“Keep Your Hands Off Maj. Gen. Jagath Dias!”
Posted on August 7th, 2011

Janaka Yagirala

To:Christoph Wiedmer,
Director of The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP)
Philip Grant,
Director of TRIAL (Tracking Impunity Always)

Keep Your Hands Off Maj. Gen. Jagath Dias!

War crimes are indeed a sad thing, sadder still is when hearsay allegations against some are taken up with so much international trumpeting while real heinous war crimes go on around the world with absolute (yes indeed absolute) impunity. Lets be frank and get straight to the point, to the ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ…-western worldƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ”š‚ (the US, lapdogs of Western Europe and bootlicking mongrels in the rest of the world), any nation, any body or in short anything that stands up against their agenda (neo-colonial agenda) is a war criminal by default.

The people of Sri Lanka suffered for 30 years from a group of terrorists known as the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE). Among the heinous crimes committed by these terrorists were suicide bombings which killed so many innocent civilians often on a daily basis. Major General Jagath Dias was one of the most capable and respected military commanders who led the armed forces of Sri Lanka in a decisive campaign against these barbarians. Today, the people of Sri Lanka can go about their daily activities without fear thanks to great people like him.

To Society for Threatened Peoples:

STP was a society with a commendable track record, especially for exposing the 1967-1970 genocide of nearly a million Igbo people in Biafra, Nigeria. It was a genocide which was not surprisingly orchestrated behind the scenes by the British for Nigerian crude oil. For this reason, this genocide has simply faded into history while the fictitious genocide of Tamils in Sri Lanka continues to be propped up.

Unfortunately STP seems to have lost the sense of priority by being silent on the US led invasion Afganistan and Iraq. The motive behind the 2003 invasion of Iraq was simple, oil! An estimated 100,000-250000 civilians have died in Iraq, millions more have left Iraq and live miserable lives as refugees in neighboring countries. Similarly estimates put Afghan civilian casualties at 20,000-40,000. Please see that your organization looks into these threatened people first!

To TRIAL (Tracking Impunity Always):

If your organization is looking for impunity, look no further. There is a country which has done everything in this world from bombing innocent civilians in Vietnam with incendiary bombs to infecting civilians in Guatemala with syphilis between 1946-1948 in the name of medical research; the kind of things commonly associated with Joseph Mengele in Aushwitz! Former US Presdent George W. Bush has a long overdue trail for his role in the plight of the people of Iraq for a war he started based upon fabricated weapons of mass destruction charges. Similarly current US President Barack Obama, French President Nicolas Sarkozy and Secretary General of NATO Anders Rasmussen should be held accountable for the civilian deaths due to the bombing campaign in Libya. As with STP, please get your priorities right!

As Maj. Gen. Dias said in his own words to the Associated Press ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ…-Anybody can accuse anyone of anything. I donƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢t see that any of these allegations are well founded. We did our best to complete the military operation with zero casualties. How could we have released or rescued 300,000 people if we really wanted to destroy them?ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ”š‚ Therefore, prior to making allegations open your eyes to the real crimes, real threatened people and real impunity in the world. So just keep your hands off Maj. Gen. Jagath Dias.

One Response to ““Keep Your Hands Off Maj. Gen. Jagath Dias!””

  1. gamunu6 Says:

    Dear Janaka Yagirala! Agree with you 100%.. After waging war over 30 years, when defeated they run to India & other Western countries, get sympathy & legitimacy..Where were these Int. Community, when for 30 years the evil doers, faught aginst a democratically elected Soverieng State.??

    As former president George W. Bush said, quite rightly.. there are NO GOOD TERRORISTS or bad ones. He said we don;t have anything to do with them. For once he outlined about evil doers in America & in other countries. A terrotist is a terrorist.

    It is high time we & int; community reward who gallantly faught the war & gave peace to EVEN tamil people who were treated as SUB HUMANS, due to caste systems, place of birth in the North & East. Now when the govt. spending BILLIONS in development & humanitarian efforts, STILL they complain & complain.
    At least be grateful for them to WRITE FREELY, protest, or even just live a normal life, is mainly due to leadership of military peronnel like Major – Genral Jagath Dias. I sometimes ASK what Canadians use to ask..WHAT QUEBEC wants?? Forever they held referrandums, protests, and yet NOT satisfied.

    The same question I ask, what do TAMILS want? We should embrace our soldiers, who liberated poor Tamils under the tyrany of LTTE.

    May God bless them & May the Noble triple Gems guard them for years to come.

    Gamunu ~ Canada

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