Arrest of 12 STF Personnel over Allegations of Massacre: Politicians Saving Their Skin Sacrificing Soldiers?
Posted on July 5th, 2013

Dilrook KannangaraƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ 

It couldnƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢t have come at a worse time. Arrest of 12 STF personnel over allegations of their role in killing 5 Tamils in Trincomalee who also allegedly had terrorist connections came on the same day the President instructed the Elections Commissioner to call for elections for the Northern Provincial Council. The nation and its conscience have been betrayed twice in a day to save the skin of politicians who bask in the glory of the ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ”¹…”war victoryƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢ while real heroes languish in prisons. At the same time TNA parachutes into the top posts in the north which LTTE failed to achieve for 26 years.
The so called ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ”¹…”war victoryƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢ took 26 years to come but it has been betrayed within just four (4) years.
This event is the start of political maneuvers to save politiciansƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢ skins by sacrificing more and more soldiers on worthless cases. It can split loyalty of armed forces personnel and even drive some of them into the hands of many NGO busybodies who wait eagerly to collect war crimes stories to discredit the nation. It will do well to point the guilty finger at politicians and top defence personnel who delayed ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ”¹…”justiceƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢ for 7 years if any actual crime had really taken place beyond mere allegations.
STF played a key role and made many selfless sacrifices to defend the nation and its peace loving people. If a wrong was committed in 2006, it should have been addressed then, not 7 years later. Who delayed justice?
This bad precedent will launch a witch hunt against armed forces personnel. Many other fancy allegations will follow this lead into a vengeful craze of hatred. ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ 
However, these regressive actions fall well short of making an election impact. Ultimately both the north and the south will reject the shameless ruling clan that has made a killing of the sacrifices made by poor soldiers. The ruling clan must be reminded that TamilƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ groups worldwide blame the clanƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ not the rank and file of armed forces of war crimes. Politicians cannot save their skin sacrificing more and more soldiers over nothing. Politicians need to be hooted and booted out of the next pompous ‘victory day’ parade.

15 Responses to “Arrest of 12 STF Personnel over Allegations of Massacre: Politicians Saving Their Skin Sacrificing Soldiers?”

  1. mjaya Says:

    I wonder what is going on now. We are all being fooled.


    How about seeking justice for the Aranthalawa massacre? the Kent and Dollar farm massacres?

    The only reason MR and his gov. are in power is because if not it is the UNP, JVP, SF and minority racists, chillies in exchange for ginger!

  2. mjaya Says:

    It is thanks to our war heroes that we can live in peace today. No more bombs.

    If winning the war was for political mileage it is the ULTIMATE BETRAYAL!

    Only the gov can prove otherwise by
    Setting our heroes free, abolishing the 13A and getting on the right track. Trash the LLRC report and settle Sinhalese in the NE.

    If otherwise they will definitely lose the next election and then the UNP+JVP alliance will come to power. THEN IT WILL BE FAR WORSE THAN TODAY!!!!

  3. michelly200 Says:

    Why after 7 years? is this justice or is someone indulging in appeasement and CYA (covering your a**).
    I wonder if a similar story will be played out with regard to the Matale mass graves

  4. S.Gonsalkorale Says:

    Master Rookadaya (MR) is showing his true colours now ! we are being fooled by the ground kissing Muslim king.

  5. S.Gonsalkorale Says:

    There will be more arrests made and one by one our heroes will be executed by MR.

  6. Nalliah Thayabharan Says:

    The government faces international censure over its failure to prosecute those responsible for the murder of the four students selected for universities and one university student – took place on January 02, 2006 in Trincomalee.
    The massacre of the five students was mentioned by NGOs at the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) in March 2013 sittings. Sri Lankan government came under due pressure to address this as Dr Kasippillai Manoharan, the father of Rajigar, who was killed appeared directly to the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC)l. The murders drawn a huge outcry from international Human Rights groups as well as the families of the victims. Dr. Kasipillai Manoharan, the father of Rajigar – one of the students killed – appealed to international rights groups including the UN Human Rights Commission to investigate the crime and to provide justice to his son Rajigar and other victims.
    It was an unfortunate incident
    Initially the police claimed these students were, in fact, LTTE terrorists killed in a premature detonation of a grenade that they were about lob into government troops.
    Subramaniyam Sugirdharajan who took pictures of the slain students that confirmed that they died of gunshot injuries and not by an explosion of a grenade.

    Also please arrest the LTTE rehabs, Minister Vinayagamoorthy Muralitharan (aka Karuna), Arumugam Kandaiah (Suresh) Premachandran M.P, Amirthanathan (Selvam) Adaikalanathan M.P, Pillayan etc., for the massacres they committed against innocent civilians!
    Hope the court will also punish the murderers of 600 unarmed police officers!

  7. douglas Says:

    So this latest Law Enforcement action negates all the previous “Inquiries” including “Commissions”, “Police”, “Legal” etc. and showcase to the International Community that all those were conducted in an attempt to “cover up” the obvious and the truth.

    From here onwards more and more demands to “uncover” the “truth” will be staged and “Ruling Clan” will have no escape but to resort to the “BIGGEST BETRAYAL” of the VALIANT ARMED FORCES WHO BROUGHT US PEACE. The RULING CLAN is “desperate”. All of them, inclusive of all the “Vultures” hanging around are looking for an “Escape Route”. Mind you, some see this now as the “BEGINNING”., but I sensed it with the start of the most unethical behaviour of the “CLAN” and the “Vultures” in setting up the “BUSINESS” of governing the country, immeaditely after winning the war.

    This is “Untho Jatta, Bahi Jatta……….”

  8. NAK Says:

    Don’t panic people,please be patient.

  9. douglas Says:

    NAK: The people are not “in panic”. They are very patient and watchfull.

    But there is a another “gang of Vultures” who are desperate , and in “panic”to get hold of the “Kill” before it turns to be a “skeleton”. They will even go to the extent of soliciting “outside help” to get the kill and has already set the targeted year to 2014. The encouraging factor in this scenerio is the people are again “patient and watchfull”.

    Since my writing of the comment june 6 @ 4.45 a.m.) and reading your advice, I met an ex-soldier who knew of the court case. When I asked him for his opinion, he merely sang a song: “Aney apita denenawa asarana vela wagei Budu Hamuduruwane”. But I gave your advice. He thanked me. I pass on that “thank you” to you. It belongs to you NAK.

  10. Susantha Wijesinghe Says:


    HE HAS ABSOLUTELY NO INTENTION OF DOING AWAY WITH THE PROVINCIAL COUNCILS. ALL THOSE WHO HOLD JOBS IN THIS DEN OF THIEVES, PROVINCIAL COUNCILS, PRADESHIYA SABHAS, ARE HIS HENCHAIYAS, RELATIVES, THEIR FRIENDS AND RELATIVES, DOMESTIC SERVANTS ETC, who are Murderers, Rapists, Extortionists, Child Abusers, contract killers, illicit sand miners, illicit timber fellers, owners of illicit distilleries, owners of licensed liquor distribution, illicit cattle transport and slaughter, sex perverts molesting foreign tourists, etc. You name it, they are already on it.

    The Presidents Employment Exchange gave these aforesaid people jobs, in reciprocation for servile services rendered. They are all enjoying A HEAVENLY LIFE WITH HIGHLY PAID JOBS, CONSIDERABLE PERKS, WITH FREE VEHICLES, AT THE EXPENSE OF THE STRUGGLING MASSES OF SRI LANKA. THEY ARE LEADING A HEAVENLY LIFE. The president has no intention of putting them back to base.

    It must be said, that this not only the Presidents Henchaiyas, but also the Ministers and MPs henchaiyas too. This is the reason that there is a deafening silence from certain Ministers an MPs.

    BR has spoken to Indian Fisherman during his visit, and I do hope that he did not betray the Northern Fishermen of Sri Lanka. Iam skeptical that BR may have told the Indian Fishermen, “It is OK, You can come and fish in our waters ”

    Removing of Police and Land Powers is the greatest bluff, perpetrated on the patriotic people of Sri Lanka.

    President by his wavering attitude on the 13th amendment is creating a TSUNAMI RIFT in the armed services and Police. If there is dissension and splinter groups, Gota will lose control. THAT IS A DANGEROUS SITUATION. Please do not say it can never happen. NO ONE PERSON CAN GET INTO THE MINDS OF THE MASSES. IT WILL BE A FALLACY.

    I see a conspicuous headline in the Latest News:- GO FOR A REFERENDUM.

  11. Vis8 Says:

    This type of political ploys occur everywhere in the world: The great “Champions of Democracy”, the USA has also put quite a few Army heroes behind bars, to prevent backlash, politically and otherwise.

  12. Fran Diaz Says:

    Going back a bit here, who killed 600 plus STF staff when they disarmed to please the ltte during the Premadasa era ?

  13. Fran Diaz Says:

    Going back a bit here, who killed 600 plus STF staff when they disarmed to please the ltte during the Premadasa era ? All this happened in the East Coast.

  14. AnuD Says:

    The government faces international censure over its failure to prosecute those responsible for the murder of the four students selected for universities and one university student – took place on January 02, 2006 in Trincomalee – because of LTTE and INGO melodrama at the UNHRC meetings.

    12 STF are in the Jail. that is not the worry.

    I think, if you can not get them, be one with them and play their game and defeat them in their own game.

  15. Fran Diaz Says:

    How many did the ltte murder and get away with ?

    There were blood baths within the country from the 1970s onwards (JVP and next ltte). Not a whimper from the International community !
    The ltte massacres of THOUSANDS of innocents (Sinhela & Tamil & Musim) were never brought to question by the international bodies – UNHRC included. They are selectively targeting this government ONLY for crimes. None of the other previous govts. were asked to answer. How come ??
    If FAIR PLAY is to happen, ALL past crimes must be investigated thoroughly.
    Five students murdered certainly deserves investigation. However, it is yet to be proved that the STF members arrested committed the crimes.

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