Posted on July 8th, 2013

Susantha Wijesinghe.

CEYLON, years ago so serene,
Culture, Discipline ever pristine,
D.S. known as Father of the Nation,
Loved and left with perpetual ovation.
Pearly Ceylon, to SRI LANKA in metamorphosis,
Created in mind a doubtful crisis,
Things changed with whimsical fantasy,
By trial and error withƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ Maavo ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ bureacracy.
Many a PM, President, since come and gone,
With little alleviation to masses forlorn,
What good it be to ride a Lamborgini ?
When Sri Lankans are in perpetual Bada-gini.
Now, Maa hinda Chin taana in all its Glory,
Appears to be a debilitating Story,
When with Clout, HE annhilated a Megolomaniac Regime,
Now, BACKSTEPS WITH FEAR, to take a decision Supreme.
Masses of Sri Lanka, awaits bemourning,
To see the 13th in a state of groaning,
H.E. let not wait for memory LAPSE,
To see SRILANKA in pieces, PERHAPS.
Recipient of the Shakespeare Trophy of Excellence, and
Editor’s Choice Award ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ in 2003,
for the Poem, “Ode to a Teacher” at the ‘ Famous Poets’ Convention,
held at the Nevada, Hilton.
Recipient of the Shakespeare Trophy of Excellence, and
Poet of the Year Medallion in 2004,ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ for the Poem, ” ists and isms ” held
at the same venue.ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ 
Have Publications in ” Great Poems of the Western World “,ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚  ” The
International Who’s Who in Poetry ” and ” Colours of Life “, USA.

9 Responses to “SRI LANKANS IN ANGUISH.”

  1. Lorenzo Says:

    We also have to allow them TIME.

    Fixing one mess at a time.

  2. S.Gonsalkorale Says:

    Don’t like the “Ceylon , so serene”
    Sudda’s “Ceylon” the seed of mayhem supreme
    True, it looks like a Moda Rala ruling Lanka
    But, what can we do than wait for the Gota

  3. Fran Diaz Says:

    No past Colonial country does quite well
    So “Divided & ruled”, a near hell
    Clear thinking the Need of the hour now
    To truth & justice we all should bow

  4. Mr. Bernard Wijeyasingha Says:

    What a great soliloquy. Thought I would add my own

    From ashes Sri Lanka rises like a phoenix in flight
    From the throes of war and the grim reaper Sri Lanka defeated her foe with righteous might
    In spite of forces bent on dividing this pearly island so serene
    Nations clamor to align with this island queen
    Sri Lanka a word that means the resplendent land
    will thwart any forces or amendments meant to divide and united will stand.

  5. Susantha Wijesinghe Says:

    LSFB~~~Love to see your innate poetic talent. This is an open invitation for others to get onboard.

  6. Mr. Bernard Wijeyasingha Says:

    An improved version of my ode to Sri Lanka:
    From the ashes Sri Lanka rises like a Phoenix in flight
    From the throes of war and the hand of the grim reaper Sri Lanka defeated her foe with righteous might.
    In spite of forces bent on dividing this island so serene
    Now nations clamor to align with this island queen
    Sri Lanka is a phrase that means Resplendent Land
    Will thwart any forces meant to divide and united will stand.
    This nation lies at India’s tip
    And has been called by many names from Sri Lanka, Ceylon, Taproban to Serendip
    Like a gem that sparkles in the night and a lotus that blooms in the day
    Sri Lanka’s charm and strength will be her sway.

  7. S.Gonsalkorale Says:

    The anarchy is poking its head out – its Endian RAW
    A PSC appointed by Moda Rala who appears the cat’s paw
    Will not scrap 13A nor the Endian slave Booru Rala
    The hero should wake up or we call him Gon Rala

    Bodu bala Sena or Boru Bala Sena
    Ravana balaya into Sita’s keliya
    Lets play the correct kolaya or three times Pala
    To chase out the lawless Endian Paharaya

  8. Fran Diaz Says:

    The PSC is the best way to go
    Though Democratic ways are sometimes slow
    If so, postpone PC elections now
    Lend an ear to one and all, why row ?

  9. Mr. Bernard Wijeyasingha Says:

    Final improvement:
    From the ashed Sri Lanka rises like a Phoenix in flight
    From the throes of war Sri Lanka defeated her for with righteous might
    In spite of forces bent on dividing this pearly island so serene
    Now nations clamor to align with this island queen
    Sri Lanka a word that means Resplendent Land
    Will thwart all forces meant to divide and united will stand

    This nation lies at India’s tip
    And has been called by many names from Sri Lanka, Ceylon, Taprobane to Serendip
    Like a gem that sparkles in the night
    and like a lotus that blooms in the morning light
    Sri Lanka’s charm and grace is a wonderful sight

    The tropical breezes echo her melody
    Her tall mountains, emerald forests and silvery rivers are a visual rhapsody
    Her ancient cities whisper her majestic past
    and her future with hope and prosperity will ever last.
    As the Buddha gazes upon this island maiden with a smile
    So my dear lets tell the world to visit this paradise for awhile.

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