Philosophy underlying the Hajj
Posted on November 2nd, 2011

By A. Abdul Aziz, Press Secretary, Ahmadiyya Muslim JamaƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢at, Sri Lanka.

ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ There are 5 main acts that are performed during Hajj, viz:

1. Circuiting the Ka’aba

2. Running between the Safa and Marwa hills

3. Assembling at Arafa.

4. Throwing stones at Mina

5. Sacrificing animals

How do these acts assist in obtaining spiritual purity? This is a very relevant question, especially in the face of rising questions about how a trip to Mecca and throwing stones and running around the place, and attending a meeting would serve to purify one’s soul. Therefore it is essential that the real purport behind these rituals be understood and highlighted. The performance of Haj without having understood the values and meanings of its rituals would be a mere waste. Hence it is obligatory that we take a look at the philosophy underlying the Hajj.

Circuiting the Ka’aba

The first ritual is Tawaf. Right from the day a Haji enters Mecca upto the last day of Tawaf, he performs the circuit of the Ka’aba. He does exactly seven circuits each time. What do these seven circuits symbolize?

The Ka’aba is the spiritual sanctuary of mankind, which is therefore the direction adopted by Islam for prayers. Ka’aba or the Kibla is his spiritual destination. In other words, the Ka’aba is the physical representation of the spiritual distinction aimed at; which is an abode described to be in the seventh heaven. The Holy Quran states:

“.Vasakkalil Mahfool….” It is a very lofty and blessed platform.

It is on this platform that the most Sacred House is situated, where the Holy Prophet (PBUH), during his spiritual journey, led the rest of the prophets in prayer. The seven heavens mentioned here are not the physical heavens above us, nor is the Bait, a house indeed.

These are but spiritual demarcations representing progress. In such a spiritual world, when a person shows willingness to sacrifice his entity, he attains a sort of death and gets reborn in the next spiritual world. It is at the seventh heaven of such sacrifices that he becomes eligible to be accepted as qualifying to vouch for Islam as did the Prophet Ebrahim (a.s). Therefore the seven circuits of the Ka’aba, represents the willingness of the Haji to selfless sacrifice for the sake of mankind and religion along the lines of the sacrifice Prophet Ebrahim (a.s).

Hazrath Abdul Qadir Jilani (R.A.) is reported to have stated “The learned in Islam circuit the Ka’aba, while the Ka’aba circuits me”. What he meant was, while the learned people of religion seek to elevate themselves to the loftiness of self sacrifice, this blessing remains inaccessible except through the acceptance of the Imam of the time, because it is through him that the door to heaven opens.

All teachings and advocations necessary to undertake the journey to Baithul Ma’moor, is in the Holy Quran. Only those persons who circuit the Holy Quran can show the steadfastness and sacrifice necessary for obtaining that credence to approach the sacrifice of Prophet Ebrahim (a.s). It was referring to this that the Holy Prophet (PBUH) said that he had met Prophet Ebrahim (a.s) on the seventh heaven; and that the spiritual position of Prophet Ebrahim (a.s) can be attained by any ardent disciple of his Ummah.

Hazrath Ebrahim (a.s) had reconstructed the Ka’aba from its dilapidated and destroyed condition and had underwent a lot of sacrifices for the sake of religion. The numerous occasions of selfless sacrifice and his willingness to bear the burden of responsibility made him the representative whose call to this day is attended to at the Ka’aba.

Seven, in Arabic, denotes many. As such, each and every Haji performing the circuit commemorates the sacrifices of Hazrath Ebrahim (a.s) and places himself spiritually on the path on which this prophet had toiled. Thus, with the seven circuits, the Haji shows his willingness to sacrifice on behalf of his faith like did the prophet for its establishment.

The Holy Quran states: “And remember when his Lord tried Ebrahim with certain commandments which he fulfilled. He said: I will make thee a leader of men..”(2:125)

And Hazrath Ebrahim (a.s) prayed “And my Lord, bless my offspring so that they may also be amongst those who succeed in all the trials they are put to, and make them leaders of mankind” to which Allah replied “those amongst them who are transgressors shall not be so blessed.” They shall not be able to answer His call, they shall not be able to face the trials and come out successful.

As such, only those who are amongst the docile, those who are steadfast and righteous, only they can walk the path on which Hazrath Ebrahim (a.s) journeyed, proclaiming “Labbaik Allahumma Labbaik….”

O Allah! I hearken to Thy Call, and come to Thee, willing and subservient, ready to face all trials and tribulations that Hazrath Ebrahim (a.s) had faced on the path to Thee. Thus, the seven circuits of the Ka’aba symbolizes this journey.

Running between the Safa and Marwa hills

The next ritual is the Sa’i, which is the running in between the two hills Safa and Marwa. The Holy Quran says: “Surely Al-Safa and Al-Marwah are among the signs of Allah”. (2:159) Why do the Hajis run between these two Hills? The usual explanation offered to this is that it is in remembrance of the experiences of Hajara while she was stranded in the desert with an infant, and had no means of support. Her frantic search for water is commemorated by the sa’i. However, this theory offers no explanation as to how this memory would benefit the Haji spiritually.

Allah Almighty has declared that this place has been witness and recipient to many of Allah’s blessings. Safa is the hill upon which Hazrath Adam (a.s) received his Prophethood. The hill received its name, which means pure, because of this. Hazrath Ebrahim (a.s), Hazrath Ismail (a.s) and Hazrath Muhammad (PBUH) all initiated their Prophethood at the foot of this hill. Hazrath Muhammed (PBUH), after having been informed of being selected as a prophet, was instructed by Allah Almighty to address his family and clan.

He invited all his family members and friends, and addressing them at the foot of this hill, said, “If I were to say unto you, that a large army, bent upon ambushing you, awaits right behind this hill, what would your response be?” They said “Muhammed, we have known thee from your childhood, and know thou speak naught but the truth. As such, even though we know that there is no army there, we would take your word as the truth”. He replied “then, know thee, I have been chosen by Allah Almighty, as His prophet”.

This is the valley where water that would sake the spiritual thirst of the world that was to come, first erupted to the surface. This was the valley at which the first person to declare having accepted the Prophethood of Hazrath Muhammed (PBUH) stood forth. This is therefore the valley where the Hajis run to and from in search of that spiritual water. It is for this water which could sate their thirst for knowledge, and with the knowledge being put to practice thus purify one’s body and soul, that the Hajis run along the valley in between Safa and Marwa.

Assembling at Arafa

The next is the most important ritual of the Haj, viz. Assembling at Arafa on the 9th day of Zul Haj, the eve of Eid-ul-Azha. As was explained above, the declaration and propagation of Islam commenced at Safa; and its conclusive consummation was at Arafa on the 9th day of Zul Haj, the 9th year of Hijra.

That day, Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) addressed more than a hundred thousand believers, while delivering the famous speech, which is known as “Hajjatul Vida” sermon. Every aspect of a believer’s code of conduct, the way he should behave with his family, with his parents, with his children, with his neighbors, with travelers, was addressed in the sermon. After reminding the believers of their commitments to the society and to God, he repeatedly asked them ” Have I not fulfilled my duties towards you and Allah?” The companions (sahabah) responded “O, Prophet of Allah, you most certainly have”.

He replied “Those amongst you who are here, it is their duty that they should convey this message to those who are not present here”. “I leave with you two things. The Words of Allah, and my Acts. The code of conduct that has been laid down by the words of Allah Almighty in the Holy Quran has been brought into practical light by my life. Take my life as a practical example, and follow it and those amongst you who have assembled here, let their life bear example for those that are to come”.

It is therefore the duty of the Haji to commemorate the advises that the Holy Prophet had delivered on that auspicious day, and make a change in their life in such a manner that they become living examples of the life of Prophet Muhammed (PBUH). This is the philosophy behind assembling at the Arafa on that day. And this is the ritual that differentiates Haj from Umra.

Throwing stones at Mina

After the Arafa, comes the throwing of stones and the sacrifice. Stones are thrown at three places. The Hajis stop for the night at Muzdalifah and from there proceed on the next day to the three places, viz. Jumrat’al Ula, Jumrat’al Usta, and Jumrat’al Akaba where they throw 7 stones each. It is explained that the stones are aimed at Satan, who tried to dissuade Prophet Ebrahim (a.s) from offering his son as sacrifice. But when asked as to how the stones are being thrown at Mina while the sacrifice was intended at Arafa, they have no answer. Again, questions arise as to how this serves to develop one’s spirituality. The real philosophy is something else.

The Holy Quran states: “Fair seeming to men is made the love of desired things – women and children, and stored up heaps of gold and silver, and horses of mark and cattle and crops. That is the provision of the present life; but it is Allah with who is an excellent home”. (3:15)

“Say, shall I inform you of something better than that? For those who fear God there are gardens with their lord, beneath which stream flow; therein they shall abide; and pure mates and Allah’s pleasure. And Allah is mindful of his servants”. (3:16)

The above verses teach us that man has seven relations to the earth. They are his love for his mate, for his children, for heaps of gold (ornamental wealth), for heaps of silver (money, for horses (vehicles) and cattle (business) and crops (agriculture). Allah points out these relationships and states that these are but provisions for this petty life, and it is with Him that the excellent home is.

Elsewhere the Holy Quran states: “Say, if your father and your sons and your brethren and your wives and your kinfolk and the wealth you have acquired and the trade whose dullness you fear and the dwellings which you love are dearer to you than Allah and His Messenger and striving in His cause, then wait until Allah brings about His Judgement; and Allah guides not the disobedient people”.

Man’s relations are shown here in another perspective. His seven relations shown here are that which forms a bond with his father, with his children, with his brothers & kinfolk, with his wives, with his wealth, with his trade and with his dwelling. For those who fear Him are gardens with their Lord wherein they shall abide. Therefore those who are willing to sacrifice these worldly ties for the sake of obtaining His love, they are the winners. In order to obtain His love, the Haji shows his willingness to severe his ties with worldly bonds which number seven by throwing 7 number of pieces of the earth, which symbolize the seven bonds away from him. Each stone thus represent each tie the Haji has with the earth. Throwing them away, he retorts aloud “Labaik Allahumma Labaik” “Labaik La Shareika Laka Labaik” (Here I am, my Lord, here I am. Here I am, There is no associate with Thee.)

Sacrificing animals

The last ritual is the sacrifice of animal. The Holy Quran says:

“Their flesh reaches not Allah, nor does their blood, but it is your righteousness that reaches Him”. (22:38) The sacrifice is the practical consummation of all the intentions that have been built up in him through the rituals that preceded it. He shows his willingness to be sacrificed; to shed his blood for the sake of God, as is shed the blood of the sacrificed animal. Life, which is considered dear, is sacrificed for the sake of others.

May Allah Almighty bless us all with this sort of a Haj.


35 Responses to “Philosophy underlying the Hajj”

  1. Ratanapala Says:

    Wouldn’t it be better to sacrifice a part of a true muslim’s body such as a finger, a toe, an ear or even part of the genitals as his true sacrifice to his god rather than sacrifice an innocent animal. How can a person show his willingness to be sacrificed by slaughtering an innocent animal? This is the most inhuman religious activity yet remaining in the 20th century.’

    Non muslims must see how this so called sacrifice is done in different parts of the world. It is one of the most gruesome acts that one can ever imagine. Animals are dragged into the place of slaughter mooing and braying, urinating and defecating in fear. It is difficult to imagine it is done to placate a benevolent and peace loving god.

    Those practice ritualistic slaughter end up slaughtering each other. This is what we see daily carried out in the Islamic world.

  2. ranjith Says:


    Sacrificing/slaughtering animals are only allowed in all religions.

    No human flesh or human’s bodily parts are not sacrificed in any religion.

    Sacrificing animals are only for needy, poor, etc. for food consumption.

    Even Buddha has forbidden to eat human’s flesh.

    Buddha too explicitly said, what kind of animal meat is allowed.

    Slaughtering animals are not a monopoly act of Islamic world.

    All the religions too slaughter animals for consumption.

    Please try to understand.

  3. AnuD Says:


    Why animal life is less important in comparison to a human life.

    Is it simply God exploiting humans, ordering humans and allowing humans to exploit beings less powerful to humans ?

    In Islam, you can prey to the god and bleed an animal to death because the animal is less powerful.

    Similarly a woman is good on the bed but she has to cover the whole body because the man is more powerful than the woman.

    Don’t you think something is wrong there ?

    Forget all religions. Think with your fair and logical mind.

  4. AnuD Says:

    In order to add something to my earlier comment;

    It is the same with non-believers too. Why they are less important as animals and women.

    Any logical and fair explanation that you can give out of the book.

  5. Ben_silva Says:

    sacrificing animals have been a practice in many ancient cultures. In my view, it is barbaric to sacrifice defenceless animals and should not be allowed in civilised modern states. It certainly should be made illegal in Lanka and shouldnot be allowed.

  6. herman Says:

    I like to believe there is something wrong with muslims and not Islam but seriously there is something terribly wrong with both, i guess!

    A very good friend, a muslim, performed his Pilgrimage during the early 80’s during the famine in Ethiopia. He was shocked to note that with the use of excavators and tractors thousands of sacrificed cows, goats, sheeps were all buried. He was told, when asked why the meat could not be distributed to the poor in Africa, that it cannot be consumed by NON-MUSLIMS.

  7. Ratanapala Says:

    The argument is not about people eating meat or not, nor whether it is permitted in one form or the other by different religions. It is about animal sacrifice being part of a ritual practiced by the practitioners of a modern religion every year in a ritualistic manner. My argument is it is not the person who is slaughtering the animal who is doing the sacrifice but an immensely distressed animal ignorant of why it is being killed.

    If one has to sacrifice something it must be something the person possess close and dear to his/her heart. If he is so determined to placate his god then he must certainly give part of his / her body and not that of an innocent helpless animal. For a change he can part with his liver or give away a kidney or other similar organ or a part of the body without grievously harming himself.

    Animal sacrifice as a religious ritual is an abomination in this day and age.

  8. Lorenzo Says:

    Sacrificing anumals is BARBARIC. There is no argument.

    It should be banned. It is already ILLEGAL in SL. Only problem is the law is not implemented. So those who do anymal sacrifices are LOW LIFES – CRIMINALS.

    Meat eating is a different issue. It is not illegal. It is not immoral and certainly not barbaric.

    If Hindus cannot sacrifice and Muslims can sacrifice animals, that is DISCRIMINATION. Everyone should be banned from sacrificing animals.

    If a “god” demands animal sacrifices it is not a god. Someone has lied about god.

  9. Devinda Fernando Says:

    The Ka’aba stone is nothing more than a Black Meteor that fell to Earth many centuries before Muhammad and his followers found it and pronounced it sacred… now its place of blood letting for Muslims… sacrificing animals to fulfill their indoctrinated blood lust.

  10. Dham Says:

    Let us read Quran properly.

    ¨Their flesh reaches not Allah, nor does their blood, but it is your righteousness that reaches Him”. (22:38)
    This statement is pure and clearly by a wise being, no doubt.It is easily understood too.
    But read on.

    ¨ The sacrifice is the practical consummation of all the intentions that have been built up in him through the rituals that preceded it. He shows his willingness to be sacrificed; to shed his blood for the sake of God, as is shed the blood of the sacrificed animal. Life, which is considered dear, is sacrificed for the sake of others.

    Which suggest that followers should sacrifice themselves not animals. Which is obvious because sacrifice means not killing others but giving up something.
    Either someone has put in the word ÄNIMAL¨, or this means human should sacrifice themselves to tigers, lions and so on. Otherwise the very first wise statement has no meaning.
    No wonder some people ( like Devinda ) want to burn the holely book

  11. Devinda Fernando Says:

    *** No wonder some people ( like Devinda ) want to burn the holely book ***

    Its holy book, not “holey” book… ok Dham, … learn to spell properly on public forums or you make yourself look foolish and uneducated. And also try not to make libelous statements like accusing me of wanting to burn the Koran, I have never made such a statement here. Please speak and write the truth, people will respect you for it.

  12. Dham Says:

    I did not say you want to burn the HOLY book. I said people like you (Christian Extremists ) want to burn the book.
    But I paid a bit of respect to even the extremist like you by justifying their urge to burn the book . This is the HOLY truth !

    Your religion says “animals are born to be eaten by the human”. Jesus caught fish and fed the poor. So why making statement like “blood letting for Muslims… sacrificing animals to fulfill their indoctrinated blood lust” ?
    Are you speaking the truth ? Tell your God again whether you are speaking the truth.
    You are accusing and condemning a popular religion while more accusations can be made on the idotic followers of your religion.
    Followers of your religion are killing the whole world.

  13. Devinda Fernando Says:

    *** I said people like you (Christian Extremists ) want to burn the book. ***

    I’m an Atheist… but thanks for assuming my Religion, then basing your asinine opinions about me on your false assumption.

    You must be a real smart person.

  14. Nawas Says:

    Hello Dham,

    Devinda quotes most of the things are from hatred Islamophobia. He doesn’t have any backbone to truly come forward about his bible teaching.

    What he quoted were utter rubbish. Actually, anyone can burn the Quran, there has no problem for Muslims. A well known christian priest burnt the Quran recently. Subsequently after learning the truth, many accepted Islam. So, do not worry about Honourable Devinda Fernando’s statements about Islam.

  15. Nawas Says:

    ///I’m an Atheist… but thanks for assuming my Religion, then basing your asinine opinions about me on your false assumption.///devinda fernando

    Definitely, You are not an atheist. Many christians disappear when we quote bible verses. Because they know that they can’t put forward their teachings. They are the big losers day by day.

  16. Nawas Says:

    ///The Ka’aba stone is nothing more than a Black Meteor that fell to Earth many centuries before Muhammad and his followers found it and pronounced it sacred… now its place of blood letting for Muslims… sacrificing animals to fulfill their indoctrinated blood lust.///Devinda fernando

    Kaaba is neither a stone nor a black meteor. This is only a building. Building cannot be a sacred thing in Islam in anywhere. That building is not sacred in Prophet Muhammad’s time or before. Of course, the area of that mosque and its surroundings area are sacred. That doesn’t mean everything what you find in the sacred area is sacred. Please note no one is sacrificing animals in that place. Now you turned to be an atheist from Christian extremist. Good luck.

  17. Dham Says:

    There is no need to assume. You are a Muslim hater ( Christian extremist) Your comments on this writing and others will prove it.

    Atheist ! Aha ha ! Gon Silvaś closest relative. The losers who have nothing to do but lamely attach negative voting to positive comments.
    Those who write here for respect because they are unable to earn respect in real life.

    Atheism is not a religion. Do not pretend. Be truthful if you are an Ashiest.
    Do not hate Muslims but be compassionate to them. tell them what is wrong if you believe so by clear arguments not by abuse.

  18. jimmy Says:

    Good one Ranjith and Dham to defend Muslim brothers of Srilanka

    I care less for Muslims abroad

    A true christian will not hurt others
    Read Mark 12:31
    ‘Love your neighbor as yourself

  19. Devinda Fernando Says:

    *** You are not only a liar but also Islam hater as Dham said. ***

    LOL! Ok, I guess when I say I’m an Atheist, you Ranjith obviously know me better than I know myself… ?

    I speak the truth about the Blood Lust Death Cult of Islam. It has no place in civilized society and no place in Sri Lanka which is a peaceful civilized multi-cultural, multi-religious, Multi-Ethnic and tolerant society. Islam is a Savage Intolerant Throwback ideology of Hate from the Dark Ages and spawned in the deserts of the middle east – it has no place here or any Civilized country of the world.

  20. Devinda Fernando Says:

    *** Atheists do not argue with Islamophobia literature. ***

    Islam is the Religion of Hate,… Muslims in Sri Lanka have always been on the wrong side of History…

    During the Kandyan wars the Muslim Moors supported the British against the Sinhalese… that is HISTORICAL FACT… Muslims are only loyal to their Religion of Hate, not to the country they live in. Islam is diametrically opposed to Buddhism and any other peaceful religion. Islam has no place in civilized society, Islam is no religion of Peace…

    That is the truth, now call me a Liar.

  21. Raju Says:

    Devinda Fernando Says:
    November 4th, 2011 at 10:55 am

    ”During the Kandyan wars the Muslim Moors supported the British against the Sinhalese”

    During the Portuguese and Dutch rule the Moors were being slaughtered. They begged for help from the Sinhala King and protection from the Lankan Army (as they were incapable of fighting by themselves against the superior weapons of the Europeans and attempts at secret deals with the two European powers being scoffed at as neither took the Moors seriously viewing them as inferiors).

    The Sinhala King offered refugee and settlement for these suffering people in the vast territories towards East of the Kingdom and in Senkadagala itself under the condition that they become Buddhist, have loyalty to the Sinhala King and take Sinhala wives to assist in assimilating into the State. Instead they started building mosques out of Buddhist structures and sat around enjoying the peace and safety the Sinhala King had provided without giving anything in return. With the Sinhala monarch and Army constantly engaged in protection of their territory and freedom throughout the island (their birth rights) they were too pre-occupied to keep a check on what the Moors were doing and their ugly subterfuge.

    The Moors then sided with the British who made a “better deal” for them and of course were far more cunning and devious in their dealings than the Dutch or Portuguese when playing divide and conquer in their bids to subjugate the Sinhalese (as the British were also failing badly in achieving this goal of Sinhala subjugation between 1797 to 1815).

    Furthermore the “muslim moors” population increased dramatically following the 1818 and 1848 massacres/genocide against the Sinhala Buddhists by the British when the latter brutally crushed those freedom movements with immense violence and inhumanity. To escape this annihilation many Sinhala Buddhists headed eastward coupled to trying to mask themselves as “Muslims” to avoid the brutal persecution. Slowly they lost their Buddhist heritage and become “official” Muslims. Those that tried to retain the Buddhist ways while hiding as “mulsims” were threatened by the Moors and told such people would be handed over to the British as “traitors to the British monarch” to be hung. So it became a permanent change.

    In fact the Sinhala freedom movement of 1848 was betrayed by the Muslim Moor community.

    During the 2002-06 Ceasefire Period with the Sinhalese on their knees living in utter fear, the Muslim Moors threatened to create an Islamic republic in the East.

  22. Devinda Fernando Says:

    *** If you are a real christian, come out with Jesus teachings and put forward to the viewers without making any hatred propaganda against a particular religion. ***

    WOW Ranjith! You really are BAT-SH*T CRAZY aren’t you? I’m not a Christian! I’M… NOT… A… CHRISTIAN…! How many times do I have to tell you that…? To be a Christian you have to believe in God and practice the faith… I do niether. I don’t believe in God and I don’t go to church… what part of that do you not understand?


  23. Devinda Fernando Says:

    *** Are you scared enough to discuss bible verses? ***

    No I am not, but what would be the point? No Christian takes the Bible literally anymore (nor for a few centuries – the Christian Religion has reformed from being what Islam is today), and no Christian Extremist is committing TERRORISM in the name of Christ. ONLY MUSLIMS ARE TAKING THE KORAN LITERALLY and there are enough of these PSYCHOPATHS to cause enough misery to so many countries on the planet.

    Incidentally, the Koran/Quran is a plagiarized document – side-by-side analysis has shown that whole Quranic verses and passages have been lifted directly from the Bible. You see Muhammad was a Savage Pedophile Warlord who had no time to be a scholar and invent his own religion from scratch; afterall he was busy conquering land in the desert, – stealing wealth from those he defeated, taking sex slaves, and beheading Jews. So, it was just easier to modify Christianity’s Holy Book, and then translate it to Arabic, then claim he was the new Messenger of God.

    *** You claimed to be an atheist. Could you enlighten us about your adherent dogmas. Please! ***

    Ranjith, my father always told me: “never use words you don’t know the meaning of… because there is always a chance the person who reads what you right does…”

    Dictionary Definition
    Dogma: an official system of principles or tenets concerning faith, morals, behavior, etc., as of a church. Synonyms: doctrine, teachings, set of beliefs, philosophy.

    Atheism is not a Religion, I don’t subscribe to beliefs, there is no Dogma to adhere to because Atheism is the REJECTION of RELIGIOUS DOGMA…. can a simpleton like you understand this concept?

  24. Dham Says:

    Behave like a gentleman , not like an Atheist. Mr. Aziz was good eneough to explain his religion. You are free to argue about points given in the article, but you have no right to attack Islam here, just because he explained the practice of Haji.

    Remove your veil and come out and fight like a true Christian.
    If you are Atheist explain openly merits of being Atheist and let other people keep their religion.
    Hiroshima bomb was dropped by a state which calls their value system “Christian”.
    Innocent people in Iraq, Afghanistan and in Libya were killed ruthlessly and are being killed by countries ( states) who call their value system as “Christian”. Even Saddam Hussain who conquered Kuwait did not kill people during war. It is Americans and Israel who kill the innocent on daily basis.
    On the other hand, no Muslim state attacked other countries. Only a terrorist group attacked innocent Americans.

    I don’t like Mulim religion but I do not hate them. I treat my fellow Muslims as brothers and sisters.

  25. Devinda Fernando Says:

    *** Remove your veil and come out and fight like a true Christian. ***

    For the last time, I’m not a Christian… sorry if you find that hard to believe…?

    *** Hiroshima bomb was dropped by a state which calls their value system “Christian”. ***

    If you persist in opening your mouth, please make sure what you say is factual. Hiroshima was when Japan was at war with America… Japan attacked America, not the other way around… when a country attacks another, the defending country has no obligation to be restrained in retaliation? And America is not a Christian country – the US Constitution – Bill of Rights, which is the greatest document of freedom ever written specifically states:

    First Amendment.
    “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

    America, like all European countries are SECULAR… they are not like Muslim Majority countries that make their laws based on ISLAM! Even Sri Lanka does not have a Buddhist Constitution, it is a SECULAR CONSTITUTION… so that there is no forcing of one religion onto people who don’t want to practice it…. NOT ISLAM THOUGH, and NOT ISLAMIC COUNTRIES… they make laws based on the Quran and on Islam’s teachings which are hate-filled, barbaric, oppressive, and backward.

    Saddam Hussein used POISON GAS on his own people killing 200,000 Kurdish people. What Nonsense are you talking about?

    As always, savage Muslim Arabs are trying to exterminate Jews… Israel has killed 5000 Palestinians in the 11 years of fighting of the 2nd Intifada, but Syria has just killed 3000 of its own citizens in less than 6 months of crack downs of protestors. Over 1000 protesters killed in Libya by Gaddafi… No one, especially Muslims, care about Muslims slaughtering other Muslims… but when a Jew kills a Muslim Terrorist then everyone screams at Israel about Human Rights,.. but savage Arab Muslims don’t know the meaning of the words “Human Rights”. LOL! You people are so funny to observe. Its amazing at just how much Muslims hate Jews. And if 1 Million Muslims get slaughtered tomorrow by a Muslim Dictator no one will say a single word because Muslims don’t know the meaning of life.

  26. Devinda Fernando Says:

    *** Please teach us atheism. Please! ***

    Ranjith, You are beyond Stupid… I can’t teach you Atheism, because its not something to be taught?

    Are you a Doctor? I’m going to guess No… Neither am I… but you don’t refer to me as a Non-Doctor do you? Everyone who is not a Doctor is not called a “Non-Doctor” just as everyone who is not an Astrologer is called a “Non-Astrologer”

    Is any of this simple logic sinking into your thick skull? Atheism is the lack of belief in any Religion or God… Now go look up the definition in the dictionary and leave me alone because talking to you is like trying to communicate with a farm animal.

  27. jimmy Says:

    Feel sorry for Devinda
    we all can pray for his soul, I am sure he will become a better person who could respect another human being in the future regardless of their faith

  28. Dham Says:

    If everyone is God’s property, no one can scarifies.
    If ALLAh the Government gave some money for me to eat and live and I burn the money as a sacrifice, am I not a FOOL ?
    I am sorry I cannot even read the lengthy explanations ( with facts outside Allah’s world) as I have zero faith due to observations that can be seen easily how fools kill innocent animals not themselves.

  29. Dham Says:

    We saw in the TV poor animal suffering created by Allah using Indonesian Muslim brains recently. Only fools will say they did not feel pain and take EEG or ECG by attaching wires to body.

  30. Dham Says:

    My observatiosn are,
    1. Westerners born to Christian families who become Athiest are wise.
    2. Sirlankans, and Asians who become Athiest regardless of their faith are FOOLS. ( They are similar to 3. below).
    3. Muslims who depend on western science to prove Koran have already accepted Christianity as superior.

  31. Dham Says:

    Are you saying science too is desribe in Koran by Mohamed ?
    Looks like you are identifying Muslims as a race and proud of it. That makes you racist and that is dangerous.
    Even if assuming your claim that one person whose religion was Islam invented science, you are riding on him to create a race called Muslim. There is no such thing.
    A Muslim may belong to any race. Unless the science originated from the day Islam started, you cannot say science too belong to Muslims. This racist attitude by Islamic and Christian followers has brought this missery.

    I was talking to my Bangla friend one day and asked his opinion about Saudis recently beheading Bangladeshis.
    He felt very sad for this but he still justifies beheading because the Bangla wrokers killed someone.
    No Muslim is against Saudi cruetly and uncivilised barbaric governement. ( Even the Lankan Muslims in the case of the poor girl Naffek.) Can you give me your opinion please ?

  32. Dham Says:

    Your words clearly show the problem. You are identifying “Muslim” as one race, who can kill animals at will and calling it a sacrifice.
    Even if your claim is rigth that a man whose religion was Islam invented science, you are claiming proudly as he belongs to your race c alled “Muslim”. This is stupid.
    I recently asked by Bangla friends’ opinion about Saudis beheading two Bangladesjis recently, he did not condemn it. Even in the case of Nafeek the Lankan girl, it was only the Sinhalese fighting for her.
    As long as Muslims side with the cruel, barbaric, uncivilised worst country in the world called Saudi Arabia ( which is a supporter of Americans), you are doomed. Christians will extraminate you, God willing.

  33. jimmy Says:

    I understand your point of view on animal killings
    I am for animal rights . I only eat Fish and one day will give up that also
    We should not force our beliefs on some one else . That is wrong
    Hindus also sacrifice animals.
    We may not like it but we can not say it is wrong .

    regarding your view on Saudi arabia, I agree
    I am very much troubled the way people are treated
    I can not imagine they still have beheading in public places against criminals. Indonesia stopped sending workers to Saudi after an Indonesian woman was beheaded

    I do not think What we see in Middle east represent All peace loving civilized Muslims living ln otherparts of the world like Indonesia or Philipines or Maldives or Srilanka or many parts of India

    sometimes we ask questions on Relgion after we see injustice for mankind

    We should think logically without already forming an opinion

  34. jimmy Says:

    Law of a country should be upheld
    May be If Srilanka pass a law which prohibits sacrificing animals then it should be upheld by all law biding citizens regardless of the faith
    we should stop criticizing another faith based on Middle eastern countries . It is wrong
    As I said I am not comfortable with the Law and order in Midle eastern Islam countries like many of us
    Even civilized Islam countries like Indonesia or Malasyia do not feel comfortable with Midle eastern islam countries
    It is very wrong to catogrize all the Muslims as bad people or their faith is bad becaue what we see in Middle east

    Mad man Hitler murderd 6 million Jews
    No one should talk bad of christianity because of actions by this mad man

    1miilion Christian Tutsis were killed by christian Hutus . It does not represent Christianity. I was shocked how it could happen
    so many cathoilcs and protestents were killed in Ireland few decades ago
    It does not represent Christianity either

    you do not say why christians are killing their own people There are majority christians in many parts of the world are peace loving people like Jimmy

  35. Dham Says:


    I agree animal killing will continue as long as humanity exist.
    If you argue plant killing that is stupidity.
    But my questions are still not answered. You need to say Yes or No only.
    I ask you two more questions.

    1. If Saudi Arabia, Indonisea or Pakistan went to war against Sri lanka which country you support ?
    2. Do you agree with killing of Gadaafi with the help of Qtari Army ?

    Good talking to you anyway.

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