


Reyyaz Salley

We condemn the attack on the Mumbai city. Where hundreds of lives were taken and so many people injured, this is not the jihad it said in the Holy Quran this is a mere brutality. Terrorism should be wiped out every where in the world .

When the minority get victimized by a racial government this is the out come of it. Even in Sri Lanka there plans to attack the minority , certain extremist group inside the government make situation worst for the minorities before we wipe out the terrorism they should eliminate the radical groups inside a government.

Islam is a peaceful religion but certain extremist Islamic groups founded by certain Middle East countries are teaching hatred to the children in Sri Lanka Madras's too. These have to be watched too.

The World belongs to all religion and let's hopes and prays and lives peacefully. In Islam there is a sect called the sufi's there the most obedient masters in Islam. SUFISM IS AGAINST TERRORISM.

The Politicians in every nook and corner should respect the mankind forgetting all cast, creed and race. That is the only way we could live peacefully. Islam say's to respect all religion and also to respect the law of the country. It does not matter whether it's an Islamic or a non Islamic country. May the Almighty bring peace to our mother Lanka and to the Universe where the Almighty created this world with Prophet Adam and Eve. .

Let us all join in condolence and pray for the dead who let there life for there country and pray for a peaceful Universe.
Country before Self
Reyyaz Salley

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