WHAT BENEFIT IS THERE IN DAYAN’S DEAL IN GENEVA?- The following is H. L. D. Mahindapala’s reply to Dr. Dayan Jayatilleka’s response to the criticism of his controversial role in Geneva. Scroll down to read Dr. Jayatilleka’s defence of his role
Thursday, June 20th, 2013H.L.D. Mahindapala ƒ”š‚ I welcome my friend Dayan’s response to my lengthy review of his book, Long War, Cold Peaceƒ”š‚ published in yesterday’s Daily News.ƒ”š‚ May I also add that it was long overdue. I also note his metaphor in which he compares his responseƒ”š‚ as “the intellectual equivalent of entering a Taliban held area of remote Afghanistan.” […]
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