Parallels between Kosovo and Tamil Eelam
Posted on July 19th, 2013

Chanaka Bandarage

This is what Wikipedia states about Kosovo Independence:

ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚  the Republic of Kosovo (Albanian: Republika e KosovƒÆ’†’ƒ”š‚«s; Serbian: ƒÆ’‚ƒ”š‚ ƒÆ’‚ƒ”š‚µƒÆ’‚ƒ”š‚¿ƒÆ’-Ëœƒ” -â„¢ƒÆ’‚ƒ”š‚±ƒÆ’‚ƒ”š‚»ƒÆ’‚ƒ”š‚¸ƒÆ’‚ƒ”š‚ºƒÆ’‚ƒ”š‚° ƒÆ’‚ƒ…‚¡ƒÆ’‚ƒ”š‚¾ƒÆ’-Ëœƒ”š‚ƒÆ’‚ƒ”š‚¾ƒÆ’‚ƒ”š‚²ƒÆ’‚ƒ”š‚¾, Republika Kosovo) declared itself an independent state. It has control over most of the territory and has partial international recognition.[9][10][11] North Kosovo, the largest Serb enclave, is largely under the control of institutions of the Republic of Serbia or parallel structures subsidised by Serbia.[9][10][11][12][13] Serbia does not recognise the secession of Kosovo[14] and considers it a UN-governed entity within its sovereign territory, a position supported by a number of other countries

ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ After the Kosovo War and the 1999 NATO bombing of Yugoslavia, the territory came under the interim administration of the United Nations Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK), most of whose roles were assumed by the European Union Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo (EULEX) in December 2008.[22] In February 2008 representatives of the people of Kosovo, acting outside the UNMIK‘s PISG framework (not representing the Assembly of Kosovo or any other of these institutions),[23] declared Kosovo’s independence as the Republic of Kosovo. Its independence is recognised by 103ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ out of 193 UN member states and the Republic of China (Taiwan). On 8 October 2008, upon the request of Serbia, the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution asking the International Court of Justice for an advisory opinion on the issue of Kosovo’s declaration of independence.[24] On 22 July 2010, the ICJ ruled that Kosovo’s declaration of independence did not violate general international law because international law contains no ‘prohibition on declarations of independence’: nor did the declaration of independence violate UN Security Council Resolution 1244, since this did not describe Kosovo’s final status, nor had the Security Council reserved for itself the decision on final status

TNA will do the same trick as the representatives of people of Kosovo.

The saddest thing is that Sri Lanka is providing TNA withƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚  the vehicle (the NPC Government) to make the launch (UDI).

By putting a retired Judge and a lawyer as Chief Minister (Mr Wigneswaran), the TNA led NPC (aka Tamil Eelam)ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚  is well placed to be accepted by the international community as a New Nation.ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚  Just as 103 out of 193 UN statesƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚  have recognized Kosovo ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢¢”š¬…” the former Serbian enclave; with the help of India,ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚  Tamil Eelam is likely to be recognized by majority of the worldƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢s nations. The remarkable thing is that this will happen without aƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚  shot being fired.

This is not a farfetched/fanciful idea, but aƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚  real possibility.

WigneswaranƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢s UDI will be different to that t of PerumalƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢s.ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚  Now that the TNA has the support of India ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢¢”š¬…” (TNA is working in close unison with India); it will be easy for them to obtain the recognition.

Once India has recognized Tamil Eelam, which seemsƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚  to be the case, many other counties will follow suit, especially the western countries. That will be the end of One Sri Lanka.

Sri Lanka may try to dissolve the TNA provincial government (like what Premadasa did with Preumal), but, it may be too late. The recognitions will come very fast. India may protect the new country to the end anyway.

The only way to stop this is to stop the September election. The vehicle to do is the Referendum.ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚  The government can hide behind the issue of sovereignty, which is provided in Article 4.

True, the 6th Amendment talks about giving allegiance to Sri Lanka by way of an oath. All the MPs have given the oath, including provincial council MPs. But TNA MPs have breached the oath many times. Most of the times they travel overseas they demand that the Tamils be given a separate state (Tamil Diaspora parrots this on a daily basis).

Even inside Sri Lanka, TNA has publicly stated that they do not believe in a unitary Sri Lanka (so, how can we hand over the NPC to such a group of people!).

The 7 September 2013 election may be able to be postponed through Supreme Court actions that will challengeƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚  the holding of the NPC election. More about this in a later Media Release.

15 Responses to “Parallels between Kosovo and Tamil Eelam”

  1. aloy Says:

    It is very strange why our Sinhala parliamentarians cannot understand the game. Recently I saw on TV those northern priests visiting the president and appreciating his efforts to develop the north. Only about two months ago, I think, they wrote to UN say that there is discrimination against the tamils. The development in the north did not happen just two weeks ago for them to change so soon.
    To my mind the tamils are not interested in development of north with good roads etc. by GOSL; they do not want the provincial council either as a long term solution. They always wanted the Sinhalese to stay away from the north. In late 1980s I was talking to a senior tamil engineer who was the head of a department in the organization where I worked. I told him the best way to solve the national problem is to have an expressway from Colombo to Jaffa by which the two communities will have easy access to each other. The expression of his face changed drastically and I clearly saw that he did not like the idea. Has anyone stated anywhere appreciating the good roads that has been provided. As citizens of SL tamils should enjoy the same that is being enjoyed by the rest and should be able to live with dignity as being demanded by India. But we must keep in mind that they all fought very hard to get the separate state until May 2009. We should not take the slightest risk by giving them the opportunity to achieve that by another means.
    HE the president was not elected by the village thugs who are now in the provincial councils and robing the people’s money; he came to power with the votes of poor farmers and ordinary workers and not even the civil servants most of whom were wasting money and time. Actually these thugs get elected because of the president’s popularity and that of the party. Therefore the provincial councils should be scrapped before the NCP elections

  2. Lorenzo Says:


    OF COURSE Tamils HATE if Muslims or Sinhalese live in the north or even if they travel in LARGE numbers to the north!!

    Actually Tamils HATE when Muslims buy land in Wellawatte too.

    GHETTO mentality.

  3. AnuD Says:

    both the United States and Hindia interfere in Sri Lanka because of this 13th amendment. See how the USA embassy went and signed agreements with the Eastern provincial as well as how they discussed politics in Wanni.

  4. Fran Diaz Says:

    TNA is not a legal entity – it is not a registered political party. But it operates like one, complete with a manifesto. Why is Parliament allowing a illegal entity to contest elections via a proxy, in this case ITAK. Both TNA & ITAK stand for Separation which is illegal under the 6th Amendment. Confiscation of Property and imprisonment for the guilty are the punishments under this Amendment. Put the 6th Amendment into ACTION. Do not vacillate.


    * Tell the Tamils what would happen if Tamil Eelam is formed – reinforcement of the Caste System will happen automatically as that is the ‘crowd control’ method of Tamil Nadu.

    * Deport all ILLEGAL MIGRANTS. There are hundreds of thousands of Tamil illegal migrants here brought in mainly during the time of the ltte rule of N&E.



    There are Tamils who have/are converting to Islam too. No one seems to recognise this. That is why today we have a registered political party called M-TNA (Muslim-TNA).

  5. Ananda-USA Says:

    I have submitted the following as a stand-alone Article to be published at LankaWeb. I am presenting it here as a comment because the issue is important and needs to be urgently addressed.

    STOP the PC Elections NOW: Census 2012 Data Shows Massive ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION of Indian Tamils into Sri Lanka during LTTE control of the North & East in the last 30 years!

    By Ananda-USA
    July 18, 2013

    The 2012 Census indicates NO REDUCTION in the Tamil Population of Sri Lanka, after allowing for the net natural population increase due to more births than deaths.

    If 1.5 million Sri Lankan Tamils EMIGRATED, legally and illegally, to foreign countries, over the last 30 years, and many of them currently hold Sri Lankan passports, why is the EXPECTED REDUCTION in Sri Lankan Tamil population not reflected in the 2012 Census figures?

    The only possible explanation is that during the Eelam War years about 1.6 MILLION Indian Tamils illegally entered Sri Lanka with the connivance of the LTTE and Tamil Nadu.

    Were the 300,000 Tamils herded by the LTTE as a “human shield” actually some of the ILLEGAL Indian Tamil Immigrants brought into Sri Lanka who would be DEPORTED back to India if the SECRET of their ILLEGAL Immigration status was revealed? Were they WILLING participants in the human shield for that reason?

    The article below by IRIN bemoans the difficulties faced by “war returnees” due to the lack of National ID cards, The reason why they don’t have Sri Lankan National ID cards may be because many of them are ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS who were never citizens of Sri Lanka, and NEVER HAD Sri Lankan National ID cards issued to them.

    This should be INVESTIGATED IMMEDIATELY by the Government of Sri Lanka to IDENTIFY and DEPORT these 1.6 Million ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS from Sri Lanka, as soon as possible! No National ID cards should be issued until the legal citizenship status is established through detailed background investigations.

    Now it becomes clear why the TNA, the Tamil Nadu Politicians, and the Government of India are in SUCH A HURRY to hold Provincial Councils Elections and install the TNA in the Provincial Government, and Devolve Police and Land powers to them.

    If the TNA is endowed with Police & Land Powers, they can easily FALSIFY REGISTRATION RECORDS, issue documents certifying Sri Lankan citizenship to these ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS, and COVER UP the MASSIVE ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION that has taken place!

    If this MASSIVE Immigration SCAM is allowed to take effect, the DEMOGRAPHICS of Sri Lanka would change INSTANTLY to favor the Tamil Community, with the induction of 1.6 MILLION new citizens!

    Until this ISSUE IS RESOLVED, NO PC ELECTIONS should be held, and NO POWER should be DEVOLVED to these CROOKS! DO NOT ISSUE PERMITS to Illegal Immigrants that allow them to to vote in Provincial or National Elections; that will give them another official document to buttress their claim to citizenship.

    There is NO ISSUE OF GREATER IMPORTANCE to Sri Lanka’s National Security than the protection of the legal status of native Sri Lankans by keeping illegal immigrants out of Sri Lanka.


    No ID, no security, the dilemma of Sri Lanka’s returnees

    ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.

    July 17 (IRIN) COLOMBO- Close to 100,000 returnees in Sri Lanka’s north lack national identity cards (NICs), more than four years after the end of the country.s decades-long civil war.

    “Many people cannot resume their lives as NICs are the passport to accessing multiple services and were made mandatory for voting in 2006,” Suresh Premachandran, a member of parliament (MP) with the Tamil National Alliance, one of the largest national parties representing minority Tamils from the north, told IRIN.

    According to the United Nations, more than 460,000 displaced persons have returned to Northern Province – which is home to more than 1 million inhabitants – since government forces declared victory over the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), who had been fighting for an independent Tamil homeland since 1983.

    In Mullaitivu and Kilinochchi districts alone, an estimated quarter of the districts’ 200,000-plus inhabitants are without national IDs.

    Without such documentation, many residents struggle to access public services such as health and education, and well as government assistance programmes.

    They also face the risk of questioning and delays by police and security officials.

    Not a priority

    Under the law, NICs are compulsory for all Sri Lankans 16 years or older, and authorities may detain suspicious individuals who fail to show any form of legal identification – a legacy of the war.

    “Without an NIC, you are always at risk,” said Shereen Xavier, a north-based lawyer and executive director of the Home for Human Rights (HHR). “Without it, the impediments can be many.”

    Even to enter many government buildings, one must produce an NIC, people complain.

    But moving ahead on this issue is proving a challenge.

    Despite the identity cards’ importance, the government has yet to prioritize the issue, with much of its effort focused instead on large-scale infrastructure and development projects in the north.

    Many returnees do not have the required documentation to apply for an NIC, and with no local offices for issuing NICs, applications can take several months to process.

    “The processing of papers can prove time-consuming,” Shanthi Sachithanandan, chairperson of Viluthu, an organization promoting good governance in the north, explained.

    Temporary IDs

    After the war, the government was keen to have its voter lists updated.

    When these lists were updated ahead of presidential and local polls in 2010 and 2012, temporary IDs were issued to over 40,000 people to allow them to vote, a process that continues today.

    At that time, around 90,000 people from the north failed to indicate their NIC number, Deputy Elections Commissioner M.M. Mohammad confirmed.

    “Temporary IDs were issued to many, especially to facilitate their participation in the presidential and local government elections that were held,” he said.

    But many returnees say such IDs are looked down upon. Those holding temporary ID have difficulty accessing government services and are sometimes treated with suspicion by officials, they say.

    Now, with the first provincial council election in Sri Lanka’s former war zone scheduled for September, returnees and politicians alike are again urging the government to improve the issuing of NICs.

    “The government has started issuing temporary IDs, which is a time-consuming process. People have to contact the local government officials and process papers, which is not easy for returnees,” MP Premachandran said.

    But according to the department responsible for issuing NICs, given the amount of time and documentation it takes to process such applications outside Colombo – and specifically in the former war zone – temporary IDs may still be the best option available at this point.

    “This is the best solution to the present problem,” maintained M.S. Sarath Kumara, commissioner general of the registration of persons, noting that temporary IDs issued to facilitate voting could also prove useful to people without any other form of identification.

    “A temporary ID is a practical idea, and it can be revalidated through reapplication,” agreed Rohana Hettiarachchi, executive director of People’s Action for Free and Fair Elections, an election monitoring body that has been helping eligible voters to obtain national identity cards through a mobile clinic effort.

    But for those returnees without an NIC, still struggling to establish some semblance of normalcy in their lives after years of conflict and displacement, the idea of anything temporary offers little solace.

    “A temporary ID is useful for those who wish to cast their vote at the forthcoming northern provincial election. [However,] for us former IDPs [internally displaced persons], returning home after being displaced for a decade, there are much bigger issues than getting involved in a political battle,” explained Muttuvel Kadirmani, a 46-year-old father of three from Mullaitivu. He urged the government to issue NICs instead of temporary forms of identification.

    “It will be useful in every aspect of life and provide us with a sense of security,” he said.

    Read More:: IRIN (Source)

  6. S de Silva Says:

    When are the Sinhala Political Morons going to open their eyes and recognise the impending doom?

  7. Susantha Wijesinghe Says:

    S DE S ! These Sinhalese Political Morons, they are an uneducated invertebrate lot, all waiting to see what the President is doing about this sordid 13th amendment. They have no clue. They have no initiative. They have no character. Hanging on to their super luxury life-style, is their main concern. Have you noticed, they have all gone silent. ? SHAME.

  8. aloy Says:

    This is what happened to all our politicians from Banda to JR. They all closed their eyes to what was happening in the north and enjoyed the perks until the bloody war came. It appears we are sure to get another one.

  9. Lorenzo Says:

    Agree with Aloy.

    We will CERTAINLY get another war unless DEFENCE now weakened is strengthened again.

    BUT in a way war is the PERFECT STORM for SL and I welcome war THAN BS political solutions.

    SL Tamil population percentage was 12% in 1981. Now it is 11%. Muslim percentage was 7% in 1981 but now 10%.

    If another war starts, Muslims will overtake SL Tamils and will become the largest minority. To their credit Muslims LEARN Sinhala and BETTER INTEGRATE with the Sinhalese. Their problems are GLOBAL so we can get help from ANYWHERE to beat them if needed. But Tamilians get help from everywhere now!

    FORCING the Tamil percentage down is the way forward. ANYTHING goes to achieve that.

    Otherwise we will have WORSE problems in the future.

    I don’t blame ‘evil’ JR for chasing away millions of Tamilians OUT of the country.

    IF they had NOT left SL, TNA would have 10 more seats in parliament and we have to put up with more sh*t!

    Sometimes BAD things are needed to achieve a GOOD outcome. The end justifies the means no matter how horrible the means are. Doctors cut human hearts, stab them, drive needles through them, spray blood everywhere in doing so. Just like a murder scene. But at the end of the day the patient SURVIVES a potential heart attack!

  10. Lorenzo Says:

    It is unfortunate Endia, Tamilian nationalists, UN, US, etc. leave SL NO OPTION than hard choices. :(

  11. Indrajith Says:


    You say” I don’t blame ‘evil’ JR for chasing away millions of Tamilians OUT of the country.

    IF they had NOT left SL, TNA would have 10 more seats in parliament and we have to put up with more sh*t!

    You’re a genius. I never though this way. True, it is a blessing in disguise!
    How did you get this analytical expertise?

  12. Lorenzo Says:


    So now you have shifted gears into the insulting mode?

    Never mind. An insult from a patriot is OK. Praise from a traitor is NOT OK.

    Do some numbers. 21 million people in SL. LTTE RUMP is 1.1 million. Without LTTE Rump the SL Tamil population is 11% = 2,310,000

    With LTTE Rump = 2,310,000 + 1,100,000 = 3,410,000

    Divided by (21+1.1 = 22.1 million) = 3.41/22.1 = 15.4%
    Endian Tamils = 4.6%

    Total Tamilians = 20% in 2012.
    Now it is only 15%.

    In 1981 it was 18%. This increase from 18.6% to 20% is due to ILLEGAL KALLATHONI during the war.
    = 1.4% x 22.1 = 309,400 kallathoniyas in SL who arrived AFTER 1981 and BEFORE 2009.
    11,900 kallathoni a year.

    BUT NEW kallathonis are not as bad as OLD kallathonis when it comes to violence and TE.
    When they establish in GHETTOS in SL, then they become worse.

  13. Lorenzo Says:

    Now look from the political POV.

    In 2005 SL good guys won by 190,000 votes.

    IF 900,000 MORE Tamilians remained in SL (assuming 1.1 million LTTE RUMP today was 900,000 in 2005), adults among them = 900,000 x 70% = 630,000.

    IF 31% of them voted (ON average 31% was likely with Jaffna boycotting but Colombo, etc. Tamils voting with their ar*ses too) their votes will be = 195,300

    MR beaten by LTTE Run-nil!!!

    JR never thought his FOOLISH nephew Run-nil will become an anti-nationalist who will NEED these votes. So he started the process of getting rid of them.

    Let JR get all the BAD karma for the “horrible” things his govt. did. But that saved SL in more ways than one. I don’t wish to elaborate. This world NEEDS both pussycats and crocodiles. Bad Cain and good Abel fought. Who started a generation? Cain!

    Look at Israel. IF there was NO WAR, Arabs (population growth rate 3.5% like ALL arabs) will SOON overtake Jews (population growth rate 0.5% like any developed country) as the majority in Israel-Palestine. So Isreal CREATES wars to keep their numbers down. BAD? Yes. STUPID? No. Don’t confuse with foolish Shitler or Hirohitho who only understood half the theory.

    Since ALL wars will be won through demographics, violence should not be ruled out for APPROPRIATE demographic manipulation.
    – humble Lorenzo

  14. Indrajith Says:

    No Lorenzo, I never thought of insulting you, it should be other way round! I’ve a great respect for my learned friend. I am not wise enough to understand all your mathematical analysis but I think I got your point. Yes, what you say is correct; we have a professional army now. Very experienced and well rested! Above all, they are in the hands of patriots.

  15. Lorenzo Says:

    I understand. My apologies Indrajith.

    (Even if anyone did insult me it is still OK.)

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