

Terrorist fund raising, propaganda activities and compensation of victims

Ben Silva, London

Rt Hon Gordon Brown MP
Prime Minister,

Dear Sir,

Terrorist fund raising, propaganda activities and compensation of victims

Unhindered Terrorist fund raising and propaganda activities are still being allowed to carry on in UK,. Many have objected to such activities in UK, but the authorities are simply turning a blind eye. Massive destruction and loss of lives are taking place in Sri Lanka due to the apathy shown by UK authorities to terrorist propaganda, terrorist brain washing and terrorist fund raising. A recent, 27 -11 -07, terrorist organised event, , in Excel attracted 25000. Most of them probably are bogus refugees. It appears that the event was organised by a LTTE front, British Tamil Forum (BTA), based in Harrow, using a bogus front. to deceive the authorities. Unless the authorities are very sharp, LTTE will simply hoodwink them and deceive them.

One of the main causes of destabilisation of Sri Lanka is the uncontrolled influx of bogus refugees allowed into UK, and the fund raising for terrorists by these bogus refugees.

If terrorism is not acceptable in UK or USA, then we should apply the same rules to Sri Lanka and the Sri Lankans should not be subjected to terrorism.

The British government is put to test by the LTTE operatives, by holding the Hero’s Day celebration at the Excel Centre, thus violating one of the provisions of the Terrorism Act, which specifically criminalize ‘Glorifying Terrorist cause’ as a criminal act. By allowing the event to take place, British authorities have ignored UK law. At the same time, justice in Sudan was questioned. Where is the justice when no action is taken against terrorist propaganda and terrorist fund raising, and terrorists are allowed to kill innocent people ?

Four poor Sinhala paddy cultivators, including a female, were shot dead Monday morning (26 November 2007 ) around 8:45 in northwest of Sri Lanka.

Also LTTE targeted a Tamil Govt. Minister Hon Douglas Devananda, Minister for Social Service and Social Welfare, using a suicide bomber. No doubt, the bomber was a naive and innocent Tamil women brainwashed by LTTE, probably had no way to escape LTTE. LTTE usually kill their deserters.

Please watch this terror suicide attack at:

The Minister escaped death, but one of his officials got killed. LTTE have eliminated most of the democratic, peace loving Tamil leaders. LTTE killed 4 Tamil mayors, simply because they supported a unified Sri Lanka.. For more information , please see

Recently, (Wed, 28 Nov 2007 ), LTTE also carried out a bombing near Colombo that killed 18. ref.

. LTTE has grown in strength and has become a powerful and rich terror group, mainly due to the large influx of bogus refugees allowed into Western countries and also due to the apathy and turning a blind eye by authorities.

As such, Western countries should bear responsibility to the damage and loss of life in Sri Lanka.

For unhindered fund raising in UK, please see Tiger taxation 1 Tiger taxation part 2

It appears rather sadly, that Western countries react only when terrorism affects them. When terrorism is caused by money raised in Western countries, a blind eye is turned. This is unjust, unfair , unethical, immoral and hypocritical conduct.

Adel Balasinham, who abused children by brain washing them, and converting them to killers, is allowed to live freely in UK, when there is ample evidence against her. Please see: LTTE female child soldiers (virgin killers and Adela Balasingham )

Violence, Torture, Kidnapping, Murder are committed by Tamil gangs in

Britain. Evidence is given in

UK and other Western countries failed to realise that whole LTTE opera rations are based on lies, deception, canards, fraud and disinformation. By allowing unhindered LTTE operations in WesterncCountries, Western countries are responsible for the deaths and destruction in Sri Lanka.

Tiger guerrillas from Wanni, infiltrate the south of the country and cause destruction. Press reports indicated that UK embassy staff objected to preventative measures taken by GOSL. This sort of action is playing into the hands of terrorists.

It is also strange and hypocritical conduct when UK and USA invaded Afghanistan, because Afghanistan harboured terrorists, when UK itself is harbouring terrorists and providing residency to bogus refugees, who fund the terrorist war in Sri Lanka.

It is natural justice that victims of terrorism obtain compensation from Countries that harbour terrorists and that give bogus refugees, residential status. The bogus refugees , raise funds for terrorism. Legal experts, ICJ need to pursue this matter of obtaining compensation/ legal aid to obtain compensation from countries that allow terrorist fund raising. Norway probably is on top of the list of countries that helped terrorists.

Unfortunately and sadly, UK has ceased to care, lost its sense of values and allowed terrorism to grow with terrible consequences to Sri Lanka. Human rights, economic development and eradication of poverty should be there for all humans and not merely for terrorists and their supporters who lie through their teeth to become residents in Western countries.

The question of who is funding LTTE terrorists need to be ascertained so that those responsible are made to compensate the victims. All evidence indicate that funds for terrorism is generated in Western Countries. As Jane’s intelligence indicated, LTTE is a multinational racist, criminal business, hell bent on creating a racist Tamil empire. It is sad that UK has been a paradise for the racist, criminal LTTE terror organisation, that used UK for propaganda and fundraising.

A good source of reference material is:

Please see for details of murders and massacres carried out by LTTE.

I shall be thankful, if you would kindly consider the issues raised in my letter and stop allowing UK to be a source of terrorist funding. No offence has been intended on our peace loving Tamil brothers and sisters.

Best wishes to you,

Yours sincerely,

Ben Silva,

CC HCSL, Media


3. Massacres by LTTE


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