

Opening a Consulate in Jaffna

Asoka Weerasinghe Gloucester . Ontario.

July 6, 2007

Hon. Diane Finley, P.C., M.P.
Minister of Citizenship and Immigration
House of Commons

Hon. Minister:

I note that the Liberal MP for Pickering- Scarborough East, Dan McTeague, has been lobbying you and Prime Minister Stephen Harper to open a Canadian Consulate Office in Jaffna in the North of Sri Lanka to expedite the visa and immigration applications to bring over Tamils. It is obvious that he couldn’t care two straws about the minority Muslims nor the majority Sinhalese of Sri Lanka. According to Dan McTeague, Tamils it has to be and no other ethnic group. Did you ask him why?

There is more to it than what meets the eye in this provocative suggestion. Why on earth would these Tamils want to leave the Jaffna peninsula when they have successfully created a mono-ethnic, racist, Tamil enclave after terrorizing and chasing out 27,000 Sinhalese between
1971 and 1981 who had lived there for generations, and further ethnically cleansed the region by asking 100,000 Muslims to leave within
24 hours in 1990. The Jaffna peninsula is now populated by 99% Tamils and they are well looked after by the Regional Minister in Cabinet, Douglas Devananda, who is a Tamil and was a terrorist leader until 1987.
This request by Dan McTeague boggles my mind!

As a Sinhalese-Canadian it would be easy for me to tell you, “Yes, go ahead and appoint a Canadian Consulate in Jaffna and siphon out every single Tamil from the North and land them in Canada leaving the place empty of Tamils to let the Sinhalese and Muslims who were kicked out to reclaim their lost land and homes and resettle. But I won’t, as I see in my crystal ball that there is a much more sinister motive behind Dan McTeague’s request, supported by his Scottish blarney.

Since I don’t see any reason why these Tamils want to come out of their “supposed homeland”, I believe the Liberals have a sinister ploy to bring them over, settle them in the marginal ridings in the Greater Toronto Area to boost their voter bank. This is their long term strategy. As you know they have almost sewn up 10 ridings in the Greater Toronto Area banking on the 100,000 Tamil votes, by winning their hearts by hoisting the Canadian flag along side their Eelam terrorist flag, at their events and functions in and around Toronto.

Let’s be smart here Minister Finley. Let’s not fall into that trap. The former Liberal Immigration Minister Judy Sgro too tried this ploy wanting to set up a consulate office in Jaffna to bring over the Tsunami affected Tamils in the north, when we all knew that the majority of the Sri Lankan population that were affected by the Tsunami in the East and South-West were Muslims and Sinhalese. To dismiss these two ethnic groups by the Liberals as if they were not children of the same God as that of the Tamils is despicable and cruel.

“Ah!,ha!”, I told Judy Sgro, “You think you are so smart, don’t you? I know what you are up to. You want to buck your Liberal voter bank by bringing over these Tamils, don’t you? You are no human rights advocate, far from it. You are an opportunist, through and through”, I told her in a letter.

So, Minister Finley, let’s not fall into this sinister trap, and just ignore Dan McTeague’s request to open a Canadian Consulate Office in Jaffna. If you do, we Conservatives will be tightening up the noose around our necks and might lose more ridings to the Liberals in the Greater Toronto Area during future Federal elections. These Liberals are no Human Rights advocates. They are down right opportunists and Dan McTeague is no different.

Yours truly,

Asoka Weerasinghe
Member of the Conservative Party

cc. Prime Minister Rt. Hon. Stephen Harper, P.C., MP Dan McTeague, Liberal MP Hon. Stephan Dion, Leader of the Liberal Party

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