÂÂනයෙන් මිදී  රටට ආදරය කරන à·ƒà·ÂÂÂම දෙනà·ÂÂÂම... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 20/12/10)
By Charles.S.Perera  The necessity to sing our National Anthem in Sinhala is being debated now. It appears to be an appropriate time to discuss the importance of a National Anthem and in which language it should be sung. There are comparisons of the language of the National anthems sung in different countries.  It is time that we in Sri Lanka should in certain matters take our own decisions evaluating our own situation, cultural values , our national construct etc. without having to do some thing because some others are doing it, or some others are not doing it.  It... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 20/12/10)
MAHINDA KARUNARATNE Ground truth-Express Your Opinion - Read What Others Say!  The massive corruption, lethargy and negligence from Govt. folks of all starting from high holders, Ministers, Officials to the other lower levels are at unexplainable levels and the general public is tormented in all levels and activities, raises whether the your Wonder can be made a reality.  None of the state officials are honest, thus they need the Pound of Flesh to do any works although they are being paid from public money, so do the Ministers, keep enjoying their luxury and benefits at the cost... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 20/12/10)
Ira de Silva London, Canada Ms. P. Butenis U.S. Ambassador Colombo, Sri Lanka  I am forwarding an article that spells out the inadequacy and flawed information on which reports are based and forwarded to the State Department from the mission in Colombo which results in the biased, inaccurate statements which are made about Sri Lanka by the State Department. While your cables sent to Washington are now public, it seems that your attitude, assessments and reporting are based on prejudice, misinformation and supportive of pro-LTTE claims and demands - the LTTE using you to get what they failed to get... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 20/12/10)
Dr. Tilak Fernando The Diplomatic Service is generally considered as a prestigious profession where the State supports diplomats’ privileges and self-esteem with the whole idea of supporting its own international status. Sri Lanka High Commission in the UK was established at 13 Hyde Park Gardens, West London in a plush neighbourhood. Professionals in the calibre of Dr Gamini Corea, Dr Jayantha Dhanapala, Shirley Amarasinghe, Sir Lalitha Rajapaksa, Dr Neville Kankaratne, among many others, have made Sri Lanka proud from this esteemed office in the past. During that era, activities and the management of the High Commission were quite professional... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 20/12/10)
Henry Jayaweera. The Editor.  I was speaking to colleagues about the Liam Fox trip to Sri Lanka fiasco, and I told them "So what else is new?"  Haven't the British-the Nation of Shopkeepers, in the words of one of their own- always acted like small-time shopkkeepers? For centuries their policy has been creative accounting-trying their best to hold on to whatever profit they can get, or avoid loss, in a given situation,while preaching nobility to others.  After three decades of supporting their darling boys, the LTTE, in the most duplicitious ways, typifying their still colonial divide-and-rule policies, the invitation by Mrs. Kadirgamar... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 19/12/10)
Dr Hector Perera UK The doctors always say, “Have a balanced dietâ€ÂÂÂ, that means a varied diet. Actually sometimes we can have odd occasional treatments but not so often as possible. When these seasonal greetings come, you will find plenty of invitations and occasions. It could be from friends and families for such lovely treatments where you find it difficult to refuse or resist the temptation to over drinking and eating. There will be plenty food and drink that you hardly cannot resist, the temptation is so high, you will find any excuse to be there than not to... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 19/12/10)
British Defence Secretary Liam Fox finally did not turn up for the Lakshman Kadirgamar memorial oration he was due to deliver yesterday. This despite the fact that his aide, Adam Verity, was in Colombo ahead of him and even the topic of his oration ‘International Security’ had been announced. Fox has been a friend of Sri Lanka for many years and the reason why he accepted the invitation to deliver the Kadirgamar memorial oration is obviously because of the regard he had for the late foreign minister with whom he would have had many dealings over the years. This was... -Full Story- (The Island - 19/12/10)
The Sunday Times Economic Analysis Foreign investments and aid to reconstruct the North and East and resettle displaced persons are important for the country’s economic development. The expectations of large inflows of foreign investment after the ending of the war do not appear to have materialized to the extent that was expected. There has also been a disappointing flow of foreign assistance for resettlement. Both these factors are slowing down the economic development of the country. Perhaps the high expectations of foreign investment were unrealistic due to both global economic conditions and the local environment. The Budget for 2011 was... -Full Story- ( - 19/12/10)
Vish Abeygunawardena It is an absolute travesty of justice for the British Government to prevent Defense Secretary, Liam Fox, from visiting Sri Lanka, to present the Lakshman Kadirgamar memorial lecture. Mr. Fox had been invited by the late Foreign Minister's widow to give the lecture. However, it seems like the British Government, led by the cowardly, William Hague, has persuaded Mr. Fox to cancel his trip to Sri Lanka.  The late Lakshman Kadirgamar was a true hero of Sri Lanka. A Tamil, he vociferously defended the right of the Government of Sri Lanka to safeguard its territorial integrity and was... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 18/12/10)
Asoka Weerasinghe Kings Grove Crescent . Gloucester . Ontario . K1J  6G1 . Canada December 17, 2010 Letter to Manicka Vasagar:                    my response to his/her letter to Hon. Jason Kenney MP,  in response to my letter addressed to the Minister Jason Kenney on November 20, 2010 cc. Hon. Jason Kenney, MP, Canada’s Minister of Citizenship, Immigration & Multiculturalism Hello! Manicka Vasagar: I have just read your letter to Minister Jason Kenny, after my return to Ottawa from Sri Lanka where I presented myself to the Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission (LLRC). You, ‘as a non Sri Lankan Tamil’ had... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 18/12/10)
By Shelton A. Gunaratne © 2010 Professor of mass communications emeritus Minnesota State University Moorhead  WHEREAS the main access to most national parks is by automobile or by foot, the primary access to the 218,054-acre Voyageurs National Park is via water. Because Voyageurs NP lies to the west of the famous Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness (BWCAW) in Minnesota, “the Land of 10,000 Lakes,†this peculiar feature should come as no surprise. Many people visited the park by canoe and kayak. These canoeists, kayakers, other boaters and fishermen found the park an aquatic haven. The (Sinhala-sounding) Kabetogama Peninsula,... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 18/12/10)
Malin Abeyatunge The latest news as reported by Times Of India that LTTE‘s latest plan to assassinate Indian PM Manamohan Singh, Home Minister P Chidambaram and Tamil Nadu CM Karunanidhi has to be treated very seriously not only by the Indian Government, but by Sri Lanka and the countries in the western world who still mollycoddle LTTE activists in their countries. Although Sri Lanka defeated the most brutal terrorist outfit militarily, its remnants which consists of Tamil Diaspora are still active in countries like USA, Canada, UK, some EU countries, Scandinavian countries, down under Australia and India in an... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 18/12/10)
Shripal Nishshanka Fernando According to the latest international intelligent reports, the most notorious terrorist group in the world LTTE is at its best efforts to regroup in TamilNadu India. The LTTE was successfully wiped out from Sri Lanka by annihilation of its leaders and apprehending key supporters in May 2009 by the present Sri Lankan government under the brave leadership of President Mahinda Rajapaksa. As per the saying ‘what goes around comes around’ or according to an action of a boom-a rang, this inhumane terrorist organization has turned back to its original birth place of TamilNadu India to rejuvenate.... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 18/12/10)
Dr Ruwan M Jayatunge  Robinson Devor ‘s reconstructed controversial documentary ZOO is a narrative on a community that engages in physical and emotional connections with horses.  The movie was inspired by an unusual true incident of a man who died from a perforated colon after he arranged to have sex with a stallion.  The modern society views  Zoophilia, or bestiality as a sexual deviant behavior. The movie Zoo brings us a repulsive topic, which is rarely discussed and often avoided. But the Zoo brings us a  moral question how human deals with animals. When a person or a... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 18/12/10)
Reverend Dr. Nishan Wijesinha Chairman – Training and Restoration House of Jesse  Mirihana Many when they think of God it recalls to a thought of God as some non re-generic cosmic power. Or in other words a powerful force but a true freak. To understand reproduction one has to have experience of reproduction. A freak cannot ever comprehend reproduction. The male and female reproductive generic emotions evolve around already predestined thoughts, which in no other terms could generate in a creature if the creator was in origins a freak. God himself relates to man his name as Jehovah, and... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 18/12/10)
Series: US embassy cables: the documents 1. (C) Summary. In a meeting with PolCouns on April 26, MEA Joint Secretary Mohan Kumar: -- said that the caretaker government in Bangladesh has reached a crossroads by allowing Sheikh Hasina and Khaleda Zia to return, stating such a move weakens the government and will force it to reassert itself in some way; -- suggested the U.S., UK and India agree on a core message to give the Bangladeshi caretaker government, one that supports the government while it remains on a path toward credible elections but clarifies that the military needs to remain... -Full Story- ( - 18/12/10)
Series: US embassy cables: the documents 1. (S) Four government doctors, held by the police Criminal Investigation Division (CID) since the end of the war in May for allegedly filing false reports on civilian casualties in the No-Fire Zone during the last several months of the war, were released on bail today. XXXXXXXXXXXX 2. (S) The doctors XXXXXXXXXXXX had been pressured to give the press conference held in early July (reftel), where they recanted all the statements they had made from the No-Fire Zone. They said they were heavily coached for the press conference, given specific lines to say, and... -Full Story- ( - 18/12/10)
Series: US embassy cables: the documents 1. (S) SUMMARY: Allegations of government complicity in crimes committed by organized paramilitary groups have mounted in the last year. Paramilitaries such as the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE)-breakaway Karuna group and Eelam People's Democratic Party (EPDP) have helped the Government of Sri Lanka (GSL) to fight the LTTE, to kidnap suspected LTTE collaborators, and to give the GSL a measure of deniability. The GSL, which denies any links to paramilitary groups, has recently touted its efforts to improve its human rights record, such as the re-publication of procedures on arrests and detentions... -Full Story- ( - 18/12/10)
Series: US embassy cables: the documents 1. (S) SUMMARY: In late May PolOff met the XXXXXXXXXXXX described the LTTE's complete control of all activities that take place in Tiger-controlled territory, including forced conscription and the use of the Tamil Rehabilitation Organization (TRO) to extract money from INGOs. XXXXXXXXXXXX also criticized the Sri Lanka Monitoring Mission's (SLMM) complacency in the face of coercive techniques the LTTE employs to maintain control of its northern stronghold. On June 8, after meetings with representatives from UNICEF, UNHCR and the World Food Program to discuss how these organizations fund projects operating in the Vanni, Emboffs... -Full Story- ( - 18/12/10)
Series: US embassy cables: the documents ) According to Congressional mandates and Administration policy, U.S. assistance to Sri Lanka, particularly military assistance, is tied to progress by the Government of Sri Lanka (GSL) on several key issues, including treatment of IDPs, human rights, political reconciliation, and accountability for alleged crimes perpetrated by GSL troops and officials during the war with the LTTE. The GSL has progressed more or less on each of these issues since the end of the conflict. Continued or increased U.S. assistance, however, hinges on the GSL broadening and deepening this progress.... -Full Story- ( - 18/12/10)
COLOMBO (AFP) – Sri Lanka has softened its stance and agreed to welcome a panel of experts appointed by UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon to probe alleged war crimes, a minister said Saturday. The experts will be allowed to meet a local panel reporting on moves to ensure that the country does not slip back into ethnic war. Sri Lanka previously rejected Ban's panel as an interference in the internal affairs of a sovereign state and instead set up its own "Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission (LLRC)" to study, among other things, why a 2002 truce broke down between the... -Full Story- (Yahoo - 18/12/10)
By KRISHAN FRANCIS The Associated Press Saturday, December 18, 2010; 5:00 AM COLOMBO, Sri Lanka -- Sri Lanka has backtracked and will now allow a United Nations team to visit the country and share evidence gathered during an investigation into whether war crimes were committed during the final phase of the island's bloody civil war, a Cabinet minister said Saturday. U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon appointed a three-member panel last June to look into alleged human rights abuses during the decades-long war. The Sri Lankan government resisted the move, calling it an infringement of its sovereignty and vowed not... -Full Story- ( - 18/12/10)
North Somerset MP Liam Fox has dropped out of a controversial visit to Sri Lanka after the row over his plans to head to the country that is facing war crimes allegations escalated. The Defence Secretary was due to go this weekend on a private visit but the decision was said to have infuriated Foreign Secretary William Hague. Shadow foreign secretary Yvette Cooper then increased pressure on Dr Fox, raising questions about his judgment in going to a nation where the government is accused of war crimes against Tamil Tiger rebels. "Chaotic diplomacy like this does no good for the... -Full Story- ( - 18/12/10)
Agencies Tags : LTTE, Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam, Sri Lankan govt Posted: Sat Dec 18 2010, 16:45 hrs Colombo: Freelance Jobs China Wholesale Discount Shopping Cordless Headphone DiscussionBlogsRahul, congress and ... - By R C Desai Let mr.rahul declare... - By Senapathi Raul gandhi - By Kiran Rahul vs wiki lks - By RAMAKRISHNA It is not rahul`s co... - By Anjan Roy True copour of secul... - By dinu Rahuls faux pas - By M.K.B.Nambiar 'Irresponsible' Rakta charitraLearning Point Illumina at MDIDesi Food Galaxy Two years before Sri Lanka completed a crushing military defeat of the LTTE, a... -Full Story- ( - 18/12/10)
Don Wijewardana*  Prabhakaran had to rely on the idea of a Tamil kingdom that was purported to have existed in the north to push for Tamil Eelam. And it continues to remain central to some of the current political parties too for obvious reasons: their very survival depends on the claim that attracts votes.  The main argument for not disturbing the existing pattern of land settlement in the north hinges on the claimed existence of an ancient Tamil kingdom. But this has been disputed by eminent historians, among them Professor Karthigesu Indrapala of the Jaffna University, Mudliyar C. Rasanayagam,... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 16/12/10)
වෛද්â€ÂÂÂය රà·â€ÂÂවන්එම්. ජයà¶ÂÂÂà·â€ÂÂංග â€ÂÂÂපීඩකය෠සà¶ÂÂÂà·â€ÂÂà·€ à¶ÂÂÂිබෙන ඉà¶ÂÂÂà·ÂÂÂම බලගà¶ÂÂÂෆඅවිය වනà·â€ÂÂයේ පීඩිà¶ÂÂÂයà·ÂÂÂගේ මනසයි.†ස්ටීවන්බික෠ වධහිංසනය යනෆමà·ÂÂÂනව හිමිකමි උල්ලංà¶ÂÂÂණය කෙරෙන ඉà¶ÂÂÂà·ÂÂÂම දරà·â€ÂÂණෆඅවස්ථà·ÂÂÂවලින්එකකි. à·ƒà·ÂÂÂමà·ÂÂÂන්â€ÂÂÂයයෙන්වධහිංසනය යන්න හඳීà·â€ÂÂන්වනෆලබනà·â€ÂÂයේ ’ පà·ÂÂÂපà·ÂÂÂව්චà·ÂÂÂරණයක්, ලබà·ÂÂÂගà·ÂÂÂනීම à·€à·ÂÂÂනි අරමà·â€ÂÂණක්සඳහ෠දඩà·â€ÂÂවමක්, à¶ÂÂÂà·ÂÂÂà¶ÂÂÂිගà·ÂÂÂන්වීමක්හ෠බලහà¶ÂÂÂ්කà·ÂÂÂර කමක්හ෠à¶â€ÂÂීනෑම ආකà·ÂÂÂරයක වෙනස්කමිකිරීමක්පදනමි කරගà¶ÂÂÂà·Šà·ÂÂÂà·ÂÂÂරීරික හ෠මà·ÂÂÂනසික අන්දමින්කිසිවෙකෆහට දà·â€ÂÂකක්හ෠වේදනà·ÂÂÂවක්වේà¶ÂÂÂනà·ÂÂÂà¶ÂÂÂ්මකව පමà·â€ÂÂණà·â€ÂÂවන à¶â€ÂÂිනෑම කි්â€ÂÂÂරයà·ÂÂÂවක්¶ à·€à·ÂÂÂයෙනි.වධහිංසන නිස෠ගà·ÂÂÂඹà·â€ÂÂරෆහ෠දීර්à¶ÂÂÂකà·ÂÂÂලීන à·ÂÂÂà·ÂÂÂරීරික හ෠මà·ÂÂÂනසික ප්â€ÂÂÂරà¶ÂÂÂිවිපà·ÂÂÂක ඇà¶ÂÂÂිවේ. වධහිංසනය යනෆසà·ÂÂÂමූහික වේදන෠ආකà·ÂÂÂරයකි. එය වින්දිà¶ÂÂÂයà·ÂÂÂට පමණක්සීම෠නොවූවකි. à¶â€ÂÂà·„à·â€ÂÂගේ පවà·â€ÂÂලේ à·ƒà·ÂÂÂමà·ÂÂÂජිකයින්ටද මිà¶ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂරයන්ටද එමගින්බලපෑමි ඇà¶ÂÂÂිවේ. අභිනව පර්යේෂණ අනà·â€ÂÂà·€ මà·ÂÂÂනසික à·„à· à·ÂÂÂà·ÂÂÂරීරික යන දෙයà·ÂÂÂකà·ÂÂÂරයේම වධහිංසන නිසà·ÂÂÂ... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 16/12/10)
By D. Amarasiri Weeraratne The celebration of Christmas on December 25th reminds us once more of the legend of the Sun-God and how Christianity is deeply rooted in Pagan religious history, which prevailed for thousands of years before the time of Christ in the lands surrounding the Mediterranean Sea. The birthdate of Christ is not known to Historians or Archeologists for lack of evidence - even after sifting almost every grain of sand in Bethlehem. No-one, not even the early Christians, knew the birthdate of Christ. So, the early church settled on the same day that the Pagans celebrated... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 16/12/10)
By Surangani Seneviratne  The arrest of Julian Assange, WikiLeaks founder exposes how the free flow of information is controlled and the freedom of press is defined. Mr Assange descended from an awarded journalist to a man most wanted by the Interpol in a short time. He was the front man for WikiLeaks, the website initially hailed to up hold the freedom of speech in the digital age. During its infancy, Julian Assange received numerous awards for exposing sensitive documents up loaded by those who had excess to classified information. The manner in which Mr Assange turned from hero to... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 15/12/10)
By Philip Fernando Former Deputy Editor, Sunday Observer, Sri Lanka  A durable technological environment is a reality in several areas like agriculture, industry, tourism, telecommunications and Internet access. Optimum productivity levels seeping in due to technology use seemed well within reachable sights in the country. What is manifestly clear is that modernization is occurring not at a strained profusion rate but as a living force with its own needs and tendencies. That said we are seeing the impressive rate of growth as substantiated by the most current data.  Paddy harvest accruing from the ten rice-growing districts in the country... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 15/12/10)
ALI SUKHANVER  It is still an ambiguity why was the ‘innocent’ Julian Assange pushed behind the bars. According to the details he has been arrested for the alleged rape and molestation of two women though he has been denying the charges since the day first. According to The News-Worthy Info, a lawyer for the two Swedish women who are accusing Assange for molesting and raping them said that the charges are in no way politically motivated and that “the women are angry at that suggestionâ€ÂÂÂ. Claes Borgstrom the attorney said, “They were attacked by Mr. Assange and then they... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 15/12/10)
- Kumar Moses  Now that the national anthem and the way it is sung are discussed widely, it is the opportune time to revisit the appropriateness of it altogether. The present national anthem has been in existence since the 1940s although it was officially adopted in 1951. According to some accounts it was sung at the Independence Day celebrations in 1948. Sri Lanka has undergone tremendous changes thereafter and the appropriateness of ‘Sri Lanka Matha’ to the modern nation is debatable. It has a number of flaws if one reads it objectively and compare with national anthems... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 15/12/10)
වෛද්â€ÂÂÂය රà·â€ÂÂවන්එම්ජයà¶ÂÂÂà·â€ÂÂංග  ඇට්ලස්බන්ඩà·ÂÂÂර හෙවà¶ÂÂÂ්ඒ.එම්.කේ. බන්ඩà·ÂÂÂර  රà·ÂÂÂහණ විජේවීර යà·ÂÂÂපනය සිරගෙදරින්නිදහස්කර ගà·ÂÂÂනීම සඳහ෠කොලඹ සිට යà·ÂÂÂපනයට මà·ÂÂÂටර්රථයෙන්ගියේ ඇට්ලස්බන්ඩà·ÂÂÂරයි. මෙම වෑයම අà¶ÂÂÂටම අසà·â€ÂÂවීම නිස෠ඇට්ලස්බන්ඩà·ÂÂÂරà¶ÂÂÂ්රියà·ÂÂÂදà·â€ÂÂරෆසිරිපà·ÂÂÂල නොහොà¶ÂÂÂ්බà·ÂÂÂල්දි සිරà·ÂÂÂà¶ÂÂÂà·Šà·„à·ÂÂÂමන්හිල්හි සිරගචවූහ. à¶ÂÂÂමන්ට අනපේක්ෂිචලෙස අනà¶ÂÂÂà·â€ÂÂරට හෙළීම සම්බන්ධයෙන්බà·ÂÂÂල්දි සිර෠සිරගෙදරදි ඇට්ලස්බන්ඩà·ÂÂÂර à·„à·ÂÂÂම්පà·â€ÂÂà¶ÂÂÂ෠බව අමà¶ÂÂÂක කරමින්සà·â€ÂÂද්ධ සිංහලෙන්බà·ÂÂÂන à·€à·ÂÂÂදà·â€ÂÂනෆබව à·„à·ÂÂÂමන්හිල්වල සිටි අය සිහිපà¶ÂÂÂ්කරà¶ÂÂÂà·’. à·„à·ÂÂÂමන්හිල් සිරකරà·â€ÂÂවන්අà¶ÂÂÂර ඒ සිද්ධිය අලල෠පබà·ÂÂÂඳà·â€ÂÂනෆගීයක්ද විය.  ඇටිලස්බණ්ඩà·ÂÂÂර à¶â€ÂÂබයි යළිà¶ÂÂÂ්ඉපà·ÂÂÂදà·â€ÂÂණෆමà·â€ÂÂලින්à¶â€ÂÂබ සිරà·ÂÂÂට නිදහස ලබ෠දිය යà·â€ÂÂà¶ÂÂÂයි. ඩිස්ටà·ÂÂÂම්පර්à¶â€ÂÂබ සෑදිය යà·â€ÂÂà¶ÂÂÂà·Šà¶ÂÂÂà·š ඉන්පසà·â€ÂÂවයි.  මෙම ගීà¶ÂÂÂය à·ƒà·â€ÂÂපâ€ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂරසිද්ධ මද්දà·â€ÂÂම බන්ඩà·ÂÂÂර... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 15/12/10)
Ira de Silva London, Canada Mr. M Posner Assistant Secretary for Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labour Washington, D.C. U.S.A.  Dear Sir:  Reference your statement on Sri Lanka on December 12,2010 it is reported that you have said that the U.S. is continuing to engage with the Sri Lankan Government on the  issue of looking at the past. It is further reported that you have stated that there is a very real internal discussion of what your alternatives are and that you "are aware of some of the humanitarian issues that continue to be of concern, as well... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 15/12/10)
Media Secretary - Dhanushka Ramanayake Ministry of Power & Energy Pragnyawalokanaya is a scholarship program where Advance Level students who have excelled in their examination receive scholarships to study CIMA. The scholarship program will be taking place at BIMCH ‘MIhilaka Medura’ on the 19th of December 2010 from 2:00 PM onwards. Hon. Minister Bandula Gunawardena and Hon. Minister S.B. Dissanayake will be gracing the occasion as Chief Guest’s and Guest of Honor Hon. Minister Patali Champika will be addressing the gathering as the key note speaker.  The Pragnyawalokanaya program was originated in the year 2006 by a concept of... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 15/12/10)
ලං.වී.ම. දිනවමින්අපි ද දිනමà·â€ÂÂ. අමිල විරà·ÂÂÂජ්- කà·ÂÂÂඳවà·â€ÂÂම්කà·ÂÂÂර මණ්ඩලය වෙනà·â€ÂÂවෙන්ලං.වී.ම. මිනිස්බල සවිය ලංක෠විදà·â€ÂÂලිබල මණ්ඩලයේ සේවà·ÂÂÂවන්ඉටà·â€ÂÂකර ගà·ÂÂÂනීමේ දී එයට අවà·ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂය සේවක සංඛ්â€ÂÂÂයà·ÂÂÂà·€ පâ€ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂරමà·ÂÂÂණවà¶ÂÂÂà·Šà·€ නොසිටීම à·„à·šà¶ÂÂÂà·â€ÂÂකොට ගෙන අදà·ÂÂÂල සේවà·ÂÂÂවන්අඛන්ඩව පවà¶ÂÂÂà·Šà·€à·ÂÂÂගෙන යà·ÂÂÂම සඳහ෠බà·ÂÂÂහිර මිනිස්බල සේව෠සපයන කොන්à¶ÂÂÂâ€ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂරà·ÂÂÂà¶ÂÂÂ්කරà·â€ÂÂවන්, මà·ÂÂÂර්ගයෙන්සේවක අවà·ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂයà¶ÂÂÂà·ÂÂÂà·€ සපà·â€ÂÂර෠ගà·ÂÂÂනීම1994 සිට පà·ÂÂÂවචඑන්නකි. ඒ අනà·â€ÂÂà·€ මේ වනවිට ලංක෠විදà·â€ÂÂලිබල මණ්ඩලයේ සේවය ලබ෠දෙනෆලබන මිනිස්බල සේවක පâ€ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂරමà·ÂÂÂණය à¶ÂÂÂà·â€ÂÂන්දහස ඉක්මව෠ඇà¶ÂÂÂ. à¶â€ÂÂà·€à·â€ÂÂන්බඳව෠ගනෆලබන්නේ අදà·ÂÂÂල නියොජ්â€ÂÂÂය à·ƒà·ÂÂÂමà·ÂÂÂන්â€ÂÂÂයà·ÂÂÂධිකà·ÂÂÂරීවරෆමගින්ය. මේ වනවිට මිනිස්බල කොන්à¶ÂÂÂâ€ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂරà·ÂÂÂà¶ÂÂÂ්සමà·ÂÂÂගම්ගණනà·ÂÂÂවකින්සේවකයින්ලං.වී.ම. වෙචසපයනෆලබන අà¶ÂÂÂර, à¶â€ÂÂà·€à·â€ÂÂන්ට අදà·ÂÂÂල සමà·ÂÂÂගම්විසින්දෛනික à·€à·ÂÂÂටà·â€ÂÂප්පදනම මà¶ÂÂÂ, ගෙවීම්කරනෆලබයි. ඒ අනà·â€ÂÂà·€... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 15/12/10)
මà·ÂÂÂධ්â€ÂÂÂය අංà·ÂÂÂය - විදà·â€ÂÂලිබල හ෠බලà·ÂÂÂක්à¶ÂÂÂà·’ අමà·ÂÂÂà¶ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂයà·ÂÂÂංà·ÂÂÂය මෙවර අයවà·ÂÂÂයෙන්යà·ÂÂÂජනà·ÂÂÂවූ පරිදි 8%ක විදà·â€ÂÂලි ගà·ÂÂÂස්à¶ÂÂÂෆවà·ÂÂÂඩිවීම ඒකක 90ට අඩà·â€ÂÂවෙන්පරිහරණය කරන විදà·â€ÂÂලි පà·ÂÂÂරිභà·ÂÂÂගිකයන්ට බලනොපà·ÂÂÂන බව විදà·â€ÂÂලිබල හ෠බලà·ÂÂÂක්à¶ÂÂÂà·’ අමà·ÂÂÂà¶ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂයà·ÂÂÂංà·ÂÂÂය අවධà·ÂÂÂරණය කරයි. නව විදà·â€ÂÂලිබල පනà¶ÂÂÂට අනà·â€ÂÂà·€ විදà·â€ÂÂලි ගà·ÂÂÂස්à¶ÂÂÂෆකâ€ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂරමයෙහි සිදà·â€ÂÂකරන්නà·ÂÂÂවූ සියළෆසංà·ÂÂÂà·ÂÂÂධනයන්මහජන උපයà·ÂÂÂගීà¶ÂÂÂ෠කොමිසමේ අධීක්ෂණය යටà¶ÂÂÂà·š සිදෆකෙරෙන අà¶ÂÂÂර මෙවර විදà·â€ÂÂලි ගà·ÂÂÂස්à¶ÂÂÂෆවà·ÂÂÂඩිකිරීම ඒකක 60ට වඩ෠වà·ÂÂÂඩියෙන්පරිහරණය කරන්නන්ට බලපà·ÂÂÂන පරිද්දෙන්සිදà·â€ÂÂකළ යà·â€ÂÂà¶ÂÂÂෆබව එම කොමිසම විසින්පසà·â€ÂÂගිය 25 වන දින යà·ÂÂÂජිචනව සංà·ÂÂÂà·ÂÂÂධන යටà¶ÂÂÂà·š à¶ÂÂÂීරණය කර à¶ÂÂÂිබේ. නමà·â€ÂÂà¶ÂÂÂ්රà·ÂÂÂජ්â€ÂÂÂය පâ€ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂරà¶ÂÂÂිපà¶ÂÂÂà·Šà¶ÂÂÂà·’ රà·ÂÂÂමà·â€ÂÂවට අනà·â€ÂÂà·€ මෙම විදà·â€ÂÂලි ගà·ÂÂÂස්à¶ÂÂÂෆවà·ÂÂÂඩිවීම මහජන උපයà·ÂÂÂගීà¶ÂÂÂ෠කොමිසම විසින්යà·ÂÂÂජිචඒකක 60 සීමà·ÂÂÂà·€ ඉවà¶ÂÂÂ්කර, පසà·â€ÂÂගියද෠පà·ÂÂÂර්ලිමේන්à¶ÂÂÂà·â€ÂÂවේදී... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 15/12/10)
Stewart Bell, National Post · Monday, Dec. 13, 2010 The RCMP is preparing to lay charges against several alleged migrant smugglers who helped bring 76 Sri Lankans to the British Columbia coast last fall, according to two sources briefed on the investigation. The sources said the pending criminal charges concern suspected organizers of the voyage of the Ocean Lady, which was intercepted in Canadian waters on Oct. 17, 2009, after crossing from Malaysia. “Until charges come out, we don’t talk about things like that,†Constable Michael McLaughlin, an RCMP spokesman in B.C., said on Monday. He denied charges... -Full Story- (National Post - 15/12/10)
Dr Sudath Gunasekara. One time Secretary to Mrs Sirimavo Bandaranaike. 10.12.2010.  Every one knows that Mrs Sirimavo Bandaranayaike was the first woman Prime Minister in the world. No one can refute that. In that context she was the greatest and the most illustrious Lady ever born in this resplendent Island. I do not think any one will disagree or quarrel with me for this statement. On account of that alone she has made history by creating a world record which any one will not be able to break on any day. It is irreversible for ever. That alone makes... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 14/12/10)
By Dr Ruwan M Jayatunge The Nazi movement which did horrifying atrocities to the people was based on racial superiority. Adolf Hitler who was the main architect of the Nazi organization was supported by many intellectuals. Many leaders of the National Socialist German Worker's Party (Nazi) had many things in common. They all believed in destructive Nazi nightmare of racial hearted and ethnic cleansing. What was the psychology behind such a fascist movement which violated basic human rights? Were they psychologically deviated? Psychologist Gustave Gilbert analyzed many Nazi leaders like Herman Goering, Albert Speer, von Ribbentrop Rudolf Hob (the... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 14/12/10)
Ranjit Wickremeratne   This funny man is always funny where ever he goes.Now the latest lie in his handbook is telling the people that he is going to defeat the President before he completes his second term. Can anybody in right mind tell me how he is going to do that with barely 40 odd idiots behind him in the parliament? Not before his second term this walawwe Hamu has to wait three or four terms to beat the greatest President we have today, by that time Ranil the loser will be walking with a stick you mark my word.... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 14/12/10)
There appears to be muddle-headedness and enveloping confusion with regard to Sri Lankan foreign policy of late, but at least one good foreign policy decision was taken last week, and that was the one to absent ourselves from the Nobel Peace Prize awarding ceremony in Oslo. China is our ally, and it makes abundant strategic sense to show solidarity with the Chinese, particularly at a time when nations which ought to be our friends such as Great Britain and the United States for instance are rejecting us with such practiced nonchalance. Liu Xiaobo, this year’s peace prize recipient may be... -Full Story- ( - 14/12/10)
By Neville Ladduwahetty December 13, 2010, 7:08 pm During his recent visit to Sri Lanka, India’s Foreign Minister S.M.Krishna reiterated the words of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh (as referred to in the June 2010 joint statement) calling for "meaningful devolution". Since the joint statement had not elaborated on the form and substance of devolution that would make it meaningful, Mr. Krishnan is reported to have stated during his visit to Jaffna that devolution should be "based on the 13th Amendment to Sri Lanka’s Constitution" (The Sunday Times, November 28, 2010).... -Full Story- (The Island - 14/12/10)
Haris de Silva December 13, 2010, 12:00 pm A few weeks back there was an inquiry in the print media –not The Island- as to how the National Tree and the National Flower had come to be selected. The following sequence of events are given here for the information of the public. The idea to have a National Tree and a National Flower, had come as a sub-project of the 100 Million Trees Programme, mooted by the then Prime Minister (Ranasinghe Premadasa), and for which the Cabinet had given its approval.... -Full Story- (The Island - 14/12/10)
Insight By Sunil Kumar Dec.13th 2010  There seems to be some misinformation on the issue of the National Anthem and its Tamil connections as the barkings from all the unwanted sources such as Karunanidhi that age old rabble rouser from Tamil Nadu and a few self styled pundits blasting away with their epithets at the well intended surmissions of the likes of the Hon. Minister of Housing and Construction, Wimal Weerawansa who has voiced his support towards the Cabinet decision to do away with the Tamil version of the National Anthem although he seems to have overstepped his statutes of... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 13/12/10)
Henry Jayaweera  The Editor.  First, let me congratulate the UNP for being able, at last, to get its act together as far as internal politics goes, and bring some semblance of order, albeit agreeing to disagree, as the compromise of two heads obviously shows.  Now to my more serious concern. According to reports, this great compromise has as its prime objective, the bringing down of the present government. Now there lies the rub! What the hell for? (I desist from using stronger expletives for the sake of decency) The UNP is in, and has been for a very... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 13/12/10)
By Charles.S.Perera The Secretary, Mr.S.B.Athugoda The Lessons Learnt & Reconciliation Commission, The Lakshman Kadirgamar Institute of International Relations & Strategic Studies, 24 Horton Place, Colombo – 07, Sri Lanka.  Mr. Chairman and distinguished members of the Commission, In ancient times it was to the elders the people took their problems. It had been so in Asia Africa , Europe, and even with the American Indians. The King Alexander went to the priests to consult oracles. In Sri Lanka the elders including the Buddhist Monks were consulted by the kings and the people to get their advice. These elders knew... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 13/12/10)
Dr Sudath Gunasekara 13.12.2010. D.B.S.Jeyaraj writing to on December 10th, 2010 under the caption ‘President Rajapaksa initiates political dialogue with TNA’ has revealed the following information. He says that there had been preliminary discussions in this regard between two representatives of the government and the TNA and they had made commendable progress in most respects. Thereafter there was a discussion between the President and Sampanthan in Colombo attended by Prof G.L.Peiris. According to his column some of the salient points on which preliminary agreement was reached at these discussions were as follows. AGREEMENT “- There will be no... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 13/12/10)
Durand Appuhamy Negombo Courtesy The Island In a weekend newspaper, a Tamil journalist has revealed that the President has agreed in one-to-one talks with TNA leader R. Sambandan that, among other things, exclusive powers over land will be devolved and all state land in the province will be vested in the Provincial Unit, though this Unit has been not yet agreed upon. There would be provision for the "Centre to request and use lands necessary for other national projects". I find it dangerous to grant any province exclusive power over the very limited resource of land. This exclusive power... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 13/12/10)
Dilrook Kannangara It was reported that the Tamil version of the National Anthem would soon become a thing of the past as state establishments, etc, would not sing it. Apparently the former Prime Minister Sirimavo Bandaranaike had walked out of a function when the Tamil version of Sri Lanka Matha was sung at a function. This is a very short-sighted move and must be resisted by all patriots. What’s the point in Tamil students singing the national anthem in a language they don’t understand? How can they inculcate patriotism and love for the motherland if they cannot understand... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 13/12/10)
S. Akurugoda According to media reports, governing party members of the Sri Lankan parliament handed in a motion to the Speaker requesting for the appointment of a select committee to probe into UNP MP Dr. Jayalath Jayawardena. The motion was said to be signed by 78 governing party members and has called for a select committee to probe Dr. Jayawardena’s alleged involvement in anti-government protests. The select committee is to investigate whether Dr. Jayawardena has violated the oath taken by legislators where they says they would not support any act that would promote separatism, as per the said reports. ... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 13/12/10)
Shripal Nishshanka Fernando Let it be Tamil, English or Sinhalese. But let it be in one language. That is how an Anthem of a nation shall be.  Flag of Sri Lanka  Certainly it was hilarious that Sri Lanka had allowed an alternate Anthem for a considerable period of time till today other than its original Sinhalese version. Those were weak tolerations of previous Sri Lankan governments which paved for a disastrous destructible situation which ended recently with a massive sacrifice. Due to the far sighted and broad minded vision of the Rajapaksa regime, another calamity could be avoided... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 13/12/10)
Dr Bandula Kothalawala London N7 According to some news reports, Mr Ban-Ki Moon’s “Panel†is expected to submit its Report to him some time early next year. As many contributors to this Forum have rightly pointed out, Mr Ban-Ki Moon’s manoeuvres in this regard are fundamentally flawed, procedurally incorrect and profoundly unjust vis-à-vis a long-standing member of the UN family. This article looks at the appointment of the “Panelâ€ÂÂÂ, comments on the terms of reference and some other issues involved and concludes that the Government of Sri Lanka should take no notice of its advice to the UN Secretary-General.... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 12/12/10)
චන්ද්â€ÂÂÂර සේන පණ්ඩිà¶ÂÂÂගේ විසිනි. පසà·â€ÂÂගිය දිනවල මෙරට දේà·ÂÂÂපà·ÂÂÂලන පිටිය උනà·â€ÂÂà·ƒà·â€ÂÂම්ව පà·ÂÂÂà·€à¶ÂÂÂිණි. ඒ එංගලන්à¶ÂÂÂයේදී අà¶ÂÂÂිගරෆජනà·ÂÂÂධිපà¶ÂÂÂà·’ මහින්ද රà·ÂÂÂජපක්ෂ මහà¶ÂÂÂà·ÂÂÂට එරෙහිව එරට රජය දෙමළ ඩයස්පà·ÂÂÂරà·ÂÂÂà·€ ඉදිරියට දමà·ÂÂÂගෙන කරන ලද ජà·ÂÂÂà¶ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂයන්à¶ÂÂÂර දේà·ÂÂÂපà·ÂÂÂලන රංඟනය à·„à·šà¶ÂÂÂà·â€ÂÂවෙණි. මෙම සංසිද්ධියේ පෙරමà·â€ÂÂණෆක්â€ÂÂÂරියà·ÂÂÂකà·ÂÂÂරයින්දෙදෙනෙකෆවූ අà¶ÂÂÂර, ඒ ආචà·ÂÂÂර්ය වික්â€ÂÂÂරමබà·ÂÂÂහෆකරà·â€ÂÂණà·ÂÂÂරà¶ÂÂÂ්න වන අà¶ÂÂÂර, අනිà¶ÂÂÂ්පà·â€ÂÂද්ගලය෠වන්නේ දොස්à¶ÂÂÂර ජයලà¶ÂÂÂ්ජයවර්ධන මහà¶ÂÂÂà·ÂÂÂය. මෙම දෙපල à¶ÂÂÂමන්ගේ මනà·ÂÂÂකà·ÂÂÂය පමණක්නොව රූපකà·ÂÂÂයද බටහිර à·ƒà·â€ÂÂද්දන්ඉදිරියේ උකසට à¶ÂÂÂබ෠දිවි ගෙවන දේà·ÂÂÂපà·ÂÂÂලකයින්දෙපලකි. ආචà·ÂÂÂර්ය පදවියà¶ÂÂÂ්දොස්à¶ÂÂÂර පදවියà¶ÂÂÂ්මහà¶ÂÂÂ්ගෞරවණිය à¶ÂÂÂනà¶ÂÂÂà·â€ÂÂරෆලෙස සලකන සමà·ÂÂÂජයකට, “නà·ÂÂÂහ෠ඒව෠à¶â€ÂÂය කියන à¶ÂÂÂරම්වටින෠කමක්à¶ÂÂÂියෙන පදවි නොවේ“ යන මà¶ÂÂÂà·€à·ÂÂÂදය කà·ÂÂÂවද්දන ලද පහà¶ÂÂÂ්දෙපලක්වන මේ අයට එරෙහිව ප්â€ÂÂÂරබල... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 12/12/10)
සී. ඒ. චන්ද්â€ÂÂÂරප්â€ÂÂÂරේම -දිවයින ඉකà·â€ÂÂà¶ÂÂÂà·Šà·ƒà¶ÂÂÂියේ මà·â€ÂÂල සිටම කà·ÂÂÂගේà¶ÂÂÂ්කà¶ÂÂÂ෠බහට ලක්‌වූ මà·ÂÂÂà¶ÂÂÂෘකà·ÂÂÂà·€ වූයේ එම ඉරිද෠"සන්ඩේ අයිලන්ඩ්" පà·â€ÂÂà·€à¶ÂÂÂ්පà¶ÂÂÂà·š ප්â€ÂÂÂරධà·ÂÂÂන සිරස්‌à¶ÂÂÂලය අනà·â€ÂÂà·ƒà·ÂÂÂරයෙන්පළවූ පà·â€ÂÂà·€à¶ÂÂÂකි. එම මචභේදයට à¶ÂÂÂà·â€ÂÂඩà·â€ÂÂදà·â€ÂÂන්ප්â€ÂÂÂරධà·ÂÂÂන සිරස්‌à¶ÂÂÂලය වූයේ එජà·ÂÂÂප නියà·ÂÂÂජ්â€ÂÂÂය නà·ÂÂÂයක කරෆජයසූරිය මහà¶ÂÂÂ෠ලංකà·ÂÂÂවේ සිදà·â€ÂÂවූව෠යෑයි කියන "යà·â€ÂÂද අපරà·ÂÂÂධ පිළිබඳ විමර්à·ÂÂÂනයක්‌ අවà·ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂය යෑයි" ප්â€ÂÂÂරකà·ÂÂÂ෠කර ඇà¶ÂÂÂà·’ බවයි. à¶â€ÂÂහෆඑසේ පවසන්නේ බටහිර රටවල්සමග ඇà¶ÂÂÂà·’ සබඳà¶ÂÂÂà·ÂÂÂවයà¶ÂÂÂ්දෙමළ ඩයස්‌පà·ÂÂÂරà·ÂÂÂà·€ සමග ඇà¶ÂÂÂà·’ සබඳà¶ÂÂÂà·ÂÂÂවයà¶ÂÂÂ්යථ෠à¶ÂÂÂà¶ÂÂÂà·Šà¶ÂÂÂ්වයට ගෙන ඒමට මෙය අවà·ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂය යෑයි ජයසූරිය මහà¶ÂÂÂ෠පවසන බවට එම ප්â€ÂÂÂරධà·ÂÂÂන සිරස්‌à¶ÂÂÂලයටම ඈඳà·â€ÂÂනෆඅà¶ÂÂÂà·â€ÂÂරෆසිරස්‌à¶ÂÂÂලයකින්පà·ÂÂÂà·„à·ÂÂÂදිලි කරන ලදී. එම සිරස්‌à¶ÂÂÂලය යටà¶ÂÂÂà·š පළවී à¶ÂÂÂිබà·â€ÂÂණේ කරෆජයසූරිය මහà¶ÂÂÂ෠විසින්"ද සන්ඩේ අයිලන්ඩ්" පà·â€ÂÂà·€à¶ÂÂÂ්පà¶ÂÂÂට එවන ලද... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 12/12/10)
A hajee This year Hajj has come out with lots of hardships and money swindling by the Hajj committee who was appointed to look after the interest of hajees. They instead of looking after the hajees they put all hajees in to difficulties. Whatever they may say over the media facts are stubborn. Every hajee will bear witness to it.therefore please appoint a committee of inquiry to go in to details to see where they have gone wrong. Forget about their political background and bring them to books.  This year Ihad the oportunity of performing Hajj.Iwish to submit the... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 12/12/10)
H. L. D. Mahindapala  The Vadukoddai War declared on May 14, 1976 is not yet over.  The Vadukoddai Resolution which laid the foundations for the Vadukoddai War opened up two fronts: 1. the military front on the ground where the Tamil youth were asked to take up arms and never “flinch†until they reach Eelam and 2 the ideological front encapsulated in the Vadukoddai Resolution which is still exploding at selected flash points.  The first front on the ground was defeated comprehensively at Nandikadal on May 18, 2010. The second front – the ideological front – is still alive... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 11/12/10)
වෛද්â€ÂÂÂය රà·â€ÂÂවන්එම්. ජයà¶ÂÂÂà·â€ÂÂංග රජයක්සිරිà¶ÂÂÂ්පරිදි යà·â€ÂÂද වියදම්ගණනය කරණෆලබන්නේ ඩොලර්වලින්, අහිමිවූ නිà·ÂÂÂ්පà·ÂÂÂදනයන්මගින්හ෠මියගිය à·„à· à¶ÂÂÂà·â€ÂÂà·€à·ÂÂÂල ලà·ÂÂÂබූ සොල්දà·ÂÂÂදà·â€ÂÂවන්ගණනිනි. නමà·â€ÂÂà¶ÂÂÂà·Š, කලà·ÂÂÂà¶ÂÂÂà·â€ÂÂරකින්හමà·â€ÂÂදà·ÂÂÂමය සංවිධà·ÂÂÂන මෙම යà·â€ÂÂද වියදම්, යà·â€ÂÂද්ධය à·„à·šà¶ÂÂÂà·â€ÂÂවෙන්පීඩà·ÂÂÂවිඳින පà·â€ÂÂද්ගලයන්සම්බන්ධයෙන්මà·ÂÂÂනීමට කටයà·â€ÂÂà¶ÂÂÂෆකරයි. රිචඩ්ගේබ්â€ÂÂÂරියල්වියට්නà·ÂÂÂම්යà·â€ÂÂද්ධය හ෠ඊළà·ÂÂÂම්යà·â€ÂÂද්ධය අà¶ÂÂÂර සමà·ÂÂÂනà¶ÂÂÂ෠හ෠අසමà·ÂÂÂනà¶ÂÂÂ෠බොහ෠වෙයි. නමà·â€ÂÂà¶ÂÂÂ්මේ දෙකම 20වන සියවසේ යà·â€ÂÂද්ධයක ඇà¶ÂÂÂà·’ බිහිසà·â€ÂÂණà·â€ÂÂකම විදහ෠දක්වයි. වියට්නà·ÂÂÂම්යà·â€ÂÂද්ධය, ඇමරිකà·ÂÂÂà·€ සම්බන්ධවූ දීර්à¶ÂÂÂà¶ÂÂÂම යà·â€ÂÂද්ධය වූ අà¶ÂÂÂර එය 1963 සිට 1975 à¶ÂÂÂෙක්වසර 12ක කà·ÂÂÂලයක්පà·ÂÂÂà·€à¶ÂÂÂිණි. ඇස්à¶ÂÂÂමේන්à¶ÂÂÂà·â€ÂÂවලට අනà·â€ÂÂà·€ පà·â€ÂÂද්ගලයන්මිලියන 2.5ක්මෙම යà·â€ÂÂද්ධය සඳහ෠දà·ÂÂÂයකවී ඇà¶ÂÂÂà·’ අà¶ÂÂÂර 58,000 පමණ ඇමරිකà·ÂÂÂනà·â€ÂÂවන්පිරිසකට ජීවිචඅහිමිවී ඇà¶ÂÂÂ. à¶ÂÂÂà·€à¶ÂÂÂà·Š300,000ක්... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 11/12/10)
වෛද්â€ÂÂÂය රà·â€ÂÂවන්එම්ජයà¶ÂÂÂà·â€ÂÂංග  බර්ටි රංජිà¶ÂÂÂ්බර්ටි රංජිà¶ÂÂÂ්යà·ÂÂÂපනය සිර ගෙදර පâ€ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂරහà·ÂÂÂරයේ මූලිකය෠විය. දà·ÂÂÂනට ජර්මනියේ ජීවà¶ÂÂÂ්වන බර්ටිගේ දà·â€ÂÂරකථන අංකය ලබ෠දà·â€ÂÂන්නේ à¶â€ÂÂà·„à·â€ÂÂගේ පà·ÂÂÂරණි සගයෙකෆවූ පියà·â€ÂÂමසේන කන්නංගර විසිනි. ඒ හරහ෠ලබ෠ගà¶ÂÂÂ්සබඳà¶ÂÂÂà·ÂÂÂà·€ අනà·â€ÂÂà·€ බර්ටි මගේ පොà¶ÂÂÂට දà·ÂÂÂයක වීමට එකඟ විය. 2009 මà·ÂÂÂර්à¶ÂÂÂà·†1 දින බර්ටි රංජිà¶ÂÂÂ්විසින්ම෠වෙචඑවන ලද විද්â€ÂÂÂයà·â€ÂÂà¶ÂÂÂà·Šà¶ÂÂÂà·ÂÂÂපà·ÂÂÂල්පණිවිඩය සමන්විචවන්නේ මේ ආකà·ÂÂÂරයටය.  ‘මම ව්â€ÂÂÂයà·ÂÂÂපà·ÂÂÂරයට යොමෆවූයේ 1968 අග කà·ÂÂÂලයේදීය. ඒ සඳහ෠හේà¶ÂÂÂෆවූයේ එකල අපි à¶ÂÂÂà·â€ÂÂල à¶ÂÂÂිබූ දේà·ÂÂÂපà·ÂÂÂලන පිපà·ÂÂÂසය විය à·„à·ÂÂÂක. ම෠ජීවà¶ÂÂÂ්වූ බඩල්ගම පâ€ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂරදේà·ÂÂÂයේ à¶ÂÂÂරà·â€ÂÂණයන්ගේ. එකà¶ÂÂÂà·â€ÂÂවක්à¶ÂÂÂිබà·â€ÂÂනි. බඩල්ගම සේනà·ÂÂÂරà¶ÂÂÂ්න කන්නංගර අපගේ මග පෙන්වන්න෠විය. පâ€ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂරදේà·ÂÂÂයේ දේà·ÂÂÂපà·ÂÂÂලන චන්ඩින්විසින්... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 11/12/10)
Sea piracy in the modern world A Pacific Fleet's task force led by the Admiral Vinogradov destroyer will complete on Saturday a three-day visit to Sri Lanka and head to the Gulf of Aden to fight sea piracy in the region. The visit to the port of Colombo coincided with the 60th anniversary of Sri Lanka's Navy. "During the friendly stay the Russian sailors visited the mayor's office and several military facilities," a spokesman for Russia's Pacific Fleet said. The Admiral Vinogradov destroyer is accompanied on the current mission by a salvage tug and the Pechenga tanker.... -Full Story- ( - 11/12/10)
At least two gangsters wanted for killing two policemen have been shot dead Saturday morning, police said. A joint army and police search operation was launched at south eastern Warakapola area, 60 kilometers north of Colombo to nab a group of gangsters who committed a robbery and shot dead two policemen who were chasing them on Friday. The gangsters later fled to a jungle area, resulting Saturday's joint operation between the police and army. Another two gangsters were also arrested, police said.... -Full Story- ( - 11/12/10)
By Charles.S.Perera  If you do a bad turn to some one who is a good person, it may rebound on you. You cannot escape from it if the person humiliated or put into an embarrassing position had no bad intensions. They say these retributions normally take place within 7 days or three months from the day of the occurrence of the humiliation or the untoward act.  It was on the 2nd December that the President of Sri Lanka Mr.Mahinda Rajapakse who was invited by the Union of the Oxford University to deliver a speech to the Union members, was... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 10/12/10)
Rajiva Wijesinha In discussing the votes of the Ministry of External Affairs, Mr Speaker, we should look at the situation in which Sri Lanka found itself five years ago, and what we have now. In those days, we seemed to be wholly dependent on what called itself the international community, so much so that representatives of that community thought they held the balance between conflicting forces in Sri Lanka. Sadly, so deep had the rot sunk that it was outsiders who had to make the position clear, while some of those who represented Sri Lanka spoke slightingly of military solutions... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 11/12/10)
Dr Ruwan M Jayatunge  The Buddha's Charter of Free Inquiry and judging truth are found in the Kalama Sutra of the Anguttara Nikaya. In Kalama Sutra Buddha emphasized the importance of critical thinking that involves seeing things in an open-minded way. Critical thinking helps to evaluate and challenge the thoughts and ideas  and rethink conclusions in the light of new knowledge. Buddhism was conceived as a rational way of thought, being entirely in accordance with the latest findings of the natural sciences and Buddhism was not based on 'dogmas of blind belief and revelation, but on rational thought... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 10/12/10)
By Shelton A. Gunaratne©2010 Professor of mass communications emeritus Minnesota State University Moorhead  On Tuesday (9 July 1996), we left the four presidents in Mount Rushmore meet and greet their thousands of other fans who kept on flocking, while we continued our adventures in the Black Hills (Pahá Sápa in Lakota) National Forest. We spent most of the next morning with “Crazy Horse†(ca.1840-1877), an Oglala Lakota warrior who took up arms against the U.S. federal government to fight against encroachments on the territories and way of life of the Lakota people. “Crazy Horse†led the Battle of... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 10/12/10)
By Dr. Mrs. Mareena Thaha Reffai Vanderwert Place, Dehiwela I tend to agree with Chandima Pallage of Makola on most points on this topic. Let me take the points one by one.  He says “I wish to state that no religion encourages cruelty to animals†– which is true. (But about  animal slaughter I am afraid I have not come across a single religion which prohibits slaughter  but of course all do mention it has to be done in a humane way. If anyone says any religion prohibits it I would like to have the quote. I... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 11/12/10)
ranjit wickremeratne Bombs were falling everywhere.Our lion hearted war heros were dying daily.Suicide bombers were creeping to the cities serching for their preys. Blood was everywhere and men.women and children young and old were dying from bomb blasts in trains,buses,on the road,in buildings etc.That was the dark days of our history and I am angry why some of my fellow citizens act like nothing has happened for the last thirty years. How they have forgotten those bloody days in their lives so quickly only god knows. Politicians of course you cannot trust they sing according to the times.They... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 11/12/10)
Sutirtho Patranobis, India and Sri Lanka on Friday continued to step up defence cooperation with navy chief admiral Nirmal Verma leading two Indian naval ships to participate in Sri Lanka navy's diamond jubilee celebration. Indian naval ships Mysore, the largest indigenously built largest destroyer of the Indian navy and Tarangini a sail training ship took part in the celebrations, which began on Wednesday. These two ships along with Indian navy's Tir, Shardul and Indian Coast Guard Ship Varuna had earlier provided extensive training to Sri Lankan Navy cadets in October.... -Full Story- (Hindustan Times - 10/12/10)
Mamuni Das The Shipping Corporation of India (SCI) is considering a proposal from the Union Shipping Ministry to start a passenger ferry service between Tuticorin and Colombo. For this, the SCI will first have to either enter into a partnership with a ferry owner and/or operator. Alternatively, SCI might also take a ferry on lease to operate the service. Expressions of interest SCI is likely to invite expressions of interest from various firms on the issue soon, said sources from the Shipping Ministry and SCI. The Shipping Minister, Mr G.K. Vasan,recently stated that a ferry service between India and Sri... -Full Story- (The Hindu - 10/12/10)
Dilrook Kannangara Adversity makes strange bedfellows - proverb  Rienzi Algama was an ardent UNP supporter from Wattala. However, he was not a fool to commit harakiri over a bankrupt political party. Manipulating his love for the party, a certain well known person orchestrated a Tamil Nadu style self immolation right in front of the UNP head quarters in Pita Kotte. Soon after he succumbed to his injuries, Karu Jayasuriya publicly stated that his dying wish was the UNP leaders don’t fight each other for the top post. This was when the young popular prince from the south was... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 09/12/10)
John Brewstaer How to frame someone for murder or war crimes As mastered by the Tamil terrorists If you need to frame someone for murder or war crimes, there are plenty of resources at your disposal. Use the wealth in the west to create a war chest. Just ask the Tamils living here. Use narco-terrorism, extortion, counterfeit documents, illegal and deadly weapons trade with terror groups, credit card fraud, money laundering, illegal human smuggling, etc, as the Tamils in the west have done for the past 30 years and still do. Contact the Tamil terrorists living in... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 09/12/10)
Dev de Silva Hi Patriots.  I think its high time we Patriotic Sri Lankans become "Proactive" instead of being Reactive in this situation. It is apparent that the defeat of the murderous tiger terrorists have united a majority of Sri Lankans under the Lion flag and brought out the patriotism towards their motherland. I say "majority" of Sri Lankans because there are also those maggots out there who claim to be Sri Lankans but are totally unpatriotic to their motherland and would even sell their own mothers for their own benefit. From the events in the recent past... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 09/12/10)
Embassy of Sri Lanka  Kuwait The prestigious Kuwait University hosted the 4th International Conference on Social Sciences from 29th – 30th November under the patronage of Prof. Moudhi Abdul Aziz Al Humoud, Minister of Education and Higher Education of Kuwait and President of the Kuwait University. As part of the conference, over 25 countries participated in a two - day country promotional exhibition featuring their culture, touristic attractions, fashion, people, food & hospitality etc, which attracted visitors in thousands. The countries participated included Asian, African, European and Western nations, which all had maintained promotional booths at the Kuwait... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 09/12/10)
Ranjith Soysa You regained the country chasing the Tigers. Signalled to the world that Sri Lanka is strong and healthy, Remember the Brits, the Vikings, the Blakes who hissed like vipers, nurtured terror, provided succour to fronts venomous and wealthy  Lanka’s friends were in the East In Latin America and the Middle East They rallied round and sent a message to the World. That Sri Lanka can march along head high and bold.  But, we were stunned when you chose Oxford To convey the vision of new Lanka to the world In little England, plagued by flu... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 09/12/10)
මà·ÂÂÂධ්â€ÂÂÂය අංà·ÂÂÂය - විදà·â€ÂÂලිබල හ෠බලà·ÂÂÂක්à¶ÂÂÂà·’ අමà·ÂÂÂà¶ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂයà·ÂÂÂංà·ÂÂÂය දà·ÂÂÂනට දිවයිනේ පවà·â€ÂÂල්ලක්ෂ 42කට පමණ ජà·ÂÂÂà¶ÂÂÂික විදà·â€ÂÂලිබල ජà·ÂÂÂලයෙන්විදà·â€ÂÂලිය සපය෠ඇà¶ÂÂÂà·’ අà¶ÂÂÂර ඉදිරි වසර දෙක ඇà¶ÂÂÂà·â€ÂÂලà¶ÂÂÂදී ලක්ෂ 47 දක්ව෠ඉහළ නà·ÂÂÂංවීම විදà·â€ÂÂලිබල හ෠බලà·ÂÂÂක්à¶ÂÂÂà·’ අමà·ÂÂÂà¶ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂයà·ÂÂÂංà·ÂÂÂයේ ඉලක්කය වී à¶ÂÂÂිබේ. ඒ සඳහ෠ගâ€ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂරà·ÂÂÂමීය විදà·â€ÂÂලි ව්â€ÂÂÂයà·ÂÂÂපෘà¶ÂÂÂà·’ 4593ක්පමණ දීපව්â€ÂÂÂයà·ÂÂÂප්à¶ÂÂÂà·€ ස්ථà·ÂÂÂපිචකිරීමේ විදà·â€ÂÂලමෆලංක෠වà·ÂÂÂඩසටහන මේ වනවිට දියà¶ÂÂÂ්කර ඇà¶ÂÂÂ. මීට අමà¶ÂÂÂරව ජà·ÂÂÂà¶ÂÂÂික විදà·â€ÂÂලිබල ජà·ÂÂÂලයෙන්විදà·â€ÂÂලිය ලබà·ÂÂÂදීමට නොහà·ÂÂÂකි පවà·â€ÂÂල්වෙනà·â€ÂÂවෙන්විකල්ප බලà·ÂÂÂක්à¶ÂÂÂිය යොද෠ගනිමින්විදà·â€ÂÂලිය ලබà·ÂÂÂදීම සඳහ෠විෂයභà·ÂÂÂර අමà·ÂÂÂà¶ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂය පà·ÂÂÂඨලී චමිපික රණවක මහà¶ÂÂÂà·ÂÂÂගේ උපදෙස්පරිදි කâ€ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂරියà·ÂÂÂà¶ÂÂÂ්මක වන ගâ€ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂරà·ÂÂÂමà·ÂÂÂක්à¶ÂÂÂà·’ à·€à·ÂÂÂඩසටහන මේ වනවිට දිවයිනේ සෑම ගâ€ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂරà·ÂÂÂම නිලධà·ÂÂÂරී කොටිඨà·ÂÂÂà·ÂÂÂයකම දියà¶ÂÂÂ්කිරීමට විදà·â€ÂÂලිබල හ෠බලà·ÂÂÂක්à¶ÂÂÂà·’ අමà·ÂÂÂà¶ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂයà·ÂÂÂංà·ÂÂÂය පියවර ගෙන à¶ÂÂÂිබේ.... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 09/12/10)
වෛද්â€ÂÂÂය රà·â€ÂÂවන්එම්. ජයà¶ÂÂÂà·â€ÂÂංග   â€ÂÂÂà¶ÂÂÂමන්දන්න෠සà¶ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂය කථ෠කරන කà·â€ÂÂමන හ෠මà·â€ÂÂග්ධයෙකෆසෑම පරම්පරà·ÂÂÂවකම සිටිය à·„à·ÂÂÂකâ€ÂÂÂබොරිස්පà·ÂÂÂස්ටර්නà·ÂÂÂක් බොල්ෂෙවික්විප්ලවය පà·ÂÂÂà·€à¶ÂÂÂà·’ අවධියේදී රà·â€ÂÂසියà·ÂÂÂවේ ඉහළ මධ්â€ÂÂÂයම පà·ÂÂÂංà¶ÂÂÂිය à¶ÂÂÂà·â€ÂÂà·… පà·ÂÂÂà·€à¶ÂÂÂà·’ අවà·ÂÂÂසනà·ÂÂÂවන්චස්වභà·ÂÂÂවය පිළිබඳව අවධà·ÂÂÂරණය කරමින්â€ÂÂÂඩොක්ටර්ෂිවà·ÂÂÂගà·Â†නම්අර්බà·â€ÂÂදයට à¶ÂÂÂà·â€ÂÂඩෆදà·â€ÂÂන්නවකථà·ÂÂÂà·€ රචන෠කිරීම à·„à·šà¶ÂÂÂà·â€ÂÂකොටගෙන නොබෙල්à¶ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂයà·ÂÂÂගලà·ÂÂÂභී රà·â€ÂÂසියà·ÂÂÂනෆකවියෙකෆහ෠ගà¶ÂÂÂ්කà¶ÂÂÂà·â€ÂÂවරයෙකෆවූ බොරිස්පà·ÂÂÂස්ටර්නà·ÂÂÂක්ලà·ÂÂÂක පâ€ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂරසිද්ධියට පà¶ÂÂÂ්විය. පà·ÂÂÂස්ටර්නà·ÂÂÂක්â€ÂÂÂපරිකල්පනයට†අදà·ÂÂÂà·… à·ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂරේෂ්ඨ නිර්මà·ÂÂÂපකයෙකෆවිය. à¶â€ÂÂà·„à·â€ÂÂගේ à·ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂරේෂ්ඨ නවකථà·ÂÂÂà·€ මà·ÂÂÂනවවà·ÂÂÂදයෙන්පිරී ඇà¶ÂÂÂà·’ අà¶ÂÂÂර එහි චරිà¶ÂÂÂයන්සකස෠ඇà¶ÂÂÂà·Šà¶ÂÂÂà·š කà·ÂÂÂව්â€ÂÂÂයà·ÂÂÂà¶ÂÂÂ්මක දà·ÂÂÂක්මකිනි. 1917 දී රà·â€ÂÂසියà·ÂÂÂවේ සිදà·â€ÂÂවූ දà·ÂÂÂà·€à·ÂÂÂන්චසමà·ÂÂÂජ පෙරළිය à¶â€ÂÂහෆදà·â€ÂÂටà·â€ÂÂවේ නිරන්à¶ÂÂÂරයෙන්වෙනස්වන සිà¶ÂÂÂ්ගන්න෠රූ රට෠මවන මà·ÂÂÂනව කâ€ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂරීඩ෠භà·ÂÂÂණ්ඩයක්ලෙසිනි.  මෙම නවකථà·ÂÂÂà·€ රචන෠කරන ලද්දේ විප්ලවය... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 09/12/10)
The following is the full text of the  submission made by H. L. D. Mahindapala to the Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission on November 29, 2010. Mr. Chairman and distinguished members of the Commission, I am honoured and privileged to be invited to give evidence before this Commission on the historic and epic events of our time and I thank the Commission for giving me this opportunity. Before I go any further I must congratulate the Commission for the progress made so far, particularly in giving the lie to its critics who dismissed it as not being credible as... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 08/12/10)
By Charles.S.Perera  In UNP Rukman Senanayake stands out from the rest- a probable leader to save UNP from collapse.  In 1986 there was a coalition Government in France. The late Mr.Francois Mitterrand was the President, and his Prime Minister was Jacques Chirac. The President was from the Socialist Party and Chirac from the Conservative Republican Party. Their politics were poles apart.  Despite their being in a cohabitation government they criticised each other politically within France with out coming down to personal levels . But out side France they never criticised each other. They were very honourable politicians, speaking in... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 08/12/10)
L. B. Wasantha (USA) In response to Mr. Karu Jayasuriya's statement in the Lanka Guardian: titled: "Karu replies to the paper which misquotes him", here is a question:  Dear Karu, If you are so innocent as you claim to be in your denial of betraying Sri Lanka while in the UK, (as written to the Sri Lanka Guardian, of all places), all you have to do is to show the video of your speech made in the UK. I am sure there must be an official video of this. Why not show it to the public? ... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 08/12/10)
Catherine Deshayes This is probably the best investment opportunity of its kind in the world - a bold claim you may say, so just take a moment and consider the following... Consider these points: No Capital Gains Tax! No Tax on Rental Income for 15 years! Net Rental Returns commencing at least 17 per cent! Total return on capital of 295 per cent after 60 months! No Exchange Control Restrictions on Capital and Income! With property markets in the USA, Europe and the Middle East suffering an unprecedented crash and financial markets in a state of flux, it is understandable... -Full Story- ( - 08/12/10)
Feizal Samath Last Updated: Dec 9, 2010 COLOMBO // Support for President Mahinda Rajapaksa remains strong and his opposition weak and divided despite protests in the UK that forced the visiting president to cancel a planned speech to the Oxford Union. Hundreds of Sri Lankan Tamil expatriates and supporters of former Tamil rebels protested in London against Mr Rajapaksa's visit, prompting Oxford University to cancel the president's talk, scheduled for December 2. But while the cancellation was hailed as a moral victory for Tamil supporters and an embarrassment for the president, analysts in Colombo said it would have... -Full Story- ( - 08/12/10)
The New Citizen 6th Dec. 2010â€â€ÂÂIreland detonated a depth-charge in the global financial system in November, by bucking the City of London’s demand that Ireland’s taxpayers bail out the nation’s bankrupt private banks. Until it caved in on 22nd Nov. to excruciating pressure from the European Central Bank (ECB) and International Monetary Fund (IMF) to agree to an 85 billion euro bailout, the Irish government had insisted, rightly, that it is not the Irish state which is bankrupt, but the private banksâ€â€ÂÂvirtually all of which are simply offshore branch offices of the major banks of the City of London. What... -Full Story- ( - 08/12/10)
වෛද්â€ÂÂÂය රà·â€ÂÂවන්එම්ජයà¶ÂÂÂà·â€ÂÂංග පියà·â€ÂÂමසේන, කන්නංගර -පියà·â€ÂÂමසේන, කන්නංගර බර්ටි රංජිà¶ÂÂÂ්සමඟ යà·ÂÂÂපනය හිර ගෙදර පâ€ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂරහà·ÂÂÂරයට සම්බන්ධ වූ අයෙකි. à¶â€ÂÂහෆමෙසේ පවසයි.  ‘‘මම ව්â€ÂÂÂයà·ÂÂÂපà·ÂÂÂරයට සම්බන්ධ වෙන කොට රà·ÂÂÂකිය෠විරහිචà¶ÂÂÂරà·â€ÂÂණයෙක්. මට ඩâ€ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂරයිවින්පà·â€ÂÂà·…à·â€ÂÂවං. එස්.ඞී බණ්ඩà·ÂÂÂරනà·ÂÂÂයක මහà¶ÂÂÂà·Šà¶ÂÂÂයගේ ව්â€ÂÂÂයà·ÂÂÂපà·ÂÂÂරෙ à·€à·ÂÂÂඩට දීල෠à¶ÂÂÂිබෆඅංක 1961 දරණ ෆොක්ස්වà·ÂÂÂගන්එක මම එලෙව්වà·ÂÂÂ. වරක්සà·â€ÂÂමà·ÂÂÂන 2-3 විà¶ÂÂÂර පොඩි අà¶ÂÂÂà·â€ÂÂල සමඟ à·€à·ÂÂÂහනේ බà·ÂÂÂම්බ පෙට්ටි පâ€ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂරවà·ÂÂÂහනය කලà·ÂÂÂ.  බර්ටි රංජිà¶ÂÂÂ්ඉගෙන ගà¶ÂÂÂà·Šà¶ÂÂÂà·š à·„à·â€ÂÂනà·â€ÂÂමà·â€ÂÂල්ල සෙන්ටâ€ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂරල්එකේ. මම à·„à·â€ÂÂනà·â€ÂÂමà·â€ÂÂල්ල මධ්â€ÂÂÂය මහ෠විද්â€ÂÂÂයà·ÂÂÂලයේ. බර්ටි මගේ පà·ÂÂÂසල්කà·ÂÂÂලයේ සිටම දන්න මිà¶ÂÂÂà·â€ÂÂරෙක්. අපි යà·ÂÂÂපනේ හිරගේ කඩන්න ගියේ අපේâ€ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂරල්පâ€ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂරහà·ÂÂÂරයට දින 10 විà¶ÂÂÂර පෙර මà·ÂÂÂර්à¶ÂÂÂෆමà·ÂÂÂසයේදී. කà·ÂÂÂච්චියෙන්බර්ටි. මම, විරසිංහ හෙවà¶ÂÂÂ්පසà·â€ÂÂà·€ කලපෆවීරේ... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 07/12/10)
චන්ද්â€ÂÂÂරසේන පණ්ඩිà¶ÂÂÂගේ විසිනි. â€ÂÂÂමොල උකසට ගà·ÂÂÂනීම à·„à· â€ÂÂÂමොල උකසට à¶ÂÂÂà·ÂÂÂබීම, කà·ÂÂÂලà·ÂÂÂන්à¶ÂÂÂරයක්මà·â€ÂÂà·…à·â€ÂÂල්†â€ÂÂÂලේ â€ÂÂÂමේ රටà¶ÂÂÂà·â€ÂÂල ගජරà·ÂÂÂâ€ÂÂÂමෙට සිදà·â€ÂÂවූ ව්â€ÂÂÂයà·ÂÂÂපà·ÂÂÂරයකි. à·ƒà·ÂÂÂමà·ÂÂÂන්â€ÂÂÂය ජන පදනමින්ආරම්භව ගල෠ගිය â€ÂÂÂමෙම ව්â€ÂÂÂයà·ÂÂÂපà·ÂÂÂරය අද ජà·ÂÂÂà¶ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂයන්à¶ÂÂÂර පදනමින්ව්â€ÂÂÂයà·ÂÂÂප්à¶ÂÂÂà·€ පවà¶ÂÂÂà·“. විâ€ÂÂÂà·ÂÂÂà·šà·‚â€ÂÂÂයෙන්â€ÂÂÂමේ රටà¶ÂÂÂà·â€ÂÂල ජීවà¶ÂÂÂ්වීම සඳහ෠â€ÂÂÂමොල උකසට à¶ÂÂÂà·ÂÂÂබීම â€ÂÂÂබොâ€ÂÂÂà·„à·ÂÂÂවිට සිදෆකරන්†නේ දේà·ÂÂÂපà·ÂÂÂලනයට සම්බන්ධ විවිධ පà·â€ÂÂද්ගලයින්විසිනි. මහ෠පරිමà·ÂÂÂනයෙන්මොල උකස්ගන්න෠මධ්â€ÂÂÂයස්ථà·ÂÂÂන බවට පà¶ÂÂÂà·Šà·€ ඇà¶ÂÂÂà·Šà¶ÂÂÂà·š මෙරට බටහිර à¶ÂÂÂà·ÂÂÂනà·ÂÂÂපà¶ÂÂÂà·’ කà·ÂÂÂර්යà·ÂÂÂල ජà·ÂÂÂලයයි. මෙම මොල උකස්ගන්න෠මධ්â€ÂÂÂයස්ථà·ÂÂÂනවල මොල උකසට à¶ÂÂÂà·ÂÂÂබීම සඳහ෠සියළà·â€ÂÂම දේà·ÂÂÂපà·ÂÂÂලන පක්ෂවල ක්â€ÂÂÂරිය෠කà·ÂÂÂරීන්පà·ÂÂÂමිණෙන අà¶ÂÂÂර, ඒව෠උකසට à¶ÂÂÂබ෠ඇà¶ÂÂÂà·’ කà·ÂÂÂලය à¶ÂÂÂà·â€ÂÂලදී එම à¶ÂÂÂà·ÂÂÂනà·ÂÂÂපà¶ÂÂÂà·’ කà·ÂÂÂර්යà·ÂÂÂලවල දේà·ÂÂÂපà·ÂÂÂලන අං෠ක්â€ÂÂÂරියà·ÂÂÂකà·ÂÂÂරීන්උපරීම ආකà·ÂÂÂරයෙන්පà·ÂÂÂවිච්චියට ගනී. ඒ à·„à·šà¶ÂÂÂà·â€ÂÂවෙන්ගෞරවණීය දේà·ÂÂÂපà·ÂÂÂලඥය෠ඇටි... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 07/12/10)
P.A.Samaraweera, Australia In a recent address, US Ambassador Butenis had said, "...Obama and Hilary Cliton have made it a priority to reinvigorate America's relationships with the world... Built new ones to meet shared challenges from climate change to ending the threat to nuclear weapons, to fight disease and poverty in countries like Sri Lanka...and I am proud to be part of it..." And she had been smiling.  Then in cables sent to the US Dept., she had made allegations that the responsibility for many of the alleged war crimes rested with President Rajapakse, his brothers and Opposition Presidential candidate Sarath... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 07/12/10)
BY A.A.M.NIZAM  President Mahinda Rajapaksa is undoubtedly and indisputably the greatest statesman produced by Sri Lanka in the recent times.  He not only unified Sri Lanka by liberating the country vanquishing the world’s ruthless terrorist organization, akin to our great heroes never compromised the country’s integrity and never bowed down in front of the enemy or anti national forces. President Mahinda Rajapaksa has never compromised the integrity and the unitary status of the country and never genuflected in front of a foreign power whoever and how powerful it may be, and have never acceded to foreign dictates and demands,... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 06/12/10)
... -Full Story- ( - 06/12/10)
වෛද්â€ÂÂÂය රà·â€ÂÂවන්එම්. ජයà¶ÂÂÂà·â€ÂÂංග  මà·ÂÂÂනසික à·€à·ÂÂÂයෙන්දà·ÂÂÂඩි පීඩනයකට ලක්විය à·„à·ÂÂÂකි සිදà·â€ÂÂවීමකින්පසà·â€ÂÂà·€ නà·ÂÂÂගෙන මනà·ÂÂÂවිද්â€ÂÂÂයà·ÂÂÂනà·â€ÂÂකූල රà·ÂÂÂගී ලක්â€ÂÂÂෂණ, පෙන්නà·â€ÂÂම්කරන දූරà·ÂÂÂවලියක්‛පà·ÂÂÂ්චà·ÂÂÂà¶ÂÂÂ්ව්â€ÂÂÂයසන ක්ලමථ අක්â€ÂÂÂරමà¶ÂÂÂà·ÂÂÂවය (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) යනà·â€ÂÂවෙන්හà·ÂÂÂඳින්වෙයි.(PSTD) යන කෙටි නà·ÂÂÂමයෙන්හà·ÂÂÂඳින්වෙන මෙම මà·ÂÂÂනසික à¶ÂÂÂà¶ÂÂÂà·Šà¶ÂÂÂ්වය ව්â€ÂÂÂයසනයකට මà·â€ÂÂà·„à·â€ÂÂණ දීමෙන්අනà¶ÂÂÂà·â€ÂÂරà·â€ÂÂà·€ ක්â€ÂÂÂෂණිකව හ෠කà·ÂÂÂලයක්ගà¶ÂÂÂවීමෙන්පසà·â€ÂÂà·€ හ෠ඇà¶ÂÂÂිවිය à·„à·ÂÂÂකිය. කෙසේ වෙà¶ÂÂÂà¶ÂÂÂ්එය භීà¶ÂÂÂිය ගෙනෙන පීඩà·ÂÂÂකà·ÂÂÂරී à·„à·ÂÂÂඟීම්මà·â€ÂÂසෆභයංකර අà¶ÂÂÂ්දà·ÂÂÂකීමකට පසà·â€ÂÂà·€ ඇà¶ÂÂÂිවන්නකි.කොළොම්බිය෠විà·ÂÂÂ්වවිද්â€ÂÂÂයà·ÂÂÂල විà·ÂÂÂà·Šà·€ කà·ÂÂÂෂය පà·ÂÂÂ්චà·ÂÂÂà¶ÂÂÂ්ව්â€ÂÂÂයසන ක්ලමථ අක්â€ÂÂÂරමà¶ÂÂÂà·ÂÂÂවය හෙවà¶ÂÂÂ්ඡà¶â€ÂÂà·“à·˜ නිර්වචනය කර ඇà¶ÂÂÂà·Šà¶ÂÂÂà·š මෙසේය. “එය අà¶ÂÂÂà·’à·ÂÂÂය පීඩà·ÂÂÂකà·ÂÂÂරී මà·ÂÂÂනසික අà¶ÂÂÂ්දà·ÂÂÂකීමක්මචඋපදින්නකි. යà·â€ÂÂද්ධය, භීෂණය, ළම෠කල අපහරණයට ලක්වීම, ලිංගික අà¶ÂÂÂවරයකට බඳà·â€ÂÂන්වීම, දරà·â€ÂÂණෆඅනà¶ÂÂÂà·â€ÂÂරකට මà·â€ÂÂà·„à·â€ÂÂණ දීම ආදියට පසෆමේ මà·ÂÂÂනසික... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 06/12/10)
Ranjit Wickremeratne I am not talking about the Clint Eastwood movie but about our Sinhala traitors who were clamouring to oust our beloved President and destroy our Sinhala gem of a nation SRI LANKA. Our nation is progressing in every field after the bloody terrorism war for thirty years.These stupid Sinhala idiotic traitors like Ranil,Somawansa,Tilvin, Witch Doctor Jayalath, Red Dog Balubahu not wickremebahu,Sarath Fonseka and others should be hanged for treason to their Motherland in my view. They dont have any love for their own country of birth.They simply wants to destroy our new born freedom and unity... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 06/12/10)
Dr. Tilak Fernando Thesaurus describes the word ‘Privilege’ as a special entitlement to immunity granted by the State or another authority to a restricted group, either by birth or on a conditional basis. Etymologically a privilege means a private law to a specific individual(s). In a broader sense, ‘privilege’ could be refer to special powers or de facto immunities held as a consequence of political power or wealth. One of the objectives of the French Revolution was the abolition of privilege. Members of the diplomatic guild may flout the civil or criminal codes of their host country with the... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 06/12/10)
- Kumar Moses   It’s easy to predict the next moves of the LTTE Diaspora. Much has happened since the above timely topic was discussed a few weeks back. Unfortunately the LTTE Diaspora is hell bent on treading a destructive path. Although the government arranged a protest rally by resettled civilians against the irresponsible LTTE Diaspora, it was not very successful. Only a very small number of people participated with government agencies supplying them with flags, etc. and they didn’t do it voluntarily. Their elected representatives, mostly TNA, are also waiting for the opportune time to discredit Sri Lanka... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 05/12/10)
Press Statement – Oxford University Sri Lanka Society The Oxford University Sri Lanka Society is shocked and outraged at the eleventh hour cancellation of the Second Address of H.E. Mahinda Rajapaksa, President of Sri Lanka at the Oxford Union by its President James Kingston. We consider it a slur not only on Sri Lanka but also on the long cherished ideals of freedom of speech and liberty in the United Kingdom. It is reprehensible and utterly irresponsible that this was done only after President Rajapaksa had arrived in the United Kingdom and forever will be a black day in... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 05/12/10)
Insight By Sunil Kumar Dec.5th 2010  The term unpatriotic  rabble rouser and treasonous individuals may well be fitting Sri lanka's UNP parlimentarian Dr. Jayalath Jayawardena primarily as well as Dr Wickremabahu Karunaratne's role in calling for punitive action agaist the Government odf Sri lanka and her President during his recent UK visit. The former's dubious track record as a former Tamil Tiger sympathiser surreptitiously visible to the more discerning on many occassions despite no charges laid relative to some of his contentious actions and statements to the media during the LTTE problems in Sri lanka alone may be sufficient to indict and... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 05/12/10)
 DR JANAKA GOONETILLEKE Since the advent of European colonialist 200 years ago to other continents  in search of wealth , dramatic changes in the moral Zeitgeist was designed  to exploit man and nature. In this context elimination of the Red Indians and Australian aborigines to the present day carnage in Iraq and Afghanistan has been justified. In a economic sense the Myth of creation of wealth in a world where the wealth is zero sum is nothing but a cloud to shroud the ultimate aim of redistribution of wealth.  This transfer of resources has been carried out with ponzy... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 05/12/10)
Dr Bandula Kothalawala London N7 Since the launch of the series of Wiki Leaks’ “revelationsâ€ÂÂÂ, Hillary Rodham Clinton has busied herself with apologising profusely to US allies for unflattering comments contained in diplomatic cables. Indeed, the amazing fluidity with which apologies roll off her forked tongue is no mean achievement in itself even for a prima donna of her ilk. Apologetics has become her favourite literary genre, at least, for the moment. Thanks to Wiki Leaks, Hillary Clinton, at last, seems to have hit upon the right literary genre. Critics need not grudge her this apparent success, for it... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 04/12/10)
By Charles.S.Perera  Sri Lanka after the elimination of terrorists is at last a safe place for every one.  But what is really happening in Sri Lanka after this historic victory over terrorism ?  Instead of enjoying this freedom gained after so much of suffering and human and material, sacrifice, the traitors to Sri Lanka  have begun a campaign to stop progress and development. JVP following a traitorous political path misleading University Students, and Government employees, is creating political mayhem carrying the weight of Sarath Fonseka on their back.  Unfortunately in Sri Lanka there is no enjoyment of the freedom... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 04/12/10)
By Kith de Silva Here we go again.UK Channel 4 has timed it perfectly. What a fantastic diversion to take the heat away from the Wikileaks exposing atrocities of the West. Kick Sri Lanka in the guts yet again.  No one should condone civilian killings by any. However over three decades LTTE went on killing spree of civilians and wanton destruction of economic assets and desecration of religious sites in Sri Lanka. British and other so called guardians of human rights and democracy kept mum, the minority Tamil votes in marginal seats and the blood money of the terrorist... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 04/12/10)
Ira de Silva London, Ontario Ms. P. Butenis U.S. Ambassador to Sri Lanka Colombo, Sri Lanka  Dear Madam:  I refer to your statement at the outset of the news regarding the content of the information made available to the world on diplomatic exchanges from the U.S. embassy in Colombo and the U.S. State Department. Your claim was that this information should not be made public and your Secretary of State could also only condemn the exposure stating that it would endanger lives. What is clear is that the U.S. is only concerned with American lives and have no regard... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 04/12/10)
Owen Bowcott, Campaigners apply for war crimes arrest warrant against Chagi Gallage, President Mahinda Rajapaksa's bodyguard Lawyers acting for Tamil activists are in court this morning applying for a war crimes arrest warrant against a Sri Lankan general visiting Britain. Campaigners hope to persuade magistrates at Horseferry Road court in central London that the officer in charge of security for the aborted tour by President Mahinda Rajapaksa should be detained. The president had been due to speak at the Oxford Union debating society last night but the address was cancelled at short notice after the threat of mass protests... -Full Story- ( - 04/12/10)
Malinda Senaviratne The President of Sri Lanka, Mahinda Rajapaksa, was snubbed. Well and truly snubbed. Perhaps it was Sri Lankan generosity, perhaps it was ego or perhaps it was just seizing of an opportunity to present his case, his vision or his credentials, perhaps a reaching out, a going of an extra mile with respect to the pro-Eelam/LTTE sections of the Sri Lankan Tamil Diaspora, we don’t really know why he accepted this invitation. He opened himself to a snub and snubbed he was.... -Full Story- ( - 04/12/10)
By Shelton A. Gunaratne©2010 Professor of mass communications emeritus Minnesota State University Moorhead  When we left West Yellowstone, Montana, Sunday (7 Dec. 1996), our intention was to explore the southeastern section of Yellowstone from Moran (pop. 414) to Cody (pop. 8,835). In the morning, we drove 127 miles south from West Yellowstone (pop. 1,177) to Jackson (pop 8,647), Wyoming, via U.S. 20 (then SR 32 and SR 33) along the eastern border of Idaho. Jackson is a major gateway for millions of tourists visiting nearby Grand Teton National Park, Yellowstone National Park, and the National Elk Refuge. Our aim... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 04/12/10)
වෛද්â€ÂÂÂය රà·â€ÂÂවන්එම්ජයà¶ÂÂÂà·â€ÂÂංග පරිවර්à¶ÂÂÂනය - ඒ. එම්. වික්â€ÂÂÂරමසිංහ "රජයක මà·â€ÂÂලිකම කà·ÂÂÂර්යâ€ÂÂÂභà·ÂÂÂරය වනà·â€ÂÂයේ à¶ÂÂÂම පà·â€ÂÂරවà·ÂÂÂසියන්ප්â€ÂÂÂරචණ්ඩà¶ÂÂÂ්වයෙන්ආරකâ€ÂÂÂෂ෠කිරීමයි" -ජà·ÂÂÂන්ෆà·ÂÂÂස්ටර්ඩල්ස්[John Foster Dulles] ප්â€ÂÂÂරචණ්ඩà¶ÂÂÂ්වය à·ƒà·ÂÂÂමà·ÂÂÂන්â€ÂÂÂයයෙන්අර්ථ දà·ÂÂÂක්වෙන්නේ à¶ÂÂÂමà·ÂÂÂටම හ෠වෙනà¶ÂÂÂ්පà·â€ÂÂද්ගලයෙකà·â€ÂÂට හ෠පà·â€ÂÂද්ගල කණ්ඩà·ÂÂÂයමකට හ෠යම්ජන සමà·ÂÂÂජයකට හ෠විරà·â€ÂÂද්ධව, à·„à·’à¶ÂÂÂà·ÂÂÂමà¶ÂÂÂà·ÂÂÂම බලය හ෠කà·ÂÂÂයික à·ÂÂÂක්à¶ÂÂÂිය භà·ÂÂÂවිචකිරීම මඟින්à·ÂÂÂà·ÂÂÂරීරික ආබà·ÂÂÂධ, මà·ÂÂÂනසික ආබà·ÂÂÂධ මරණය හ෠වියà·ÂÂÂගය ඇà¶ÂÂÂà·’ කිරීම හ෠ඇà¶ÂÂÂිවිය à·„à·ÂÂÂකි ලෙසට ක්â€ÂÂÂරිය෠කිරීම ලෙසය. ( Krug, Dahlberg, Mercy, Zwi & lozano, 2002) දේà·ÂÂÂපà·ÂÂÂලන ප්â€ÂÂÂරචණ්ඩà¶ÂÂÂâ€ÂÂÂ්වය යනෆදේà·ÂÂÂපà·ÂÂÂලන අභිමà¶ÂÂÂà·ÂÂÂර්ථ à·ƒà·ÂÂÂක්ෂà·ÂÂÂà¶ÂÂÂ්කර ගà·ÂÂÂනීම සඳහ෠ප්â€ÂÂÂරචණ්ඩකà·ÂÂÂරී ක්â€ÂÂÂරිය෠යොද෠ගà·ÂÂÂනීමයි. දේà·ÂÂÂපà·ÂÂÂලන අරමà·â€ÂÂණෆඉටà·â€ÂÂකර ගà·ÂÂÂනීම සඳහ෠ලොවපà·â€ÂÂර෠මිනිසà·â€ÂÂන්සහ රජයයන්ÃÃ