

The accusation of Armed Forces by the UN envoy Mr. Allan Rock is highly biased. Consider the following facts to see why his investigation is not credible.

Don J. Wick CSLAT (Canadian Sri Lankans Against Terrorism.)

Mr. Allan Rock was a former Liberal MP from Toronto, Canada, where he held key ministerial positions in the previous Canadian Liberal government. Like many Liberal politicians in the past, Allan Rock was very sympathetic to Tamil Tigers, as his riding had a considerable number of Tamil voters. As with many Liberal Party politicians in Canada, Tamils have gained a lot of support from the Liberal government Ministers like Allan Rock, due to assurance of large block of Tamils votes in his riding by the key LTTE organizers like "The World Tamil Movement", and other LTTE front associations. During his candidacy, most of his political campaign work was done by the Tamil supporters, as it was common with many of the Liberal Party candidates in Toronto area .

There was no doubt that he gained lots of support from the Tamil voters and, as a result, he was very much oppose to banning of the LTTE in Canada. Like many Liberal members of the Parliament at the time, Allan Rock turned a blind eye to many of the illegal activities of fund raising by the LTTE in Canada. Especially, under his watch as the Minister of Justice and, as the Attorney General afterwards.

It seems that Allan Rock has specifically targeted GOSL and the Armed Forces, knowing very well that the LTTE is the number one recruiter of the children for many years. Why didn't he made this trip earlier to investigate the well known facts about the abduction of children by the LTTE, which by the way well-documented by many of the UN envoys who went to Sri Lanka before him? Why not make a trip to places like Sierra Leon, Sudan and other hot spots in the world where children are recruited openly by many terrorist organizations?

Mr. Rock claims that he has credible evidence that Armed forces are recruiting children for Karuna...? It is also important to notice that he claims he gained all these evidence thanks to GOSL, which provided him with unhindered access to all areas and facilitated meetings with a cross-section of government sectors, as a part of its long-standing policy of openness and constructive engagement with UN Human Rights commissions. Would LTTE allow him unlimited access to their restricted area for him to investigate such abuses? It seems amazing what he has accomplished within just 10 days of his stay in Sri Lanka...?

Could this be another clever attempt by the LTTE propaganda machine to discredit the GOSL and its forces by taking advantage of incompetent, bleeding heart liberal politicians turned UN ambassadors, who are gullible and brained washed by the LTTE ?? There is no doubt that some of these former Liberal MP's are under obligation to support the LTTE, in return for the support they have received from the Tamils during their political careers in Canada. This fact along is enough to question the real motives of their missions and, seriously undermines their credibility as unbiased investigators.

The other question is, why would UN send these biased ambassadors, some of whom are obviously LTTE sympathizers, and backed by the LTTE supporters in Canada and elsewhere...??

May be GOSL should insist on UN for a complete background check on these so-called ambassadors, before they come to Sri Lanka with their obvious biases and prejudices to investigate alleged crimes by the Armed forces and the GOSL .....



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