PCs won’t have land, police powers – President
Posted on July 30th, 2013

By Shamindra Ferdinando-Courtesy Island

President Mahinda Rajapaksa yesterday said that he had faced far more serious situations than the prospect of the Tamil National Alliance (TNA) winning the forthcoming first Northern Provincial Council polls scheduled for late September.

Addressing newspaper editors and electronic media heads at Temple Trees, President Rajapaksa said that the government was ready to cooperate with former judge C. V. Wigneswaran in case of the TNAƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢s victory at the September polls. The situation was not as bad as it looked, President Rajapaksa said, ruling out the devolution of police and land powers under any circumstance.

President Rajapaksa stressed that no one could pressure him to devolve police and land powers. When pointed out that India was relentlessly pushing for the implementation of the 13th Amendment and that Wigneswaran too, was on record as having said that he would fight for police and land powers, President Rajapaksa said that under no circumstances would he change his position. Turning towards Additional Foreign Secretary Kshenuka Seneviratne, the President said that the External Affairs Ministry regularly advised him not to comment on specific queries which dealt with foreign governments.

Responding to a query, the President said that those TNA members, who had been in touch with the government, were ready to work for the betterment of the people of the Northern Province even without receiving nominations to contest the September polls.

A smiling President asserted that the SLFP had received a good response from the Northerners.

Asked whether LTTE spokesperson Velayutham Dayanidhi, alias Daya Master, had been denied nomination to contest the polls on the UPFA ticket, due to pressure by EPDP leader Douglas Devananda, President Rajapaksa said that selections had been made by a special committee. He said that such allegations were baseless and added that he wasnƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢t in anyway involved in the selection process.

Minister Dallas Alahapperuma said that the SLFP hadnƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢t been able to accommodate all those who sought nominations from the SLFP to contest the September polls. He said that dropping of Daya Master meant that there were better candidates on the SLFP list. According to the National List MP, altogether 61 persons had sought nominations, though the SLFP could accommodate only 12. Those selected included two ex-TNA MPs, the minister said, adding that the SLFP felt the need to include some professionals.

Commenting on the Northwestern PC polls, Alahapperuma said that the party had received a staggering 214 applications from the districts of Kurunegala and Puttalam though there were only nine and three vacancies, respectively. The minister said that Daya Master would continue to work with the SLFP in the Northern Province, he added.

31 Responses to “PCs won’t have land, police powers – President”

  1. Lorenzo Says:

    SCRAP police and land powers NOW.
    TNA will boycott the election!

  2. Susantha Wijesinghe Says:

    ATLAST ! Some good news from the President. He took a lot of crap and insults to say this. Alls well that ends well. Again, as my good friend Lorenzo says, The President should SCRAP POLICE AND LAND POWERS NOW, in a legal manner in Parliament, so that he shows INDIA that he is not being SERVILE to their orders, threats and intimidation. As somebody said, HE must conclude with just two words, that India asks for. MR. PRESIDENT, people want some assurance from you that you really mean what you say. PLEASE TRANSLATE YOUR WORDS INTO POSITIVE ACTION. Atleast, you can avoid more stones being thrown at you.

  3. Nimal Fernando Says:

    The president of Sri Lanka has spoken.

    HE has spoken for ALL Sri Lankan citizens, who enjoy equal rights
    under a sovereign Constitution, in a UNITARY state.

    We the People will also naturally expect this people’s president — when pressed
    by India or any other foreign meddler — to simply say, “No”.

    Sometimes, prudence dictates that HE acts a tad slower than some would like … but act he does,
    in the national interest. To be sure, more good news will follow …

    As the Great Communicator used to say, you ain’t seen nothing yet!

  4. Indrajith Says:

    This is very good news indeed from the mouth of HE the President. We still have a lot of faith on ‘Weeraketiye Sinhaya’!

  5. aloy Says:

    Perhaps what is happening in Gampaha has a connection. He should instruct Hon. Patali to investigate whether there is depleted uranium in those Chemicals the owners are trying very hard to take away from the factory, if not why are they in such a hurry. The west did it in Iraq when they bombed the place and now they found why their new born are malformed.

  6. Sampath Says:

    Typical politician.

    Can we trust him – No; he promised 13A to India. He promised to abolish Executive Presidency, he promised to give salary increase to public servants; nothing happened.

    He has promised so many things, but would not keep up with all

    If he is genuine what he must do is to abolish 13A, and not hold this most dangerous Northern election, rather than give false promises to people.

    He can take action now, why wait for the future

    What can Kshenuka teach him in foreign affairs. He was in the parliament more than 40 years ago. Brave Premadasa took on India and won. He criticized them in public, India withdrew IPKF from Sri Lanka. Narasimhe Rao, then PM, gave a fantastic speech about Premadasa after he died in the bomb blast. India respected premadasa for his bravery and courage.

    The President if he thinks he can handle it, must criticize India for its blatant interference in Sri Lankan affairs. He will not do this because he is dead scared of India and the West (again what can Kshenuka teach him about foreign relations?). Also he wants to hold the CHOGM and become head of CHOGM, which is another white elephant for Sri Lanka (he has created many white elephants in Sri Lanka)

    India will recognize Wignewaran’s Tamil Eelam; what can he do then?

    He may be gone in the future , what about the next generation?

  7. Sampath Says:

    Abolish 13 A now by way of a referendum

    Otherwise do not hold the monstrous NPC Election.

    Do not create any opportunity for TNA to govern the North. That will be the end of Sri Lanka

  8. S.Gonsalkorale Says:

    “If he is genuine what he must do is to abolish 13A, and not hold this most dangerous Northern election, rather than give false promises to people. ”

    He can’t. If he do so, number of politicians will be 1/4 of current figure !
    Who is going to employ the idiots ? We need 10 Kudu factories with Duminda Silva in charge.

  9. Fran Diaz Says:

    All concerned Sri Lankans should watch carefully the newly discovered RESOURCES of Lanka (as well as established Resources) – who is handling what in what way. Also note that the 13-A is being used by external sources as the great destabiliser of Lanka.

    It is with some curiosity that we note the following statement by the President : “Turning towards Additional Foreign Secretary Kshenuka Seneviratne, the President said that the External Affairs Ministry REGULARLY advised him not to comment on specific queries which dealt with foreign governments”. (capital letters highlight mine).

  10. SA Kumar Says:


    PCs won’t have land, police powers- Already these power are with PC ( Eg: Police batch already included CP/EP police etc.. & Land is with local municipal foe ever) !

    I do not know How many more years need for My Sinhala Brothers & Sisters to wake up before next India invation ( last time thank god we had VP & co) !!!!

  11. Mr. Bernard Wijeyasingha Says:

    To India’s relentless pursuit that Sri Lanka implement the 13th amendment a formal answer should be forthcoming’

    Dear Dr. Manmohan Singh,
    Throughout the civil war your nation trained and equipped and gave logistics to the Tamil Tigers. That process started even before 1983 and was conducted by your intelligence service RAW. In addition your state of Tamil Nadu actively supported the Tamil Tigers by giving them refuge each and every time they attacked. There is sufficient hard evidence to support this charge.
    The sole purpose of the 13th amendment was to bring an end to the war and disarm the Tamil Tigers. That was your responsibility which failed. It is now understood that India’s support of the Tamil Tigers was to bifurcate Sri Lanka and create a new nation for the Sri Lankan Tamils. In addition India used force to get President Jayawardene to sign the document by violating Sri Lankan air space and using your navy as a threat which violated article 52 of the Vienna conference. This is fully understood by India and Sri Lanka
    It is also understood that this would have lead to India’s unfettered access to the Indian ocean and control of all the harbors along the northern and eastern provinces including Trincomalee.
    Since the war was won by the military actions of the Sri Lankan army India has now switched to diplomatic means to realize Eelam. The implementation of amendment 15 after the war would only result in the very lands that would have formed Eelam getting extra powers they do not need.
    Under these circumstances we demand that New Delhi stop her mission to force the implementation of the 13th amendment or it will be seen as a hostile act and would be treated as that. If India does not stop her persuasion in the domestic issues of Sri Lanka the consequences would be detrimental to the Indo/Sri Lankan relationship and would be beneficial to the Maoists, Pakistan and China.

    The Government of Sri Lanka

  12. Lorenzo Says:


    WHENEVER Endia invades SL, Tamilians DIE, etc. in LARGE numbers whoever may kill them.

    Remember IPKF time?

  13. Fran Diaz Says:

    SA Kumar (or Andy),

    Send us a list of “Already these power are with PC ( Eg: Police batch already included CP/EP police etc.. & Land is with local municipal foe ever”. As far as we know, a foreign western embassy did attempt to strike an agreement with an Eastern municipal council but that was soon voided by the MC.

    Are you part of the Dept of ‘Red Herrings’ ??

  14. S.Gonsalkorale Says:

    PCs do not have L&P powers now. They only have the “power of the pol-kuddo (politicians with Kudu power).

    ENdia is not able to invade. What you are talking about is “Invitation”. When we want to kill Tamils, we will invite Endia.
    SL is a Buddhist nation. We don’t kill.

  15. Lorenzo Says:

    Looks like police spokesman SP Jayakody has been BAITED by the west for war crimes BS story making????

    He has gone abroad, didn’t return so far and NOT informed his seniors!!!

    May be it is not so but I smell a RAT here.

    Earlier they tried to BAIT the army spokesman Samarasinghe BUT he revealed the plot and rejected it.

    We BAITED Daya Master and his successor who were LTTE spokesmen during the war.

  16. Lorenzo Says:

    Talking about kudu, we should turn Jaffna into Afghan’s BIGGEST kudu market.

    Then they will NOT demand land powers and police powers, etc. Instead they will demand kudu!!

    That will also give us a DEMOGRAPHIC VICTORY in the north.

    If we don’t do it to them, they will do it to us!! Which is worse?

  17. Sampath Says:

    President can say anything to local media, but when India or West raise their voice he shivers like a dog.

    When India demands that he gives land and police powers to TNA government he will give them in no time. President wants to avoid going to The Hague at any cost. For that he will do anything, even will sacrifice the country, like what Omar El Bashir did in Sudan.

    They don’t know how to handle India and they can’t handle India.

    Premadasa was able to.

    See how Basil Rajapaksa recently went to India on a failed mission – he promised to give more and returned empty handed.

    Only way to stop the division – do not hold the election; bring in referendum instead

  18. Fran Diaz Says:

    There is a lot of power play from abroad – there is no doubt about that. India (too close for comfort), the west etc. will play with Sri Lanka, whoever is in power in Lanka. Have we forgotten the Norway debacle with the last GoSL ?

    At stake now are the Indian elections plus Resources of Lanka. Cairn Lanka was floated the other day. Cairn head office is in Scotland, UK. Make our tea sector viable or else ! Is Trinco Harbor a Heritage site ? If not, make it so.

    How does a small country like Singapore manage ? Use the Law to guard the country – deport all illegal migrants too. No other way for Lanka. The President & GoSL have done a good job considering the times.

  19. SA Kumar Says:

    WHENEVER Endia invades SL, Tamilians DIE,- Agrred because We Eelam Tamilan fight for our mother Lanka !!!
    Fran Diaz
    Send us a list of “Already these power are with PC- As I’ve given examples that We Tamil have everything in mother lanka! ( one more example: Security given to Mr Sampanthan by Sinhala Police officers die hard offiers – do we need any more my Sinhala sakotharam ?)
    Are you part of the Dept of ‘Red Herrings’ ??-please explain me !

    PCs do not have L&P powers now. They only have the “power of the pol-kuddo (politicians with Kudu power).- We are happy with what we have now – eg: Honest hard working Sinhala officers from top to bottom in Jaffna police station ! do we need any thing more !!!!
    This Time it remin me a incident at kokkuvil a Sinhala (SA?) police officer went (unarmed) to negotiate a local problem kovedly kill by VP& co – I get tear in my eye when ever I remember -I hope he rest in peace & my parys to his family!

  20. Fran Diaz Says:

    I have just now read Mr C. Wijewickrema’s article (posted in these columns titled “Converting candidate Wigneswaran to become a reasonable Tamil Moses – Part II), and he has addressed the Problems that beset Sri Lanka and the Solutions. Readers ought to take a careful look at the author’s Recommendations. In the absence of any other solutions, I tend to agree with Mr Wijewickrema as he goes to the grass roots of it all, on the Problems & the Solutions.

  21. Senevirath Says:


    “””kiyanna kese keevath asana sihi buddhiyen asiya yuthuy

    kerena kam visvasayak nehe


  22. Senevirath Says:



  23. aloy Says:

    Whether you give Police and Land Powers on paper or not they will get them immediately after the elections with India’s help or they will create that situation slowly when MR and them have gone. So, it is the next generations of Sinhala’s birth right which is at stake as they will bring kallathonies in large numbers. At the moment people have gone crazy about elections as if the elections are the most important things in their lives. Over 3000 fat village thugs lined up to hand over nominations. People who hand over nominations know even if they get two votes there is the chance of getting their Tax free luxury cars, thanks to our women toiling in the middle east. And it is the surest and fastest way to get rich.
    These elections should be stopped at all cost.

  24. Fran Diaz Says:

    Agree with Aloy. Elections & 13-A must GO !

  25. Lorenzo Says:

    Endia plans to DIVIDE Tamil Madu into 3 parts – Tamil Nadu, Kongu Nadu and Tondai Nadu!!


    Divide them and rule them.

    LTTE Seeman and Ramadoss have already praised the idea.

    A divided Toilet Nadu will be weak and we can manage it better.

    Endia has realized the DANGER power devolution to LARGE units. Yesterday Endia created Telagana out of Andra Pradesh breaking the big state into 2 smaller states.

    Endia plans to create 22 NEW small states to DIVIVE AND RULE.

    So Endia IS BREAKING UP and they are doing something about it.

    SL should divide northern province into 3 parts – Jaffna, Vanni -west and Vanni – east.

  26. Susantha Wijesinghe Says:



  27. Lorenzo Says:

    “On Thursday, anti-Telangana protesters vandalised a statue of former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi in Kurnool district.

    The protests have been called by the United Andhra Joint Action Committee which opposes the division of the state.

    Hundreds of paramilitary troops have been deployed after Tuesday’s announcement.

    The final decision on a new state lies with the Indian parliament. The state assembly must also pass a resolution approving the creation of what will be India’s 29th state.

    Correspondents say the timing of the announcement is linked to general elections due early next year. Recent opinion polls have shown that the Congress party is struggling in the state, which has 42 parliamentary seats.

    The move to create Telangana has sparked off similar demands in the states of West Bengal and Assam too.

    The main Gorkha ethnic group in West Bengal state has called an indefinite strike in the tea-producing Darjeeling region from Saturday.”


  28. SA Kumar Says:

    BREAK UP JAFFNA AND VANNI DISTRICTS!!- Jaffna for Vella Tamils & Vanni for low caste Tamil so what you achieve !!!
    Divided NEP to NP & EP created NP 99% Tamils only PC!!!

    if you want to dilude ethenic population we should unit with other part of country ( I know what you are thinging we will get more land for our final objective (lasting solution) …. ha ha ha !!!

    no short cut mate !!!

    unit in diversity !!!

    United Mother Lanka !

  29. jayasiri Says:

    I AM GLAD, there are 27 responses…VERY HAPPY that people in Lankaweb at least are involved & expressing their views.

    I wish OUR HE President listens to these comments & be prepared to do the right thing. IF WE continue trade with India, very soon WE WILL LOSE our independence. Trading is one thing BUT to have special treatment to India, is NOT AT ALL conducive to our well being.

    Already INDIA controls too much of our resources, sometimes BRIBING our politicians to vote their way. That is why our politicians RUN TO INDIA for everything that we can handle ourselves. SAMPUR plant is already under very close scrunity by leading opposition politicians & Accountants & professionals.THEY feel it will be a WHITE elephant like, CPC, & other government owned or subsidized corporations,which are loosing tax payers money.

    IF smeone criticizes, Sampur project, they feel they are being penalized for speaking out. HOW much money is wasted by NOT proper planning & doing ECONOMICS, before we start a project. It has been a SORRY state of affairs, beacuse, decisions are made ON POLITICS, NOT on ECONOMICS. If we do not make money or investment is NOT paid off, then why start a project of such magnitide.

    NEVER TRUST India & Indian professionals, they are all bunch of crooks. If India wants to come to lanka, its a free ride, IF Lankans want to go to India, they are being harassed by blocking at the entry points. India has enjoyed TOO LONG our genuine hospitality & if we talke a CENSUS of Indian population in Lanka, it will show too many Indians are living in Lanka, ILLEGALLY.

    ALL these problems must be answered, BY OUR polticians & they never do. If Lankans talk too much or criticise, then they are black listed as ANTI PATRIOTIC lot.. etc.

    Indians will never let their country down THEY always back India even in the worst situations. That is the difference between Lankans & INDIANS.

    The way our concerned people responded to this article, WE MUST respond to other issues, which GOVT. tries so hard hide from the silent majority in Lanka……Thank you all, BUT BE PATIENT nothing willl happen TILL CHOMG is over, then President MIGHT act…….So hold your horses, but be prepared to PROTEST & DEMAND action after the commonwealth conference…….

    Thank you all…….Another expat, mouthing off as we have nothing ELSE to do THAN express our views……J

  30. Lorenzo Says:

    First Tamilians wanted north AND east. Now east is under Muslims.

    Now Tamilians ONLY have north. We should divide that too into SMALLER pieces.

    Telagana violence is what will happen in Colombo and Jaffna after NPC election.

    “In a statement that could have violent repercussions, Telangana Rashtra Samithi leader K Chandrasekhara Rao said state government employees from Rayalaseema and coastal Andhra who are working in Telangana should go back to their respective regions.

    He said this to a delegation of Telangana Non-Gazetted Officers Association here while the other two regions, known as Seema-Andhra, witnessed violent protests against the division of Andhra Pradesh for the third consecutive day on Friday.

    “Andhra employees working here should move back to their respective places. Telangana people would work in our government. Andhra people can work for the government there,” Rao said.

    KCR said people from the other regions had deprived the locals by usurping jobs and promotions in Telangana.

    KCR’s remarks came even as the Seema-Andhra employees in the state secretariat were holding rallies against separate statehood for Telangana, expressing concern over their safety and future.”

  31. Ananda-USA Says:

    Every Day, in Every Way the dastardly deeds of these mass murderers are EXPOSED!

    Bravo, GOSL! This is the way to PUSH BACK against the PERMANENT VICTIMS of the Eelamist Tamil Diaspora!

    We need MORE SUCH INVESTIGATIONS to weed out the separatist muderers hiding under sheepskins!

    Don’t forget to TAR & FEATHER the ARCH-TRAITORS of the TNA Tiger Nominated Agents.


    Ex-combatant reveals massacres committed by Sri Lanka’s terrorist organization

    ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.

    Aug 04, Colombo: A former cadre of Sri Lanka’s Tamil Tiger terrorist organization, Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), has provided the police shocking information on massacres committed by the LTTE during their reign in the North and East.

    The former rebel, who is in police custody, has revealed information on detention and execution of over 80 captives including a Tamil inspector of the Terrorist Investigation Division (TID) of police and an army captain.

    The suspect has told the police how the LTTE held the captives in illegal prisons named ‘Alpha-05’ and ‘Alpha-02’ in Vallipuram, Pudukuduirippu before they were executed and has also revealed the location where the victims were burnt after they were killed.

    His account of the executions has been confirmed by three other ex-combatants in custody currently.

    According to the information uncovered from the suspect, Police Intelligence Specialist, Inspector P. Jeyaratnam attached to the Mount Lavinia Division Terrorism Investigation Unit was among the tortured and executed in 2006.

    Inspector Jeyaratnam, an ethnic Tamil from Jaffna enlisted in police for 15 years, was abducted by LTTE from the Mt. Lavinia Hotel on April 20, 2005 since he was a crucial source on intelligence against LTTE.

    At the time the International Red Cross (ICRC) had asked the LTTE Deputy Leader and Political Wing Leader S.P. Thamilselvan to release the hostage without any harm.

    According to the former rebel, Jeyaratnam was abducted in a white van and later taken to Kilinochchi where several other captives including the army captain, and Tamil civilians and LTTE cadres who were suspected of betraying the terror group were detained.

    The suspect has told police that about 30 of the captives were taken blindfolded to Oddusuddan jungle in May 2006 and executed. Another group of about 50 prisoners were executed in the same location two months later in July 2006. Bodies of all victims were burned.

    According to the information provided by the suspect, Inspector Jeyaratnam was executed in September 2006 in a jungle in Vallipuram, Pudukuduirippu and the Army Captain who had been detained at a camp in Thottiadi, Vishvamadu was executed in 2009.

    The police said that a magisterial inquiry will be conducted on the victims and the location where the bodies were believed to have been burnt. Three more suspects have been arrested over the massacres and further investigations are continuing, the police said.

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