

Terrorist propaganda and brainwashing machine VOT - Open letter to UNESCO

Ben Silva


Dear Sir,
I refer to the press reports which indicated that the Director-General of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) condemned a deadly attack on a LTTE propaganda radio station.
VOT was a terrorist propaganda machine. It broadcast terrorist propaganda. It converted innocent people into killers by publishing lies and brain washing material. Did you want to create more suicide bombers? Did you want more innocent people to die ? What sort of education business are you in ? Educating and Training killers? I thought educationalists have values ? Sad to say, if you support terrorists, you appear to have no values and no morality and not even any principles. If you have no values ands morality, should you be in education ?

Did you take brain washing and conversion to suicide bombers as part of education. If you thought so, then you become a member of a terror gang.
Already there is ample evidence that UN support terrorists. Your support confirms previous assumptions that UN is a terror supporter.

Further evidence

I wish to draw to your attention two explosions, carried out by LTTE that killed 19. LTTE recently killed 4 innocent farmers. UNICEF, a UN agency has been caught red handed, with combat meals. Only SL security forces and LTTE use combat meals. If the meals are not for the army then, it is likely that meals were intended for LTTE. There are also press reports that indicate that UNICEF has given money to TRO, which is a front for LTTE. Equipment and material with UN logo was found in the East , in LTTE bunkers, which indicated that UN agents has supplied material to LTTE. Further, there is allegation that material and equipment was provided by UN agencies to LTTE. UN sent Allan Rock, who made wild unsubstantiated allegations against Sri Lanka. Allan Rock is a well known LTTE sympathyser. Ms Coomaraswamy, who is a Tamil, also suspected as an LTTE sympathyser. UN has published reports, critical of Sri Lanka, which gives general impression in Sri Lanka is that UN has been infiltrated by LTTE. This is causing worry in Sri Lanka.

Please clarify your position,

Your support for terrorists, did make me defend innocent people strongly and no offence was intended.

Yours sincerely,

Ben Silva

CC Lankaweb


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