



Politicians who are dear and near to the people and who selflessly stand for the welfare of the masses getting chopped off, marginalized or forced out by despotic or reactionary party bosses is a phenomenon entrenched in the post-independence political culture of Sri Lanka. The origin of this phenomenon dates back to the anti-people conspiracy hatched by the elitist urbanite Anglophile reactionary cabal to deny the late Prime Minister Mr. S.W.R.D.Bandaranaike the rightful place to lead the party which he tirelessly co-founded. This immoral seclusion developed with additional features to punish popular politicians and Mr. Wimal Weerawansa is the latest victim of this despicable political culture.

The history of the UNP is dotted with numerous incidences of punishing, marginalizing and dismissing patriotic politicians. People friendly R.G.Senanayake, M.D.H.Jayawardene, Gamini Dissanayake, Lalith Athulathmudali and Dr. Neville Fernando to name a few in the old UNP, were forced to leave the party or dismissed from the party for the crime of being friendly with the people and for espousing patriotic causes. In the Ranil Wickremasinghe’s western slavish UNP, Mr. Karu Jayasuriya a person who walked all the way from Kandy to Colombo to build up the party image in the so-call Jana Bala Mehayuma and several others who are patriotic and loyal to the country were forced to leave the party without according them their due place and giving prominent place instead to a tie-coat clan and terrorist proxy green tigers who are averse to the Sri Lankan culture and who do not hesitate to betray the nation’s interest at the drop of a hat.

The SLFP although it is a party based on Sri Lankan cultural values, and is held by a consolidation of patriotic rural masses of all communities, suffered some setbacks due to reactionary intrigues and their skilful use of reactionary agent Chandrika and her cronies. Reactionary Chandrika was central to all internal conflicts suffered by the party for many years. Reactionary and NGO combine parachuted her to prevent the patriotic Mrs. Bandaranaike becoming the President of Sri Lanka. Under the tenure of Chandrika, President Mahinda Rajapakse, who selflessly dedicated his life to reinvigorate and strengthen the SLFP during its long neglected years and bring it to its pristine glory was deliberately sidelined and only her cronies who were unfit and alien to the SLFP political culture reigned supreme. Ultimately to restore the people’s will, Mr. Rajapakse had to fight and force his way to become the Leader of the Opposition, the Prime Minister and the Presidential candidate.

This ignominy didn’t even spare the inapt regional and racist political outfits where instead of the deserving individuals, tyrants, dollar crows and enemies of the nation rose to highest and leadership positions.

Wimal Weerawansa episode of the JVP is the latest of this tyrannical suppression of the people’s voice in the Sri Lankan political culture. Even in the JVP, this is not the first instance that those who attempted to espouse the people’s aspiration had been suppressed or kicked out to political wilderness. G.I.D.Dharmasekera, Loku Athula, Lionel Bopage, and Nandana Gunatilleke are some among such victims.

Mr. Wimal Weerawansa, who had forgone his studies and all the pleasures and joy of his youth for his dedicated service to build up and strengthen the JVP, despite objection by his ailing father had worked under the worstever political climate that existed in Sri Lanka seeing the looming death in all his surroundings has emerged as the very icon of the JVP.

There is no one else in the JVP who is so dear and near to the common man, who understood the heartbeats of the poor, who aspired for the emancipation of the common man, who realized the problems and hardships of the youth and above all selflessly loved this nation over and above every other desire. He despised people who overtly and covertly act against the interests and sovereignty of the nation and daringly condemned acts that harmed and endangered the nation. His talent in convincing the masses through his fiery speeches in Sinhala is unique and he has a very rare capability of presenting issues in a credible manner to convince his audience.

The backing Mr.Weerawansa received from a young group of JVP MPs itself is testimony that he is a living idol of Sri Lanka’s rural youth majority of them yet remains in the JVP fold, despite the conspicuous anti-national, self-centred and arrogant deeds and acts of the old guard of the party. He is undoubtedly one of the great contemporary patriots which he proved by his words and deeds since he appeared in the political map of this country. He is the right hand man of Ven. Elle Gunawansa Thero in the Patriotic National Movement, and a strong pillar in the Manel Mal Movement dedicated to serve the families of the security forces.

It was pathetic to listen to his self-explanatory parliament speech and to learn about JVP decision to take action against this heroic patriot who had selflessly dedicated a greater part of his precious life to build and strengthen the very party. His purported crime for this stupid punishment is failure to follow a party decision which in essence was supportive of the terrorist cause.

It is utterly shame that what the conglomeration of reactionary, NGO, alienophile and terrorist-proxy elements that unsuccessfully tried all these years to defame and destroy this patriot has been undertaken by the pro-reactionary and orthodox elements of his own party. And the most despicable act is the Party’s hidden agenda of using him for delivering electioneering speeches in the Eastern Province and expel from the Party after conclusion of the election.

As per latest reports Mr. Weerawansa has been forced to go underground as his life is reported to be in danger from the vicious elements in the Party. These vicious elements have already in the hunt for the blood of other JVP MPs who publicly backed Mr. Weerawansa, and one such MP has been forced to claim allegiance with the Party after being kept under house arrest. Action taken by the government to discover the robbed vehicles of the dissident MPs and arrest the MP allegedly responsible for these robberies is commendable. The Government should take immediate and stern action to protect the life and property of all dissident MPs and their kith and kin.

In the meantime, maximum security arrangements should be made to protect Mr. Weerawansa and his family members who held various positions in the JVP. Mr. Weerawansa’s life is in real danger not only from the pro-reactionary and orthodox elements in the JVP but also from the terrorist outfit and other anti-national elements. All possible arrangements should be made to allow Mr. Weerawansa to express his views without allowing the enemies of this nation to be complacent and take advantage of the void that has been forced upon to deny the nation from hearing his valuable views on the current political situation and the anti-terrorist operation.

Let the patriotic voice of Mr. Weerawansa thunder in all the four corners of the country and let it be a driving force against the terrorists, the reactionaries and the vicious anti-social and anti-national elements.

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