“Devolve Power to Tamils earlyâ€ÂÂÂ: India’s hopes are misguided and unwelcome
Posted on January 24th, 2013
Asada M Erpini
ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ A report dated 23 January that appeared in the local media mentions that the External Affairs Minister of India has told the External Affairs Minister of Sri Lanka of IndiaƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢s hope of early progress on meaningful devolution based on the 13th Amendment leading to national reconciliation. The title of the news report is ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ…-India hopes Sri Lanka devolves power to Tamils earlyƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ”š‚.
ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ Three glaring fallacies in the statement of the Indian gentleman need to be pointed out.
ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ Firstly, the 13th Amendment is not anything that Sri Lanka ever wanted. The constitution of any sovereign nation is the bedrock on which the latter stands, and amendments to the constitution are decided on by the citizens of that very nation. The 13th Amendment was forced on a hapless President of Sri Lanka under the threat of invasion by a bullying neighbour and whatever that evolves on the basis of the said amendment is unlikely to curry favour with the Sri Lankans who love their country and is bound to be counterproductive.
ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ Secondly, Sri Lanka has had enough of preaching by every Tom, Dick and Harry on the need of reconciliation. The implication in all these requests, demands and threats is that the Sinhala majority, which incidentally constitutes three quarters of the population of the island nation, is depriving the Tamils of their due place and is reluctant to accommodate them. What many do not see or are not ready to accept is that the population in Colombo is over 40% Tamil and some of the most valued real estate in Wellawatte and Bambalapitiya is owned by Tamils. Yet, we do not hear of the Sinhala ethnic group complaining about this situation. On the other hand, the Tamil National Alliance (TNA), the so-called largest Tamil party, is busy globetrotting telling the world how the Tamils are being discriminated in Sri Lanka. If all the international advisers are genuinely concerned about reconciliation in Sri Lanka, they should tell TNA and its supporters in no uncertain terms that they should stop their anti-Sri Lanka stance and work with the government and the Sinhala majority to develop not only the North but the whole of Sri Lanka as well.
ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ Thirdly, devolution of power to Tamils is not on the cards. Sri Lanka has just managed to come of a terrorist curse that lasted nearly three decades, which was built upon the concept of Tamils in the North running their own sovereign Eelam. Sri Lanka is one nation, with the governmentƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢s suzerainty extending from Devundara in the South to Point Pedro in the North. Devolution would be welcome as it existed in the past with village councils and other echelons of administration that moved up from that level. But none of these was based on ethnicity, and Tamils or any other ethnic or religious group can aspire to have their own enclave today or in the future. It is essential that India, or any other country that considers that it has the right to tell Sri Lanka how the latter should manage its affairs, leaves Sri Lanka alone.
ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ Domestic political considerations of outsiders ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢¢”š¬…” India and Canada are the prime examples of countries that sacrificed friendly Sri Lanka to the wolves because they wanted continuation of the hold on political power ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢¢”š¬…” should not be a factor that determines how Sri Lanka looks after its citizens, be they Tamil, Moor, Malay or aSinhala.
January 24th, 2013 at 5:08 pm
India’s sole interest as regards Sri Lanka is to keep it destabilised. It doesn’t want an Eelam in Sri Lanka for the fear it will lead to balkanization of India starting with Tamil Nadu. However it will do all it can to keep Sri Lanka unsafe, unsure and confused.
Any form of devolution will involve demarcation of land. We have seen how the call for Eelam develop and metaphors. It has not fixed boundaries and are forever marching downwards to according to the whims and fancies of the Racist Tamils of the day. The stamp issued by the LTTE in 1980 shows the Eelam they dreamed of at that time. It is very much different from the current map. Can we have any confidence that it will remain static?
Our people have waged a 30 year war and even a longer war in the political field to keep the nation and the land intact. Sri Lanka did not sacrifice her youth and resources for it to be bargained at a future date to satisfy political needs of the rulers.
We firmly believe that President Mahnida Rajapakse who saved the nation will not do a Buveneka Bahu VII 500 year later!
January 25th, 2013 at 12:47 am
Sri Lanka hopes Indian politicians realize that this is a sovereign state. Indians will get a shock when Americans and EU tries to dismember India to 26 countries. Stupid is as stupid does.
January 25th, 2013 at 2:29 am
These are the people who exported terrorism to Lanka and then stabbed it in it’s the back in Genève. Now giving us a moral.
Let them give Kashmir its independence and keep their fat fingers out of Buddhist nations such as Sri Lanka and Thailand.
January 25th, 2013 at 2:56 am
Thanks for the Fine words, all of you – But when is the GoSL telling the above in blunt language to India and asking them to stop bullying? Unless that is done and repeatedly internationally this meddling will continue – S de Silva – London
January 25th, 2013 at 5:56 am
a president who is panicking over war crimes allegations and who would violate the Constitution !!! Well said !check mate !
devolution of power to Tamils is not on the cards- We never use this card to unite our diversity forever but time has come now to follow Buveneka Bahu VII 500 year later !!!
January 25th, 2013 at 6:40 am
War Crimes were by the ltte. We all know that.
Go back to the 1983 Riots. Who created that one so that Lanka Tamils could flee west ?
It’s not “Devolve powers to Tamils early that is needed”. What is needed is the liberation of Tamil Nadu Tamil Dalits, by Canada and the UN.
Sinhela People : Never caught to International Traps again.
January 25th, 2013 at 9:21 am
Fran Diaz
War Crimes were by the ltte. – We all know LTTE war crimes ,( eg former Vanni GA Mrs Charles said , The commander (Jale Jayadilaka?)in field has offered her all traped people can come to his area while he will stop gun fire but LTTE not allowed people to move out) , unfortunatly or fortunatly LTTE all dead now ! only person left Adel Balasingam living in London .
only crime party live now is Goda (realy specking SF but Goda took (benefit ) credit of war winning so he has to take (cost) war crime charges as well – fired to no fire zone , put 300,000 own people into closed (electic wired) jail so call IDP camp for three years etc….
Sinhela People : Never caught to International Traps again.- Too late .. sadly our Sinhala sakotharaya never trust Demila Sakotharam but fully trust Indian back stabbers , Western colonial masters , Chinese comminist croks ,Pakistan islamic pathetic ….. Expect Eelam Thamils !!!
January 25th, 2013 at 2:39 pm
There you go again. I have answered most of your concerns & questions earlier. Gota never took full credit for the war – the People said he played an important key role.
Trust has to be EARNED. Tamil leaders of Lanka never allowed that to happen. At least, let it happen now, and let Trust build up.
I am closing down this thread of the exchange.
January 25th, 2013 at 4:18 pm
DAMBADIWA is no more We should not think India as DAMBADIWA Now it is Hindu India They destroyed Buddhist india
Brahmins eradicated buddhism from India for their benifit because LORD BUDDHA was against cast system and animal sacrifices etc.etc.
India is not our LOKU AYYA They have already degraded BUDDHA tu VISHNU’s 9th AVATARA
Sinhalese should not surrender to their ” AYYA PART”
January 28th, 2013 at 5:24 am
Fran Diaz
I am closing down this thread of the exchange.- Sorry do not take me wrong but this is only one option left to Tamils (eg: when VP we only had one opion following like sheep behind him because he kiiled all intelectuals ) We have to blam to sinhalese for this …… what else we have left ….
EG: Indians are start to traing few youngters from SL refugee camp in TN , our president not oping his mouth regarding 13 plus now ….. We SL Tamil have to sacrify our balance 0.60m to skep 1m to western world (total left over 1.60m in SL now)! what can we do ???
We have to believe !
Naalai Pirakku Thamil Eelam !!! ( Seeman , Kalaner, Jeya, or our sun of god will get for us ……. )!
January 28th, 2013 at 6:31 am
Dear Andy,
One more say here, though I have stated these facts many many times in these columns.
Tamil people of Sri Lanka (legal or illegal) will start toward SEPARATISM the moment power is Devolved. That is the only method known to Tamil leaders of today, isn’t it ? They refuse to blend in as they do in other foreign countries. Sri Lanka being an ultra small country can only offer ‘blend in’. TheTamil leaders do not acknowledge that the Caste/Poverty issue starts in Tamil Nadu, and something ought to be done there, via say, Canada & the UN, in a realistic and non-violent manner. It is a futile exercise to ‘fight’ in Sri Lanka. I am personally sorry for those Tamils who suffer from Caste/poverty issues, but this a huge problem and ought to handled by governments and international bodies and not ‘minnows’ like you and me. Our batting small notes in these columns may not make any difference at all, unfortunately. And I do sympathise with India for her problems there too. Today, people want to know the solid spiritual truth about Life & Death, and are not content with various made up stories from different quarters. Also, unfortunately, the spiritual truth cannot be poured forcibly down anyone’s throat. It must be sought and accepted by the individual.
Anyway, the way I see it is not just a poverty problem for the people of Sri Lanka or India (incl. TN). I think there is a spiritual paucity in the world today, a lack of understanding re the Truth. I have always said that life is brief and we are put on planet Earth not only just to Survive (or make money & be powerful), but specifically to Evolve to the next stage of Evolution for Homo Sapiens. That is achieved only through Meditation (for Union with the Godhead Within) and Understanding about all life on Earth.
I ask the Question again from you & other readers: Does Sri Lanka exist so that Tamils are liberated from Caste Issues ?
And please name one western Democratic country which tolerates SEPARATISM ?
January 28th, 2013 at 7:08 am
See what I mean – Not a word by the TNA about ltte action against the Tamil people. With Tamil leaders like this, who needs enemies for Tamil people. Only truth of matters set us all free.
From the ColomboPage media Jan 27, 2013 :
“* Sri Lanka Tamil party seeks help from visiting US officials for an early solution to ethnic issue
Sun, Jan 27, 2013, 09:27 pm SL Time, ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.
Jan 27, Colombo: Sri Lanka’s major Tamil political party, the Tamil National Alliance (TNA) has requested the three US Assistant Secretaries of State who are currently on a visit to Sri Lanka to help find early solutions to problems faced by minority communities.
The TNA delegation led by R. Sampanthan and including parliamentarians M.A. Sumanthiran and S. Sridharan had met the US officials at the residence of US Ambassador, Michele Sisson.
Sampanthan has told the US officials that the government is reluctant to fulfill the political aspirations of the Tamils, and implement the recommendations of the Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission (LLRC).
The Deputy Assistant Secretary of State James Moore, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense Vikram Singh, and Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Jane Zimmerman arrived in Sri Lanka Saturday morning on a mission to mainly assess the progress on implementing measures recommended by the country’s own Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission (LLRC).
He has also expressed the TNA’s views on the Sri Lanka Army’s latest report on the implementation of the LLRC recommendations and has criticized the comments made by Defence Secretary Gotabhaya Rajapaksa that there were no disappearances.
The TNA has pointed out that there has been hardly any move in implementing the LLRC or addressing the grievances of the people in the North and East.
The TNA has further noted that there is ample evidence to prove that arrests were made during the final phase of the war and that thousands are still missing while their families are traumatized over the disappearance of their loved ones”.
January 28th, 2013 at 7:20 am
Fran Diaz
Tamil people of Sri Lanka (legal or illegal) will start toward SEPARATISM the moment power is Devolved. That is the only method known to Tamil leaders of today, isn’t it ? NO
Yes I can understad devalved may lead to separation but learn from India language basis devalved (1958?) did not lead to separation but it unit them !!!
because of susision of sepation so fare we losed 200,000 people , 87,000 widows etc… is it worth this suspision ? NO
other think is it economical worth NEP people to live separate ? No
simple Trust & Honest will solve our ethnic problm over night 1 no short cut !!
January 28th, 2013 at 7:42 am
Fran Diaz
Not a word by the TNA about ltte action against the Tamil people- not aggred, He said very cleverly/openly LTTE losed because their own fault not to follow democratic way . he does not want pro tigers to kill/hurt him but he want to put blam( true) on them for their own action stoped voters to vote Ranil W to become president !
MR can solve ethenic problm with Sampanthan If He realy honestly want ! but MR only want to avoid UN /white flag problm nothink else , rest all lies 13 plus, Naan Unngal sakotharays…etc…. who wants development in NEP ? We NEP people saying we do not want development what we want devolve but MR building road for us from Chinese money !!!
what can we do !!! We all Tamil know when Eelam war V start these road will be distroused by air boomb over night !!
January 28th, 2013 at 9:21 am
Why did the ltte ever happen in Sri Lanka and not in Tamil Nadu where Tamil Caste/Poverty all begins ? Answer that question and you have your puzzle solved.
What we had in Sri Lanka was an exported war. Now the TNA is making excuses about this & that, but at that time they played to win a separate state with them as rulers. They are still hoping to have a slice, it seems to me, or else why pursue similar agendas ?
It appears to me that many have died in Sri Lanka to placate external causes, in the ltte Caste/Cold War wars. At least now Tamils ought to let go the TNA and Separatist ideology and blend in, without causing further problems for Sri Lanka. You ask for Trust – is that a reasonable expectation with the TNA ??!!
The alternative is to take the International Community, headed by Canada & the UN, to help out Tamil Nadu.
Let’s stop this beating around the bush, Andy.
Anyway, I close my case. No more needs to be said.
January 29th, 2013 at 3:07 am
Fran Diaz
Why did the ltte ever happen in Sri Lanka and not in Tamil Nadu where Tamil Caste/Poverty all begins ? Because thier head of leader devolved power to language base states ( 1956?) so no need to fight against each other to killed own air boomber & no need build banger for own country forces !!! All SL Tamil did !!! We were 270,000 prison into electriced wired prioson by our own Govt for theree years !!! beacase We born to so call Tamil in Mother Lanka my chinhala sakothraya !!!
Hope & pray atleast one chinhalan sakotharam can think what exceclty happing since 1948 to demilayas !!!
January 29th, 2013 at 3:07 am
Fran Diaz
Why did the ltte ever happen in Sri Lanka and not in Tamil Nadu where Tamil Caste/Poverty all begins ? Because thier head of leader devolved power to language base states ( 1956?) so no need to fight against each other to killed own air boomber & no need build banger for own country forces !!! All SL Tamil did !!! We were 270,000 prison into electriced wired prioson by our own Govt for theree years !!! beacase We born to so call Tamil in Mother Lanka my chinhala sakothraya !!!
Hope & pray atleast one chinhalan sakotharam can think what exceclty happing since 1948 to demilayas !!!
January 29th, 2013 at 6:34 am
You say : “Because thier head of leader (India) devolved power to language base states ( 1956?) so no need to fight against each other ..”
Do please read up the FACTS before making wild statements about Indian success in division of country by languages. Do first read the FACTS from the internet and then make your statements.
Here are some FACTS re India & Languages there :
“In British India, English was the sole language used for administrative purposes as well as for higher education purposes. When India became independent in 1947, the Indian legislators had the challenge of choosing a language for official communication as well as for communication between different linguistic regions across India. The choices available were:
* Making “Hindi”, which a plurality of the people (43%) identified as their mother tongue, the official language, though only a minority of these “Hindi” speakers spoke Hindi proper.
* Making English, as preferred by non-Hindi speakers, particularly Tamils and Kannadigas, and those from Mizoram and Nagaland, the official language.
* Declare both Hindi and English as official languages and each state is given freedom to choose the official language of the state.
The Indian Constitution, in 1950, declared Hindi in Devanagari script to be the official language of the Union. Unless Parliament decided otherwise, the use of English for official purposes was to cease 15 years after the constitution came into effect, i.e., on 26 January 1965. The prospect of the changeover, however, led to much alarm in the non Hindi-speaking areas of India, especially Dravidian-speaking states in South India whose languages were not related to Hindi at all. As a result, Parliament enacted the Official Languages Act, 1963, which provided for the continued use of English for official purposes along with Hindi, even after 1965″.
“The movement for Dravida Nadu was at its height from 1940s to 1960s, but due to fears of Tamil hegemony, it failed to find any support outside Tamil Nadu. The States Reorganisation Act 1956, which created Linguistic States, weakened the demand further. In 1960, the DMK leaders decided to delete the demand of Dravida Nadu from the party programme at a meeting held in absence of Annadurai. In 1963, the Government of India led by Jawaharlal Nehru, declared secessionism as an illegal act. Subsequently, Annadurai abandoned the claim for Dravida Nadu – now geographically limited to modern Tamil Nadu – completely in 1963”.
So you can see that even after the Linguistic States were created in 1958 in India, Tamil Nadu continued its Secessionist demands till 1960, and that too was given up due to the other Southern states not accepting Tamil hegemony in Dravida Nadu. In 1963 PM Nehru declared Secessionism as an illegall act and this was made the Law of India, and it was then alone that Annadurai gave up the claim for Dravida Nadu. YOU CAN SEE CLEARLY THAT IT WAS THE ANTI-SECESSIONIST LAW OF 1963 THAT BROUGHT IN LAW & ORDER AND LEGAL & PROPER USE OF LANGUAGE INTO ACCEPTANCE IN INDIA.
Sri Lanka has to learn from the Indian experience. Too much wrong type Devolution, too much 13-A plus will lead to nothing else but SECESSION.
Andy, you love your Tamil language more than you care for peace and wellbeing in Sri Lanka, it seems to me. Are you on the wrong side of the Palk Straits ? If you love Lanka, then blend in and use the Tamil language in a non-aggressive manner.
January 29th, 2013 at 7:10 am
Fran Diaz
Annadurai abandoned the claim for Dravida Nadu – now geographically limited to modern Tamil Nadu – completely in 1963 !
This what We should have been done If we created NEP geographcally limited to modern Tamil Eelam now We should have abandate this Separate Eelam dearm long time ago also so many our brother & sister alive now (include Sinhala forces) !
eg : When We visit TN or Kerala if We ask them why do not you demand for separate country from India they say we already have separate country ( Tamil nhadu, Kanada (Kan nadhu) etc..) why we need another contry ,be India is benefit to fight agaist outsiders (Pakistan) ! So can you see how they united with their diversity ! respect other identity create unite , We Sri Lankan are mad thick people We only have TWO language & Three difirent community realy specking Two because Muslim mother tange is Tamil (stuading in Tamil at school) ! compare with India have how many language !!!
Andy, you love your Tamil language more than you care for peace and – No I am not mad with my language if necessary I am supporter of appand All Tamil to learn Sinhala as I said early estate Tamil should change their mother tange to sinhala to avoid their future general not to work as SLAVE (house workers) in all OUR home (very hard braking crime We still doing to this innecant people for last 65 years)!
January 29th, 2013 at 8:31 am
Lingkamandi said: “So can you see how they [India] united with their diversity ! [different geographical entites for different language groups] respect other identity create unite [dont try to force others to change their language or identities]”
Its very important that all Sri Lankans read carefully and understand the above mentality. Andi is articlating the INDIAN PHILOSOPHY on plurality, that most Tamils seem to easily grasp. In particular, for future peace in Sri Lanka, it is VERY IMPORTANT that the Sinhalese decision makers understand this philosophy and consider adopting (re-discovering?) this aspect of Indian culture because, by their own admission, the Sinhalese originate in India. You CANT have it both ways. You are either originally from India or not! You cant say to India we want to import all your culture to Sri Lanka because the Europeans destroyed ours. That is, we want to import all of Indias culture here EXCEPT that relating to plural identities! Can you see why Indians may find that offensive? I believe originally Sinhalese, including the kings, accepted plurality, just like the Indians still do. After the European invasions, some Sinhalese have been misled to adopt ugly European mentality of monoculturalism through conquest, conversion and assimilation. Its a very ugly attitude to have in the 21st century. Moreover, it is a non-Asian attitude. Sri Lanka being a small country, we dont have to follow India’s geographic formula for different ethnicities however we ought to respect different ethnic groups right to practice and perpetuate their languages and religions and them and their languages and cultures still be treated at all levels as first class Sri Lankans, not just nominally but in actuality, not just individually but symbolically at the group level. Otherwise the forces for separation will threaten to tear the country up time and time again.
January 29th, 2013 at 8:54 am
Please do support all Tamils to learn Sinhala language. That would be a great service to Sri Lanka.
As for live in house workers, I am all in preference for modern conveniences such as fridges, washing machines, dryers & cookers, as in the west, and no more live in house workers needed then. Also for frozen, ready to heat & eat cooked food to make work easy for the housewife. Those are the items we have work toward for a Modern Sri Lanka, not quibble over languages, which is a useless waste of time.
We do not mind the use of Tamil language in a reasonable & peaceful way, but not as some kind of ‘weapon’ against the rest of Sri Lanka. We are always mindful of rather backward Tamil Nadu, their Caste/poverty issues, and their expansionist aspirations.
January 29th, 2013 at 9:04 am
Fran Diaz
Please do support all Tamils to learn Sinhala language. That would be a great service to Sri Lanka. – That is long term permant solution to mother lanka ! to achieve we need to break so many barriers !!! unfortunatly Sinhala sakotharayas never ready for that & Vellar Tamil never allowed (like bhiramin in TN) !!! difficut but be achieve ! with honest & trust !
not with manipulation & lie (this what both community is doing now) ! but in silenly happing eg:1,400 armies qualified to teach sinhala in Tamil school in Vanni now ! good move…..
January 29th, 2013 at 12:54 pm
Some people have lots of time to waste on a worthless Tamil Elamist who keeps begging for TE like the most desperate beggar. But there is a good side to it. As long as TEs keep begging us, we are the bosses! So give them NOTHING. Keep them begging!!
January 29th, 2013 at 2:38 pm
Three cheers for good old Lorenzo who kept our spirits up when all seemed lost, and gave us valuable information all along.
We will always need you, Lorenzo ! Thanks a million.
January 29th, 2013 at 3:42 pm
Cheers Fran.
May your battle to give a good life to caste discriminated Tamils WITHIN Tamil Nadu succeed!
January 30th, 2013 at 5:20 am
Fran Diaz
We will always need you, Lorenzo ! Thanks a million.- Same Thanks a billon to Lorenzo because We Tamil also have some time night maire of living together with Sinhalese but Our Lorenzo alway remin me We have to fight for our Thamil Eelam for lasting solition !!! Thanks Lorenzo keep it up !!! Yes We are begger now in your dream mate ! AAnai iravu Samar will be soon !!! We will see you in Eelam war V soon or later !!!
January 30th, 2013 at 6:03 am
Dear Lorenzo,
That is the crux of the problem : the Caste Discriminated WITHIN Tamil Nadu ! – resulting in discriminated Tamils fleeing Tamil Nadu, mainly into Sri Lanka for salvation. When will the International Community see THAT as the real problem ?
As for ” …. battle to give a good life to caste discriminated Tamils WITHIN Tamil Nadu succeed!” Dear Lorenzo, I am just one person trying to UNDERSTAND the tragedy that is Sri Lanka. I can only attempt to understand the problem and write a bit about it.
What needs to be done is that the Tamil Diaspora sees the light of day and brings in the International Community, Canada especially and the UN, to help Tamil Nadu upgrade itself re at least the Sanitary system there and have them donate a modern Sanitary system and set free some 95,000 Tamil caste bound ‘nigh soil carriers’. Innovative ways ought to thought out to help TN erase off the scourge of Caste discrimination. That task is up to the Tamil Diaspora who must stop beating around the bush and get down to brass tacks and face the problems in TAMIL NADU.
Conditions are much better in Sri Lanka for all Tamils. But conditions here too must improve for ALL the poor of Sri Lanka, not only poor Tamils.
Andy says : “All Tamil to learn Sinhala as I said early estate Tamil should change their mother tange to sinhala to avoid their future general not to work as SLAVE (house workers) in all OUR home (very hard braking crime We still doing to this innecant people for last 65 years)!”. So he has said it all there. He fears SLAVERY. Any must know that NO ONE LIKES SLAVERY, NOT ONLY TAMILS OF LANKA. Slavery was never practiced in Sri Lanka. It is hang over feeling & fear that Tamils have from Caste based discrimination. Feelings of being enslaved certainly ought to be avoided for ALL in Lanka, not only for Tamil people, but for everyone.
Lorenzo, I humbly admit now that I feel my task is done. I have pointed out in these columns various hidden truths of the situation as I see it. It is up to all caring people of Sri Lanka, Tamil Nadu, INDIA and various Sri Lankan Diasporas, governments, international communities, organisations, etc. to rectify what is wrong in our societies.
There is a lot to be in Sri Lanka as well, MODERNISATION & MECHANISATION (at least to some extent with household machines such as washing machines, fridges, etc. to do the work plus tea plucking machines as in Africa, China etc.), to build up a truly educated & happy Middle Class, the backbone of any society. A good education must include LIFE VALUES FIRST – ETHICS & MORALITY, NOT JUST BOOK LEARNING.
The terrible tragedy in Sri Lanka is that NEEDED HOUSEHOLD MACHINES, & VEHICLES etc. are seen as STATUS SYMBOLS, not NECESSITIES for daily living. All these FALSE ATTITUDES come from a dearth of goods and money to buy the goods, and of course, and some false attitudes from India ! An Indian friend of mine told me that in India some folks keep a phone in the homes, but they do not work – they are kept as status symbols hoping other folks think the phone works ! God help us all in such falseness !
When will Sri Lankans get practical about our real problems ? Then only will Lanka progress, truly progress. ‘Boru shoke’ will not get us anywhere.
January 30th, 2013 at 7:36 am
Fran Diaz
the Caste Discriminated WITHIN Tamil Nadu – Fully aggred !
resulting in discriminated Tamils fleeing Tamil Nadu, mainly into Sri Lanka for salvation- Not conviced yet !!!
January 30th, 2013 at 9:21 am
What does Salvation mean to you ?
Salvation is what Tamils of Lanka make of what is available to them. It is in the attempts to create Tamil Eelam that they have failed in their mission for Salvation in Sri Lanka.
It was NOT the Sinhela People who created Indentured Labor of Tamils to work tea & tobacco plantations. Andy, Salvation, besides freedom from Slavery (or neo-Slavery), is Self Realisation. No one can GIVE Self Realisation to any one else. It is sought for and made by oneself.
However, we do not want more Tamils of TN coming into Sri Lanka for Salvation. Salvation of Tamils of TN must be sought for in Tamil Nadu itself.
January 31st, 2013 at 3:38 am
Fran Diaz
It was NOT the Sinhela People who created Indentured Labor of Tamils to work tea & tobacco plantations.- Aggred this created by former english colonise maters but this now our problm since 1948. so we Srilankan should help this people to come out from this salavery job (work tea & tobacco plantations., house mate etc..)~ by educate them for high tech new world !
It is in the attempts to create Tamil Eelam that they have failed in their mission for Salvation in Sri Lanka- mission is not failed yet , Eelam dearm is geting more stonger now than VP is time !
Salvation of Tamils of TN must be sought for in Tamil Nadu itself.- Aggred lets Great Indian can & will sort out its own problm !
We shall concertate over own problms !!! if any ???
January 31st, 2013 at 6:07 am
Tamil Eelam is in your Hearts only. Self Realisation is the ONLY true Salvation. If Salvation is sought outside (through Eelam or any other method) in the material world, other than for food, clothing & shelter, then human beings get into big trouble, Tamils or others. There is NO perfection in the outside world, that is the Law. ‘Everything changes’ said the Buddha. That is a scientifically proven fact. As I write this, I am changing in body and mind. Only Truth/truth sets us free. It is so said in the 4 Great Yogas too, especially Raj Yoga. Jesus said “the Kingdom of Heaven is Within you ‘. Islam means Peace.
You will have to fight alone for Tamil Eelam, because your fight for Tamil Eelam is, as you say is ‘a dream’. Dreams are created by people who are asleep and sleeping, is it not ? Wake up, Andy, and face Reality.
If you as a Tamil person of Sri Lanka, does not care about Tamil Nadu low caste Tamils, then it is either because you think the problem of Caste there too vast to handle &/or you are afraid.
You say ” We shall concertate over own problms !!! if any ???” – IF ANY is a good approach. There aren’t any real problems for Tamils of Lanka, except self created ones.
Not everyone is cut out for high tech jobs. Not all have the aptitude for high tech. But they may have other talents and it is time for Tamils to discover those talents. Spread out and enjoy freedom in Lanka.
January 31st, 2013 at 7:07 am
Fran Diaz
the problem of Caste there too vast to handle &/or you are afraid.- Both
if any ???” – IF ANY is a good approach- I personaly aggred We do not have problm in Mother Lanka ! except self created ones !
eg: We had National Anthem which sing in Two language both have 100% same meaning suttenly our sankothraya ban (2010) Tamil versan than two year s later come with new idea of both language in a same anthem !! who want this new creation , is Tamil ever complete about singing anthem in Tamil ? NO , so why this kolaveri !!!!
Namo Namoo Thaaye , nam oli pirar sura nalangnal navin Sri Lanka , Namoo Namoo Thaye …… ( what wrong with … realy I do not understand )!
When I say high tech job to estate people I with you these poor humans need to look after by us !!!Wrongly We have missed used them long engough , now time to rectify !!!
We Tamil in sleep longer , a old saying say todays deam is tommorow reality that why we Tamil sleeping since 1948 never wake up !!!
Naalai pirakku Tamil eelam !!! Tomorrow we will get Thamil eelam (not today , if you ask tommorow We say Tommorow We will get Thamil Eelam )
January 31st, 2013 at 12:17 pm
The National Anthem must be sung in Sinhela. Or else Sri Lanka becomes an appendage of backward Tamil Nadu. No Sri Lankan will allow that.
Your poor low caste Tamil people of Tamil Nadu have been asleep for 3,000 yrs. Till they wake up and find peaceful ways to erase Caste there, Tamils of Sri Lanka will have no real peace.
Re Eelam tomorrow : there will no necessity for Eelam at all. As Tamils are human beings, CHANGE will come for them will come from WITHIN themselves. Eelam will arrive from WITHIN each person.