

Reporters Without Borders are either Lunatics or simply ignorant of causes that justify their intervention.

By Charles S.Perera

If they are normal intelligent people how can the Reporters Without Borders, say that the bombing the Voice of Tigers is violation of International Law. There is no International Law that protects terrorists or terrorism. If there is, that would be quite a paradox. The Geneva conventions and other International Law that cover war apply to conventional warfare. There is nothing conventional about terrorism.

If the Reporters without Borders take terrorism as a cause that they defend, then they themselves become partners to terrorism in aiding and abetting them. The terrorists have no right to disseminate their propaganda of hatred and wild accusations against a sovereign state, either by seizing by force the state telecommunications system, or having their own clandestine communication systems. This blatant accusation of the Reporters Without Borders shows to what extent the International Community through all means at their disposal are ready to go to disestablish a developing country like Sri Lanka.

Even the Media Front making a great issue of the burning of the Leader printing press shows that, the Media Front, like a drowning man holding on even to a straw hoping to save himself, holds on to any news item, if they could discredit the Government. Every one knows that Leader News papers are the worst anti-national media, that write for the benefit of one individual-its own Editor. It is a news paper that is dishonest and turns from one government to another according to the extent to which a government is favourable to the Editor or not. The burning of any press or any other institution is a serious matter, that should be condoned, but Leader news papers unfortunately asked for what they received.

The media to-day is more often reactionary and report to discredit and dishonour governments that do not fall in line with their own thinking. There is much ridicule meted out towards developing Nations by different media reports. China had been a target of their attacks for number of years, and now they are turning their flames of hatred to the President of Russia Mr.Vladimir Putin. Their was not later than yesterday a TV Programme in France, caricaturing the President of Russia, bringing up all obnoxious details about him, interviewing the Russian dissidents who had fled Russia and become American Citizens. International Community is aware of the Importance of Putin's Russia, which will not give into their whims and fancies as Yeltsing did to displace Gorbachev, swallowing the American bait.

Everything, is afoot to preserve the leadership of the world in the hands of the International Community. Sri Lanka is but small fry for these ambitious world media fronts and the likes of them, which are only tentacles of the larger body- the International Community. We see how the BBC openly supports terrorism in Sri Lanka. Why does the Associated Press reports on terrorism in Sri Lanka always and invariable include the paragraph " The Tamil Tigers have been fighting since 1983 to create a separate homeland for Sri Lanka - 's minority ethnic Tamils following decades of discrimination by governments controlled by the Sinhalese majority ".

The discrimination against the Tamils by the Government of Sri Lanka is false, it is an exaggeration always high lighted to discredit the government. It is only an amplification of Tamil racism against the Sinhala majority by certain interested groups. Why always speak about Sinhala chauvinism, when there is also Tamil chauvinism, or rather Tamil jingoism.

Every organization with an international appellation, be it the media, red cross,UNICEF, human rights watch etc. are up in arms against the Sovereign State of Sri Lanka, because it is fighting against a group of terrorists which is ruthless, but though the terrorists of Sri Lanka have proved them selves ruthless by their terrorism in Sri Lanka, they have been adopted by the International Community and their affiliated organisations, groups, fronts, and forums, for whom the Government is the ruthless terrorists !!!.

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