

Tigers "Never Change Their Spots" Nor The Brits Their "Divide and Rule Policy"

By Darmitha-Kotte

The British Government has been prowling and waiting for an opportune moment for them to enter the "Sri Lankan Terrorism issue" and true to their colonial traits-they opt to side with the terrorists, rather than with the democratically elected government of Sri Lanka. Reason- the upcoming elections in UK where certain regional MPs will be better off, if they woo the Expatriate Tamil terrorist votes for them to win their elections! This is what British decency is all about.

It is easy for western governments to step in, when in our own country we have traitorous politicians of the likes of Ranil Wickramasinghe and his close confidantes in the UNP who are keener to please their white masters, than to exhibit any sentiments of national pride ( if they ever had any?). Just like the British, the UNP under the failed leadership of Ranil Wickramasinghe- are both clamouring for electoral wins-atleast these two have something in common. They, together with blood thirsty LTTE terrorists as their "common friend" deem to stand on the same side and pressurize a democratically elected government of Sri Lanka.

It was only a couple of days ago, that our Opposition Leader Ranil Wickramasinghe is reported to have told EU members, that "Sri Lanka was gloomy even during the day"- extremely honourable on the part of this Sri Lankan politician who leads into ignominy, a once highly respected political party in this country-the United National Party(UNP). On transit in India on his return journey to Sri Lanka-he made it a point to issue a press release in which he said "Sri Lanka is in big trouble…………!" We may also ask at this point, why did he go to Europe and with whose authority did he make such blasphemous statements at a foreign gathering? Freedom is necessary but when that freedom is abused, we the people of this country will make our decisions when the time comes to do so-Ranil Wickramasinghe can be quite sure of that!

As long as the LTTE terrorists had their own way with the UNP government Ranil Wickramasinghe when he had gladly permitted the terrorists to encroach and expand their territory much against the will of the majority of the Tamil community living in the North and East, neither did the Protestant or Catholic Church in Sri Lanka, the INGOs who are earning their living out of the Sri Lankan internal war, the NGOs nor USA,UK,Australia and EU countries as well as Donor countries, the SLMM and Norway make any objections to terrorism being nurtured and promoted on a sovereign soil. They were all happy to be pampering terrorists because it was on Sri Lankan soil and not theirs!

No sooner than our Armed Forces began to push LTTE terrorists against the wall by attacking and destroying their sea power, weaponry, and their manpower-all those foreign powers with vested interests together with the connivance of the traitors in the UNP, have suddenly begun to talk about " human rights abuses", "press freedom", while Catholic Bishops Rev.Swamipillai, Saundaranayagam and Rayappu Joseph have made press releases through the "Tamilnet"-the official website of the terrorists supporting and sympathizing with the terrorists and criticizing our GOSL for attempting to wipe out terrorism from this country so that the majority Tamil, Sinhala and Muslim communities of Sri Lanka can live in peace and harmony! Irony, isn't it?

With this new development, the British parliamentarians in their extremely democratic and decent manner, have even deemed it important enough to form what is called "An All Party Group of Tamils" in UK-they have even deemed it so important to their "national interests" that the Tamil issue in Sri Lanka must be debated in the House of Commons! It now proves beyond any doubt whatsoever, that developing countries can never ever hope to live in peace and harmony as long as there is western interference in the internal affairs of our nations.

Peace and harmony in our countries-means that arms manufacturers in the west, will have to close down their operations-"NO" -they will never what that, as it is the most lucrative business in the world. May we ask why manufacturers in the west have been supplying weapons, Dvoras, land mines, light aircrafts to LTTE terrorists- is it for the sake of peace?Create as much dissention within developing countries with terminology used so often to cheat our nations into believing that western aggressors "truly wish for our welfare"-God forbid if there was any mercy in its true sense?

Today, we have the honour to welcome the Archbishop of Canterbury Dr. Rowen Williams and true to Sri Lankan hospitality, there is no doubt that he will be accorded a warm and right royal welcome especially because he is an Anglican dignitary visiting our country-we welcome him with all our hearts. But, what will he do in return? Reciprocate that hospitality- "NO"- he will also tell our government leaders, that we must show mercy towards blood thirsty terrorists! That we must sit down to bring about "a negotiated settlement" with brutal murderers who do not understand what "humanitarian", "freedom for majority Tamils" or "democracy" means- they only understand the "governance of the barrel of a gun" and brutality! No weapons means, they become powerless- this is the blatant truth but ofcourse, the Archbishop of Canterbury will opt not to understand this basic principle of terrorism.

The Australians in the meantime, are waiting until there is an opportunity for "UN peace-keeping forces" to enter into Sri Lanka for them to join in as expressed by Caritas International and their Australian counterparts. The USA ofcourse, has been using many a cat's paw including the UN to do its dirty work. We can see how the web is being knit to complicate our lives and to let off "The Tigers" for them to roam freely and find their prey!

Thank you western pundits- Never Do Unto Others, What You Would Not Have Others Do Unto You!"



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