

Gutter Tactics of Amnesty International (AI) Condemned - SPUR


It is indeed a woeful situation to see an organization, which claims itself to be protecting human rights has been engaged in an unethical, low quality mode of operations against a democratic nation. Reports from the Caribbean Islands indicate that the Amnesty international has been engaged in cheap propaganda campaign against the SL people and their cricket team to tarnish their good image and thereby to lower the performance of the SL cricketers.

It is a well-known fact that all Sri Lankan's irrespective of their racial or any other differences always support the SL cricket team. Sports have always helped Sri Lankan's as well as all South Asian people to bridge differences and to unite as one nation.

Perhaps it is the same reason why the AI has chosen to attack the SL cricket team. Perhaps, the AI might be thinking that the blood of the Sri Lankan's is cheap so that they do not have a right to fight against terrorism. Perhaps it wants to ensure that the third world remains where it is forever.... The Society for Peace, Unity and Human Rights for Sri Lanka, a leading organization of SL expatriates has condemned this irrelevant and unethical act of the AI in a letter sent to its officials.

Following is the full text of the letter addressed to the Chair Person of the AI, by the SPUR officials.
The Chair of the Board of Management

Amnesty International Australia
Locked Bag 23

2 April 2007

Dear Sir/Madam,

Gutter Tactics of Amnesty International (AI) Condemned
AFP has reported today that AI is conducting a campaign during the Cricket World Cup in the Caribbean to collect signatures supporting the establishment of a human rights monitoring committee in Sri Lanka. The authenticity of this report has been verified after checking with Sri Lankan fans attending games played by Sri Lanka in the Caribbean including the match played yesterday against the West Indies. Patrons at these matches have been asked to sign fluffy cricket balls supporting AI's request establish an international human rights commission in Sri Lanka.

SPUR unreservedly condemn this unethical, underhand action by Amnesty International and request that you inform your counterparts in the Caribbean as well as the Head Office in London to desist from progressing with this modus operandi. Signatures obtained using this kind of tactic would have little effect in strengthening your flawed case as well as possibly create a sense of hostility towards the Sri Lankan Sinhalese, Tamil and Muslim cricketers who are proudly representing their Nation at the highest level in sport.

Furthermore, we will hold AI responsible if any abuse or pressure is brought upon any members or support staff of the cricket team by the public in the Caribbean due to your callous action. Your action has the capacity to undermine the Sri Lankan team's morale (and hence performance) as in justifying your actions, you are sullying Sri Lanka's excellent record in protecting democracy for close to 60 years since gaining independence from Britain.

For your record, we would like to remind you that the Tamil Tiger Terrorists brutally assassinated 6 Sinhalese labourers building an orphanage for children affected by the Tsunami in Eastern Sri Lanka. These poor workers only crime was to be Sinhalese helping Tamils affected by the tsunami find shelter. Furthermore, the LTTE has bombed a passenger bus in Batticaloa killing 15 civilians (including 3 children) and injuring more than 25 people. We will be watching with interest, what steps you take nationally and internationally to condemn this beastly act of the Tamil Tiger terrorists.

It is time that AI plays with a straight bat and takes a considered stance against Tamil Tiger terrorist's violation of human rights.

Inaction will only confirm AI's bias in favour of terrorists. Don't give us the bunkum that your charter is limited to keeping democratically elected governments honest.

Trust you will put your money where your mouth is and immediately take necessary steps to stop violating the fundamental rights of Sri Lankan cricketers and their supporters enjoying a peaceful game of cricket.

Thanking you,
Yours sincerely,

Dr Dasarath Jayasuriya



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