

"SStop" Cancer project by Australian Lions Club

By Nimal Perera, Wattala group corr.

Lion Daya Fernando (Centre) with District Governor 306 B1 Lion S. Raghavan (left) and Past District Governor Lion Mohan de Silva (right).

Lions Club of South East Business in Wheelers Hill 3150, Victoria, Australia has come forward to launch a massive project named "SSTop Cancer Project" to prevent cervical cancer in Sri Lanka. Project Chairman Lion Daya Fernando who arrived in Sri Lanka recently, announced the SSTop cancer project at the Pegasus Reef Hotel, Hendala when he was addressing the 24th Charter Anniversary of the Lions Club of Hendala.

Lion Daya Fernando said that they are hoping to enlist the support of the Sri Lankan community living in Australia to make this project a success and help save lives in Sri Lanka. "This project needs an enormous amount of funds to be raised.

Estimated cost exceeds Australian dollars 250,000." he said. It is a fact that in developed countries with well organised screening systems, the incidence of cerrial cancer has been reduced by at least 70-80 per cent. One of the great public health success stories in Australia is the implementation of the national cervical cancer screening programme.

The screening programme has resulted in the continuing drastic fall in the incidence of cervical cancer and the mortality from the disease. "SStop Cancer" is the acronym for the programme. (Screening in Sri Lanka to Prevent Cancer of the Cervix.) Using proven methodologies and lessons from the Australian cervical cancer screening programme, one of the aims of SStop Cancer is to enhance the current nation wide programme in Sri Lanka to prevent cervical cancer, beginning with implementation of the effective Pap Smear Screening in several provinces and their collaborating hospitals throughout the country.

More specifically, this programme aims to geographically expand the availability of screening facilities in Sri Lanka via new hospital facilities, and proposed mobile units that has the potential to reach women in more remote areas of the country.

The project will commence in the teaching hospitals of Kurunegala and Galle and later expand to other areas. Lion Fernando appeals to all Lions to conduct village level programmes on SStop cancer project to educate and encourage women including girls who work in the factories in the Free Trade Zones to join this valuable project. "This will be a great opportunity for Sri Lankan women to save there lives from cervical cancer" he said. Any donation for this humanitarian project can be sent directly to the Treasurer, SStop Cancer Project, Lions Club of South East Business Inc, P.O. Box 3264, Wheelers Hill 3150, Victoria, Australia.

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