Take UK and U.S before Int’l War Crimes Tribunal on Iraq and Libya-CAMERON’S DISASTROUS LOVE FOR THE DIASPORA
Posted on December 3rd, 2013


British soldiers in Iraq

Tag-Point-of-View-2013l_69.jpgBritish PM Cameron is adopting a “holier than thou” attitude in the belief that the rest of the world is unaware of war crimes committed by Britain. They joined hands with the USA to commit these crimes. Britain is unashamedly playing poodle to the USA as if Britain is its satellite. This is similar to PM Cameron taking orders from the LTTE diaspora.

It is reported that PM Cameron descended to the level of meeting members of the Global Tamil Forum, the spokespersons of the LTTE diaspora. They may be in suits and cassocks, but they are criminals who gave every support for the LTTE to commit mass murder. He had the temerity to meet these one time members of the LTTE in his official residence, 10 Downing Street.

These criminals are wanted in Sri Lanka for mass murders. Not only is Britain shielding these criminals who are fugitives from justice, but also shamelessly dancing to their tune.

PM Cameron has attempted to wreck the Commonwealth by promoting his personal agenda. At a time when Britain has problems with the European Community, he should be diplomatic with his partners in the Commonwealth and not antagonize them.

It is a matter of regret that of all the Heads of State who attended CHOGM it should be the Queen’s PM who should act in such a boorish manner, particularly when Prince Charles, the heir to the throne was present in Sri Lanka. Every discerning person knew that PM Cameron put on an act for securing LTTE diaspora votes, to further his political career. How pathetic for a so called toff!

PM Cameron cut a sorry figure when he walked in with not a smile on his face, to impress the LTTE diaspora, who were watching his every move on TV. At a news conference in Colombo, he answered questions put to him by his own selected reporters, including Channel 4. He called them by name, which exposed his game. They were obviously all pre arranged questions.

Chilcot report

When our own TOP editor RAJPAL ABEYANAYAKE fired a question, PM Cameron slunk away, unable of course to reply searching questions. Rajpal in addition to being an editor is also an able lawyer, who would have made mincemeat out of PM Cameron if he did not slink away. As he was running away, Rajpal shouted out, “What kind of hypocrite are you Mr. Prime Minister; where is the Chilcot report?!” PM Cameron had to face these types of questions because of his extraordinary love for the criminal outfit, the LTTE diaspora. He brought the office of Britain’s Prime Minister to ridicule. This is what happens when people in high office have a secret agenda.

His obligations to the minuscule LTTE diaspora is so intense, that he is prepared to risk the hatred of 21 million Sri Lankans. Prince Charles would have been thoroughly ashamed of the conduct of his Prime Minister. In a couple of months, PM Cameron would draw enough flak from his countrymen when it dawns on them that he is siding a criminal outfit, not for the benefit of Britain, but in his personal interest.

PM Cameron should consult and emulate the British Member of the European Parliament Dr Charles Tannoch, a highly intelligent and incorruptible GENTLEMAN. The LTTE diaspora could not influence him. He castigated his fellow parliamentarians thus, “Sri Lanka has finally achieved peace by defeating a ruthless terrorist organization, the LTTE which had refused all peace bids made by the Government of Sri Lanka. The word Genocide is being mentioned even without knowledge of its meaning”. He asked, “how can anyone accuse Sri Lanka for genocide and crimes against humanity, when the same Army rescued more than 300,000 Tamil civilians from the LTTE, by putting their own lives in harm’s way, and helped to resettle them?”

Dr Tannoch is one of the few members who could not be bribed by the LTTE diaspora.

Another honourable member of the EU Parliament Geoffrey Van Orden made insinuations that some of the members would have been influenced, and hence, their stance. He remarked, “we regret that we are having this debate today. I suspect that it has been prompted by extreme elements in the Tamil diaspora, the same people who have helped to sustain the LTTE terrorist campaign over many years through political activities and funding, often from proceeds of crime. Instead of trying to bring together the peoples of Sri Lanka, there are those that continue a campaign of hatred and division”. He further said, “I call on the European Governments to be more active and vigilant in dealing with extremists in OUR midst”.

Invasion of Iraq

As regards blatant violations of Human Rights by the UK, members of its Parliament endorsed the invasion of Iraq merely to play poodle to the USA, knowing fully well that Iraq did not possess weapons of mass destruction. This massacre had similarities to the extermination of Jews by Hitler. What Britain committed against Iraq was GENOCIDE. These politicians took the British people for a right royal ride, spending millions of the British taxpayers’ money, and killing hundreds of British soldiers in an unwanted and unnecessary war. PM Cameron is just as culpable as Blair’s Labour Government, for the murders of innocent Iraqis and reducing Iraq to shambles.

Britain and the USA invaded a peaceful country, though governed by a despot. Together, they also ruined Libya, Egypt and a host of other Arab countries.

Every day is not Christmas PM Cameron, the wheel will turn pretty soon! What Sri Lanka did was to crush a set of thugs and criminals, who were up to every despicable deed, going about destroying our country and killing our people, Sinhala, Muslims and Tamils, without any compunction. Prabhakaran was an animal in human form. He killed thousands of Tamil people who disagreed with his mad policies and ideas. He had the charismatic Indian leader and one time PM Rajiv Gandhi, blown to smithereens, by a female suicide LTTE cadre.

We ask PM Cameron whether saving the lives and property of the Sri Lankans, is a war crime? You are threatening that you will take this matter up in Geneva in March 2014, in the full knowledge that you have a very biased TAMIL High Commissioner in the Human Rights Council, Navi Pillai, who is herself prepared to dance to the tune of the LTTE diaspora. If you are such a truthful and straight gentleman, you should turn your country and the USA in for scrutiny, for all the war crimes and genocide you both have indulged in, in the very recent past.

As for Britain’s Human Rights violations record, the UN Committee Against Torture, recommends more than 40 separate measures, which it says will need to be taken if the UK is to be given a clean bill of health. This Committee has focused on the failure to hold to account those responsible for human rights abuses in the so called War on Terror, and for the mistreatment of prisoners in Iraq(CDN).

British Taxpayer

Under the caption “Britain’s Dirty War in Iraq” by James Cusick, “Britain led by PM Cameron has blocked the release of a Report by Sir John Chilcot, where Intelligence on Iraq’s supposed weapons of mass destruction, was investigated. Even after a decade of the invasion of Iraq by the USA and UK, no weapons of mass destruction were found in that country. There was no self defense as was necessary under International Law. This Committee comprised Sir John Chilcot, Sir Roderick Lyne, Sir Lawrence Freedman and Baroness Prashar.

You have a lot to hide, haven’t you PM Cameron?

Why are you afraid to release this Report which cost the British taxpayer 7.5 million Pounds? In addition to your reluctance to publish the Chilcot Report, you are also under orders from Washington not to do so. You must act with dignity and self respect, not taking orders from others. The British Taxpayer is entitled to know how their money was spent.

With so much to hide, PM Cameron is pressing that Military Commanders of Sri Lanka be taken before a War Crimes Tribunal. He must also insist that his confidants V. Rudrakumaran of the USA, Surendran and Fr Emmanuel etc of your Global Tamil Forum, and a host of others who have been catalogued as those who supplied weapons and gave MATERIAL SUPPORT to the LTTE, to continue MASS MURDER during the 37 years the LTTE held sway, should also be indicted before an International War Crimes Tribunal. We know that he has a special bond with these criminals, but it is his duty to have them charged for war crimes, and crimes against humanity.

War is between two parties or more, and though Prabhakaran is dead others who supplied weapons to him are very much alive and living in your country. You know that supplying weapons to kill, is just as much a crime as killing, itself.

You are no chicken, Cameron. You know very well that this story of the Sri Lanka Forces killing 40,000 Tamils in the last days of the war is absolute balderdash. This is a thing your friends, the LTTE diaspora, fabricated. By constant usage, you think it can gather a veneer of truth. If 300,000 Tamils were saved by these very Forces from the wrath of Prabhakaran, at the risk of their own lives, are you that dense to think that these Forces killed 40,000 Tamils? Come on Cameron, use your brains! Why should the Sri Lanka Forces risk their lives to save 300,000 Tamil civilians, when they could have watched as Prabhakaran killed the lot, thus saving Government ammunition as well?

Cameron, to enjoy the perks of office, has befriended the LTTE diaspora, who forcibly collect money from the other members of the Tamil diaspora. They also indulge in various nefarious activities to amass huge sums of money. These funds run into millions of Dollars. Part of these, are spent giving filthy lucre to corrupt people, and the rest goes into the pockets of the bigwigs of the LTTE diaspora, with which they have a very comfortable and plush lifestyle. By your espousing their cause, they will continue to extract monies from the Tamils, or else the avenues of income will dry up, and they will have to come back to Sri Lanka.

War Crimes Tribunal

By Cameron’s conduct, he will surely open up a can of worms, when Britain will be marched to a War Crimes Tribunal, sooner or later. By tendering “Material Support” to this terrorist organization, he himself will be liable for prosecution.

British people are an admirable lot, but some of their politicians are bounders. Instead of handing these LTTE criminals over to be prosecuted for war crimes, and crimes against humanity, Cameron is treating them with kid gloves and giving them the protection they need, as he requires their support to stay in office.

On what evidence does Cameron want our Commanders taken before a War Crimes Tribunal? There has to be a Prima Faciecase, with cogent and compelling evidence.

(a) NOT what is falsely projected by the Global Tamil Forum and the LTTE diaspora,

(b) NOT what a few Tamils have been forced to tell him in Jaffna,

(c) NOT fictitious films created by Callum Macrae, on payment by the LTTE diaspora, films which were non-existent when Sri Lanka was taken before Geneva in 2009 and was exonerated for absence of credible evidence.

The only “crime” our Forces committed, was saving 300,000 Tamils from Prabhakaran, who was using them as a human shield to save himself.

If 40,000 Tamils were killed,

(a) what are their names, (b) where are the bodies, (c) where are their graves and (d) where are the incinerators?

Please ask yourself Cameron, can 40,000 bodies be made to vanish into thin air, without a trace, within a few weeks? Are you trying to appoint some corrupt hermaphrodites who will be instructed to tender a report against Sri Lanka, to suit you and the USA?

By your conduct, you are attempting to rub salt on the wounds of Sri Lanka in order to create a separate state here, to be used as a launching pad for the creation of a separate state of Tamil Nadu.

Wheels within wheels, indeed!

– See more at: http://www.dailynews.lk/features/camerons-disastrous-love-diaspora#sthash.gkguYjUA.dpuf

3 Responses to “Take UK and U.S before Int’l War Crimes Tribunal on Iraq and Libya-CAMERON’S DISASTROUS LOVE FOR THE DIASPORA”

  1. jayasiri Says:

    Thank you so much Mr. Jayanttha Gunasekera. These types of articles are needed to wake up the sleeping British electorate.
    They are given FALSE reports about Sri Lanka by Catholic priests, Tamils who can spend some money to buy politicians & few other sympthizers who are gullible to Tamil Diaspora lies.

    Poor tamils who work so hard have to dish out money for Tamil Diaspora to spend lavish life styles they ever dreamed of. ADELE the woman who invented SUCIDE CAPSULE to murder kids & youth is still doing well & nobody killed her so far.

    Mr. Cameron has become a joke, wiping tears WHAT A SHOW for the newspapers, suddenly he is OK to go to China & beg for money , orders for British products, while behind China’s back, COMPLAIN about Human Rights.

    HYPOCRITES ARE BORN EVERY MINUTE THEY SAY… & it is true. Never complain about India occupying JAMUNU & KASHMIR which is leaglly Pakistan territory. Not a word of DAILY RAPES happening in New Delhi, but worried & concerned about TAMILS in North of Sri Lanka.

    I feel we afford too much respect to these MONKEYS who wears a monkey suit & come to our country. As SWRD late PM said, I wear the suit ONLY DOG shows, otherwise I wear OUR NATIONAL DRESS.

    THose are the leaders ago, NOW we have MPs out to get money & to helll with country. I am sure you have access to LEGAL EXPERTS it is time to get together & draw up a plan on HOW TO ABOLISH the 13th amendment to our constitution.

    Thank again for your valuable ontribution……..J

  2. Sooriarachi Says:

    All neutral persons do not think any unbiased person would not agree that the NATO nations led by USA, UK etc would have committed crimes of the highest level, in Serbia, Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, Pakistan etc. However, in todays world, where wealth and military might rule, these nations and their leaders would not be touched unless organisations supported by these very nations, such as AI, HRW, ICJ, UNHRC have the courage to accuse them of such crimes. This wont happen at least till the present leaders of these NGOs are replaced.
    One of the crimes that stands out as most inhumane could be the killing of Gadhafi’s little grand children when they were leaving the country in a convoy allowed by NATO, but the “brave” NATO air force bombing them deliberately in violation of this understanding as well as the no-fly zone agreement. It is also good for friends of UK, French and EU leaders to take note of what these leaders did to their “new friend” Gadhafi.

    As for Cameron, no doubt he has caused disrepute to the entire British nation by entertaining the wishes of the separatists and allowing people like Father Emanuel to enter his office, when even India deported him from the airport when he tried to enter India to attend a Tamil conference.

  3. Ananda-USA Says:

    Pardon my French ….. but BLOODY HELL … is this really possible?

    Is this the SAME David Cameron who supports the INCURABLE Eelamist Tamil racists demanding a Tamils-only racially segregated ethnic Bantustan in Sri Lanka, now declaring that “the policy of treating different cultures as ‘separate and distinct’ – known as multiculturalism – had been a ‘mistake’”?

    We have pilloried David Cameron as a HYPOCRITE waving DOUBLE STANDARDS aloft before, but this takes the proverbial cake!

    Either he has a split personality, or is suffering from Advanced Alzheimers and does not know today what he said yesterday!

    Or, is it only a case of WHOSE OX is being GORED at any given time?

    Yesterday, it was Sri Lanka’s OX being GORED by incurably racist Eelamist Tamils; But today it is Imperial Britain’s OX being GORED by Fanatical Muslims”!!

    So, “Down with Multiculturalism” … yells David beCame-Moron … who was all for Multiculturalism in Sri Lanka … espousing the Tamil Separatist cause … only Yesterday!

    Yo, David …. Ever heard of INCONSISTENCY and HYPOCRISY?

    Hello, is anyone in #10 Downing Street checking David’s policies for CONSISTENCY?

    Mistake of multiculturalism aided extremists says PM: Report finds politicians’ failure to tackle the hard-line views allowed fanaticism to take root

    – Task force said treating different cultures as ‘separate’ was an error
    – Report was scathing about the ‘reticence’ to confront Islamists
    – Was a response to the killing of solider Lee Rigby in Woolwich
    – Claimed the government must take ‘responsibility’ for allowing fanaticism to develop

    By James Slack
    December 4, 2013

    Timid politicians with a ‘misplaced’ fear of offending Muslims have allowed Islamist extremism to take root in the institutions of Britain, the Prime Minister warned yesterday.

    A task force chaired by David Cameron said the policy of treating different cultures as ‘separate and distinct’ – known as multiculturalism – had been a ‘mistake’.

    The panel said it was far easier to combat the fanaticism that leads to terrorism when different communities ‘come together to challenge it’.

    Yesterday’s report – a response to the killing of soldier Lee Rigby in Woolwich – was scathing about the ‘reticence’ of politicians to confront Islamists.

    It was published by Downing Street on behalf of Mr Cameron, Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg and a string of other senior Cabinet ministers.

    The report gives a stark warning of how – by being afraid to challenge hard-line views – politicians had allowed fanaticism to take root in a string of British institutions.

    It says: ‘The Government, as much as organisations and communities in the UK, must take responsibility.

    ‘We have been too reticent about challenging extreme Islamist ideologies in the past, in part because of a misplaced concern that attacking Islamist extremism equates to an attack on Islam itself.

    This reticence, and the failure to confront extremists, has led to an environment conducive to radicalisation in some mosques and Islamic centres, universities and prisons.’

    For three decades, Whitehall promoted a strategy of multiculturalism that Mr Cameron has previously described as ‘encouraging different cultures to live separate lives, apart from each other and apart from the mainstream’.

    The task force, which the PM personally chaired, warns this was a ‘mistake’. It says: ‘Extremism is less likely to be tolerated by communities which come together to challenge it.

    ‘Britain is stronger because of its open, multi-faith and multi-racial communities, which can tackle extremists together and challenge the view that it is not possible to be a true Muslim and be integrated in British society.

    ‘Approaches in the past that, on occasion, sought to deal with different communities as separate and distinct, were mistaken.’

    Mr Cameron called on the Government and wider society to ‘take action to confront extremism in all its forms, whether in our communities, schools, prisons, Islamic centres or universities’.

    He said yesterday: ‘I have been absolutely clear that this is not something we should be afraid to address for fear of cultural sensitivities.’

    The task force is recommending new civil powers – dubbed ‘Tebos’, or terror and extremism behaviour orders – to target extremists.

    They could be used to bar people from preaching messages of terror and hate, associating with named individuals thought vulnerable to radicalisation, and from entering specific venues such as mosques or community halls.

    Ministers also want new internet filters to block extremist websites and extended powers for watchdogs to shut down charities suspected of being fronts for extremist groups.

    The Government is also introducing a new definition of extremism which specifically includes a ‘distorted interpretation of Islam’ which argues against ‘liberal values such as democracy, the rule of law and equality’.

    In 2004 Trevor Phillips, chairman of the Commission for Racial Equality – now the Equality and Human Rights Commission – said multiculturalism was out of date because it ‘suggests separateness’. He warned that Britain was sleepwalking into segregation.

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