Posted on February 5th, 2010

Ranjit Wickremeratne

Dear readers it’s not even one year passed since the brutal war was ended but we can see another Prabakaran in Sinhala dress was emerging on our soil and we need to be more careful than before because he is with the same kind of Sinhala terrorists like Tamil terrorists led by Prabakaran. You saw how we faced the 1971 uprising 40 years ago and how many innocent lives was taken by those terrorists who now talking about democracy like hypocrits.

This gang now get together with the Sinhala Prabakaran and trying to take our land by a coup. PRABAKARAN FOUGHT OUR VALLIANT SOLDIERS FOR THIRTY YEARS AND KILLED THOUSANDS OF OUR HEROS IN COLD BLOOD but he never succeded because our country is a buddhist country and Lord Buddha has visited three times and we are protected all times from the enemies of our land. He dreamt a seperate land for his people but in vain he died like a dog for his crimes.

Now our Sinhala Prabakaran who was a hero in the begining become a traitor to his motherland by going against the man who brought him to that very place few years back. Though he got everything for his bravery and be part on finishing the war he had different ideas and plans without the knowledge of his superiors and friends. His sinister plans was openly declared to the public after he gave his resignation from his post. Now his heroism is part of history and he will never be a hero to us Sinhalese anymore.

ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ Prabakaran was greedy for power and glory and promised his people a fairytale seperate dreamland so this new Parabakaran too was greedy that’s why without retiring like a true hero he decided to take this new adventure. Prabakaran promised his people so many things but never gave so was the Sinhala Prabakaran who promised many things same way Prabakaran did. He agreed to give Tamils what Prabakaran promised in return they gave their valuable vote instead to the man who brought us true Freedom our great leader Mahinda Rajapaksa.

Destroyer of Tamil people became the saviour of them by promising their dreamland with the calloboration of Tamil and Sinhala traitors to our beloved homeland. Their hate song was ” Mahinda Poda” “Prabakaran Wanga” and observed two miniutes silence on that murderer Prabakaran’s memory. So isnt he another Prabakaran? What is his motives? Does he a uniter or a divider? To me he is divider and a traitor to our Motherland nothing else.If someone promised and signed treaties with the sympathisers and supporters of L.T.T.E.terrorists can we expect good for the country? When our President says that all our citizens whether Sinhalese,Tamil,Muslims,Malays or burghers are same and all are Sri Lankan citizens this Sinhala Prabakaran tries to bring back old memories to our minds by telling lies and lies and singing two different songs to north and south. Thanks to our countrymen except north and east the rest didnt believed on his dreamland.Unfortunately our own citizens in the north and east believed this new Prabakaran in some way and gave their valuable vote thinking that he will become the next President of Sri Lanka.

ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ Now everything is over Prabakaran or his ghost Sinhala Prabakaran cannot do anthing to our beloved homeland or to his peoples.The liers and traitors were rejected by the people for good of the country.The time is to go forward as a united Sri Lanka and bring Peace and Prosparity to our Motherland. Instead of fighting each other and slinging mud each other We tell the traitors and calloborators of L.T.T.E stop dreaming about your homeland or seperatism just march forward with the President to build a united free SRI LANKA. Now itself decide to whom to give your valuable vote in this coming general elections.

Do not listen to lies and broken promises of this gang of liers Sinhala Prabakaran,Ranil,Somawansa,Avamngala and the rest of the clowns. Just think of your future and your children’s future and the future of our beloved country and use your valuable vote for a decent,uncorrupt,diciplined politicians who can bring good governace to the country. Give our President a strong team to follow thru the big projects he has started around the country to the benefit of our citizens. Do not vote for seperatism or terrorism but for PEACE and PROSPARITY.

WE WILL NOT OBSERVE TWO MINIUTES SILENCE FOR TRAITORS OR MURDERERS BUT WE WILL OBSERVE FOR OUR TRUE HEROS WHO SACRIFICED THEIR LIVES TO BRING FREEDOM TO OUR LAND OF HOPE. The clowns in the opposition can and shout loudly “PODA MAHINDA PODA” but the majority of the citizens of MOTHERLANKA will say “WANGA MAHINDA WANGA” and rule our land of Peace for ever with your vision in Mahinda Chintanaya.

ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ All the buddhists,Christians,Muslims,Hindus and all the religious sects together with all citizens irrespective of colour,party or race should think of your country first,second and third and work together for a better future without terror or violence. Let’s join hands together and give our President a strong Parliament to govern in Peace rather than a New Prabakaran with ruthless,revengeful,hateful mind. Think wisely and do your duty to the country of birth.May God Bless our citizens.

ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ May Lord Buddha protects our land from evil enemies.

ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ Ranjit Wickremeratne


  1. janaka Says:

    we sing to gether this song against the new prabakaran

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