සජින්, ක්ෂෙනුකා ගේ වැඩ තහනම් කළ යුතුයි – රජීව
Posted on October 7th, 2014


බ්‍රිතාන්‍යයේ හිටපු ශ්‍රී ලංකා මහ කොමසාරිස් දොස්තර ක්‍රිස් නෝනිස්ට පහරදීමේ චෝදනාව සම්බන්ධ පරීක්ෂණය පැවැත්වීමට ප්‍රථම සජින් ද වාස් ගුණවර්ධන මන්ත්‍රීවරයාගේ වැඩ තහනම් කළ යුතුව තිබුණු බව ආණ්ඩු පක්ෂ මන්ත්‍රීවරයෙක් පවසයි.

විදේශ අමාත්‍යංශයේ ලේකම් ක්ෂෙනුකා සෙනවිරත්නගේ නමද සිදුවීමට සම්බන්ධ වී තිබෙන බැවින් පරීක්ෂණය අවසාන වන තුරු විදේශ ලේකම්වරියගේද වැඩ තහනම් කිරීම ජනාධිපති මහින්ද රාජපක්ෂ විසින් ගතයුතුව තිබුණු ඥානාන්විත පියවර බවද පාර්ලිමේන්තු මන්ත්‍රී මහාචාර්ය රජීව විජේසිංහ බීබීසී සංදේශයට පැවසීය.

පසුගිය සැප්තැම්බර් 24 වැනි දින නිවුයෝක් නුවර පැවති සාදයකදී විදේශ අමාත්‍යංශයේ ලේකම් සජින් ද වාස් ගුණවර්ධන මන්ත්‍රීවරයා තමන්ට පහරදුන් බව හිටපු මහකොමසාරිස් දොස්තර ක්‍රිස් නෝනිස් සංදේශයට පැවසීය.

ඒ පිළිබඳව තමන් එදිනම ජනාධිපති මහින්ද රාජපක්ෂට දැනුම් දුන් බවද දොස්තර නෝනිස් සඳහන් කරයි.

සමස්ත සිදුවීම ශ්‍රී ලංකාවට බරපතල කැළලක් බව පවසන මහාචාර්ය රජීව විජේසිංහ, ඇමතිවරයා හෝ නියෝජ්‍ය ඇමතිවරයා වෙනුවට අමාත්‍යංශයේ අධීක්ෂණ මන්ත්‍රීවරයාට තීරණ ගැනීමේ සම්පූර්ණ බලතල හිමිවීම හමුවේ අමාත්‍යංශයේ විනය සහ සියලු කටයුතු අඩපණ වී තිබෙන බවත් සඳහන් කරයි.

රාජ්‍යතාන්ත්‍රික සේවයේ නියුතු උගත්, බුද්ධිමත් තානාපතිවරුන් ඉවත්කොට ජාත්‍යන්තර තලයේ ජනාධිපතිවරයා කොන් කිරීමේ සංවිධානාත්මක ක්‍රියාවලියක් පිළිබඳව මීට වසරදෙකකට ඉහතදී තමන් ලියූ ලිපියක අඩංගු වූ කරුණු දැන් සනාථ වී තිබෙන බවත් මහාචාර්යවරයා පවසයි.

විශේෂයෙන්ම විදේශ ලේකම් ක්ෂෙනුකා සෙනවිරත්න ශ්‍රී ලංකාවේ අන්තර්ජාතික සම්බන්ධතා කඩාකප්පල් කිරීමට උත්සාහ දරා තිබෙන බවට මීට පෙර තමන් කරුණු සහිතව පෙන්වා දී තිබෙන බවද ඔහු සඳහන් කළේය.

‘කේලම් කිවුවා’

ඉන්දියාවේ විදේශ ඇමතිනී සුෂ්මා ස්වරාජ් විරුද්ධ පක්ෂ මන්ත්‍රීවරියකව සිටියදී ශ්‍රී ලංකාවේ සංචාරය කළ අවස්ථාවේ ඇය මුණනොගැසෙන මෙන් විදේශ ලේකම්වරිය ජනාධිපතිවරයාට බලපෑම් කිරීම ඒ පිලිබඳ ආසන්තම උදාහරණයක් බවද මහාචාර්ය විජේසිංහ සංදේශයේ සරෝජ් පතිරණ සමඟ සාකච්ඡාවකට එක්වෙමින් කියා සිටියේය.

“කේලම් කිවුව ජනාධිපතිතුමාට. ජනාධිපතිතුමා එයාව බලන්නේ නැතුව ඉන්න හැදුවා,”යනුවෙන්ද ඔහු පැවසීය.

Full Story


9 Responses to “සජින්, ක්ෂෙනුකා ගේ වැඩ තහනම් කළ යුතුයි – රජීව”

  1. NeelaMahaYoda Says:

    The cat is out of the bag now. When Douglas Wickremaratne of Sinhala Sangamaya in England was banned from High Commissioner’s meeting while she was working as the high commissioner, we, all, suspected that this woman is a CIA agent working hard to frame MR for war crimes. She was very closely associating with the labour party leader Miliband and personally apologised on behalf of the government when Dayan Jayathillake, then UN ambassador to Geneva wrote a strong and factual rebuff to one of Millibands’s harsh criticism of GOSL. So Hon. MR stick to them until they buddle you up for war crime tribunal. Be assured no one will say a word on your behalf.

  2. Lorenzo Says:

    BBC cannot be trusted!

    It has always been anti-SL.

    Dayan J was not a good diplomat. He went against what he was told to do and TRAPPED SL into 13 amendment and other undeliverable promises. It was DJ who planned the end of MR and GR.

  3. Ananda-USA Says:


    Forgive me for contradicting you, but please be assured that I for one, will say the following “words” on behalf of MR.

    Also be assured, that there are MILLIONS of patriotic citizen voters in Sri Lanka who will say much more than one “word” on MR’s behalf .. for their lives today are INFINITELY BETTER and MORE SECURE because MR took office as the President of Sri Lanka.

    Let me direct a few questions to the critics of the GOSL led by MR, vociferously criticizing and slinging volumes of mud at the present government of Sri Lanka.

    In which period of Sri Lanka, have we had a corruption-free government that was not criticized by its political opponents? When?

    In which part of the world are governments completely free-of corruption? UK, US, Norway and India perhaps? Don’t make me laugh, for I can quote Chapter and Verse to the contrary. Watergate in the US, and Tamilgate in Norway comes to mind.

    In world history, were there any governments that were not accused of corruption, and worse, by the opposition?

    Abraham Lincoln’s US Govt during the US Civil War that restored the integrity of the nation and freed the slaves was viewed as a tyrannical govt in its day by many and Lincoln demonized as the devil incarnate, Churchill’s UK Govt during World War II that saved Britain from the Nazis, but was kicked out in a landslide immediately afterwards, Theodore Roosevelt’s US Govt that freed the US economy from monopoly control was demonized by business as a dictatorship and accused of violating the Constitution, Jayalalitha in Tamil Nadu now sits in prison for enriching herself in office while the Gandhi’s were accused of nepotism and extra-official governance by Sonia Gandhi, the Senayake-Kothalawala UNP govts that ushered independence to Sri Lanka was ousted disastrously by the SLFP championing the common man’s aspirations, Barack Obama’s present US government that extended healthcare to all Americans is accused of bungling US foreign policy, and presiding over corruption in the Internal Revenue Service. Need I go on to list more …?

    Which of these governments has not been demonized and roundly accused of corruption and assorted crimes by the political opposition? The answer is clear: NONE!

    The difference that exists between those instances in world history and the current situation in Sri Lanka, is that there are powerful foreign forces today funding and orchestrating the destabilization of popularly elected governments in various parts of the world, INCLUDING SRI LANKA, who hire full time propagandists to achieve their ends, using the internet, the world wide web, and smartphone based social media tools widely available today.

    We saw these strategies at work in the Arab Spring revolutions, in Sudan, Libya, Egypt, Iraq, Syria, and Ukraine, that working through presumably “concerned internet democrats” undermined and displaced established governments, pitted various segments peoples in those countries against each other, created social chaos where there was none, and are now WAILING WORLDWIDE like innocent bystanders about the anarchy they themselves seeded and planted in those nations turning them into conflict-ridden anarchies.

    Today, millions of their citizens have died as a result, and have been reduced to poverty, homelessness and refugee status. Not too long ago, before the MR’s UPFA govt took matters in hand, Sri Lanka was in the SAME SOUP, with complete lawlessness, bombs going off killing people at will, and foreign governments and NGOs demonizing the GOSL and advocating the disintegration of our Motherland into communal fiefdoms. We have to understand, that TOLERANCE of these self-serving voices advocating “human rights” and “democracy” for terrorists and anti-national forces, was primarily responsible for our failure to solve the problems of Sri Lanka. Divesting ourselves of that slavish brainwashed mindset was central to our deliverance from the grip of anarchy. Never again should we as a people fall into that trap.

    The same process that created that chaos is now being attempted to undermine Sri Lanka, with political activists in the pay of foreign paymasters frequenting the social media in the guise of “genuine citizens” voicing “genuine complaints” against the Govt of Sri Lanka.

    In the recent past, major newspapers, NGOs and individuals have been bought like cattle and paraded about voicing a litany of complaints, and creating conflict where there were none before. New organizations, NGOs and brand new commenters are springing magically, and after establishing their “bona fides” as “true patriots” for a few months, get to work assiduously to deliver on their anti-national assignments with their paymasters.

    As the Presidential Elections in Sri Lanka grow closer, expect these anti-national voices carefully voicing their disagreements now, to become QUITE FRANTIC in delivering shotgun blasts against the MR-led GOSL.

    I strongly urge those who visit LankaWeb, and read the posts and the comments that appear here, to be aware that a phalanx of political agents in the pay of foreign paymasters, local politicians in Sri Lanka, and members of the Eelamist Tamil Diaspora, are now at work attempting to capture the debate at LankaWeb, overwhelming the established posture of LankaWeb as a patriotic website committed to fostering Sri Lanka’s independence, sovereignty, and its rapid development to become the New Wonder of Asia in the near future.

  4. NeelaMahaYoda Says:

    Dear Ananda
    For god’s sake stop pampering corrupt politicians. You can’t justify corruption by claiming that everyone does it. Presently Corruption is running rampant both in politics and in the state structures already crippling social well-being and economic growth in Sri Lanka. It is now more important than ever before for the future prosperity of Sri Lanka, because we are investing billions of dollars of borrowed money for development projects. If we lose even 10% of that as bribery, extortion, cronyism, nepotism, patronage, graft, and embezzlement , then extended payback period will make the investment useless and wasteful Politicians of both sides of the parliament in Sri Lanka are very reluctant to introduce new legislation because of people like you who are not willing to take it serious.

  5. aloy Says:

    SWRD’s rule from 1956 to 58 was not corrupt; perhaps he had to die because he was not so. We need an educated person like that to lead the country again. Current leadership of SLFP has corrupted not only the party but practically everybody else in the country.

  6. Raj Says:

    Most of the Sri Lankans think and the media reports, Nonis is the best diplomat we ever had, he is educated, highly talented and so on. But the truth is Nonis is the worst HC we ever had in London. We would like to argue with anyone who wants to come up with fact to prove Nonis has done a yeoman service. Read the following
    >>1.Never replied to letters, telephone calls or Emails. There are plenty organisations, members of the community have left messages after messages but not even received an acknowledgement for last 3 years. He is stubborn and inefficient character. Just a TALK SHOP. NO ACTION.
    >>2.Nonis says that he has managed to lobby so many British MPs which is his prime duty. But by now we have lost all the labour MPs, remaining only couple of conservative MPs , but they are also not powerful. Last Wednesday all the other Torrie MPs joined tiger band wagan. So what has he done? He couldn’t convince a single British MP since Sep 2011. If he has done any we need proof. Not just words, I mean proof.
    >>3.Because of his negligence, ignorance and giving free hand to operate without any monitoring and countering pro LTTE activities become more powerful than never before. They managed to meet British PM, and now getting support from both leading political parties. Read what Foreign Sec Hugo Sware and his predecessor William Hague have told about SL. So Nonis is NO WHERE
    >>4.Treats staff as shit/ inhumanly. Sacked many talented career diplomats making false accusations. Not allow others to do any work. Staff does not say any word against this Hitler just to keep their jobs. He doesn’t like talented people prefer sleeping beauties , because then he can ignore all the diplomatic work and countering LTTE propaganda.
    >>5.Adviced staff not to invite anyone who has critisised him to the HC and those who have knowledge about British politics and Diaspora activities.
    >>6.He says that he has friend at the top yet couldn’t stop UN investigation. He says British PM, the Palace and UK MPs are under control. Then show us results. Nothing happening in favour of SL. LTTE is thriving. We all have seen how David Camoron’s bullying behaviou in SL during CHOGM.
    >>7.His driver (Dhanapala) not allows to use servant toilet at HC’s official residence even he is desperate and he uses an empty water bottle for urinate. Keep “choo bottle” in the car boot and dump in a bin later. Is this the way educated, talented diplomat behaves, treat his driver? Is this our culture, civilization?
    >>That’s why people call him “Bothal Choo Maha Komasaaris- Bothal Choo High Commissioner”
    >>8.Pretends he has consent from the President for all these dirty work and closely associate Presidents to control others and very good at deceiving the public from his nice words.
    >>9.Promote tea and his businesses. Less priority to diplomatic job. Control business deals previously carried out by Trade Division and hide trade deals. Give all the business to his associates breaking all the rules. Conflict of interests.
    >>10.Very difficult to meet, if you ask a question, you will be fired. He likes donkey monkeys those who stomach what he says. You will be very lucky if you get an appointment. But waiting time is 1.30-2 hrs. If nonis gives an appointment at 10pm you will be called in by 12.00 mid day. You have to wait outside going through his rubbish books. He wants to show that he is very difficult to meet, very busy person. He does this purposely enjoy watching you waiting outside from cctv screen fixed on his desk.
    >>11.Nonis tried to cover up his blunder during diamond jubilee. All the diplomats those who have a knowledge and common sense said not to organise any events outside jubilee programme, but Nonis went his own way and betrayed President by organising Commonwealth Business Forum event at Mansion house because he is a director there. Now commonwealth Business forum is gone bust. As a director he should have inside knowledge about performance of that organisation. Since then it took only 2 years CBF to bankrupt.
    >>12.Made two secretaries including highly talented Orissa De Silva to resign from the job by shouting at them in dirty, filthy words (Amu thiththa kunuharupa). So using filthy, dirty, rude words are not new to Nonis. He uses them all the time to treat his slaves (staff) at High Commission in London. Please refer to staff members (present and pass) if you have any access to them.
    >>13.Sri Lanka government pays £16,500 per month for Nonis house rent.”
    >>– comment by Sandy in lankahotnews
    >>IF Nonis called KS a “f****** b****”, then he is no different to Sajin.
    >>For point #9,
    >>1. Please google mackwoodstea.com/gallery .
    >>Even his MOTHER was promoting MACKWOODS using his position! (Nonises are directors of Mackwoods).
    >>2. But this takes the cake.
    >>“Presentation of Mackwoods Tea to His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI by His Eminence Cardinal Malcolm Ranjith” which shows even CARDINAL Malcolm Ranjith is a sales representative of Nonis. No wonder Nonis pressurized CARDINAL Malcolm to disrupt the president’s visit to Pope.
    >>3. And he used his position to get PRINCE CHARLES to his business in Nuwara Eliya!
    >>“His Royal Highness Prince Charles, the Prince of Wales, Sri Lanka’s High Commissioner in the UK Dr. Chris Nonis and others at the Mackwoods Labookellie Tea Estate in Nuwara Eliya during his visit to Sri Lanka.” (vernoncorea.wordpress).
    >>4. And he continues to use his position to advance his business interests.
    >>“Mr Mukesh Ambani – Managing Director and Chairman of Reliance Industries, was appointed to head the Trust’s India Advisory Council, and Dr. Chris Nonis, Chairman of the Mackwoods Group and Sri Lankan High Commissioner to the UK was appointed to head the Trust’s Sri Lanka Advisory Council. They join Tom Singh, OBE, founder of New Look Fashion, who heads the Trust’s UK Advisory Council, and Arif Naqvi, founder and CEO of Abraaj Group, who heads the Trust’s Pakistan Advisory Council.” (asiantribune)
    >>5. From island.lk in 2012.
    >>“A group of Lankan expatriates in the United Kingdom have raised issue over the dual role played by the incumbent Sri Lankan Higher Commissioner to London as he continues to serve as chairman of a key mercantile firm, which they asserted, was “in violation of the Government Establishment Code (GEC)”.
    >>At a meeting held in London last week, the concerned group pointed out that according to GEC (Chapter XXX titled ‘Rights of Government over its offices’: Sections 1:1 and 1:2), “a government official cannot engage in any other business”.
    >>They quoted the relevant sections: “The government has a total claim to the time, knowledge, talents and skills of its officers and their salary is fixed on the assumption, unless specifically provided for otherwise. No officer may take part in the affairs of any commercial or business undertaking or of any firm carrying on any description of professional work”.
    >>One of the key questions asked from prospective candidates under ‘Future Employment Relationships’ is – “will you sever all connections with your present employers, business firms, business associations or business organizations if your proposed appointment is confirmed?”, they pointed out.
    >>The official website of Mackwoods Group of Companies lists Dr. Chris Nonis as its Chairman, which is in violation of the GEC as he serves as Sri Lanka’s High Commissioner to London, they said.
    They also quoted London’s ‘Diplomat Magazine’ (December2011/January 2012), which inter alia, stated, “Dr. Chris Nonis is also an accomplished businessman, having in 2005 succeeded his mother, Sriyani, as Chair of the family business, Mackwoods, a Sri Lankan company established in 1841 which nowadays employs approximately 8,500 people across a range of industries including healthcare, agribusiness and plantations, infrastructure development, energy, tourism and financial services, including stockbroking and fund management”.”It has been proven beyond doubt that Nonis
    continues to serve as the chairman of Mackwoods, which is unacceptable in terms of the law”, the apolitical group, which met at the Lihiniya Restaurant in London, said voicing deep concern over the development.”
    >>So gentlemen, please be SANE enough to look at both sides of the coin. This is NOT to say Sajin or Jaliya are correct. It proves Nonis was NOT the great HC

  7. Lorenzo Says:


    Thank you for copying my comment which was deleted. Someone made it into an email and distributed.

    But I think we should let the matter DIE A NATURAL DEATH now because the more we dwell into it, the more DAMAGE it can cause to SL.

    The world will KNOW we are a bunch of idiots who cannot put our own house in order. It was WRONG to appoint someone who cannot give his 100% to the ALL IMPORTANT HC job. It was another wrong to slap him. GOSL seems to have a funny way of HIRING and FIRING people!

    I propose the good name of TC Rajaratnam (Barrister at law) for the post of UK HC.

  8. Nanda Says:

    “I propose the good name of TC Rajaratnam (Barrister at law) for the post of UK HC.”

    – who is this Tamil Raj ? What are his qualifications ( besides attending Low college) ? What are his relationship with LTTE and MR. We should know first.

  9. Nanda Says:

    Appears like Sinna Rajs coming to rescue Maha Raj in Lanka Web.

    He should note that we don’t support ( hold the Pandam) any bugger but execute our birth right to defend out Sinhale from any bugger as long as we can. If the moderator stops it so be it, we go silent with honour like our sons and daughters who gave life to liberate Sinhale and went silent.

    Sinhale does not belong to Endians and pandamas residing in various parts of the world aspiring to be “new rich” , and especially to Tamil pandamas who are determine to grab eelaam using pandaming the Maha Raj.

    Real development is not International Airports with 2 planes landing daily and a port with 1 ship birthing daily and empty roads all over the place with no ease of travel.

    ‘Devo Vassatukalena
    sassasampattihetu cha
    phito bhavatu loko cha
    raja bhavatu dhammiko’
    (May the rains be on time, may the farmers have successful harvests, may the ruler be just, and by these happenings may the people prosper.)

    Patriots are not pandamas to any political party. They don’t approve crime.

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