A Video: Sri Lankan diplomat says rights criticism a ‘proxy propaganda war’
Posted on November 15th, 2013

Just watch how Dr. Nonis shreds this CNN guy apart…just brilliant! I bet they won’t rebroadcast this clip!!


5 Responses to “A Video: Sri Lankan diplomat says rights criticism a ‘proxy propaganda war’”

  1. Marco Says:

    Well done Dr Nonis- brilliant responses.
    May i respectfully suggest you give more interviews of this nature to Journalist/TV from the Commonwealth nations as its more relevant to broadcast/report in those countries as opposed to the “negatives” we currently see.
    This interview is the only (first) positive broadcast/report i have seen from the International media covering the CHOGM. Unless someone can point me to another. (from the International media).

    One question however is the implementation of the LLRC recommendations. You may run out of excuses or LLRC used as a sledgehammer if the Govt continues to ignore its implementation. LLRC excuse has already been used twice as an excuse at UNHRC.

    ps- On a personal note i still think your sister is far more clever to be the Chairperson at Mackwoods.

  2. Susantha Wijesinghe Says:

    When his EXCELLENCY, DR.CHRIS NONIS was answering a question put forward by that British media AH bstd,he was walking over without allowing him to complete. What British LOW DOWN ethics is that ? That clearly shows that he was not listening to the answer, but was trying to drown him with another question. All these British media MFs are like that. They are singing for their supper for the Tamil LTTE Tamil Diaspora GBP. Pox on them.


  3. Ananda-USA Says:

    Bravo! Chris Nonis did an excellent job of debating and defending Sri Lanka against an OVERLY aggressive interviewer.

    Chris Nonis is urbane and articulate. Whats more, he thinks on his feet, foiling attackers and pushing them onto the defensive. We need people like that! Jayawewa!

  4. Vis8 Says:

    The hunter got hunted! Congratulations Dr. Nonis. The look on the anchor’s face at the end is priceless! Please keep up the good work! Millions of Sri Lankans are behind you.

  5. Sarath W Says:

    What a classy diplomat. That CNN guy was made to look like un idiot by his excellency Dr Nonis. Well done Dr Nonis.

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