International Community and UN accusing Sri Lanka for war crime, introduce “hostage taking of Civilians” as an effective weapon to world terrorists
Posted on May 22nd, 2009

By Charles.S.Perera

The contradictions of the West is dovetailed to their pretentious “we know everything “attitude. They are fighting the terrorists, telling the world that they will not negotiate with the terrorist. They say, that they will fight terrorism wherever it exists, and will not compromise with terrorists. All that is meaningless bosh. Sri Lanka a small developing country did not show off to any one, it wanted to rid itself of terrorism and they did it successfully and into the bargain rescued a population of 230000 civilians kept as a human shield by the ruthless terrorists.

But now the all knowing pretentions International Community and its partner UN High Commissioner for Human Rights are making investigations to accuse the government of Sri Lanka for crimes against humanity, in its elimination of terrorism from its soil.

Are they stupid or stark mad to tell they are against terrorism and then when a country ends terrorism in military operations, to turn round, and say to it that it will be brought before the International Courts for crimes against humanity ?

They should know whether they are against terrorism ,or not against terrorism. If they continue their stupidity the terrorists will be emboldened that they will terrorise countries taking along with them Civilians as human shields. The West with there pretended superior knowledge of things is really messing up the world.ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ 

Jeremy Page, Anna Niestat, as well as Milliband have their pride bruised by the Government of Sri Lanka’s refusal to pay attention to them. Therefore, they are back with other allegations against the government for its refusal to give the terrorist a reprieve, with a cease fire.

Now it is about shooting at Nadeson and another terrorists, coming with a white flag to surrender. Nadeson is the last man who would have surrendered. Last he made a statement was to thank Barack Obama for taking up the case of the terrorists. He was awaiting Barack Obama’s intervention for a ceasefire.

Niestat determined to bring the Government to courts accuses it of elimination of evidence by the cremation of Prabhakaran’s body. Miliband is irritated by the governments not paying heed to his demands as the Foreign Secretary of Sri Lanka’s former colonial master. All of them had their egos bruised.ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ 

On his hurry to accuse Sri Lanka for having defeated a ruthless terrorists Miliband has forgotten that UK is not without blood in its hands in its anti terrorist activity in the not so far past, when an innocent Brazilian was shot in the underground tube station taking him for a terrorist. Therefore, Miliband should understand that fighting terrorism is not without mishaps, and that it is not an easy task. The government of Sri Lanka needs praise, not accusations for exemplary military operation that ended in the elimination of a group of terrorists.

Lot of these Western terrorist defenders believe that the Tamil diaspora represents the Sri Lanka Tamils. Most of the Sri Lankan Tamil diaspora are people who left Sri Lanka when an incident of massacring 13 Sinhala police officers by the terrorists, set off a back lash which resulted in a racial riots. They left with fear of a repetition of such riots and are prejudiced against the Sinhala. But that riot lasted just two days, where as terrorism that began then lasted more than 26 years.

The Tamil diaspora is setting up Western racial elements against a developing country, who know nothing about the actual situation of Sri Lanka except the past military operations against terrorism .

Miliband, has unfortunately brought in Bernard Kouchner of France, and Hillary Clinton and through her the President Barack Obama to defend the terrorists of Sri Lanka. After terrorism had been stopped by the Sri Lanka Government Forces, they continue to accuse the Government of Sri Lanka for “stopping terrorism”. This is a shameful situation into which they have fallen despite their being great democracies of the world , who had been asserting to fight against terrorism, and warning the terrorist to beware!!!

But they little realise that by defending the terrorists and accusing the government of Sri Lanka for not agreeing to a ceasefire with the terrorists, they are encouraging world terrorism.

How are they encouraging the world terrorism , by accusing Sri Lanka for crimes against humanity in its justifiable military operations against a ruthless group of terrorists ?

They help world terrorism, by inviting Al Qaida and Talibans to hold thousands of civilians as hostages and hold them as human shields to avoid military attacks by the American, French, and British forces in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan. That is a new “weapon” the international Community is introducing to world terrorism.

One Response to “International Community and UN accusing Sri Lanka for war crime, introduce “hostage taking of Civilians” as an effective weapon to world terrorists”

  1. shaz Says:

    I totally agree with you. Yes I am western but have close family members wiTH SRI lANKA.

    I am ashamed to be British when I read the rubbish reported by the so called ‘free press’. I wish all Sri Lankans the best luck in the world and hope for a bette future. We in the west with the shameful support of the LTTE are in for a rougher ride but maybe we deserve what is surely coming. I hope Sri Lanka can now rest in peace and develop a beautiful and humane land.
    with love to you all

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