Archive for December 27th, 2009

Fonsymorons are now targeting the Elections Commissioner

Sunday, December 27th, 2009

Ajit Randeniya Fonsymorons (backers of Sarath Fonseka) getting desperate. Nothing seems to go right for them! ƒ”š‚ They are now convinced that the great challenger they decided to pitch against President Rajapakse suffers from an incurable case of the “ƒ”¹…”foot in mouth’ disease. They are convinced that Fonseka’s pillow talk with Frederica Jansz, and its aftermath […]

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Who is the father of the war victory?

Sunday, December 27th, 2009

Ben Silva Acknowledgement to Nihal Perera for his valuable contribution towards this article. There are number of reasons why we need to identify who is the father of the war victory. The main reason is that we need to know the leader who actually liberated the country from terrorism, and who stood firm when foreign […]

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Guttila-Musila Re-enactment

Sunday, December 27th, 2009

Dilrook Kannangara The Guththila-Musila story is a popular Buddhist Jataka story. Guttila was a musician par excellence serving king Brahmadatta in the North Indian city of Benares. Musila was an ambitious young man keen on learning the Veena. But when Musila approached Guttila, he was refused. Undeterred, Musila stays in Guttila’s house and attends to […]

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Making Sri Lanka Great

Sunday, December 27th, 2009

Aloysius Hettiarachchi Brunei I watched the CNN program “ƒ”¹…”Keeping America Great’ at lunch time on Christmas day during a recent visit to Singapore. It featured Bill Gates and Warren Buffet taking a range questions from students of varying backgrounds. It was a great affair with many students, including top business school students from different parts […]

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SWRD, the National dress and Gen. Fonseka

Sunday, December 27th, 2009

Dr.P.A.Samaraweera, Australia Immediately after retirement, Gen. Fonseka (Rtd) donned the national dress as he had decided to contest the Presidential elections. There is nothing wrong in anyone having a go at the ‘top job’. In fact there are 22 in the race. ƒ”š‚ In the same way the choice of dress is essentially a private matter […]

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