Posted on July 5th, 2011
I have read with absolute disgust the speech of Kumar Sangakkara at the 11th MCC Spirit of Cricket Cowdrey Lecture at LordƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢s in England on 4 July, 2011. A current contracted player with the Sri Lankan Cricket Board has tarnished the image of Sri Lanka in front of bunch of Westerners and international media . Sangakkara should have used a proper forum to express his view points to the relevant authorities, instead of washing dirty linen in public. He could have written to Sri Lankan Cricket Board with details of his allegations. If he is not satisfied with the outcome, the logical next step is clearly appealing to the Minister of Sports. If the Minister himself also fails to take appropriate actions against the culprits, as the last resort Sangakkara should have appealed to the President Mr Mahinda Rajapakse. In spite of massive work load, the President of Sri Lanka has always kept his doors open for discussions with aggrieved parties and has taken appropriate actions where needed. It seems either Sangakkara has become too ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ”¹…”big headedƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢ or lost faith in the President of the country.
Sangakkara must be fully aware that the Western world is waiting for every opportunity to attack Sri Lanka on many issues. What Sangakkara did is nothing less than what Sarath Fonseka did in betraying the country through the international media. Few months back Hashan Tilekeratne made match fixing allegations against the Sri Lankan team but so far he has not been able to prove anything. Sangakkara must now be equally prepared to face the dire consequences.
An immediate public inquiry must be set up headed by a Retired Judge to investigate the allegations made by Sangakkara ,providing him an opportunity to substantiate his claims, with proper evidence.
Pending the outcome of such an Inquiry, the right course of action for Sangakkara is now to resign from the Team forthwith. If he fails to resign, his contract should be suspended.
July 5th, 2011 at 4:26 pm
Yes he tarnished the good name of the country at the most opportune time. He could not have timed it better from his point of view.
He should resign from the team voluntarily. He has made a name for himself to be another damn cricketing politico.
July 5th, 2011 at 6:21 pm
I congratulate Kuma for having the courage to speak the truth. One can argue the time is not right, but will he get another opportunity like this in his career? Kumar was not the first ex Sri Lankan to criticize our cricket administrators, Mervan did it before and it will not stop unless the administrators get their act together and the stupid politicians keep their hands off Sri Lanka cricket.
The argument it is not the right time because of the adverse publicity the Sri Lankan government is getting due to the channel 4 and four corners broadcast is a lame one. This is happening due to the incompetence of our diplomats to be proactive.I am a Sinhalese and proud to be one. I admire president Rajapaksa for eliminating LTTE scum and standing firm against western pressure.But how can the government totally deny that there were no abuses by the armed forces?
Getting back to cricket, it is obvious to every cricket loving Sri Lankan fan the sorry state of affairs in Sri Lankan cricket. The response to Kuma’s speech shows the stupid, arrogant and the dictatorial attitude of our politicians. If the government wants to run the cricket it should appoint Namal Rajapaksa as the chairman of the board, Sanath as the chairman of selectors and the captain of the team.The joke in Australia is the government extended the retirment age in Sri Lanka so that Sanath can play till he is 60.
July 5th, 2011 at 6:36 pm
All srilankans should be proud of Sanga, who is only the second person to receive an standing ovation.
Before commenting on his speech on few remarks. just as our political donkeys in SL do, one must listen to whole speech, how he brought out Sri Lankan, values, how he said proud to be a Sri Lankan Lanka, how he told about JVP , How he described the way Sinhalese protected Tamils in the riots, how he expressed fear in people due to terrorism where husband and wife will travel separately so that at least one will survive, do these tarnish Sri Lankan image.? When he relates the story of Sri Lankan cricket what else can he say rather than cronies are running the board, if not how can a 42 year old MP v come back to play cricket !
Only people who do not have the courage, will to stand up , and those who follow “cronies” will condemn his speech.
Sanga has made Sri Lankans proud .
July 5th, 2011 at 8:15 pm
I expected that people would negative about Sangakkara instead of restructuring the Cricket board as something that works. Every place in Sri lanka., it is the same. Recently, how many had talked the cricket board. Every time they shoot the messenger. King walks naked but no one can talk about it.
July 5th, 2011 at 8:19 pm
Why everything has to go infront of the president. I think that nothinbg works in Sri Lanka if President does not involve. Then, there is something wrong seriously. Why it is not corrected.
July 5th, 2011 at 9:26 pm
To all you critics of Kumar Sangakkara it needs to be said, get a life! The man has every right to his disgruntlement and whether it was said at Lords or in Sri Lanka is inconsequential as he is merely pointing to the truth about the SLCB and how it has operated in the past which is almost a universally known fact and has also taken a toll out of the best accomplishments of somr fine senor players who need to be hero worshipped noy kicked in the rear! And Hey! how come you’ve forgotten Marvan Atapattu’s tirade who is now elevated to batting coach after a similar tirade? Drawing analogies to Sarath Fonseka seems moronic as there are no comparisons ~ he betrayed the Nation in an attempt to gain political power and could never aspire to be a class act like Kumar Sngakkara!. Criticising Kumar’s observatios is typical of some Sri Lankan pundits who love to bury their heads in the sand and seem to put their own concept of patriotism over the wrongs that have brought Sri Lankan cricket to disrepute and asking him to resign surely the height of ignorance! Perhaps a better alternative would be to request a thorough invetigation to the previous SLCB and a request to present accurate details of all the audited finances so that the crooks will be exposed and then nail them legally.
July 5th, 2011 at 10:12 pm
mr. dissanayake should be fired. i speak his name in disgust. kumar is a legend. so respect him
July 6th, 2011 at 12:19 am
Briiliant speach Sanga. Don’t worry about the negative comments from some politically biased people. You made our mother land proud. We are greatful to you Sanga. This was well balavced speach I ever heard from a sportsman. True sportsman. You inspired the millions around the world. As you said, I’m proud to be a Srilankan with your remarkable speach.
July 6th, 2011 at 4:17 am
Sangakkara’s speech is one of the best I have listened. It is a masterpiece. Very sensitively he addressed values of our culture, history, the cruelty of terrorism and the benefit of peace. How greatly he ended up his speech as a Sri Lankan. I am really proud the way he addressed at Lord’s. Must recommend every Sri Lankan to listen.
MDPD, Please listen unbiased then you can learn lot from his speech.
July 6th, 2011 at 8:19 am
In my opinion, we should not only respect Mr. Sangakkara’s right to speak his mind but explore deep into his complains as well.
What amaze me however is the very words he used to start his speech. “Mr President, my Lords, Ladies and gentlemen,” said he. Now note the emphasis of the adjective: ‘my’. It shows the very flagrant servility of him to the feudal system and Whiteman.
July 6th, 2011 at 10:20 am
Does it ever occur to some that Kumar Sangakkara was addressing an elite audience in the auditorium of the hallowed Mecca of cricket in a traditional English manner becoming of a gentlemen where the opening lines “Mr President, My Lords Ladies and gentlemen “is a time honored tradition and almost a formality with nothing servile, subservient or an acknowledgement of the ‘feudal system acquiescing the white man!
How petty can some observations get and how ill construed too!
There is no emphasis on the adjective My beyond its conveyance of warmth and cordiality where its usage perhaps is uiversal.
July 6th, 2011 at 2:43 pm
I agree with the comment from Sunil, traditions and common decency in addressing a distinguished gathering whether they be white, brown or yellow.
Leela- perhaps ought to witness the debates in SL Parliament where members are referred to as “Honourable Gentleman”.
July 6th, 2011 at 3:09 pm
Applause to Sangga on all of his speech except the comments on the Board of Cricket part – now that part wasn’t “played” in gentlemanly style, was it ? It’s the place & the timing that were wrong. However wrong the BoC is, Sangga’s comments re the BoC should have been made at a more appropriate time at another place.
July 6th, 2011 at 7:01 pm
what is wrong with you man
Are youu kidding me
The kid mad the best speech. wow amazing truly amazing
I pray to God this great human being become a Leader of Srilanka One day You never know you know
Truly proud of him
I agree with SriRohana and Janaka04
July 6th, 2011 at 11:59 pm
MDPD has seen fit to say that Sangakkara has “tarnished the name of Sri Lanka” and has been “washing dirty linen in public”.
I cannot really see that he has stated anything that was not already known. Far from tarnishing the island’s image, if anything, with the excellent way in which he had crafted his narrative – covering so many aspects of the island’s history and culture and cricketing story -and the eloquence with which he delivered his lecture, he has succeeded in bringing credit to Sri Lanka. His impressive showing as a speaker was, by itself, something that did the country proud.
One cannot wash dirty linen in public unless there is dirty linen, in the first place. So, I suggest what we should be more concerned with is not that the washing was not kept away from public view but that there is dirty linen that needs to be washed. As far as Sri Lankan cricket is concerned there is clearly a great deal of ‘dirty linen’ that needs attention.
MDPD cannot be serious in suggesting that Sangakkara should have taken his grievances to the Cricket Board and if not satisfied, to the Sports Minister and if still not satisfied, to the President. What! Complain to the Cricket Board when the Board itself is one of the major parties against whom you have complaints?
And what need is there for “an immediate inquiry” by a retired judge, when what ails Sri Lankan Cricket is so bleeding obvious?
If indeed the government is to set up such an inquiry, I suggest one of the first persons called upon to testify before it should be the last Minister of Sports, CB Ratnayake. Remember he was the one who famously declared on taking up that portfolio that Sri Lankan Cricket was one of the three most corrupt institutions in the country? So he should a lot to say. Remember also how he said he was going to clean it up in a week? What happened after all that bold rhetoric? The Minister was moved out of that portfolio. Now, who removed him from that portfolio?
Please don’t blame Sangakkara for stating some unpleasant home truths. The ones who should be blamed are the politicians who have brought Sri Lankan cricket to this sorry pass. And by the way, how well was Sri Lankan cricket served when the authorities saw fit to send an ageing 40+ old warrior, who had not represented the country in two years, to England just to play in the T20 game and one ODI? And the gentleman’s contribution with the bat in both those games was a grand total of 10 runs! Now, where is the island’s image being tarnished?
July 7th, 2011 at 5:56 am
There is no point complaining to proper authorities about corruption in SrLanka cticket. People have been making these complaints for years with no remedial measures taken by these authorities. So I believe it is time to wash dirty linen in public hoping at least this would lead to proper solutions and leave out the politicians from the selection process of the Board of control as well as the cricket teams. Minister should be there only to administer all sports and look into grievances if brought to his notice.
July 7th, 2011 at 1:58 pm
The author of this article should be cringing having read the comments above and general consensus from local and foreign media.
I can well think of a better headline than “SANGAKKARA HAS TARNISHED SRI LANKA’S IMAGE”
The Sports Minister himself admitted in 2010 Sri Lanka Cricket was the most corrupt after the Police and Education.
What on earth did he do about it?
Bring another bunch of “cronies” to the Cricket Board.
Trevor Bayliss even insinuated the same.
Peter Roebuck a much respected journalist (contrary to what the Morning Whinge says) summed it up by saying
“Sangakkara has once again served Sri Lankan cricket with distinction. Only those with empires to protect will resent his words. Only those blighted with the curse of nationalism will deny him his voice. He spoke as a patriot, a higher calling altogether ”
I predict Sanga & Mahela retire from Test cricket after the Aussie tour later this year and Sanath Jayasuriya appointed as Cricket Board CEO in 2012.
Nothing will change. Same of the old
July 9th, 2011 at 11:58 am
Haha Get a life MR. M D P DISSANAYAKE. I am sure Kumar Sangakkara will not be missing one second of sleep because you happened to find his speech disgusting. The guy is a cricketer and a human being. He has every right to air his greviences at Lord’s. If he felt strongly that the game of cricket and the spirit is being sullied by certain bodies in Sri Lanka. That the spirit of cricket is being compromised he was well within his rights to air them. The light has been shone by sanggakkara on cricket in Sri Lanka to improve its act. Thats what the speech was about if you have a problem with that Mr M D P DISSANAYAKE then the Sri Lankans criticising him are the one who are disgusting!
Isn’t there more important things for Sri Lankans to worry about in Sri Lanka than what Kumar Sangakkara said at Lord’s? He is a cricketer who loves the game. He has every right to comment on the sport he loves. He decided to tell the entire world what was going on in cricket in Sri Lanka and he chose one of the games highest platforms Lord’s Cricket Ground Spirit of Cricket Speech.If you don’t like what he said then tough M D P DISSANAYAKE go and follow another sport maybe ELLE at the sinhalese new year. Some Sri Lankans really need to pull their heads out of their asses.
To him you must understand the Game of Cricket is far far more important than the cricket establishment and Government of his country. I stand up and applaud him for his couragous speech!
Well done Sangakkara for putting the game above everything else.
July 11th, 2011 at 4:46 am
When it comes to cricket and Mahinda Rajapakse MDP behaves like a perfect idiot.
WHay can¨t you see the stupid, childish and greedy Jayasuriya going to England to receive his tow runs worth sent off as an idiotic act ?
Your friends Jayasuriya, Kulasekara are wrecking cricket together with Mahindaś government.
We are struggling hard defend Sri Lanka every day. The greedy Fonseka will win one day if the government goes on like this.
Sangakkara did a big big favour to Sri Lanka by describing horror of terrorism for a lengthy part of the speech. People were touched by that and not by cricket. Most of all he said the truth. We cannot defend the government on all stupid things they do.