Posted on November 22nd, 2013
By Stanley Perera, Melbourne
My dear fellow Cameron,
You have turned very ugly in the eyes of the International community behaving in an ugly manner during the time of CHOGM in Colombo.
The Singapore Prime Minister says you have no bloody business to interfere into the internal affairs of Sri Lanka.
The Indian Prime Minister says that your behaviour is not acceptable with India and India would not behave in that disgusting manner of yours.
Russia-â„¢s Putting has warmly welcomed HE Mahinda Rajapakse as the chair of the Commonwealth.
Australia-â„¢s Prime Minister Tony Abbott says you have no business to lecture any world leaders or the Members of the Commonwealth.
Australia-â„¢s Foreign Affairs Minister Julie Bishop says HE Mahinda Rajapakse must be honoured for annihilating the Terrorists LTTE and restoring peace in the country.
On behalf of the HE Mahinda Rajapakse, the writer issues you with the following ULTIMATUMS:
- ‚ Forthwith you must release Chilkott report.
- ‚ Forthwith you must handover Tony Blair to International Court of Justice in the ‚ ‚ Haig to face charges of war crimes in Iraq or
- Forthwith you must extradite Tony Blair to Malaysia to face charges of war crimes in Iraq as already Tony Blair is convicted of War Crimes in Malaysian Court of Law.
- Forthwith you must extradite Adela Balasingham to Sri Lanka to face charges of war crimes in Sri Lanka for recruiting suicide bombers and child soldiers or
- Forthwith hand over Adela Balasingham to International Court of Justice to face charges of war crimes in Sri Lanka for recruiting suicide bombers and child soldiers.
- Forthwith you must apologise to HE Mahinda Rajapakse for your disgusting behaviour in Sri Lanka.
- Forthwith you must apologise to Singapore-â„¢s Prime Minister for your disgusting behaviour in Sri Lanka.
- Forthwith you must apologise to Indian Prime Minister for your disgusting behaviour in Sri Lanka
- Forthwith you must apologise to Australian Prime Minister for your disgusting behaviour in Sri Lanka.
- Forthwith you must apologise to Muttiah Muralidaran for chanell 4 distorting his statement.
- Forthwith you must apologise to the true British citizens for bringing shame on them by dancing to the tune of Terrorist Remnants LTTE and Bogus Tamil Refugees in the UK. And also creating a name of -PARIAH PRIME MINISTER- AND -INTERNATIONAL CLOWN-.
- Forthwith you must apologise to the patriotic Sri Lankans for the genocide in 1815 by the British Colonial Regime.
- ‚ Forthwith you must apologise to the taxi driver whose taxi fare was not paid by the chanell 4 crew.
My dear Cameron, your shameful and disgusting behaviour is considered as a backhander doing a favour to the Terrorist Remnants Tamils in England.‚ It is very sad to see a British Prime Minister falling in to the lowest of the low to rake up a few bogus refugee votes.‚ The world is aware that with your paper thin majority you are being noosed by the block votes of the bogus Tamil refugees, which is seen as if you have sold yourself respect together with the true British citizen-â„¢s respect as well.
Cameron, you gave ultimatums to Robert Mugabe.‚ What did you achieve in return?‚ Didn-â„¢t you get raspberries from Mugabe?‚ Robert Mugabe climbed from strength to strength.‚ It is because the Zimbabwe people are with Robert Mugabe.
Cameron, you gave ultimatums to Fiji-â„¢s Bhani Marama.‚ What did you get in return?‚ Didn-â„¢t you get raspberries from Bhani Marama?‚ Bhani Marama climbed from strength to strength because the native Fijians are with Bhani Marama.
You have given an ultimatum to HE Mahinda Rajapakse.‚ What did you get in return?‚ Is it not raspberries that HE Mahinda Rajapakse gave you?‚ His spokesman says that Government of Sri Lanka will face any challenges from you at the UNHRC.‚ Furthermore he says that UNHRC is not your private property.‚ UNO and the UNHRC are world bodies not sitting on their brains like you.
CHOGM is the biannual tamasha of the Commonwealth Counties.‚ Commonwealth is a bankrupt organisation as the UK has fallen into third world country status.‚ When the Tsunami struck India, Sri Lanka and few other Asian countries Commonwealth or the UK did not have ten pounds to donate.‚ All donations came from Japan and few other countries.‚ When the Commonwealth is in that pathetic situation what use is there in the CHOGM which has become a huge burden on the host country?‚ Fiji, Zimbabwe and Pakistan have never felt their absence in the Commonwealth.‚ Pakistan was re admitted to the Commonwealth some time back.‚ Commonwealth is today in a bankrupt and defunct position.‚ However though the future King of England Prince Charles-â„¢s behaviour was very pleasant and respectable whereas you behaved in complete opposite and it was like -English buffalo in a china shop-.‚ Your hard earned title of -International Thug- is well worth hanging in your bedroom.
Cameron, your bully boy tactics don-â„¢t work even with your spouse and children if you have any.‚ It is time you grow up boy.‚ Three year in politics, you have not learned anything.
It is a shame on‚ true Canadian and true English citizens that Canada and the UK are run by Terrorist remnant LTTE and the bogus Tamil refugees where foreign policy is concerned.
November 23rd, 2013 at 1:07 am
Your arrogant, domineering, high-headed, high-nosed, superior attitude did not win anything, and will not. Get down from your high horse and change your name Camewrong boy.
November 23rd, 2013 at 9:59 am
November 23rd, 2013 at 10:31 am
Isn’t it time for the Sri Lanka External Affairs to undertake a comprehensive study and research urgently on what the UK had done in Ireland, Iraq, and their other accompanied activities with USA led NATO and bring froward a Resolution at the forthcoming meeting of the UNHRC? This Resolution must demand an INTERNATIONAL INVESTIGATION into all such involvements on violations of war practices and crimes against humanity.
I believe that is the only way to teach these “BIG THUGS” the STRENGTH of the so called small nations and keep them humbled. If this is done they will realize that it is no more a joke to BULLY the small nations.
November 23rd, 2013 at 12:55 pm
Thank you Mr. Stanley Perera from Australia. It is a very appropriate response to unacceptable behavious of the so called PM of little Britain. Britain has ONLY place called Gibraltar to claim as a colony now. That also being questioned by Spain & closest neighbours.
This type of behaviour we never encountered in anytime of Lankan history, except when we under British rule. STILL WALLASSA in Central Lanka is a place MANY ATRTROCITIES occured 1815s. COMPENSATION for that period BRITAIN still owes Lanka.
If the LTTE can influence govts of UK, Canada & few others, then it is time other members of the Commonwealth to take necessary action to DEPRIVE TAMILS & LTTE supporters, even the help we give now.
I find even social websites including YAHOO is infiltrated by LTTE & their supporters & sympathizers. All by just listening to FALSE reports of LTTE rump & Films put out by CHANNEL 4.
I still cannot get the name of the Manager of Yahoo Toronto to INDETIFY & give me the designation. Type scripts & general amswers to my complains EXCEPT providing REAL ANSWERS & COURTEOUS ACTION so far.
THIS IS HOW the maority Sinhalese have to be in Canada & other countries where there is STRONG PRESENCE in the respective countries.
THIS is also the VERY REASON WHY I ask all law abiding Sri Lankans irrespective class, caste or religion to UNITE in the name of safegurading SRI LANKA from de-stablaizing & conpiracies aimed at hurting the GOSL.
Especially people in AUSTRALIA has an IDEAL opportunity to make presentations to PM Tony Abbott & insist on BANNING LTTE in Australia. We have done our part in collaborating with AUSTRALIA in combatting ILLEGAL immigration. IT IS NOW AUSTRALIA reciprocate.
Thank you all……As usual a retd Canadian babbling away from far.. HOPING SOMEONE WILL LISTEN…..J
November 23rd, 2013 at 4:46 pm
Brishit soldiers war crimes against Irish civilians is coming out.
Good start by MR. His MONKEYS IN GLASSHOUSES THROWING STONES comment ignited it.
November 23rd, 2013 at 6:26 pm
One more thing to add to that letter is that if David Cameron has some kind of sick fetish for the Tamil thugs then he can make the Falkland islands England’s Eelam. That way he can take every bleeding heart LITE member and have his daughter marry the most murderous of them and offer his ugly wife as compensation.
There is a great book titled “Crucible of Decline” by Rocco S. Bagaladi that deals with the collapse of the West especially the US who slapped Sri Lanka with the Human rights on trumped up charges and has a section on Sri Lanka, her rise as a strategic nation, the importance of the Trincomalee harbor and her relationship with China. It refers to President Rajapakse as the leader who ended the war and pokes fun at the Tamil Tigers. I suggest go to Amazon.books and read the back of the book for a synopsis of it. It is both daring and unique.