Will The US and UK Ever Give Up Their Biased Attempts To Coerce Sri Lanka Over The Rights Issue? 
Posted on September 21st, 2014

LankaWeb Weekly Editorial

8th September 2014

In the seemingly never ending coercion of Sri Lanka by the United States and Britain over UN instigated calls for human rights violations during the three decade long internal armed insurrection by Tamil Tigers, only one thing seems to  stand out as logical.

It is reminiscent of flogging a dead horse in an attempt to recussitate it where the dead horse is none other than the myth created by adversaries of the Government of Sri Lanka mainly the Tamil Diaspora, their allies in Tamil Nadu and those who have been misled to believe Sri Lanka is culpable of all the accusations levelled where there remains no trace of any tangible evidence to confirm or uphold the veracity of the accusations beyond cooked up compositions by clever theatrical presenters in sympathy or collaboration with the enemies of Sri Lanka where none of their enterprises somewhat curiously have  prevailed but the bellyaching goes on!

All this despite the glaring evidence of the realities concerned where a sovereign nation was held to ransom by terrorists and the nation responded towards protecting sovereignity and territorial integrity and saved the nation from near annihilation by wretched, worthless, armed and conscienceless sub- human degenerates now being supported or attempts made to justify their actions and literally sweep under the

carpet the good work done by the nation of Sri Lanka to protect all her inhabitants who condemned and despised the acts of the terrorists including many Tamils also, where the continued existence of the terrorists until they were wiped out was openly supported by the sources named previously, namely the global Tamil diaspora as well as Tamil Nadu and the foolish and misguided internals who thought their “Boys’ were going to provide a nation of Ealam overrun and dictated to by terrorists!.Add to this the TNA of today who have suddenly changed their former Tamil Tiger sympathies into muffled denials where they too are a culpable lot towards Tamil Tiger attrocities and heaven knows for what reason they are being tolerated within Sri Lanka today! A mind boggling question as it appears! as they despite their two faced exterior carry all the makings ot Ealam synpathisers to this day as observed by the more discerning and perceptive in a note of warning to the GOSL that these are wolves in sheeps clothing!!

Thus it seems a grim irony that when nations like the US, UN and others with similar sympathies and often times impaired vision over the related issues to the point of either being blinkered or deliberately attempting to circumvent the realities that surrounded the entire conflagaration they are  either committing a grievous error or making a deliberately mendacious attempt to incarcerate Sri Lanka, where Sri Lanka should be accoladed rather than denigrated recognising her as a nation that conducted a precedent setting campaign against terrorism that has brought a lasting peace to Sri Lanka where all ethnicities today live in harmony, which includes contented Tamils although the disgruntled and defeated lot who championed the terrorist cause continue their campaign to mislead the world!

If this was not true these sources might also incarcerate the Nation of Israel which is also conducting a similar albeit more ferocious campaign against terrorism at this very moment with greater firepower and at times rank disregard to human life and property!. So whose to bless and who to blame?

And in this sense one might ask ” what rights do the US, UK and others with a similar mindset have whilst using their own self proclaimed integrity which despite the fancy rhetoric (which at times rings somewhat hollow) appears uncertain when it comes to realities towards urging the Sri Lankan Government to support the probe on the war by the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) on more of a whim and fancy basis rather than any pursuable tangibility to align conclusions laced in obvious bias towards a verifiable reality which appears to be more of a pipe dream that could perhaps never be justified despite the persistence.

Firstly it may be pellucidated that this was no War in the truest sense by definition and secondly there is to date no tangible evidence that Sri Lanka committed any of the accused violations bearing in mind that it was the Sri Lankan Armed Forces that to a great extend prevented the attrocities committed by the terrorists where hard facts, documented evidence, photographs and first hand accounts bear testimony to the truth unlike the codswallop coughrd up by the sources who attempt to portray the GOSL as a bunch of villains albeit in reality are the true liberators of the nation of Sri Lanka from a group of merciless killers.

So when the US Ambassador to the UN in Geneva, Keith Harper, makes statements to the UN Human Rights Council at its 27th session which has begun and hails the role played by the former UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay on the Sri Lankan issue saying We also extend thanks to outgoing High Commissioner Pillay for her stewardship of OHCHR, especially the leadership she showed in focusing the world’s attention on violence and discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity and encouraging meaningful accountability and respect for human rights in Sri Lanka,”  as quoted in his recent media statement, he seems to be indulging in a somewhat fanciful and unqualified venture where the world is aware very much that Ms. Navi Pillai is neither an angel of mercy in Sri Lankan matters beyond being someone who has been influenced by the melodramatic entreaties of some who are determined to distort the truth nor does she appear to have a smidgen of tangible evidence towards any burden of proof required. And as her track record shows,  in similar fashion to her involvement in Sri Lankan matters has also  indicated bungling and meddling elsewhere during her career which some believe is proof enough to disentitle her from the high office she held ~ whether justifiably or not! And in the case of Sri Lanka she has presented her brief with accentuated bias towards the Tamil accusers and is no shining example or authority to the task where she has disregarded many protocols demanded  by someone of her position!

And despite  Mr.Harper’s expectations that the United States also looks forward to OHCHR’s report on Sri Lanka and once again calls upon the Government of Sri Lanka to cooperate with the investigation, he fails to realise that it appears to be a wasted effort with no impositions nor obligations on Sri Lanka to bow down to the request where the Sri Lankan Government  has indicated that it will not be coerced by such and will treat the issue as one that can be resolved locally and internally rather than let foreign intervention tantamount to meddling in internal affairs be the order of the day and perhaps quite justifiably so.

2 Responses to “Will The US and UK Ever Give Up Their Biased Attempts To Coerce Sri Lanka Over The Rights Issue? ”

  1. Sunil Mahattaya Says:

    LankaWeb is perhaps the only website which carries outspoken views on Sri Lankan matters and it is truly important that this status quo is mauntaines.It is also good news that LankaWeb has re-surfaced after the time off for maintenance.
    Best wishes to its team and editorial staff!

  2. Sunil Mahattaya Says:

    typo error ~ spelling fpr maintained.
    error regretted

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