

Current situation in Sri Lanka

Sharon Willis

It deeply saddens me to see that the terrorists have once again decided to wreak havoc in a country, which they call home. If they do believe Sri Lanka to be their home, then why would they destroy it? For example, if the have a home and have family living in it with them, would they pull it down brick by brick and destroy it? No, they won't!

Despite the minor problems that were in existence in Sri Lanka many years ago, everyone still lived peacefully with each other. We were free to travel the country, but not any longer. We enjoyed life in such a beautiful country, only to be smothered by the evil likes of terrorism. What has been gained by such actions? Absolutely nothing, but only the loss of lives. I just wish that those people could really be made to see what they are doing with their lives and what is happening to them, and also that there is nothing to be achieved from their ruthless actions, except death to them and the innocent people caught up in their battles.

The Government of Sri Lanka must see to the interests of its people and strive to bring about peace in the country. The Government should press on and insist on peace talks, even if these need to take place often.

Sri Lanka is such a small country, let alone be it such a beautiful place with so many unspoilt views. It beggars belief as to why the country should be divided. Perhaps, the terrorists should go back in time and take a good look at how Sri Lanka was at that time and what it is now after their destruction of the country, which they call home? Why the selfishness? They are young and have not been educated about the history of the country.

In fact, they have been brainwashed. It is high time that the Government treated this issue as top priority and not wait for something to happen and then suggest peace talks. The country is crumbling, and it is high time that the Government, which should be made up of people who are capable of running a country, took a very keen interest in bringing back stability to the country and to its people.

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