End of war:The illusion of solution
Posted on May 21st, 2009
Written by Dr. B. Silvers (Sri Lanka Friends Society Germany)
As non Sri Lankan but as somebody who is married with a Sri Lankan (Singhalese) and as sombody who lived in Sri Lanka for more than 8 years and as sombody who feels love but also dislike for Sri Lankans, Iam happy for the entire population of the country that the war came to an conclusion. So far so good. Without doubt the Tamil Tigers where so called terrorists and the people of Sri Lanka, Singhalese, Tamils and Muslems, suffered under their inhuman activities.
But inhumanity is not only part of the millitaries and terrorists. Some people call this collateral damage. Inhumanity it self is the collateral damage made out of nationalism, brainwash and stupidity but also powerty, discrimination and desperation. But more than this attitudes inhumanity live on the business with war. It seems Sri Lankans forgotten completely the source of the Tamil Tiger foundation. Everybody should have it in his mind. Now the people of Sri Lanka celebrating the victory on the road with joy and happyness. But what are they happy about?
Is it the end of war or is it a kind of valve for the opportunity to show up the Sri Lankan heroism and nationalism?
Newspapers reports are full of statements of `We are great, we are proud to be Sri Lankan,what a great nation we are`and so on. Regarding the end of war it is a kind of collateral damage of human intelligents. Sri Lankans can be very smart people and the country has immense resources in culture, beauty of nature and touristic attractation but also a great luck of recognition regarding self made ethnic,social and economic problems.ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ During the 8 years of my stay in the country I recognized what it means to be part of an island population. Sri Lankans have to be creative and smart to survive in its daily life and they do. But they do not in making use of the mentioned resources.
We westener shouldn`t judge other countries or giving advises what is right and what`s wrong. Colonialism have done it. Forget it. Everybody who loves this country and sympathize with its people should put an eye on the politicians and their future politics. The destinies irony can be impertinent. There is a President nobody really loves except his voters.
Maybe for many Sri Lankans President Rajapaske was the right or the wrong man to lead the countries
future. Now he has the unique opportunity to unify the country and to establish a better life for all Sri Lankans. If he fail to use this chance new blossoms of terrorism will grown up and it will be called collateralof political inability