

Re: Media Releases 1 & 2 dated Dec.3,2007

Ira de Silva
London, Ontario, Canada

December 4,2007

Executive Director
National Peace Council

Re: Media Releases 1 & 2 dated Dec.3,2007

Dear Sir:

Reference your latest media releases, rather than continually criticising the actions of the government, why does your group not come up with a viable strategy to PREVENT the suicide bombings by LTTE supporters. In release one, as usual you have rushed to judgement as today's news indicates that most of those detained have been released.

As for your statement regarding "people who have left the north and east where they cannot live peacefully and safely due to the war conditions in that part of the country", why not go to these parts of the country and reduce the "war conditions" by educating the Tamil terrorists and their supporters with as many seminars as are needed on negotiations and conflict resolution to get the LTTE not to promote war at every turn. You do this in other parts of the country. Why not Killinochchi?
That is where your "peace efforts" are needed most. It is evident to those who are not paid by foreign funding to promote conflict in Sri Lanka that the root cause of the problem is the LTTE supported by the Tamil diaspora and other organizations based in the west who pay their local operatives to create mayhem.

In release two, regarding what you term "well meaning international support", unfortunately some international support has been proven to be not well meaning but supportive of LTTE terrorism. Groups such as yours and other NGO's and INGO's have been providing moral support and funding to the LTTE. Regarding UNICEF, the three foreign staff employed by UNICF had taken part in a demonstration on June 6,2007. It was clearly a violation of their terms of employment. As late as November 23rd when asked by the Sri Lankan Foreign Ministry "to take appropriate
action", Weiss of UNICEF claimed that an internal inquiry was under way and one of the staff had already left the services of the UN agency. What were the other two still doing at UNICEF? Surely anyone in charge of an UN agency knows that it is illegal for their staff to involve themselves in partisan, local political activities.

It appears that UN foreign personnel in Sri Lanka, including Weiss, believe that they are there not to do humanitarian work but to be political activists and dictate to the government. This has been exposed in many instances such as Red Cross vehicles transporting military equipment and funding of the Tamil terrorist groups in many forms. Foreign so-called aid workers have got away with these activities for so long that they believe that it is their job. Now that they are being exposed you and they are trying to excuse their partisan behaviour with talk of long track records of humanitarian assistance and promoting the rights of children in Sri Lanka. What you ignore is that they have been partisan, biased and have a "long track record" of aiding and abetting the LTTE.

UNICF has got many commitments from the LTTE regarding child recruitment to what purpose? Child recruitment just increases. Could it be that child conscription by the LTTE is well known to UNICEF but no measures were taken against the LTTE because of the bias and support of UN personnel?

Regarding the TRO, by your own admission the LTTE prevented that aid from reaching the population and instead purchased arms. Therefore to state that "the direct casualty of the banning of TRO is the Tamil people in Sri Lanka, especially in the north and east" is patently false as they were not receiving rehabilitation aid from the TRO. What has been prevented is the funding of the LTTE to purchase arms. Why do you object?

Yours truly,

Ira de Silva
London, Ontario, Canada

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