

Re Statement on Bombing of Voice of Tigers Radio in Sri Lanka

Ira de Silva London, Ontario, Canada

December 4,2007

Mr. Koichiro Matsuura
Director General UNESCO
7 Place de Fontenoy
75352 PARIS 07 SP

Dear Sir:

_Re Statement on Bombing of Voice of Tigers Radio in Sri Lanka _

I am writing regarding your recent statement re Sri Lanka as I question your judgment as well as your source of information on Sri Lanka. While it is commendable that you should want to promote education in the world, I believe it should start with educating yourself on the reality of the situation in Sri Lanka before making such an uninformed statement. I read that the government of Sri Lanka ,through it's ambassador to France, has asked for a retraction. Though an individual, I am writing to also ask for an immediate retraction and apology for misrepresenting to the world what is taking place in Sri Lanka. Yours is another UN organization that has made the mistake of believing Tamil terrorist stooges in your offices in Colombo, Sri Lanka and blindly issuing statements without any knowledge, confirmation or validation of events in Sri Lanka.

In an effort to educate you, I am bringing to your attention the following:

Tamil Tigers are recognized as a terrorist organization by the EU as well as the U.S., Canada, India, Malaysia and other countries. Therefore the "Voice of Tigers" radio station is nothing but the propaganda arm of the Tamil Tiger terrorists, a clandestine radio station directly operated by LTTE personnel i.e., Tamil terrorists not civilians as you claim. If they were "civilians" they would not have been operating a terrorist propaganda unit. In this regard I would like to know if UNESCO condemned the bombing by NATO in 1999 when not one but eight radio stations were bombed in Yugoslavia. Is it that even for the UN there is one law for the west and another for the third world?

Reference your statement regarding the Geneva Convention, what makes you think that the Tamil Tigers represent a country? They are a terrorist group terrorising the people of Sri Lanka and challenging the democratically elected government of the country that is doing it's best to protect it's people from the Tamil Tiger terrorist menace. Just prior to your statement the Tamil terrorists tried to assassinate a Tamil cabinet minister of the government using a suicide bomber. On the same day another bombing killed civilians including children in a suburb of Colombo. Were you unaware of these incidents or is your "education and knowledge" selective? For the Geneva Convention to apply, war or confrontation has to be between two sovereign states. The UN does not recognize the LTTE as a sovereign state, but it appears that UNESCO does. Does UNESCO recognize all terrorists groups as "sovereign states"?

Could you advise us what international convention gives protection to terrorists and facilities which are run by terrorists to broadcast hate, war, glorify suicide bombings, and boast of civilians being killed by acts of terrorism?

It is not too late to remedy your mistake and retract your uninformed statement. I would suggest that at the same time you reprimand your office in Colombo and ensure that you have staff that adhere to the principles of the UN rather than use the office to propagate biased, pro-terrorist propaganda.

Yours truly,

Ira de Silva
London, Ontario, Canada

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