

UNESCO: The Godfather of Tamil Tiger terrorism

Asoka Weerasinghe Grove Crescent . Gloucester . Ontario Canada

December 7, 2007

Mr. Koichiro Matsuura
Director General
7 Place de Fontenoy
75352 PARIS 07 SP

Dear Mr. Matsuura:

Your spokesperson, Ms. Pierreboul Murrel says that UNESCO’s Director General only defended the principle and not in any way tried to glorify terrorism, and that those killed in the aerial bombardment of the Voice of Tigers (VoT) in Sri Lanka, the media organ of the Tamil Tiger terrorists were no doubt, journalists.

I am sorry Mr. Mattsuura, such feeble excuses only expose further that you and your spokesperson lack the very innate capacity to reason and question. That statement defies logic, rubbishes international protocol and says very little about UNESCO’s mandate.

You locked in UNESCO as an institutional Godfather of the Tamil Tiger terrorism when you graduated this ruthless terrorist outfit to be a “nation” on par with the sovereign “nation” of Sri Lanka, as the UNESCO mandate clearly spells out that, “contribute to peace and security by promoting among nations…” For God’s sake, don’t you two understand that the Tamil Tigers are not a “nation” but a terrorist outfit that has been banned in the US, UK, India, Canada, Malaysia and the European Union countries? If you two did not know it, then you know it now and chalk it down for future reference if you are going to continue to poke your noses into Sri Lanka’s internal affairs. Your defense is unconceivable, it is unconscionable, and shows down right arrogance for the Big Guy in the block to bully the Little Guy who is fighting a ruthless assault by Tamil Tiger terrorists to safe guard the lives of its sovereign peoples from being massacred, bombed and chopped to death. This is where you Mr. Matsuura and your spokesperson Ms. Murrel lacked the innate capacity to reason, question, clinically analyse and understand. That is unfortunate for a couple who are holding high office in a UN institution.

If UNESCO has dipped its virgin feet into theatres of war to bring about “peace and security by promoting nations through education, science and culture…”, then all what I can tell you two is “Welcome..and wake up to the realities of modern war and its strategies to win.”

This is where your mandate’s “education” comes to play. One of the first strategies that the protagonists of a war would do is to bomb to wipe out and silence the organs of propaganda.

So what did the Americans do in Afghanistan? On October 9, 2001 two Tomahawk cruise missiles and an assortment of heavy bombs were dropped by B-1 and B-2 bombers obliterating Amaii Mountain in the northeast of Kabul. The target was the Taliban’s Radio , the central studio which was transmitting war propaganda. Subsequently some 20 other Taliban-run Voice of Shariat regional centres were similarly bombed. And what did UNESCO do? It did sweet nothing and we didn’t hear even a squeaky whimper from them. And why not? Because they didn’t want to take on the Big Guy. It is that simple Mr. Matsuura and Ms. Morrel.

That was the very reason why NATO blew up eight radio stations in Yugoslavia in 1999 including Radio Television Serbia in Belgrade. And what did your UNESCO do? Sweet nothing my two friends. We didn’t hear even a kitten’s meow filtering through the key holes of your office doors. That is how disingenuous UNESCO has been.

When in 2002, President Robert Mugabe bombed Zimbabwe’s radio station because it was accused of airing hostile propaganda of the President, circumventing banning independent broadcasting, and what did UNESCO do? Sweet nothing, as it had lost the voice of reason even to produce a bark of protest of a vagrant mutt.

As for your claim that the Tamil Tiger terrorists manning the VoT, as “no doubt were journalists”, remember that they had a choice whether to stick around at a legitimate war target to be bombed, or get their butts off that illegal campus. Stop being apologists for a bunch terrorist fools providing them a lifeline.

Well, Mr. Matsuura, now that you have got caught having stripped the seven veils of UNESCO’s credibility exposing UNESCO’s new role as the institutional Godfather of Tamil Tiger terrorism, you have very little choice but to withdraw your condemnation of the Sri Lankan government’s right to safeguard its peoples and territory, as what NATO did in Yugoslavia and the US did in Afghanistan, and apologize to the Sri Lankan government and its peoples. If reason and clinical analysis prevails in your studious adventure into that little island’s internal affairs, you will no doubt understand that the Sri Lankan government played a constitutional role to safeguard the inherent rights of its democracy to bring law and order to that God’s little acre of a ‘nation’, and safeguard the civil liberties and the right to life of its sovereign peoples.

You were wrong, and you know it. I know that it would be humiliating for UNESCO to go down on its knees to apologize, but having created the situation you two have no choice but to get off your high horses and do what is right. Withdraw your condemnation of the Sri Lankan government for bombing the VoT and apologize. Stop being another UN’s institutional bully.

Asoka Weerasinghe
Ottawa, Canada

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