


Asoka Weerasinghe
Gloucester . Ontario . Canada

December 5, 2007

Mr. Koichiro Matsuura
Director General
7 Place de Fontenoy
75352 PARIS 07 SP

Dear Mr. Matsuura:

I was glad to read that the Sri Lankan government had the gumption to demand a “retraction” of your statement which “condemned” the air strike on the Voice of Tigers (VoT). I would have been deeply disturbed otherwise.

I realize that with your over-zealous intentions to monitor the world according to the UNESCO mandate to “contribute to peace and security by promoting among nations through education, science and culture in order to further universal respect for justice, for the rule of law and for the human right and fundamental freedoms which are affirmed for the peoples of the world…”, you had difficulty to separate the trees from the forest.

Here is the difficulty that most of us have, and I suppose the Sri Lankan government too.

The UNESCO mandate prefaces by saying “contribute to peace and security by promoting among nations through education, science and culture…” Here is the rub. The Tamil Tigers are not a ‘nation’ as it is a terrorist group which has perfected the art of suicide bombing and on November 28^th conducted its 279^th suicide bombing when a Tamil Tigress blew herself up killing others on her way to blow up the Tamil Cabinet Minister, Douglas Devananda who is a thorn in their flesh. This was the ninth failed attempt to kill him. On the contrary, these terrorists who owned VoT have been for almost 30 years trying to destroy the ‘nation’, Sri Lanka, which is governed by a democratically elected parliament.

I have my doubts that UNESCO could explain to us how Tamil Tiger terrorism '*contributes* *peace and security* *through* ‘*education’*.

What *‘education’* can you expound to us other than brain-washing children and teach them how to pull triggers of Kalashnikovs to kill civilians, and push a button of a suicide body-pack to blow themselves up as suicide bombers to kill their targeted human beings, and along the way to become martyrs. Let’s hear your erudite explanation!

I have my doubts that you could convince anyone of us that Tamil Tiger terrorism is a *‘science’* *that would contribute to* *peace and security'* to that island nation, as on all accounts it certainly is the science of suicide-killings.

I challenge you to convince me that Tamil Tiger terrorism is not a suicide-killing *‘culture’* which brings about gory-death among innocent, unarmed civilians and how this would ‘*contribute to* *peace and security’* to Sri Lanka.

These are the three litmus tests that you as the Director-General of UNESCO have to pass to claim your right to slight the Sri Lankan government and refuse to ‘retract’ your defiant statement condemning the air strike on the Voice of Tigers (VoT).

If you look at this incident clinically after taking off your rose coloured “I-am-the- saviour-of-all-humanity” glasses, you will find that what the Sri Lankan government air force did was exactly what the UNESCO mandate expected them to do. Any high school student will tell you that it was legitimate to target and eradicate an appendage of terrorism which assassinate and massacre innocent civilians violating every tenet of human rights and the right to life.

They did not deviate from the UNESCO mandate one modicum either to the right or to the left during their intentions to “…contribute to/ /peace and security… *of that island nation by destroying one arm of terrorism, a clandestine, illegal radio station operated by Tamil Tiger terrorists who are banned in the UK, US, Canada, India, Malaysia and member states of the European Union ...;

They did not deviate from the UNESCO mandate one modicum either to the right or to the left */“… to further universal respect for justice…/”* by destroying the clandestine, illegal radio station of terrorist Tamil Tigers, who have abrogated every civilized universal norm of justice…..;

They did not deviate from the UNESCO mandate one modicum either to the right or to the left to uphold the clause “*/…for the rule of law…”/* by removing what is illegal by wiping out the impediment for the good governance of a sovereign state…..;

They did not deviate from the UNESCO mandate one modicum either to the right or the left to uphold the clause */“…and for the human rights and fundamental freedoms”…/*where this clandestine radio station had been used by the Tamil Tigers to take away the right to life of innocent civilians violating every form of human rights that UNESCO upholds as treasures.

In fact the VoT was the propaganda organ of the Tamil Tigers, the most ruthless terrorist group in the world. So what is your problem, Mr. Matsuura? How come, you are trying to paint yourself and the organization that you represent as lily-white and goody-two-shoes, and along the way surreptitiously provide a lifeline to the Tamil Tiger terrorists and act as an institutional Godfather to them.?

You obviously have difficulty to separate a “civilian radio station” from an “illegal, clandestine terrorist radio station” which contravenes all international conventions, thus becoming a legitimate target to be destroyed by a democratically elected government for the security of its nation and its peoples.

As a member of the jury of the Joe-public, I conclude that the Sri Lankan Government is not guilty of any misdemeanor by bombing the VoT by claiming its rights to safe guard the lives of its peoples and its territory. One couldn’t ask for anything more from a gutsy and a prudent government wanting to stop the hemorrhaging further of that island by the cyanide-necklaced Tamil Tiger terrorists.

I sincerely hope that you will comply with the Sri Lankan governments’ request to ‘retract’ your unconvincing statement, before we all paint you and your UNESCO staff with a single stroke of a brush as a bunch of fools who lack the critical, analytical mind, and lose credibility in our eyes.

Your sincerely,
Asoka Weerasinghe
Ottawa, Canada

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