What exactly is World Vision upto again in North Sri Lanka?
Posted on October 14th, 2013
Shenali D Waduge
When the armed forces sacrificed their lives to give Sri Lanka peace it was expected that the governing establishment would take over the task to ensure incursions and challenges to Sri Lanka-â„¢s territorial integrity, sovereignty and the rights of the people were not threatened. The Government is well aware that over 3000 NGOs/humanitarian agencies and charity organizations prevailed throughout the conflict for reasons best known by them with little to show of money being spent on the people or the areas they claimed to have developed. Yet, both Buddhists and Hindus found themselves converted and these numbers are shocking to say the least. It is no surprise that virtually all of the LTTE suicide cadres were converted by these holy hearted people, indoctrinated into laying down their lives for a non-existing God and not Prabakaran, Eelam or Tamils. Once dead, LTTE could use any reason to justify the deaths.
The Huffington Post-â„¢s Valerie Tarico wrote an article -ËœMany Don’t Know of World Vision’s Evangelical Mission-â„¢ in October 2009. She was quoting from an article in The Seattle Times wherein World Vision International was seeking help for quake victims in Sumatra. Valerie accuses the article of not mentioning that World Vision is an Evangelical Christian Organization with their mission as -Ëœserving as a witness to the gospel of Jesus Christ-â„¢ but they explicitly states that they -Ëœdo not proselytize or work with those who insist on proselytism. Proselytism takes place whenever assistance is offered on condition that people must listen or respond to a message or as an inducement to leave one and join another part of the Christian church.” Having said that World Vision remains committed to the Church and has $2.79 billion to make heads roll.
World Vision makes a Statement of Faith corresponding to that of the National Association of Evangelicals committing towards incorporating Christian belief into their development work. ‚ Does this not work within the theory that Eelam was a Christian project to create a Christian foothold in Asia? Valerie says -Ëœconsider the plight of Hindu parents who have a choice between a bare local school or a Christian school that provides paper, pencils and books-â„¢ -” is this not the likely outcome by once again inviting World Vision to Mullaitivu and should the leading conglomerate in Sri Lanka partnering this not wonder about this too? Is this our version of religious tolerance? If so are we looking at creating another set of -Ëœfreedom fighters-â„¢ with a -Ëœmission-â„¢ of -Ëœsalvation-â„¢ and allow political missionaries to thereafter take over to bargain with the Government while we send another batch of poor Sinhala Buddhist soldiers as cannon fodder?
In India the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) has accused World Vision India of spending money on Christian evangelism in India and of the murder of Swami Lakshmananda.
Yet when the Island newspaper of 11 October 2013 wrote -ËœJohn Keells -” World Vision collaborates in developing Mullaitivu-â„¢ to uplift and rehabilitate the livelihoods of communities in North Sri Lanka, given the vision and mission of World Vision we just have to wonder whether we are creating future calamities. The two villages selected are in Puthukudirirrupu and Puthumathalan key strategic spots for Sri Lanka politically.
Founded in 1950 as a small American evangelical agency with a mission of evangelism and orphan-care in Asia, it now has offices in nearly one hundred countries with 40,000 employees and an annual budget of 2.6 billion dollars to provide emergency relief, community development, and advocacy alongside the world-Ëœs poor and oppressed. But its mission of -Ëœhuman transformation-â„¢ means changing people-â„¢s religions, their cultural identity, their thinking and according to the wishes of the Church.
There has to be some reason why World Vision is accused of being a CIA front and to wonder if its Evangelism has other agenda. When World Vision Chief Dr. Robert Seiple is made the US Ambassador for International Religious Freedoms by Bill Clinton, and World Visions Vice President Andrew Natsios is made administrator of USAID which was thrown out of Russia for attempting to destabilize the country one just has to wonder.
Its well and fine to be involved in development work, education, healthcare etc but on what grounds do organizations think they have a moral right to use their -Ëœdevelopment-â„¢ status to carry BIBLE classes? Moreover, what World Vision cannot escape from is that while holding consultative status in UNESCO, partnering with other UN Agencies like UNICEF, WHO, UNHCR, ILO etc, its financial records reveal it is funding evangelical activities. So how fair is it for a -Ëœcharity-â„¢ organization to use its international clout, linked with Western governments, networking with corporate entities all in an attempt to denationalize the majority populace, convert natives and use them as foot soldiers for future blood wars which they themselves help create. Development cannot be mixed with evangelical missions which invariably include conversions but organizations like World Vision are extremely careful not to include this mission knowing it will create protest. Now the Islamic charities are learning from the West-â„¢s agenda and carrying out almost the same agenda. So both Abrahamic religions are now on a mission to convert people to Abrahamic faiths. The question posed to politicians of these non-Abrahamic nations is what are they doing about these incursions or are they simply willing to take the money being given for their silence and allow nations with proud civilizations to be completely transformed? There is a moral imperative for politicians who they cannot escape from simply for political existence or political advantage. Ancestors who protected, preserved and built the civilization did not do so for a handful of people to sign on dotted lines in exchange for handsome rewards that lead to a total civilizational change.
So when India awards the Mahatma Gandhi Award to World Vision for Social Justice in 2003 and this award is hosted by the All India Christian Council, we have to wonder what has happened to Hindu India. If there is no better prize catch than a Brahmin converted it cannot be any different in Sri Lanka either. Hindus and Buddhists can now find something they commonly share which should be enough reason for the two ethnic groups to merge together and defend their religions and their people.
Scandals involving World Vision
‚·‚ ‚ ‚ ‚ ‚ ‚ ‚ ‚ World Vision Somalia is said to be the most corrupt organization in the country. http://somalilandpress.com/world-vision-somaliland-is-the-most-corrupt-agency-in-the-country-10829
‚·‚ ‚ ‚ ‚ ‚ ‚ ‚ ‚ World Vision accused of corruption in a $1million fraud case in Liberia with 3 officials accused of stealing food, construction material and masterminding a scam in which food aid was sold for profit in local markets.
‚·‚ ‚ ‚ ‚ ‚ ‚ ‚ ‚ In 2007 lawsuit challenged the Christian-based aid organization’s practice in the U.S. of hiring only those who share its faith -” employees have to sign a statement of faith. But the US Supreme Court affirmed the rights of World Vision to hire ONLY Christians. Thus, if World Vision can recruit ONLY Christians why do Christian organizations go up in arms against Non-Christians for doing the same?
‚·‚ ‚ ‚ ‚ ‚ ‚ ‚ ‚ Rosanna Barbero of Agent Orange Justice explained how Monsanto works with aid agencies, for example World Vision, under the banner of providing livelihood support and -food security-, but actually enforcing dependence.
‚·‚ ‚ ‚ ‚ ‚ ‚ ‚ ‚ Kang Kek Iew, aka Comrade Duch was the head of Khymer Rouge-â„¢s special branch had become a Born Again in 1990 and was found working for World Vision. 1.7 million people met their deaths at the hands of the Khmer Rouge. Duch was responsible for 12,000 or more deaths.
‚·‚ ‚ ‚ ‚ ‚ ‚ ‚ ‚ Jathika Hela Urumaya accused World Vision of using the tsunami disaster to carry out conversions. JHU cited The Presidential Buddhist Commission indicating World Vision as one of the organisations carrying out conversions in the country
‚·‚ ‚ ‚ ‚ ‚ ‚ ‚ ‚ In 2007 The Parliamentary Select Committee on NGOs summoned two representatives of the World Vision. Giving evidence before the Committee, a former employee of the organization said programmes had been launched in areas such as Lunugamvehera in the Hambantota district targeting rural people
‚·‚ ‚ ‚ ‚ ‚ ‚ ‚ ‚ Mahinda Gunasekera, President of the Sri Lanka United National Association (SLUNA) of Canada has told the Canada-â„¢s House of Commons Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Development that a Presidential Commission of Inquiry had revealed that the Canadian-funded World Vision had launched operation ‘Mustard Seed’ to convert poor Buddhist and Hindu communities in Sri Lanka to Christianity. World Vision modus operandi was to set up Day Care Centers for pre-school children in villages, placing them in the care of recent Christian converts to indoctrinate the children using pictures of -ËœBaby Jesus-â„¢ in boxes filled with goodies then empty boxes with pictures of Buddha -” thus making these little clueless children disillusioned with their ancestral religion taught by their parents. World Vision is also accused of offering government sector doctors in rural hospitals special payment to assist in World Vision run medical clinics.
Should non-Christian countries especially Sri Lanka which has been a victim of Christian conversions ever since the arrival of the Portuguese not be aware of the mechanisations of organizations like World Vision when their underlying motive for all World Vision-â„¢s work is Christian teaching. Are the authorities of Sri Lanka not concerned what the ultimate outcome would be?
Is it not clear when World Visions only employs Christians or those who believe in the Old Testament and any Christian employee who loses faith is simply fired? Why should non-Christian Governments involve entities like World Vision knowing it funds Christian Schools and education programs that openly distributes the Bible and becomes a part of all food-aid? Is there no hypocrisy in World Visions own lines -ËœAccepting Christ must be a free decision based on consideration and judgement-â„¢ -” well the little child considering and judging the empty box with Buddha and the goodies filled box with Jesus has made his judgement thanks to World Vision. There is no real charity involved. If US courts in legal terms defines World Vision as a -Ëœreligious corporation-â„¢ and its heart-stirring adverts collects funds and plenty of it too but it is wrong to raise funds for a multi-religious corporation that shamelessly discriminates against non-Christians and subtly attempts to through money and on the guise of development convert non-Christians into Christians. Is there a reason for even the US defence department to classify Evangelical Christians and Catholics as extremists!
The choice before any Government is simple. Organizations such as World Vision do not enter countries without a gameplan (long term / short and mid term) and for these plans they are backed with cash to influence, silence and buy over all those stumbling blocks. There is a moral duty that any Government is bound to. Is development to be sacrificed and compromised for the loss of a country-â„¢s indigenous culture, race and religion for none of these faith-based organizations will dole out a penny unless they are 100% positive of a return on investment. That investment is to carry out their mission, add to the number of Christians -” how far are Governments willing to court these entities for we should be now well aware of all the friends that the LTTE had and still do and these friendships have never soured.
‚ Shenali D Waduge
October 14th, 2013 at 12:39 pm
Good timely one.
SL govt. never learns. World Vision plan in the north involves bringing Kallathonis and settling them. ALL World Vision work should be BANNED in SL.
October 14th, 2013 at 2:37 pm
Norway too wants to come “Fishing” in Sri Lanka, again !
Since Sri Lanka is a fish eating nation, it is far better for all of Sri Lanka to learn how to fish for food. Or else those who like to ‘fish in troubled waters’ will come in again. Sri Lanka has had enough with Tamil Nadu Kallathonis. Isn’t 30 plus years of terrorism enough ?
Self Determination is a term that came about when Britain granted Independence to the countries colonised by Britain.
Here is an extract from the net on the term Self Determination:
“On 14 December 1960, the United Nations General Assembly adopted United Nations General Assembly Resolution 1514 (XV) under titled Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples provided for the granting of independence to colonial countries and peoples in providing an inevitable legal linkage between self-determination and its goal of decolonisation, and a postulated new international law-based right of freedom also in economic self-determination. In Article 5 states: Immediate steps shall be taken in Trust and Non-Self-Governing Territories,[7] or all other territories which have not yet attained independence, to transfer all powers to the peoples of those territories, without any conditions or reservations, in accordance with their freely expressed will and desire, without any distinction as to race, creed or colour, in order to enable them to enjoy complete independence and freedom, moreover on 15 December 1960 the United Nations General Assembly adopted United Nations General Assembly Resolution 1541 (XV) under titled Principles which should guide members in determining whether or nor an obligation exists to transmit the information called for under Article 73e of the United Nations Charter in Article 3 provided that [i]nadequacy of political, economic, social or educational preparedness should never serve as a pretext for delaying independence. To monitor the implementation of Resolution 1514 in 1961 the General Assembly created the Special Committee referred to popularly as the Special Committee on Decolonization[8] to ensure decolonization complete compliance with the principle of self-determination in General Assembly Resolution 1541 (XV), 12 Principle of the Annex defining free association with an independent State, integration into an independent State, or independence as the three legitimate options of full self-government[9] compliance with the principle of self-determination.[10][11]
“NATIONAL aspirations must be respected; people may now be dominated and governed only by their own consent. Self determination is not a mere phrase; it is an imperative principle of action. . . . ”
—Woodrow Wilson with his famous self-determination speech on 11 February 1918 after he announced his Fourteen Points on 8 January 1918″.
Tamil people of Lanka have the same rights as the others in Sri Lanka.
October 14th, 2013 at 3:24 pm
JOHN KEELLS FOUNDATION has joined hands with WORLD VISION to bring kallathomis to SL.
These are criminals. They earn their profit from Sinhalese but help only Tamils. This is a disgrace.
October 14th, 2013 at 4:37 pm
I strongly believe that Venerable SOMA was also killed in Russia. that is too christian work. KGB had lot of chemicals. If the govt asked the Russian govt help it would have been exposed at least secretly.
October 14th, 2013 at 4:40 pm
Google and see. YOu can find so many which says that World vision is a Church organization which converts. Read this article. It says the same thing that shenali says. This is in India and it is a Case study.
October 14th, 2013 at 10:43 pm
Bravo, Shenali! I am REPOSTING My Previous Comment on World Vision’s activities in Sri Lanka.
What the Hell … more SOUL HUNTERS descending on Sri Lanka?
John Keels … the largest business conglomerate in Sri Lanka is jumping into bed with the World Vision … a NOTORIOUS Christian Evangelical Missionary movement dedicated to EXPLOITING vulnerable people to BUY their SOULS, and CONVERT them to Christianity … to “assist” people of the Northern Province!!!
What is the GOSL doing leaving the DOORS OPEN for these snakes to increase the communal strife in Sri Lanka and undermine the Buddhist Majority?
Religious TOLERANCE does not equate to INVITING foreign missionaries to INTERFERENCE in the religious demographics of Sri Lanka. We have plenty of our own religious leaders to tend to our own people … we don’t need FOREIGN MISSIONARIRES invading Sri Lanka to further stir the COMMUNAL POT!
The GOSL should adopt the following National Policy: No Evangelical Missionaries of ANY RELIGION, or Funding to promote their Agendas under whatever humanitarian or religious pretext, will be allowed into Sri Lanka.
Do your own in depth research to discover for yourself their ultimate goal of religious conversion of poor and needy people to offset the increasing drift of people away from their religion in thie rown countries. The heads of poor people in developing countries can be purchased for far less money than their own well-to-do people. For those who don’t know about World Vision, and their global missionary head hunting agenda sugar coated as humanitarian assistance, here is an admiring summary culled from Wikipedia.org, so you should read between the lines, and do your own research, to discover the truth.
World Vision … a Capsule Introduction
World Vision International is an Evangelical Christian Humanitarian aid, development, and advocacy organisation dedicated to working with children, families and communities to overcome poverty and injustice. Inspired by Christian values, they are dedicated to working with the world’s most vulnerable people, and serve all people regardless of religion, race, ethnicity or gender.[5]
Since Robert Pierce founded World Vision in 1950,[3] it has grown into one of the largest relief and development organizations in the world[6] with a total revenue including grants, product and foreign donations of $2.79 billion (2011).[7]
In A Declaration of Internationalization (1978) World Vision declares a Statement of Faith[22] that corresponds to the Statement of Faith[23] put forward by the National Association of Evangelicals (NAE) as standard for their evangelical convictions as the theological frame in which the organization as a whole has to operate.[24][25] World Vision aims to incorporate this Christian belief into their development work as well as their organization. Vice President of Advocacy and Government Relations at World Vision Canada Linda Tripp wrote, “In Christ, we have a role model who healed the sick, fed the hungry, clothed the naked, and comforted the outcast, and whose message was about restoring relationships and reconciliation.” This directly relates to World Visions mission to provide emergency relief, development, promote justice, and spread awareness to countries in need. World Vision staff is not affiliated with one specific church; their staff makes up all branches of Protestantism and Roman Catholic and Orthodox churches. Staff participates in daily and weekly services. They stress that you can be a Christian in any culture. However, World Vision also respects other religions that they encounter stating that “to promote a secular approach to life would be an insult to them”.[26] Richard Stearns, president of World Vision US, stated that World Vision has a strict policy against proselytizing which he describes as “… – using any kind of coercion or inducement to listen to a religious message before helping someone”.[27] The World Vision Partnership and all its national members are committed to the concept of transformational development,[28] which is cast in a biblical framework and in which evangelization is an inseparable integral part of development work.[29]
World Vision India has been accused of spending money on Christian evangelism in India.[51] The political weekly Tehelka has cited World Vision India’s involvement with AD2000 as proof of proselytizing.[52] World Vision’s Indian leader Radhakanta Nayak was also accused by Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh of being involved in the murder of Swami Lakshmanananda.[53][54] World Vision India condemned the murder and denied any involvement, pointing out its anti-proselytizing policy.[55]
John Keells – World Vision collaborate in developing Mullaitivu
October 11, 2013, 9:04 pm
Representatives of John Keells Foundation and World Vision Lanka together with Government Agent Mullativu, security forces personnel and community leaders of Iranaipalai and Puthumathalan, Mullaitivu District.
John Keells Foundation and World Vision Lanka recently launched a collaboration to uplift and rehabilitate the livelihoods of communities in Northern Sri Lanka. Through this collaboration, several development interventions such as livelihoods assistance programmes including enhancement of women entrepreneurship opportunities, infrastructure and skills development for the benefit of school children and youth and provision of water and sanitation facilities for schools and communities will be implemented in selected villages within the Mullaitivu district.
John Keells Foundation (JKF) is the Corporate Social Responsibility entity of the John Keells Group. One of its focus areas is community and livelihood development under which the Village Adoption Project is a key initiative aimed at poverty alleviation at village level through a sustainable and integrated development programme planned and implemented in partnership with relevant stakeholders. The villages previously undertaken under the Village Adoption Project are Halmillewa in the Anuradhapura District and Mangalagama in the Ampara District.
World Vision Lanka (WVL) has been operational in Northern Sri Lanka for many years and has been assisting returning communities to start life over, providing them with livelihood support, nutrition feeding programmes for preschool children, assistance in education sector, psychosocial support through its mental health project and disaster risk reduction programmes.
The collaboration provides both organizations an opportunity to work together to improve the lives of communities in the war affected North through sustainable development programmes.
Two villages in the Mullaitivu district – Iranaipalai in Puthukudiyiruppu DS and Puthumathalan in Maritimepattu DS – were selected after a lengthy assessment and clearance process.
Under the first phase of the project, selected members of fisher societies were provided with fish nets and tools while members of Women’s Rural Development Societies were assisted to start a savings scheme and provided with bicycles. To mark the completion of these activities, a handover ceremony was held in Iranaipalai with the participation of Mr. N Vethanayagam, Government Agent of Mullaitivu, Divisional Secretaries, Security Forces representatives, religious leaders and school principals as well as representatives of the village communities.
Speaking on the occasion, N Vethanayagam, Government Agent of Mullaitivu, said “Iranaipalai was one of the conflict zones that was severely damaged during the last phase of the war. Almost all infrastructure and facilities were badly affected. Given that this is one of the most needy areas where the livelihood of families depend largely on fishing, I am very glad that John Keells has come forward to assist these people to restore their source of income.”
Speaking on behalf of John Keells Foundation Ms. Carmeline Jayasuriya, Head of Operations, CSR said that John Keells was very pleased to partner development in an area long affected by the conflict. “We have been able to engage with the relevant stakeholders in planning preliminary development activities in the two villages, thanks to the collaborative support of WVL, Government officials, security forces and community based organizations. We look forward to working closely with all stakeholders in planning and implementing future activities”, she said.
Meanwhile, infrastructure development undertaken under the first phase includes construction of permanent double unit toilets for the two schools in the selected villages (Mu/Iranaipalai R.C.M.V., Mullaitivu and Mu/Mathalan R.C.G.T., Mullaitivu) and the cleaning and renovation of community wells in Puthumathalan. This work too has been completed and handed over to the respective beneficiaries. More development work being planned under the second phase of the project.
The project envisages a larger collaboration between the two organizations with JKF funding and implementing initiatives which have been identified through needs assessments and stakeholder engagement and WVL providing ground support, particularly in relation to assessment, implementation and monitoring aspects.
Commenting on the collaboration, WVL National Director Suresh Bartlett said, “This is an important collaboration as we intentionally look to partner with corporates in development. We believe the synergies that this creates will help us maximize opportunities and bring about greater innovation in delivering sustainable development outcomes for the people of Sri Lanka.”
October 14th, 2013 at 11:19 pm
I would rather have President Man Mohan Singh of India NOT ATTEND the CHOGM … if only to IMPRESS UPON THE GOSL that all the sacrifices we have made … throwing Sri Lanka’s Long Term National Security to the winds … empowering the SEPARATIST Tiger Nominated Agents of the TNA in the Northern Province … without REVOKING the 13th Amendment and DISMANTLING the Provincial Council System forced by India down UNWILLING Sri Lanka’s throat … was ALL IN VAIN!
Perhaps at least then, the GOSL will COME TO IS SENSES and ABANDON this SERVILITY to India, REVERT to its INNATE PATRIOTISM, and do what is necessary to DEFEND and PROTECT the INTEGRITY of our Motherland PERMANENTLY!
PM under pressure to give Lanka visit a miss
ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.
Oct 14 (HT) The pressure from major political parties in Tamil Nadu is likely to cast a shadow on the decision to be taken by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on participating in the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) in Sri Lanka next month.
Not just chief minister Jayalalithaa or DMK chief M Karunanidhi, even local Congress leaders – including some Union ministers from Tamil Nadu – have urged the PM to exercise his options carefully lest India’s participation snowballs into a major political row in the state ahead of the 2014 polls.
With the Congress keen on cobbling a winning alliance, the issue of attacks on Indian fishermen and resettlement of Sri Lankan Tamils are seen as “sensitive” subjects that can be played up by rivals to corner the UPA government, according to local party leaders.
Union ministers GK Vasan and V Narayanasamy, are known have to appealed to the PM to avoid participating in the CHOGM from November 15 to 17.
They do not think that the successful completion of provincial elections in the north, which saw the victory of the Tamil National Alliance, has softened the stand of the TN parties. Therefore, they do not want the UPA government to annoy any of its potential allies.
Last week, when external affairs minister Salman Khurshid visited Colombo, he refrained from giving any commitment on the question of the PM’s participation. Khurshid, however, said he would attend the CHOGM Foreign Ministers’ meet, held ahead of the summit.
The preparations for CHOGM, which is a matter of prestige for Sri Lankan president Mahinda Rajapakse, has seen active campaign by bodies, including the Amnesty International calling for not holding the summit until an investigation is carried out into alleged human rights abuses in the 2009 civil war.
Even as Britain is facing pressure to lead a boycott, and with Canada indicating that it will not attend unless specific criteria are met, India’s Sri Lanka experts have warned that New Delhi would have to weigh pros and cons of the PM’s non-participation.
The dangers of pushing Sri Lanka into a corner, especially in a situation where China is establishing a big presence in the island, cannot be ignored.
October 15th, 2013 at 2:46 am
especially in a situation where China is establishing a big presence in the island !
This big problem than any thinking (India/US/UN) else – no one want to go back to Mrs Srima Bandaranayake’s time !
October 15th, 2013 at 2:53 am
“I would rather have President Man Mohan Singh of India NOT ATTEND the CHOGM … Perhaps at least then, the GOSL will COME TO IS SENSES and ABANDON this SERVILITY to India….”
The fact is that India has tied up our Maha Raja in knots. India pulls one string and our Maha Raja straightens up; India pulls another string and our Maha Raja doubles up. Maha Raja has been enrolled within the Indian caste system, and with him the entire Sinhala Buddhist nation. At the occurrence of any event of some importance, an Indian official automatically heads for Sri Lanka and imposes Indian conditions. The shameful truth is that the Sinhala Buddhist nation has been transformed into a low caste Indian community. Our well being depends on catering to the well being of the Tamils whom India has placed on a higher pedestal over the low caste Sinhalese. The system we are enmeshed in is precisely that.
The famous CHOGM Maha Raja is straining and striving, begging and pleading to hold is nothing but a gimmick. It is already falling apart. We know an African nation has pulled out. The Queen has pulled out citing old age. She is replaced by a man who, even in his ripe age, was never considered as suitable for the throne. Canada is pulling out with whatever be the pretext. The ‘Sick’ Man-Mohan is showing his contempt for the institution. The ones who are coming, the white ones, have already stated their motivation: to give lectures to MR on human rights.
The CHOGM is in its death throes. The motto of the November CHOGM could most appropriately be: heta marunath hithata sepay ada joly karala.
MR has dragging this nation into the mire. He is JUDAS, betraying the Sinhala Buddhist nation for a handful of silver that is the CHOGM. I hope he will also take the next step that Judas took…hang himself.
Mario Perera
October 15th, 2013 at 3:25 am
There is an eerie similarity between 1976 Non Aligned Movement summit in Colombo and CHOGM. NAM summit was held within months of the Vadukodai Resolution which Tamil leaders timed so well to prevent Sirima administration from disrupting for the fear of angering India – the chief NAM nation in the region and the delegates in the island.
2013 TNA victory at the Northern Provincial Council election was similarly architected to get the government bow down to the demands of Tamil leaders and India. A year after wasteful NAM celebrations while the people were suffering acute hunger, under-development of the ‘south’ and severe unemployment in the ‘south’, the ruling SLFP led coalition was defeated in an epic election battle that ended an era.
The conduct of Sri Lanka is disgraceful considering the position taken by Gambia (the bold decision to quit the Commonwealth) and Caribbean nations (demanding compensation for slavery). The current foreign policy is one that rewards the enemy and disrespects the friend.
October 15th, 2013 at 6:19 am
Development, Sc&Tech, English as a second language (for Jobs, Education, communication), skills, etc. leading to upward social mobility, have nothing to do with religion. All of that can be achieved without change of religion. Conversions just add more confusion.
In his book Gulliver’s Travels, Jonathan Swift tells a story of how some people went to war with each other just because one group broke their boiled egg at the pointed end and the other group broke their boiled eggs at the broad end. Such is the human mind !
Sri Lankans have to take/accept ONLY the better ideas/parts of whatever comes from foreign countries and throw out the rest. Our best friend is ourselves.
October 15th, 2013 at 11:50 am
Political Blackmail in FULL SWING!
Tamil Nadu Blackmails the Union Govt of India with Lok Sabha Elections in the offing,
India Blackmails Sri Lanka to DISMEMBER ITSELF on the eve of the CHOGM,
Poor Sri Lanka FAILS to return the Favor. Are we HELPLESS victims?
On the Contrary … WE ARE NOT HELPLESS!
1. To SINGE the Beard of Tamil Nadu, a NATIONWIDE REFERENDUM should IMMEDIATELY be held to REVOKE the 13th Amendment, DISSOLVE the Provincial Councils and REPLACE them with Government Agent administered Districts.
2. To get India off Sri Lanka’s back and render it IMPOTENT, the GOSL should CANCEL ALL Commercial Agreements with India including the Sampur Power Plant Agreement and grant them to China. Furthermore, Sri Lanka should grant China the Role of Developing Trincomalee into the Most Powerful Heavy Industrial and Naval Port in the entire region. IT IS TIME to get out of India’s DEADLY EMBRACE!
The BLACKMAIL exerted by Tamil Nadu on the Central Government of India WILL NEVER GO AWAY. It can only be RENDERED IMPOTENT by INSULATING and MAKING Sri Lanka IMPERVIOUS to ANY & ALL actions of India & its Tamil Population. Begin the Process NOW!
THE TIME has ARRIVED for Sri Lanka to UNAMBIGUOUSLY ASSERT her Sovereignty!
STAND UP straight and FIGHT for our DAY in the SUN now, or WITHER AWAY into the woodwork without a whimper! We MUST DECIDE NOW
Indian PM to consider all factors before deciding to attend CHOGM in Sri Lanka
ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.
Oct 15, Colombo: India’s Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh has said that he would decide on whether to attend the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) in Colombo next month only after considering all relevant factors, including sentiments of Tamil people.
Indian PM has said this in a letter to M. Karunanidhi the leader of the Dravida Munnethra Kaagam (DMK), a Tamil political party in Tamil Nadu.
“I wish to inform you that a decision on the issue of my participation in the CHOGM conference will be taken only after considering all relevant factors, including the sentiments of your party and the Tamil people,” Indian media quoted Dr. Singh as saying in his letter to the DMK chief.
PM’s statement comes after he was informed of the deteriorating health of a pro-Tamil activist K Thiagarajan, who is on an indefinite fast in Chennai since October 1 demanding that India boycott the CHOGM.
PM in his letter asked the DMK chief to persuade the activist to call off his fast.
The Indian Prime Minister is under immense pressure from the pro-Eelam political parties in Tamil Nadu to boycott the Commonwealth summit in Sri Lanka on the issues of alleged attacks on Indian fishermen and resettlement of Sri Lankan Tamils.
The DMK has demanded that India must not attend the summit in Sri Lanka and assured that if the central government fails to heed their demand they will stage state-wide protests.