

The British High Commissioner Chilcott's silly pronouncement, was the work of a bad fairy.

By Charles Perera

There are good fairies and bad fairies. A fairy once cast a spell over a prince and made him an ugly frog. A fairy can take any shape and play pranks with any one. A fairy may caste a spell over a person, and he may change from one person to another person or even an animal, without his noticing the change. His Excellency the British High Commissioner Mr. Dominick Chilcott, is supposed to have said, in front of a community of Burghers, in a voice which almost sounded the braying of an Ass, ( as some of the Burghers present, swore afterwards), if his fairy godmother were to grant him the power to change one thing in Sri Lanka's recent past it would be to prevent the Sinhala-only Law from coming into force and to make English the common working language.

But poor Excellency Mr.Chilcott really did not know what was happening. If any one cares to know what exactly happened, listen carefully and take my word for it. It was a bad fairy, that took the place of Chilcott's fairy godmother, and cast a spell on him, so that his brain changes to that of a Donkey. And the High Commissioner Chilcott who got up to speak to the Burgher Community, had a sudden loss of memory, and was not aware what he was doing in front of a community of white people who looked like him. And he brayed like a donkey because of his donkey brain, the bad fairy had placed in him. Everyone in the audience was taken by surprise. His braying they understood, because of the bad fairy's will, was to say some thing a High Commissioner of a Foreign Land should never tell in the host country, in which he represents his home country..

But the damage was done, every body knew, that had it been in another country the High Commissioner would have been made a persona non-grata, and kicked out of the country, probably even without the baggage. But the Burghers are merry people, like Carl Muller they like humour, and laugh for any thing and every thing. Therefore, to make light of the situation they all laughed.

Just then, Mr. Chilcott's fairy godmother appeared with her fairy wand ,and chased away the bad fairy, and took away the donkey brain from Mr.Chilcott's skull and replaced it with his own.

His Excellency the British High Commissioner Mr. Chilcott, unaware of what had happened, smiled, and said the British administrators favoured the Tamils and Burghers over the Sinhalese people, and Burghers and the Tamils got more senior government service jobs in proportion to their overall population than the Sinhalese did. Every body clapped, and Mr.Chilcott brayed, cleared his throat, and said sorry, and went and sat on his seat.

It is like that with fairies, and fairy lands any thing can happen.

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