

Mumbai terrorist attack

Asoka Weerasinghe Kings Grove Crescent . Gloucester . Ontario Canada

December 12, 2008

The Editor
Canada’s Foreign Policy Magazine


It does seem that India’s High Commissioner-designate, Mr. Shashishekar M.Gavai is devastated with the Mumbai terrorist attack which killed 200 people, and the world was triggered into a shock. I do sympatize with him and all of India for this cowardly act.

But, I just cannot let Mr. Gavai forget how India’s Indira Gandhi took Sri Lanka’s bare-footed Tamil guerilla’s after the July 83 riots, to train them for military combat in India’s military camps in the south and north.

And after graduating them as a bunch of terrorists she sent them back dressed in military fatigues and jack boots, cradling Kalashnikovs and RPGs, and festooned with live bullets. The outcome of this neighbourly interference is that there have been over 70,000 deaths because of this Tamil Tiger terrorists separatist war, garnished with 374 suicide bombings. And India did creat a monster, much more lethal than al-Qaeda or the Taliban.

The Tamil Tigers have been banned in Canada since April 2006, as a terrorist organization and so has it been banned in India, after they assassinated Indira Gandhi's son, Rajiv Gandhi in 1991.

For all these killings during the past 25 years by this ‘Made in India’ Tamil Tiger terrorists, I haven’t noticed the world being jarred into shock as it did with the Mumbai terrorist attack. Though sad, such is the ground reality.

Who cares for the small fry like the unfortunate innocent, unarmed civilians massacred by the ‘Made in India' Tamil Tiger terrorists in that puny island nation tucked away in a remote part of the Indian Ocean? That is how the cookie crumbles. And that is a shame in our civilized world.

Asoka Weerasinghe


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